Unit 8 Birthdays-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:c0f90).zip


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Listen and choose1. When is Liu Taos birthday? A June 11 B January 112. When is Yang Lings birthday? A June 8 B June 183. When is the birthday party? A June 15 B June 16Write and sayMy birthday is on the _ of _.I usually _.My fathers birthday is on the _ of _.He usually _.My mothers birthday is on the _ of _.She usually _.Unit 8 Birthdays (Sound time,Checkout time & Ticking time)1. I can name some birthday activites . 我能说出一些生日活动。2. I can ask and answer questions about dates 我能问答有关日期的问题。3. I can know the sound of “th”. 我能懂得字母组合“th”的发音。1.I can name some birthday activites . 我能说出一些生日活动。2.I can ask and answer questions about dates 我能问答有关日期的问题。3. I can know the sound of “th”. 我能懂得字母组合“th”的发音。have a big dinnersing a song eat noodleshave a partyeat the cakesmake a wishbuy a birthday cakeRead Loudly Lets LearnName:Birthday:Activities:Rockythe first of Julymake cakes,have a big dinner Lets talk. When is your/his/her birthday?Its on . of .What do you do on your birthday?I/We usually . Listen and choose Lets Learn This is my_. He works in _ city. Thats my _ . Shes _ and _ .father mother thetallpretty/th Th Th Lets complete!anotherbrotherthosethemtheseother Sound time你能说出更多你能说出更多thth发发 的单词吗?的单词吗?/你能正确读出这些含你能正确读出这些含“th”“th”的单词吗?的单词吗?they thankwith thirty thisthree fatherthatmothermouththeAB/ /Learning tips二者均为舌齿摩擦音二者均为舌齿摩擦音。/是字母组合是字母组合th在单词中的发音。在单词中的发音。此外此外/是清辅音,发是清辅音,发音时声带不振动,例音时声带不振动,例如:如:mouth,mouth, thinkthink;/是浊辅音,发音是浊辅音,发音时声带振动,例如:时声带振动,例如:father,that。Hello, boys and girls. Im Linda.My birthday is on the twenty-second of July.I usually eat a big birthday cake on my birthday.My fathers birthday is on the twentieth of December.He usually has a big dinner with us.My mothers birthday is on the twenty-ninth of May.She usually buys a lot of new clothes on her birthday. Write and sayTip:Tip:展示自己的作文后,针对自展示自己的作文后,针对自己的作文,向其他同学提一个问己的作文,向其他同学提一个问题,考考他们有没有认真听哦题,考考他们有没有认真听哦! !ReadAskTheThe BoyBoy &The&The AppleApple TreeTree抓著树枝荡秋千,Grab on to the tree branches to swing,Collect the leaves from the tree to make into a crown,act like a king.收集她的叶子,把叶子编成皇冠,扮成国王。Ate the apples. 吃吃苹果。时间飞逝,时间飞逝,男孩男孩长长大了。大了。TimeTime wentwent by.by.TheThe littlelittle boyboy hadhad growngrown up.up.He loved the tree and the tree was very happy.男孩好爱这棵树树好快乐。他不再天天都来了,树常常好孤独。HeHe nono longerlonger playedplayed aroundaround thethe treetree everyevery dayday,thethe treetree waswas lonelylonely “真抱歉。”树说:“我沒有钱。孩子,拿我的苹果到城里去卖。这样,你就会有钱了。”于是男孩高兴地爬到树上,摘下她的苹果,通通带走了。树好快乐 。“Sorry, but I dont have money.but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily.The tree was happy too.“Sorry,“Sorry, I I dontdont havehave a a house.house. ButBut youyou cancan chopchop offoff mymy branchesbranches toto buildbuild youryour house.Sohouse.So youyou willwill feelfeel happyhappy. .”SoSo thethe boyboy cutcut thethe branchesbranches offoff andand leftleft happily.happily.“抱歉,我沒有房子。”树说。 “不过,你可以砍下我的树枝,去盖房子,这样你就会快乐了。”于是,男孩砍下树枝,开心的离开了。“砍下我的树干去造条船吧。”树说。“这样你就可以远航你就会快乐了。”“Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy.”So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat.于是男孩砍下她的树干,造了条船。“我真希望我能给你什么可是我什么也沒了。我只剩下一块老树根。我很抱歉”苹果树流着泪说。“I really cant give you anything. the only thing left is my dying roots,” the tree said with tears.“I dont need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The boy replied.“我现在要的不多。”男孩说。“只要一个安静,可以坐着休息的地方。这些年我好累好累。”男孩坐了下來。树好快乐。The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears. No matter how busy you are, spend more time with your parents.Q2:Who is the apple tree?Q1:The boy asked the tree for three things. What are they?( )A.Money, a house and a boat.B.A boat, a tree and a car.C.A tree, money and a house. Mother or father.Our parents.A不管你有多忙,不管你有多忙,多陪陪父母。多陪陪父母。用你的贴纸来装饰你的卡片,也可以自己画一些图画用你的贴纸来装饰你的卡片,也可以自己画一些图画来装饰卡片。来装饰卡片。已经完成的同学抓紧时间把自己已经完成的同学抓紧时间把自己的卡片展示在黑板上哦,直到贴的卡片展示在黑板上哦,直到贴满为止哦!满为止哦!Homework1.1. RememberRemember ourour parentsparents birthdays,birthdays, toto bebe a a dutifuldutiful child.child.牢记爸爸妈妈的生日,做一个孝顺的牢记爸爸妈妈的生日,做一个孝顺的孩子孩子. .2.2. DoDo somesome exerciseexercise . . 完成本单元练习册的练习完成本单元练习册的练习. .教学课题Unit8 Birthdays课型New本课题教时数: 5 本教时为第 4 教时 备课日期 3 月 3 日教学目标:一、知识目标:1. 能正确朗读字母组合 th 在单词中的发音。2. 在教师的帮助下能正确谈论自己和父母的生日,以及活动。二、能力目标:能独立完成 checkout time 中的练习。三、情感目标:1.让每个学生都能积极主动参与教学活动,发挥学生主观能动性,从而使他们更加热爱英语学习,增强学习英语的信心。2. 学生能结合生活实际,利用所学内容谈论节日,培养语言运用能力。教学重点:能正确朗读字母 th 在单词中的发音。教学难点:能独立完成 checkout time 中的练习。教学方法与手段:讲授法、讨论法,并结合课后继续指导教学过程: 教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Learning aims1.I can name some birthday activities . 我能说出一些生日活动。2.I can ask and answer questions about dates 我能问答有关日期的问题。3. I can know the sound of “th”. 我能懂得字母组合“th”的发音。Step2 GreetingWhat day is it today?What date is it today?Read and try to understand.Ss: Its Monday.Its the seventeenth of April.给出本课的上课目标,第一时间让学生明确上课内容和需要掌握的知识,日期的交流,为下面陈东的生日做铺垫。从为陈东过生日,唱歌来放松课堂气氛,Step3 Presentation1.T: Boys and girls, do you know “Today is a special day. Its our friends Chen Dongs birthday. Lets sing a song “Happy birthday.” to him.OK?T: Chen Dong, Miss Lu has a question: What do you do on your birthday?T: He always.But we also have many other birthday activities.Lets read together.1.Play a game:Read loudlyvisit grandparents,buy a birthday cake,eat noodles.T: You read them wonderful.Are they easy? So,I think this part you can get 3 stars.2.Ask and answerT: Whos she? Yes, shes me. Who can guess, when is my birthday?Its a special day.Let me give you a hint. The Partys Day. Yes, youre right. And what do I do on my birthday?ST talk:When is your/his/her birthday?Its on . of .What do you do on your birthday?I/We usually .Then work in pairs.S: OKSs: Sing a song.C: I usually.Ss:Read loudlySs:YesSs: Shes Miss Lu.S1: Is your birthday on the.?S2:Its on the first of July.T&S Ask and answerSs: Work in pairs.同时又能轻松的引出生日活动。过渡很自然。大声朗读生日活动,不仅帮助学生朗读,而且让学生全体自我检查一遍,完成第一个目标。以教师的身份来引出相关的教学内容。复习了生日的表达法,和一些活动。为句型操练打开了话题。在学生熟练地基础上听一听录音,训练学生以第三人称的表达方式来叙述听力内容。T: Whens her birthday? What does she do on her birthday?Use these sentences to make a new dialogue.3.Turn to page 86,listen and choose(1)When is Liu Taos birthday?(2)When is Yang Lings birthday?(3)When is the birthday party?So learning aims 2,I can ask and answer questions about dates. You can get 3 stars. Yes or no?Step4 Sound time1. T: How many people are there in your family?T: What does your father do?T: Is your mother tall?2.T: What about this girls parents? Look at the picture.Listen carefully and complete.播放录音。 This is my_. He works in _ city. Thats my _ . Shes _ and _ .3.你能正确读出这些含“th”的单词吗? brother they another other these those them4.Find homesthirty this tree father mother that mouth the A June 11B June 18B June 16Group in 3 or 4.Ss: Yes!ABBS: There are.He is.Yes./ Nofatherthemothertall pretty家,是每个人最熟悉的地方。父母,是每个孩子最温暖的港湾。以家的问题切入新授,让孩子产生求知欲。在很好了解 th 读音的基础上,辫一辨。帮助学生归纳和区分。围绕本单元的重点展开阅读,通过教师和同学的提问来简析短文,为下面的书写做好铺垫。Learning tip:compare th /5.Learning aim 3: I can know the sound of “th”.You can get.Step 5 Write and say1.TThis girl is Linda.Read this passage, then answer my question:When is .birthday?Its on .What does.do on .birthday?He She.2.T:When is your birthday? And what about your parents? Turn to page 87,write and say.My birthday is on_.I usually_.My fathers birthday is on_.He often_.My mothers birthday is on_.She usually_.Step 6 Read a story”The boy and the apple tree.”Q1:The boy asked the tree for three things. What are they?Q2: Who is the apple tree?Q3: Do you love your parents?T: Give a suggestion: No matter how busy you are, spend more time with your parents.Step 7 Make and sayT: What can you do for your Ss: Read brother they another other these those themSs:/thirty tree mouth/this father mother that theS: 3 starsSs:Read and answer:S1S2S3Ss:Write and say.S1.S2.S3.S:A Money, a house and a boat.S:Mother or father.S: Yes, I 情感的培养,让孩子学会关爱父母。了解父母的生日和喜好。情感升华,告诉孩子们谨记父母的养育之恩,做一个孝顺的孩子。parents and friends on their birthday?T: We can do many things, but I think:Make a card is meaningful. But how ?回顾五上第八单元 at Christmas 制作卡片的过程。First, fold a cardNext, write some message.Then, draw some picturesFinally, write your name.T: Miss Lu has a magic tree. Put your card on it. It will bring your wishes to your parents.Homework:1. 牢记爸爸妈妈的生日,做一个孝顺懂事的好孩子.2. 完成本单元练习册的练习.板书设计: Unit8 Birthday Whens . birthday?Its on the What does. do on.birthday?HeShe. do.(action)T: Make cards, buy presents, buy flowers, buy birthday cakesSs: Make and saySs:Put the card on the tree.用心制作生日贺卡,带着心灵深处的祝福送给爸妈,将暖意传递。授后小记:授课日期 月 日
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Unit Birthdays_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:c0f90) 译林版 三年级 起点
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