Module 8 Sports life-Unit 1 Damig wasn’t chosen for the team last time.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:a16a0).zip


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Which kind of sports do you like?Why do you like it?.PE teacher PE teacher Mr. XiaoMr. XiaoHe likes football.Football is liked by him.DamingDamingLinglingLinglingBettyBettyTonyTony 小组积分卡小组积分卡 (组长负责记录,组长负责记录,1颗颗 代表一分,累计最高分小组获胜。代表一分,累计最高分小组获胜。) 第第_组组 组长组长_ 组员组员_总分:总分:_1.UN stands for the United Nations.2.Can I borrow your bike? No way!3.Is there any way I can improve my memory?4.This decision will change our lives.5.Our team is two points behind.6.Whats your excuse for not coming?7.Do you think life is fair?8.Can we kick the ball ?9.He sounded very mad.Words and expressionsWords and expressions决不决不; ;不可能不可能决定决定理由理由; ;借口借口生气的生气的踢踢是是. .的缩写的缩写比分比分记忆记忆; ;回忆回忆公平的公平的+2+2Game rules:根据提示每说对一个单词对应的英文,即根据提示每说对一个单词对应的英文,即可成功消灭一个僵尸。可成功消灭一个僵尸。不同种类的僵尸分值会有所不同。不同种类的僵尸分值会有所不同。加油吧加油吧 我的邻居我的邻居 +1记忆;记忆;回忆回忆+1理由;理由;借口借口+2决定决定+2比分比分+3是是. .的缩的缩写;代表写;代表+3决不,决不,不可能不可能pointpointexcuseexcusedecisiondecisionmemorymemorystand forstand forno wayno wayListen and complete the sentences.1.Tonys basketball matches are held _Saturday.2. If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over_ points in a match, it can play in the competition.3. Tonys team BIG stands for Beijing _Giants.4. BIGs_ think they are fantastic.everyfiftyInternationalfans+2/+2/题题Watch the video and answer the questions.1. Why does Tony look tired?1. Why does Tony look tired?2. When is the match? ( )2. When is the match? ( )Because _.A. Its next Sunday at noon.B. Its next Saturday at noon.C. Its next Saturday in the afternoon.D. We dont know. +1/+1/题题Watch the video and answer the questions.1. Why does Tony look tired?1. Why does Tony look tired?2. When is the match? ( )2. When is the match? ( )Because _. he is training for the big match next weekB+1/+1/题题A. Its next Sunday at noon.B. Its next Saturday at noon.C. Its next Saturday in the afternoon.D. We dont know. Basketball competitionTeams_against _Score of last match_: _Time of next match_Linglings favourite team to win_BIGHASHAS 98 BIG 52Next Saturday at noonBIGRead after the tape and then complete the table.+1/+1/题题Lingling: 2人人Betty: 2人人Tony: 2人人1.1.对抗(打比赛)对抗(打比赛)2.2.是是.的缩写;代表的缩写;代表3.3.没有借口!没有借口!4.4.在中午在中午5.5.决不;不可能决不;不可能6.6.面对现实面对现实7.7.记得去做某事记得去做某事8.8.生某人的气生某人的气9.9.干得好干得好10. 10. 为为.欢呼欢呼+ +2 21.1.对抗(打比赛)对抗(打比赛)2.2.是是.的缩写的缩写; ;代表代表3.3.没有借口!没有借口!4.4.在中午在中午5.5.决不决不; ;不可能不可能6.6.面对现实面对现实7.7.记得去做某事记得去做某事8.8.生某人的气生某人的气9.9.干得好干得好10.10.为为.欢呼欢呼play againstplay againststand forstand forThats no excuse!Thats no excuse!at noonat noonno wayno wayface the truthface the truthremember to doremember to dobe mad at mad at sb.nice worknice workcheer forcheer for Complete the passage with the words in the box.decision kick mad memory noon seats If Bettys (1)_ is correct, HAS won the last match. BIG did not play verywell because Daming was left out of the team, and it was a bad (2)_. The coming match will start at (3)_ next Saturday, memorydecisionnoonso if Betty and Lingling want to watch the match and have good (4)_ , they had better get there by 11 30. Lingling tells Tony he should not (5)_ the ball, but throw it. Tony is so (6)_ at Betty and Lingling that he will try harder to win.seatskickmadFootball is liked by our PE teacher,Mr. Xiao.Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.一般现在时的一般现在时的被动语态被动语态一般过去时的一般过去时的被动语态被动语态( ) 1. The sick boy _ to hospital by the police yesterday. taken B.was taken C.takes D.took ( ) 2. -Hi, Jack. Did you go to Jims birthday party? -No, I felt so sad. I _. A. didnt invite B. wasnt invited C. am not invited D. hadnt invited ( ) 3. This photo _ two years ago. A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken BBD+ +2/2/题题( ) 4. I hated my new school at first, but I made lots of friends and now I _ it. A.loves B. am loved C.was loved ) 5. Li Hua, a college student, _ to work for the Olympic Games in 2008. A. is choosing B. was choosing C. was chosen D. is chosen( ) 6. -Why is the classroom so dirty? - Sorry, sir. It _ yesterday. We forgot to do it. A. doesnt clean B. didnt clean C. isnt cleaned D. wasnt cleaned CDD+ +2/2/题题Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite sports stars.A: Who is your favourite sports star ?B: My favourite sports star is .A: What sport does he/she do?B: He/She is a swimmer/ basketball player/.A: Why do you like him/her?B: Because she is confident and humorous. And she always trains hard./.A: Yes, I agree with you. 实战演练实战演练GrammarGrammarPhrasesPhrasesWordsWords1. memory 记忆记忆2. point 比分比分3. decision 决定决定4. excuse 理由;借口理由;借口5. noon 中午;正午中午;正午6. seat 座椅;座位座椅;座位7. fair 公平的;合理的公平的;合理的8. kick 踢踢9. mad 生气的;恼火的生气的;恼火的1.1.对抗(打比赛)对抗(打比赛)2.2.是是.的缩写的缩写; ;代表代表3.3.没有借口!没有借口!4.4.在中午在中午5.5.决不决不; ;不可能不可能6.6.面对现实面对现实7.7.记得去做某事记得去做某事8.8.生某人的气生某人的气9.9.干得好干得好10.10.为为.欢呼欢呼play againstplay againststand forstand forThats no excuse!Thats no excuse!at noonat noonno wayno wayface the truthface the truthremember to doremember to dobe mad at mad at sb.nice worknice workcheer forcheer for获胜小组可获胜小组可凭积分卡课凭积分卡课下兑换小奖下兑换小奖品。品。Life lies in healthy exercise.Voltaire 生命在于运动。生命在于运动。伏尔泰伏尔泰Write a composition about your favourite sports stars at least 80 words.教学设计与反思教学设计与反思 课题:课题: 九年级上册 Module 8 Sports life Unit1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time. 科目:科目: 英语教学对象:教学对象: 九年二班课时:课时: 一课时(45 分钟)提供者:提供者:单位:单位:一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析本模块的话题是“体育运动” ,学生对本话题会有比较浓厚的兴趣,这对于教师教学来说非常有益。教师可以利用学生对体育的热爱,提高学生学习英语的热情。第一单元的对话是同学之间就篮球比赛的情况展开的讨论,这是学生非常熟悉的场景。对话自然导入了一般过去时被动语态这一语法项目,复习了表达个人观点的句子,还呈现了一些与比赛相关的日常用语。二、二、教学目标教学目标1. 掌握对话中的词汇并能熟练运用。2. 理解对话大体意思并学习一般过去时的被动语态。3. 熟练掌握文中出现的日常交际用语。4. 通过小组活动、小组竞赛,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。5. 对运动话题及体育明星的谈论能使学生感受到积极向上、勇于挑战的运动精神。三、学情分析三、学情分析 本单元是 Module7 的继续,再谈论篮球比赛的同时,在认知了一般现在时的被动语态的基础上学习一般过去时的被动语态,即 was/were+及物动词的过去分词。九年级学生具有一定的学习能力和极强的求知欲和,学生课堂参与度较高,喜欢通过游戏、竞赛等学习方式进行学习。本节课的内容较为简单,是听说课型,可以满足学生对英语学习的需求。课堂教学的设计要灵活多样吸引学生注意力,培养英语学习兴趣,从而树立学生学好英语的自信心,培养学生的英语学习素养。四、教学策略选择与设计四、教学策略选择与设计 本课题主题为“体育运动” 。学生对此主题并不陌生,教学要紧紧围绕运动主题,使学生了解熟悉的常用交际用语,再引入到一般过去时的被动语态。层层递进,环环相扣的教学模式。此外,本课主要采用的教学方法为情境教学法和任务型教学法。.听说、小组合作、表演、游戏等活动形式贯穿于教学之中,使课堂形式多样化,充分发挥学生的主动性,突出学生的课堂主体地位,让学生在参与活动完成任务的过程中,达到学习主要语言知识的目标五、五、教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 1. 教学重点: Key vocabulary:stand for, point, decision, excuse, noon, seat, no way, fair, kick, mad Key structures: Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.2. 教学难点: 学会运用一般过去时的被动语态。熟练运用文中出现的日常交际用语。 充分调动和发挥小组合作的积极性,学生对目标语言学习的课堂生成。 培养学生与人交往的能力,养成良好的英语学习习惯,掌握科学的英语学习方法。六、教学过程六、教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Getting students ready for learning 1-1 GreetingsT: Class begins! Good afternoon, boys and girls!. Sit down, please.1-2 Free talk (Revision)T: Which kind of sports do you like?Why do you like it? 1-1 Greeting1-2 Free talkStudents answer the questions.师生问好,培养课堂礼貌规范。Free talk 内容主要是引入本节课的话题 “Sports life”。 师生自由交流,缓解课堂紧张情绪,为引入新课铺垫。Step 2 Lead-in T: Look at this photo. Who is he? Which kind of sports does he like?T: He likes football. We also can say “Football is liked by him.”T: Today were going to learn something about their sports life. They are Daming, Lingling, Betty and Tony.Introduce the rules of group work to studentsS: He is our PE teacher, Mr. Xiao.S: He likes football.S: Football is liked by him.以学生们熟悉的体育老师为本节课知识的切入点,激发学生的学习兴趣。主动句和被动句放在一起比较,易于学生对被动语态的了解。小组合作评价机制,鼓励学生互帮互助,激发学生们的学习热情,培养他们的团队合作意识和竞争意识。Step 3 Words and expressions3-1 MatchingT: Read the sentences and match the meanings with words and expressions. 3-2 Plants VS Zombies (Words and expressions game)T: Lets play a game about words and expressions. If you can tell me the right answer, you can kill a zombie and get points for your group.3-1 Students read the sentences and find the right meanings for each words or expressions.3-2 Play the game to consolidate the key words and expressions.第一个活动在语句中帮助学生学会自学单词或词组的方法。第二个活动采用“植物大战僵尸”游戏形式,不仅可以检查学生对单词掌握情况还可以活跃课堂氛围,帮助学生巩固本节课重点单词。Step 4 Listening and watching 4-1 Listen and complete the sentences.(Activity 2)T: This is Tony. He likes playing sports. Lets do some listening exercises about him.4-2 Watch the video and answer the questions.4-1 Listen and complete the sentences.(Finish activity 2)4-2 Watch the video and answer the questions. 听力练习为课文学习铺垫。看视频回答问题,益于学生对课文的理解,让学生集中注意力,同时更容易把握文章的主要内容。Q1:Why does Tony look tired?Q2. When is the match?Step 5. Reading5-1 Read after the tape and then complete the table.(Activity 3)T: Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and emotion. 5-2 Read in roles.(In groups.) Lingling: 2 人Betty: 2 人Tony: 2 人 5-3 Find out the key phrases.5-4 Complete the passage with the words in the box.(Activity 5)5-1 Read the dialogue after the tape and finish activity 3.5-2 Read the dialogue in groups and act it out.5-3 Group work. Find out the key phrases and take notes.5-5 Complete the passage with the words in the box.(Activity 5) 强调跟读时注重语音语调的模仿,可以帮助学生培养正确读音的规范意识。组内练习读课文,促进生生之间的交流,起到互助促进作用。找出重点词汇帮助学生消化学习的重难点。讲练结合,及时反馈和巩固知识。Step 6 Grammar 6-1 Past simple passive(1)Football is liked by our PE teacher,Mr. Xiao.(2)Daming wasnt chosen for the team last time.T: Compare the two sentences and summarize the rules of past simple passive.6-2 Exercises.(被动语态专练)6-1 Look at the sentences and summarize the rules of past simple passive. 6-2 Do some exercises about past simple passive. 给出一般现在时的被动语态和一般过去时的被动语态各一句,让学生自己比较发现两者的不同,从而总结一般过去时被动语态的知识点。避免机械灌输,强调学生的主体学习地位。Step 7 SpeakingWork in pairs. Talk about your favourite sports stars.T: Today Im going to introduce my favourite stars to you . First, lets watch a short video about her. (Fu Yuanhui)T: Make up a dialogue PPT 给出对话模板参考Watch a short video and guess the teachers favourite sports stars. And then, make up a dialogue and show it out. 通过教师喜欢的体育明星作为活动的切入点编对话,利于激发学生兴趣,并提供模板降低难度,帮助学生突出重点,攻破难点。鼓励学生结合图片,加强感受英语语言与生活的紧密联系。Step 8 Summary 8-1 Ask the students to summarize the key language points in this Unit.8-2 Choose the best group and give the prize. Do exercises and summarize the key language points in Unit 1. Enjoy some photos about our students to encourage students to do more exercise and keep healthy. 小结采取先学生独立总结,再教师总结帮助学生完善学习内容的结构化和系统化。完成小组评价,8-3 Moral educationShow some pictures about our students. They are about their sports life at school.进行奖励,激发学生学习的积极性。利用班级擅长体育运动的同学照片鼓励同学们积极参加锻炼,增强体质。Step 9 Assigning homework Write a composition about your favourite sports stars at least 80 words.Do their homework.把课上最后的学习成果输出,口头练习落实到笔头,培养孩子的语言综合运用能力。七、教学评价设计七、教学评价设计 全班 31 人,分 5 个组,每组有 1,2,3 号成员各两人。1 号回答问题得一颗星,2 号两颗,3 号 3颗。在两人练习对话时,1,3 号结,2,2 号结合。目的是以优辅差,生生互助。在课堂表现,老师会给予口头评价和加分机制,提高学生的积极性。在本节课后选出最高分小组,评为当日最佳小组,并获得小奖励。八、板书设计八、板书设计Module 8 Sports lifeUnit 1 Daming wasnt chosen for the team. Total: G1 1. am/is/ are + done (1) 是否被动 G2 2. was/were + done skills (2) 断定时态 G3 (3) 单复数 G4 1. play against 6. face the truth G5 2. stand for 7. remember to do sth. 3. Thats no excuse. 8. be mad at sb. 4. at noon 9. nice work 5. no way 10. cheer for 九教学反思九教学反思优点:优点:本节课是在上一模块学习一般现在时的被动语态的基础上,进一步学习一般过去时的被动语态,为了避免学习的枯燥乏味和机械重复,结合教学内容,设计了丰富多彩的活动形式,突出学生的主体学习地位。活动和环节的设计紧扣主题,主要从听、说方面进行,贯穿读、写方面练习。从单词的热身,到句型的训练,再到课文学习,最后生成学生自我表达的学习成果。各教学环节层层递进,符合学生的认知规律,并且每个环节设有相应任务,活动目的明确,注重对学生英语学习素养的培养。每一个活动在学生练习前都有老师或学生示范,明确活动指令,提高课堂效率。采用小组组员互助和组组积分竞争的形式激发了学生的学习兴趣,培养了小组合作意识和能力。把新词融入小游戏,让学生在轻松的氛围中,顺利突破了词汇重难点。为了锻炼学生的口语表达能力,在充分阅读对话的基础之上,给学生规定主题编对话,对话示范也紧紧围绕本课重点知识,让学生在锻炼口语的同时巩固本课内容。本课设计的游戏环节也紧紧围绕教学的重难点进行,让学生在游戏中巩固知识,学生积极性高,完成情况较好。本节课灵活运用电教设备辅助教学,达到事半功倍的效果,提高学习效率,提高学生的英语学习素养。不足:不足:课堂细节容易疏忽,如:学生口头表达有误没能及时发现并纠正。在预设中没有考虑到的学生反映在课上出现时的应对能力有待提高。以后教学中要多反思自己的不足,以促进教学水平的提升。
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