Unit 8 Birthdays-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:60286).zip


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Unit8 Birthdays(Grammar time,Fun time & Culture time)Ask and answerCelebrate the birthday When.?What.? How.? .?Report: s birthday is on .He always . go to buy . come to the party.They and .They .Celebrate the birthday Su Hais birthday is on the of May. Mikes birthday is on the of April.I can sayeleventheighth 同桌读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期吗同桌读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期吗?onetwofirstsecondA. 基数词基数词B. 序数词序数词 the (date) of (month)I can readnintheighthfifthtwentieth 你知道从你知道从fourfourthth开始的开始的序数词序数词有什么共同点有什么共同点吗?吗? D C B AI can find five fifth eight eighth nine ninth twenty twentieth E twenty-one twenty-first 下面的数词是如何变为序数词的?直接加下面的数词是如何变为序数词的?直接加th吗吗? 小组内说一说!小组内说一说! thirty-four thirty-fourth 8减减t,加,加th 9去去e,加,加th f来把来把ve替,加替,加th 整十整十ty变成变成tie,再加,再加th 几十几,只把个位变为序数词几十几,只把个位变为序数词 你能发现什么你能发现什么规律吗?规律吗? twelve twelfth thirty thirtiethSummaryRules:基数基数词词表数量表数量,序数词,序数词表顺序表顺序。基变序有规律,结尾加上基变序有规律,结尾加上thth。一二三特殊记,八减一二三特殊记,八减t t九去九去e e 。f f来把来把veve替替, , 整十整十tyty变成变成tietie。若是碰到几十几,前基后序就可以。若是碰到几十几,前基后序就可以。I can know Tips:有时候,为了方便,会把序数词写成缩写形式!有时候,为了方便,会把序数词写成缩写形式!TipsTips:序数词的缩写就是在阿拉伯数:序数词的缩写就是在阿拉伯数字的后面加上序数词的字的后面加上序数词的最后两个字母最后两个字母。RulesRules(规则)(规则) : :If you can read the word ,please read it loudly and find his friend as quickly as possible!读出闪烁的单词,以最快速度找到它的同伴,并大声抢读出来哦!onefirstGreat!Great! threethird fivefifth eighteighth twelvetwelfth twentytwentieth fourteenfourteenthIts after Christmas Day. Guess: Whens my birthday?Its before New Years Day. Know my birthdaythe twenty-seventh of December Know my birthdaythe eighth of December Know my birthdayKnow my birthday the twenty-seventh of Decembertthe eighth of DecemberKnow different culturesMy birthday is on the tenth of November of the lunar calendar(农历)(农历).I usually celebrate my birthday according to the lunar calendar(农历)(农历).Do you celebrate your birthday according to ( ) ?A.the lunar calendar B.the solar calendar 农历农历 阳历阳历A Do a survey Its on the (日期日期). /Its in (月份)(月份).Whose birthday is in (月份月份)? When is your birthday? (个数个数)students have their birthdays in .(月份)(月份)Know different cultures Now you receive the presents, when will you open them? A. After the guests (客人)(客人)leave(离开(离开). B. Maybe open them tomorrow. C. Open them as soon as you receive them .一一就就 收收到到In China, we usually dont open the presents as soon as we receive them.Know different cultures People in the West usually their presents as soon as they receive them.A.openB. dont openAKnow different cultures WhatWhat areare thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween ChinaChina andand WesternWestern countriescountries? ?have a partyeat a birthday cakeblow out the candlesmake a wishreceive some presentssing birthday songs inin WesternWestern countriescountriesplay some gameswear birthday hatsKnow different cultures WhatWhat areare thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween ChinaChina andand WesternWestern CountriesCountries? ?have a big dinner eat noodles and eggs get red packets (收到红包)(收到红包) get together with our families receive some presents Now,we eat the birthday cake, blow out the candles and make a wish on our birthdays in China,too. inin ChinaChinaKnow different cultures Know different cultures We all enjoy our birthdays.WereWere moremore andand moremore international!international!( (我们越来越国际化了!我们越来越国际化了!) )WeWe allall havehave ourour birthdays.birthdays. ButBut inin differentdifferent countriescountries wewe havehave differentdifferent customs.customs.但是在不同的国家我们有不同的生日习俗。但是在不同的国家我们有不同的生日习俗。InIn China,China, peoplepeople eateat noodlesnoodles toto wishwish forfor longevitylongevity. .在中国,人们吃面条希望能长寿。在中国,人们吃面条希望能长寿。InIn Japan,Japan, peoplepeople eateat redred beanbean rice-rice-luckylucky在日本,人们过生日吃红豆饭在日本,人们过生日吃红豆饭- -吉祥吉祥InIn Korea,Korea, peoplepeople drinkdrink sea-tentsea-tent soup-soup-safetysafety在韩国,人们过生日喝海带汤在韩国,人们过生日喝海带汤- -安全安全InIn Brazil,Brazil, peoplepeople eateat candies-candies-sweetsweet在巴西,人们过生日吃糖果在巴西,人们过生日吃糖果-甜美甜美InIn Russia,Russia, peoplepeople eateat birthdaybirthday pies-pies-healthyhealthy在俄国,人们过生日吃生日馅饼在俄国,人们过生日吃生日馅饼-健康健康1 . Read Grammar time and try to remember them.2. Know more about the birthdays in different countries. HomeworkSu Hais birthday is on the of May.Mikes birthday is on the of April.I can sayeleventheighth 小组内读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期小组内读一读句子,你能发现如何表达生日日期吗?吗?onetwofirstsecondA. 基数词基数词B. 序数词序数词 你知道从你知道从fourth开始的开始的序数词序数词有有什么共同点吗?什么共同点吗? 同桌说一说!同桌说一说! the date of month twenty-seventhMy birthday is on the of December. 你知道从你知道从fourth开始的开始的序数词序数词有有什么共同点吗?什么共同点吗? 同桌说一说!同桌说一说! However, asthedevelopmentoftheInternet, thebirthdayculturedifferencesbetweenChinaandthewesterncountriesbecomesmaller. We also celebrate our birthday by having a party, eating birthday cakes, singing birthday songs and so on. 然而,随着互联网的发展,中国与西方国家在生日文化上然而,随着互联网的发展,中国与西方国家在生日文化上的差异已经越来越小。我们中国人也通过举行聚会,吃生的差异已经越来越小。我们中国人也通过举行聚会,吃生日蛋糕,唱生日歌等方式来庆祝我们的生日。日蛋糕,唱生日歌等方式来庆祝我们的生日。Culture differences ( (文化差异文化差异) ) My birthday the twenty-seventh of Decembertthe eighth of Januarytwothreefiveonenineeighteighteen fifteentwelvetwenty-one twenty-threeforty-fiveforty-fifthtwenty-thirdtwenty-firsteighteenthfifteenthtwelftheighthninthfifthfirstthirdsecondGreat!Great!五下五下 Unit 8 Birthdays 施教日期 2017 年 6 月 5 号共几共几课时课时4教学教学内容内容Unit8 Birthdays(Period2)第几第几课时课时2课课型型新授执执教教教学教学目标目标1能熟练运用句型 Whens your birthday? Its on .进行对话。2能理解并掌握常用序数词的构成和用法。3能完成 Fun time 中的调查活动。4. 了解中西方的文化差异。教学教学 重难重难点点1能熟练运用句型 Whens your birthday? Its on 进行对话。2能理解并掌握常用序数词的构成和用法。3. 了解中西方的文化差异。教教学学资资源源1 1学生已有的学习经验:学生已有的学习经验:有了第一课时对于 Story time 的学习,学生对序数词和日期表达方式有了初步的了解。2.2. 学生可能遇到的问题:学生可能遇到的问题:序数词 fifth,eighth,twentieth 的读音。 3.3. 教学策略:教学策略:采用自主学习、同桌互读、小组合作的教学活动,使每一个学生在主动探究、合作学习的过程中,内化知识,提升能力。4.4. 教学准备:教学准备:PPT预习预习作业作业预习 Grammar time,Fun time & Culture time学学 程程 预预 设设导导 航航 策策 略略设计意图设计意图Step1. Review.(4 分钟)分钟)1. Talk about Su Hais and Mikes Nationalities.2. Review Su Hais and Mikes birthdays.揭示本课的话题 Cultures。结合 freetalk 和小组问答及 report 回顾How to celebrate the birthday?Step 2. Grammar time.(15 分钟)分钟)1. Learn how to express the date.Discuss in pairs and try to find the rules:the( date) of( month)2. Learn the ordinal numbers.Step 3. Know different cultures.(20 分钟)分钟)1. Guess: Whens the teachers birthday?2. Do a survey.Ask and answer one by one.Do a survey.结合苏海和 Mike 的生日,引导学生观察日期的表达,并与同桌讨论,尝试发现日期表达的方式。对于易错和特殊变化的序数词进行纠音和拼读指导。引导小组讨论,尝试发现特殊变化的序数词的构成。引导学生观察为什么老师的生日不同,渗透文化差异。为六月生日的同学唱生日歌和送礼物引出文化板块的教学。感知规则序数词一般在基数词后加th。再对特殊变化的序数词进行读音和拼读指导,通过对比让学生尝试自己发现规律,内化知识。根据提示猜老师的生日,既操练日期和序数词的表达,又巩固本课的重点句型。通过问问学生收到礼物后何时打开,感知中西方收到礼物后的文化差异。3. Learn Culture time.S: Choose (A/B/C)4. Know the differences between China and Western countries about birthdays.a.Watch a video.b. Discuss in groups.c.Talk about the differences.5. Know more about different cultures.Step 4. Homework.(1 分钟)分钟)*Read Grammar time and try to remember them.*Know more about the birthdays in different countries.T:Now you receive the presents, when will you open them? (A/B/C)通过观看中西方不同的过生日的活动短片,让孩子小组讨论中西方的生日文化差异,师总结。
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Unit Birthdays_Grammar Fun time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:60286) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 年级 下册
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