Unit 8 Birthdays-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:20174).zip


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展开 译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit8Birthdays_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号20174.zip译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit8Birthdays_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号20174.zip
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(Grammar time & Fun time)Unit 8 BirthdaysLearningLearningLearningLearningaimsaimsaimsaims1.I can talk about birthdays.我能够谈论生日。2.I can say the ordinal numbers and find the rules.我能够说出序数词及其规律。3.I can do a survey about birthdays.我能够进行有关生日的调查Grammar timeFuntimeLiYatingsbirthdayisonthetwenty-fourthofMay.Happy birthday to you!Today is your birthday!Happy birthday to you!When the When the music is music is on,on, you should you should pass the ballpass the ballone by one.one by one.When the When the music music stopsstops, , the studentthe studentwith the ball with the ball shouldshould tell us tell us your your birthday.birthday.Play a game: pass the ballPlay a game: pass the ballRevisionthe eleventh of Maythe eighth of April在1分钟内介绍自己了解的生日的活动,说得越多越好。Liutaos birthdayJune 11June 4June 19June 16June 18June 6我的生日是以下其中一个,猜一猜是哪个。Liu Taos birthdayJune 11June 4June 19June 16June 18June 6Read and findJune June 4 4the fourth of JuneJune June 6 6the sixth of JuneJuneJune 1111the eleventh of Junethe fifteenth of JuneJuneJune 15 15JuneJune 1616JuneJune 1919the sixteenth of Junethe nineteenth of June观察这些表达日期的词组,你能发现什么规律吗?是以什么结构表示日期的?the 序数词 of 月份序数词 Can you find out the rules(规则)?fourthnineteenthsixteenthfifteentheleventhsixthfournineteensixteenfifteenelevensix一般情况下,直接加th th th th th th th基数词 th序数词Cardinal numbersordinal numbers哪些序数词不是直接在基数词后加th的?请在书上81页圈出来!one twothreefourfivefirstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixseveneightninetensixthseventheighthninthtenthfirstfiftheighthsecondthirdnintheleven twelvethirteenfourteenfifteeneleventh twelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenth sixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentysixteenthseventeentheighteenthnineteenthtwentiethtwenty-onetwenty-twotwenty-threetwenty-firsttwenty-secondtwenty-thirdtwentiethtwenty-firsttwenty-secondtwenty-thirdtwelfthtwenttwentiethieththirtthirtiethiethfortfortiethieth序数词first first secondsecondthirdthirdeigheighththCan you find the rules?ninninththfi fif fththtweltwelf fththfourfourththsixsixththsevensevenththtentenththtwenty-twenty-firstfirsttwenty-twenty-secondsecondtwenty-twenty-thirdthirdLets play a gameBINGOStep 1 Please work in three and spell the numbers.三人一组拼读单词纸上的数字。Step 2 Everyone chooses 4 numbers.每人任选六个数字。Lets play a gameBINGO当拼写完全部序数词时,小组共同起立,大声说 “Bingo”.firstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenthtwelfthfifteentheighteenthtwentiethtwenty-firsttwenty-secondtwenty-third1234stndrdthst ndrd th567891012151820ththththth th th th th thth th th th th th th th th th212223st st nd rd数字 + 序数词的最后两个字母ndrdFirst, write the numbers.首先,我们写出数字。Next, write the last 2 letters of the word.接着,写出词尾的两个字母。 读一读这些单词的缩写形式,读一读这些单词的缩写形式,体会变化规律。体会变化规律。Lets play a game三人合作,尝试在数字卡片上写出对应的缩略形式。三人合作,尝试在数字卡片上写出对应的缩略形式。There are _ months in a year.January is the _ month.I can sayspringsummerautumnDecemberDecemberJanuaryJanuaryFebruaryFebruaryMarchMarchAprilAprilMayMayJuneJuneJulyJulyAugustAugustSeptemberSeptemberOctoberOctoberNovemberNovemberwintertwelvefirstLets sayThursdayMorning1Chinese2Maths3English4ArtAfternoon5Music6PEThere are .floors. is on the.floor 四人一组,根据图片用基数词和序数词接龙说句子。你还能结合自己的学习与生活用基数词和序数词说出其它的句子吗?4F library3F Music Room2F Computer Room1F Art Roomseasonsrainbows彩虹I can do 1. Talk in groups. 2. Ask and answer one by one. (接龙问答)“Whensyourbirthday?”“Itsonthe” Everyone should take notes in your book. (每个人用序数词的缩略形式在书上82页记录)I can reportWho has birthday in the same month?谁的生日也在这个月?In our group,_ students have their birthdays in Only one student has the birthday in.What do you usually do on your birthday?在生日时你通常做什么?Lets talkWhat do you want?Whats your wish?你的生日愿望是什么?I want I want to go toI want to haveLOREM IPSUM DOLORLOREM IPSUM DOLORWork in three.Please talk about your parents birthdays.三人一组,谈论自己父母的生日。 I can rememberI can remember love your parentsthank them1.ReadGrammartimeandtrytoremember2.Writeapassagetothankyourparents.HomeworkHomeworkUnit8 Birthdays1. Talk in groups. 2. Ask and answer one by one. (接龙问答) “ Whens your birthday“Its on the” Everyone should take notes in your book. (每个人用序数词的缩略形式在书上 82 页记录)_students have their birthdays in _Only one student has birthday in _1译译林版英林版英语语五年五年级级下教学下教学设计设计Unit 8 Birthdays (Grammar time & Fun time)【 【教学内容教学内容】 】 译林出版社义务教育教科书英语五年级下册 Unit8 Birthdays (Grammar time & Fun time)【 【教学目教学目标标】 】By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:1. Talk about birthdays by using “Its on ;2. Say the ordinal numbers and find the rules;3. Do a survey about birthdays in groups.【 【教学重点教学重点】 】1. Ss can talk about Su Hais and Mikes birthdays and activities correctly;2. Ss can find the rules of ordinal numbers, especially like“eight, nine, five, twelve, twenty, thirty, twenty- one” and so on;3. Ss can read the passage about Mikes friends birthdays and listen to the passage about Su Hais friends birthdays;4. Ss can do a survey about birthdays in groups, and do a report about it.5. Ss can talk about their parents birthdays and activities.【 【教学教学难难点点】 】1. Ss can read the ordinal numbers correctly and find the rules;2. Ss can do the survey and report about birthdays in English correctly.【 【教学准教学准备备】 】PPT 等【 【教学教学过过程程】 】Step1 Get ready for class1.Learning aimsT: Boys and girls, last lesson we learnt about the story time of Unit 8. What is the topic of it? S: Birthdays. T: After this lesson, I hope you can talk about your birthday and peoples birthdays.2. Wish you happy birthdayT: Do you know whose birthday it is today?S:. T:Yes, today is xxxs birthday. First, lets sing the birthday song and wish her happy birthday.(播放歌曲 “Happy birthday to you!”,全班齐唱,祝贺同学生日快乐,并送上大家的祝福。)23. I can ask(引入学(引入学习话题习话题) )T: xxxs birthday is. Whens your birthday? 生成板书: When is your birthday?Its on . My birthday is on . (show the sentence structure to help Ss) ask 4 or 5 SsT: Do you know my birthday? How can you ask me? (Teacher can tell them secretly)T:What do you usually do on your birthday?Ss :I.T:Now, lets play a game-pass the ball. (PPT 显示游戏规则)Step2 Warming up1. I can recall.You know your birthday well. How about our friendsbirthdays? Look at the pictures, what do they do on their birthdays?Please ask and answer with your partners. The more, the better.You have one minute. Ready? Go !Step3 Meet with the new language1.I can say. 1). We know Mikes birthday is on the eighth of April. Su Hais birthday is on the eleventh of May. And XXXs birthday is on the twenty- fourth of May.2). Guess when Liu Taos birthday is? (Teacher gives some dates, Liu Taos is on one of them.)3) Listen and choose 2. I can find 1) Read the dates together 2) How can we say a date? Can you tell me the rules? Ss: the+序数词+of+月份T:Yes. They are ordinal numbers. Look at these numbers again. What rules can you find? Yes, you find that. We add “th” after the cardinal numbers. (板书:加 th 从 4 起)3. I can readYou find the rules. Now read the numbers with your partners and try to say their cardinal numbers. 4. I can find1). How do they change? Still add “th”? 2) Open your books and circle the different numbersT:Look,they are in different cakes. Please discuss in your group and find the rules.3A. eight-eighth 8 去 t 加 th(板书)B. nine-ninth 9 去 e 加 thC. five-fifth ve 变 f,加 thT:Here is another number concluding “ve”, How to change? 板书 D. twenty-twentieth 整十 y 变 ie,加 thT:Can you give me more words like this? Thirty, forty3). T:Well done, you find the rules. Here comes another number. How to change? Discuss in your groups. (小组讨论)twenty-one twenty- first twenty-two twenty- second How about thirty-four?Can you find the rule?T: Now, lets play a game. Please take out your word paper and work in three. If you can spell all the words. Say bingo 5. I can findWhat are these? Ss: 缩略形式T: Yes. Read by yourselves and get to know the rules. T: Are you ready? Write the abbreviations on the back of the paper. Step4 Make use of the new language.1. I can say Do you know how to use the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers correctly? 1) Look, read and completeWhat are these? How many days are there in a week? 2) Works in groups of three (floors & lessons) 3) Try to say more sentences according to your real lifeStep5 Make the new language themselves.1. I can do.T: We know Mike,Su Hai and Liutaos birthdays. What about your friends birthdays? Now work in three and do a survey about the birthdays.2. I can reportIntroduce your group members birthday one by one.In our group, students have their birthdays in .Only one student has the birthday in.3. I can talk4T: We know our friends birthdays. We cant forget our parents birthdays. T: Now talk about your parents birthdays. We should thank our parents. They give us everything.【 【Homework】 】1. Read Grammar time and try to remember2. Write a passage to introduce dream house.【 【板板书设计书设计】 】 Unit8 BirthdaysWhen is your birthday? Its on the fourth of October. fourth 4th 直接加 th eight-eighth 8 去 t 加 thnine-ninth 9 去 e 加 th five-fifth ve 变 f,加 th twenty-twentieth 整十 y 变 ie,加 th on the second of January.on the thirtieth of August.on the fifteenth of July.
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Unit Birthdays_Grammar Fun time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:20174) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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