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牛津英语九年级上册(上海教育出版社2014年7月第一版)9AU1 Wise men in historyReading 1 Archimedes and the golden crown9AU1 Wise men in history沈阳市育源中学武月Who is he? “Give me a spot where I can stand, and I shall move the earth.”Archimedes 阿基米德 ArchimedeswasborninGreeceandeducatedinAlexandriainEgypt.ArchimedeswasaGreekmathematician(数学家),philosopher(哲学家)andinventor.Heisfamousfor“ArchimedesPrinciple”.阿基米德定律(287 B.C.-212 B.C.)Archimedes and the golden crown 01020304BriefunderstandingDetails Reinforce Summary &Homework One dayIn ancient GreeceKing Hiero and his men, a crown maker, ArchimedesWhenKing Hiero asked _to make a _ for him but doubted it was real. He asked _to find out the truth. _solve the problem by an _.What happenWhoWhere Skim Skima crown makerPut them in correct orderPut them in correct order3 35 52 27 78 84 46 6 Part Four (9) Part Two (3-5) Part One (1-2) Part Three (6-8) OpeningRising actionTurning pointFalling actionEnding01020304BriefunderstandingDetails ReinforceSummary &Homework Archimedes and the golden crown Complete the flow chartComplete the flow chartP1-2King Hiero asked a crown maker King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crownto make him a golden crown. .He was He was very happyvery happy with it.with it.He began to doubt that He began to doubt that it was a real golden crownit was a real golden crown. .He sent the crown to He sent the crown to ArchimedesArchimedes and asked and asked himhim to find out the truthto find out the truth. ._Read with questionsRead with questionsP3-5 What did Archimedes think when he received the What did Archimedes think when he received the crown from King Hiero? crown from King Hiero? What happened when Archimedes got into the bath?What happened when Archimedes got into the bath? Why was Archimedes so excitedWhy was Archimedes so excited? ?Some water ran out of the bath/ran over.Some water ran out of the bath/ran over. He thought it was difficult to solve the problem. He thought it was difficult to solve the problem. Because he thought that he could solve the kings Because he thought that he could solve the kings problem.problem.分析归纳题推理判断题细节理解题010203040506Put them in correct orderPut them in correct orderP6-8d. weighed the crowne. put the crown into the other potf. Put two pots into two big bowlsa. asked for some gold of the same weightb. put the gold into one potc. filled both pots with water01020304BriefunderstandingDetails Reinforce Summary &Homework Archimedes and the golden crown A GameVSInformation Gap1. OnedayinancientGreece,KingHieroaskedacrownmakerto_.Atfirst,hewasvery_it. make him a golden crown happy with Information Gap1. However,hebeganto_thatitwas_.He_thecrowntoArchimedesand_himto_. doubt a real golden crown sent asked find out the truth Information Gap2.Atfirst,Archimedesthoughtthisproblem_to_.Whenhe_thebath,somewater_.Hesuddenlythoughtout_thekingsproblem. seemed difficult solve got into ran over how to solve Information Gap3.Aftertheexperiment,theyfoundthatthecrownwasnot_madeofgold.TheKingthen_thecrownmaker_. completely sent to prison 01020304BriefunderstandingDetails Reinforce Summary &Homework Archimedes and the golden crown SummaryBrief understanding How the problem solved Key words and phrasesB. when,where,who and what happenC. put pictures in correct orderA. background informationWhat can we learn from the story?Share LearnThinkReflectionReflectionA.B.We can discover(发现)science in the daily life.We should learn to observe(观察) the knowledge in life.Homework Rewrite the story in your own words with the help of the pictures and some key words below, and write it on the notebook!Thank You 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源学校简介学校简介沈阳市育源中学成立于 1994 年,落在美丽的万泉河畔,现有 42 个教学班,学生 1493 人。学校将“友善”作为学校文化建设的核心价值,确立了“育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源”的办学理念,努力培养师生亲近知识、悦纳自己、善待他人的友善观念和言行。学校以“小团队微管理”作为德育操作系统,实现德育知行合一。在教学方面学校以课改推进为动力,提升教育质量。在“三环六步”课堂教学模式的基础上,着力建构“四本四模”的课改推进模式和“三维六面”的课改架构模型。 在多年的办学实践中,学校先后被评为全国教育科研先进单位、全国特色语文示范校、中国特色教育示范基地、中国创新教育示范基地、国家教育质量管理示范基地、首届全国中小学校园文化建设百佳创新学校、全国师德建设示范基地、全国心理教育示范学校、辽宁省信息技术示范校、省先进诗教单位、省级家长学校实验校、辽宁省体卫艺示范校基地、辽宁省课改示范校、辽宁省课改基地校等多项荣誉称号。办学宗旨办学宗旨 学校的办学宗旨是“育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源”。 学校全面育人,强化学生的主体意识;面向生活,激发师生的创新精神;行动教育,增强学生的实践能力;民主教育,发展师生的个性特长。学校成为师生的学习之源、成长之源和幸福之源。校园文化校园文化学校文化和特色:学校文化和特色:积淀“上善若水,源远流长”的学校文化,凸显体育特色。校训:校训:勤学求真,重德创新教风:教风:敬业、爱生、扎实、灵活学风:学风:勤奋、乐学、善学、好问校歌:校歌:育源,爱的摇篮教师简介教师简介武月,80 后英语教师,2010 年毕业 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源于东北师范大学外语学院英语系。英语专业八级,现任职于沈阳市育源中学。作为一名青年教师,武老师善于挖掘教材中的重难点,授课方式灵活新颖,受到学生们的青睐。2013 年 3 月,撰写的“初中英语阅读教学策略对学生的影响”论文获沈阳市二等优秀论文;同年 12 月,主持研究了沈河区十二五教育科研课题“初中英语高效课堂中影响学生学习兴趣因素的研究”;2014 年 3 月,撰写的“初中英语高效课堂中影响学生学习兴趣因素的研究”论文获辽宁省一等优秀论文;2016-2017 年度沈河区初中优秀课评比活动中,执教的“牛津英语7A Unit4 Reading”被评为沈河区优秀课特等奖;2017 年 6 月,牛津英语写作课My favourite hobby is .被评为沈河区优课一等奖。2017-2018 年度沈阳市初中优秀课评比活动中,执教的“牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading”被评为沈阳市优秀课特等奖;2018 年 3 月,全国中考英语改革暨中考复习课教研会优秀课一等奖。 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源1 Lesson Plan for Unit 1 Wise men in historyReading 1 Archimedes and the golden crownReading 1: Archimedes and the golden crownTeacherWu Yue, English Department, Yuyuan Middle SchoolTime45min 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源2Analysis of the Teaching MaterialThis passage is taken from Unit 1,Module 1,9A, Oxford English,which is an ancient story about how Archimedes Principle are created. The passage consists of 9 paragraphs. Paragraphs 1 to 2 are the beginning of the story: King Hiero asked a crown maker to make a golden crown for him but doubted it was real.; Paragraphs 3 to 5 tell that the king asked Archimedes to find out the truth; Paragraphs 6 to 8 tell about Archimedes solve the problem by an experiment; the last paragraph states the ending that the Archimedes proved the crown was not completely golden. This lesson is a reading lesson, the first period of the Unit. After learning this passage, student should understand the story through some reading strategies as well as master the key words and phrases by deducing the meaning from the context. Analysis of the studentsThe students in my class arent at a high level, who arent active and motivated. So I design some simple activities to introduce the story and learn the principle. So, I believe this passage will appeal to their interest.Language skills 1. comprehend the whole passage and find out the main idea by some reading skills and strategies.2. guess the meaning of words and phrases by deducing from the context.3. use the key words and phrases to retell the stories.Language knowledgeunderstand the following words and phrases: golden, crown, pot, solve, run over, displace, bowls, metal, prison.Learning strategiesSkim for the main idea of the story.Cultural awareness know more about Archimedes and the history of the Archimedes Principle.Teaching objectivesAffectbe interested in reading ancient Greek myths and stories.Teaching focus1. The following keywords and phrases of the text: golden, crown, pot, solve, run over, displace, bowls, metal, prison.2. How to skim for the main ideaDifficult points Figure out the plot development of the story 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源3Teaching approaches and aidsTeaching approach: The P-W-P model of reading with the audio-lingual methodTeaching aids: Computer, projector, blackboardTeaching procedure Step Time( min)Interaction patternTeacher activityStudent activityRationale1Lead-in2Whole class work1) Introduce some wise men in history and give students a picture to guess who he is with the famous saying “Give me a spot where I can stand, and I shall move the earth.”1) Guess the wise man who said the famous sentence “Give me a spot where I can stand, and I shall move the earth.”Warm up and lead in the topic. Encourage their creative thinking.2Pre-reading 6Whole class work1) Show the background knowledge of the ancient story, the main character Archimedes and his principle. 2) Show how Archimedes Principle was created. 3) Show the video about the story to let students watch.Listen to teacher carefully and watch the video.Arouse the students interest in the topic and enrich the students knowledge of the background information about the ancient story. 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源43While-reading 13Whole class work1)Ask students to scan quickly with the four questions, who, where, when and what happened.2) Ask the students to skim quickly and put the pictures in the right order.3) Ask the students to read again and find out the main idea of each paragraph and do the match exercise. Deduce the meaning of keywords and phrases from the context.Read the whole passage quickly and answer the questions and then put the pictures in the right order.Read again and find out the main idea of each paragraph and do the match exercise.1) Train the students to capture the main idea quickly by using scanning and skimming skill.2) Enable students to catch the plots and logical relation of the story. 4. Post-reading16Group work 1) Ask the students to read again and answer the questions. Deduce the meaning of keywords and phrases from the context.2)Ask the students to read the passage for the third time carefully for the plots and logical relation of the story and fill in the blanks of a table and order the steps of the experiment. Then, ask them to exchange the answers with their partners.3) Encourage students to think about what they can learn from the story, 4) Ask the students to read the passage with the recording.5) Ask the students to play a game to 1)Read the passage again and find out the correct answers by scanning for the details and check with group embers Deduce the meaning of key words and phrases according to the context. 2) Fill in the blanks and put the steps of the experiment in the correct order by careful reading and check up the answers with their partners. 4) Read the 1) Improve their reading speed and the ability of understanding detail information. Cultivate the ability to guess the meaning of the words from the context.2) Arouse the studentsimagination and creative thinking.3) Improve the students cooperative spirit and ability. 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源5 consolidate the words and phrases.passage with the recording.5) Play a game to consolidate the words and phrases.5. Summary7Whole class work1) Guide the students to summarize the whole class with the help of the teacher2) Review the new words and phrases. Recall what they have learned in this lesson.Consolidate the students understanding of the text.6.Assignment1Whole class work Assign the following homework.Rewrite the story in your own words with the help of the pictures and some key words below, and write it on the notebook!Take note for their homework and finish them on time. Give a task to help them consolidate the story and arouse their interest to wise men in history and ancient stories. Blackboard 育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源育德才兼备之人,溯为人治学之源6M1 U1 Wise men in historyArchimedes and the golden crown (Reading 1)1. golden2. crown3. pot4. solve5. fill6. run over7. bowl8. displace9. metal10. certain11. prison12. doubt加强练习 One一、读课文第一部分完成表格二、阅读回答问题1. What did Archimedes think when he received the crown from King Hiero? 2. What happened when Archimedes got into the bath?3. Why was Archimedes so excited?三、排序a. asked for some gold of the same weightb. put the gold into one pot c. filled both pots with waterd. weighed the crowne. put the crown into the other pot f. Put two pots into two big bowls 顺序是_加强练习 Two根据课文填空One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to _. At first, he was very _ _ it. However, he began to _ that it was a _ _ _. He _ the crown to Archimedes and _ him to _ _ _ _.At first, Archimedes thought this problem _ _ to _. When he _ _the bath, some water _. He suddenly thought out _ _ _ the kings problem. After the experiment, they found that the crown was not _ made of gold. The King then _ the crown maker _.
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