Unit 8 Birthdays-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:90e49).zip


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Sound time checkout time ticking time1. I can name some birthday activites . 我能说出一些生日活动。2. I can ask and answer questions about dates 我能问答有关日期的问题。3. I can know the sound of “th”. 我能懂得字母组合“th”的发音。Listen carefully 仔细听Read loudly 大声朗读Try to answer my questions尝试回答老师的问题30s30s Non-StopNon-Stop TalkingTalking不停说不停说 Two students a group,Say some words, phrases and sentences about birthday.(两人一组,轮流说有关生日生日的单词、词组、句子。说得多的获胜!)Tips:Everybody has 30 seconds.(每个同学说每个同学说30秒秒)30s30s Non-StopNon-Stop TalkingTalking不停说不停说 Two students a group,Say some words, phrases and sentences about birthday.(两人一组,轮流说有关生日生日的单词、词组、句子。说得多的获胜!)Tips:Everybody has 30 seconds.(每个同学说每个同学说30秒秒)Say someting about Su Hai and Mikes birthdays .说说苏海和迈克的生日说说苏海和迈克的生日!Tip:Tip:注意第三人称单数的使用哦!注意第三人称单数的使用哦!Su Hais birthday is on theShe usually She eatsMikes birthday is on theHe always He eats 1.When is Liu Taos birthday?2.When is Yang Lings birthday?3.When is the birthday party?Listen and choose(P86)1、When is Liu Taos birthday?2、When is Yang Lings birthday?ababListen and choose(P86)3、When is the birthday party?abTicking time I can name some birthday activities.我能说一些生日的活动I can ask and answer questions about dates.我能问答有关日期的问题I know the sound of “th”.请根据自己的情况在相应请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打的空格内打 “ ” 吧!吧!Who? Guess!Shes Linda.Shes YangLings friend. Look and saythisfatherthatmotherHow to pronounce the letters th?(读一读想一想(读一读想一想th的发音)的发音)read and thinkthCan you say other words with the letters th?(列举其他含有字母(列举其他含有字母th的单词)的单词)brother these those they clothes their there withMy brother and mother pick up these clothes , they are very happy.Try to read比一比谁读得快比一比谁读得快threethankthirtymouthHow to pronounce the letters th?(读一读想一想(读一读想一想th的发音)的发音)read and thinkthCan you say other words with the letters th?(列举其他含有字母(列举其他含有字母th的单词)的单词)think birthday thin through thankwith thirty thisthree fatherthatmothermouththeAB/ /This is my father.He works in the city.Thats my mother.Shes tall and pretty. (漂亮)(漂亮)Listen and sayLinda wants to introduce(介绍)(介绍) her parents to you.你掌握了字母组合你掌握了字母组合thth在单词中的发音了吗?请在单词中的发音了吗?请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ” 吧!吧!Ticking time I can name some birthday activities.I can ask and answer questions about dates.I know the sound of “th”.Hello, boys and girls. Im Linda.My birthday is on the 22nd of July.I usually eat a big birthday cake on my birthday.My fathers birthday is on the 20th of December.He usually has a big dinner with us.My mothers birthday is on the 29th of May.She usually buys a lot of new clothes on her birthday.Linda wants to introduce her birthday and her parents birthdays to us too.Q1:Whens Lindas birthday? Q2: What does her father do on his birthday? Q3: Whens her mothers birthday? Her birthday is on the 22nd of July.He usually has a big dinner with us.Her mothers birthday is on the 29th of May.Listen and answerCan you introduce you and your parents birthdays to us ?My birthday is on the_ of _.I usually_.My fathers birthday is on the_of _.He often_.My mothers birthday is on the _of_.She usually_Tip:Tip:如果有的同学不知道父母的生日,生日一行可以留白,回家再填好。如果有的同学不知道父母的生日,生日一行可以留白,回家再填好。另外,注意在描述爸爸妈妈的生日活动时,动词要用第三人称单数哦!另外,注意在描述爸爸妈妈的生日活动时,动词要用第三人称单数哦!Show time!Tip:Tip:大声告诉你的同学关于大声告诉你的同学关于你和你爸妈的生日,你和你爸妈的生日,与他们一起分享快乐!与他们一起分享快乐!When our parents birthdays come, what can we do for them?1.We can make a card.2.We can sing for parents.3.We can buy some flowers.4.We can do housework for them.5.We can buy a birthday cake.用你的贴纸来装饰你的卡片,也可以自己画一些图画用你的贴纸来装饰你的卡片,也可以自己画一些图画来装饰卡片。来装饰卡片。Show time!展示你的作品展示你的作品Our parents bring us to the world. 父母把我们带到这个世界。父母把我们带到这个世界。They grow with us.他们陪伴我们成长。他们陪伴我们成长。They study with us.他们陪伴我们学习。他们陪伴我们学习。They play with us.他们陪我们一起玩耍。他们陪我们一起玩耍。We are the everything in their lives! 我们就是他们生命中的一切!我们就是他们生命中的一切!But, they must be old one day. 但是总有一天他们会老去。They will leave us behind one day. 他们会离开我们。So ,now! Be a dutiful child. Study hard and try our best to love our parents. 所以现在,做一个孝顺的孩子。努力学习所以现在,做一个孝顺的孩子。努力学习,尽全力的爱我们的父母亲!,尽全力的爱我们的父母亲!Father,mother I love you !Homework1. Remember your parents birthday .2. Finish workbook Page37.五年级下册五年级下册UnitUnit 8 8 BirthdaysBirthdays(period3period3)一、教学内容一、教学内容:小学英语五年级下册 Unit 8 Birthdays(sound time, checkout time and ticking time)二、学情分析:二、学情分析:本单元主要学习句型为:Whens your birthday?和 What do you do on your birthday?及其回答 Its on./I usually.要多关注序数词的学习和运用,月份的复习,日期的表达。在教学上老师还是要设计多样的教学环节和形式让学生多练习,以达到熟能生巧的程度。语音方面学习的是“th”在单词中的发音,在第七单元已经学习了“th”读“”的读音,本单元学习它另外一个读音“” 。教师要将两种读音让学生相互比较,老师加以总结发音方法,多练习。三、教学目标:三、教学目标:1.通过复习,学生能说出与生日有关的事件。2.能正确运用句型 Whens?去询问日期。3.能正确掌握字母组合“th”在单词中的发音。4.通过学习引导和帮助学生进行自我评价四、教学重点:四、教学重点:1.能正确并熟练掌握序数词的变化规则,并在一定的情景中运用句型Whens?去询问日期。2.I know the sound of the letter“th”.五、教学难点:五、教学难点:1.真实情景中学生能熟练、自如的运用句型 Whens?去询问日期。2.字母“th”在不同单词中的发音。六、教学准备:六、教学准备:1.教具准备:课件 卡片 贴纸等等。2.学生准备:文具用品、课本七、教学流程七、教学流程: :StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting andand learninglearning aimsaims1.Sing a songHappy birthday to you2.出示本节课的课题Birthdays 。3.Freetalk:Whens your birthday? What do you do on your birthday?4.Look at todays learning aims.(1)I can name some birthday actives.(2)I can ask and answer questions about dates.(3)I can know the sound of“th”.Students should:Listen carefully,Read loudly,Try to answer my questions.Come on my dear students.StepStep 2 2 RevisionRevision 1.利用游戏“30 秒不停说”复习有关生日的活动单词或词组,给学生评价。2.游戏 Super memory 复习 story time呈现 Mike 和 Su Hai 的图片,学生 1 分钟准备,介绍两人的生日及一些活动。StepStep 3 3 CheckoutCheckout time(Listentime(Listen andand choose)choose) andand TickingTicking time1time1、2 21.由 Mike 和 Su Hai 的生日过渡到 Yang Ling 和 Liu Tao 的生日。T: I want to know their birthdays, how can I ask?让学生自己练习提问:(1)Whens Liu Taos birthday?(2)Whens Yang Lings birthday?(3)Whens the birthday party?2.听录音选择正确回答。3.对 Ticking time 的 1、2 两个目标进行自我评价。老师提问反馈。StepStep 4 4 SoundSound timetime andand TickingTicking time3time31.Lets play a guessing game?猜 Sound time 中人物是谁?引出字母“th”组合在单词中的发音。请学生自读单词:mother father this that.2.观看微视频观看微视频关于“th” 读“”的发音教学视频。3.Say some words .4.Read the senmence.5.复习“th” 读“”的读音教学。6.自读单词,让学生自己体会字母组合“th”的发音。7.观看发音教学微视频观看发音教学微视频。8.Play the game “Find homes”.Put the words in the right home.9.(呈现音标部分的小女孩的插图)T: She can introduce her parents .引出 Sound time 小诗教学。10.Read it by yourself .11.听录音,感受韵律诗。12.学生跟读,自己读,指名展示。13.评价 ticking time 最后一块内容,关于语音学习的自我评价。 StepStep 5 5 CheckoutCheckout time(writetime(write andand say)say)1.(再次呈现小女孩的图片)T: She wants to introduce her parents birthdays to us too. Lets listen to her.2.播放女孩介绍的录音。学生初步听力感知。3.呈现介绍的文本,教师与学生针对内容进行问答。4.引导学生介绍自己父母的生日。5.打开书本 87 页,尝试写作。6.展示。指名朗读自己的作文,与同学分享自己父母的介绍。StepStep 6 6 CheckoutCheckout timetime (Make(Make andand say)say)1.T: When our parents birthdays come , what can we do for them?引出制作卡片。2.老师与学生一起制作卡片。3.将做好的卡片贴黑板上展示。StepStep 7 7 ShareShare timetime1.情感分享。 (1)Our parents bring us to the word.(2)They grow with us.(3)They study with us.(4)They play with us.(5)We are the everthing in their lives.(6)But,they must be old one day.They will leave us behind one day.So,now!Be a dutiful child.Study hard and try our best to love our parents.2.PPT:Lets shout:Father, Mother, I Love you!StepStep 8 8 HomeworkHomework1.记住爸爸妈妈的生日,到爸妈生日时尽自己的力量给出惊喜。2.完成练习册相关练习。Thank you ,boys and girls . Good bye!
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Unit Birthdays_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:90e49) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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