Unit 6 In the kitchen-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:405df).zip


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教材:译林2011课标版 三年级起点教学内容:5B Unit 6 In the kitchen checkout time & ticking time Today is Miss Li s birthday. There is a party at Miss Lis house after school. The children want to give Miss Li a big surprise(惊喜). Whats the surprise?Today is Miss Lis birthday. Lets give her a big surprise.Whats the surprise?We can cook some food for Miss Li.Whats the surprise(惊喜)?Listen and answer Listen and answer Good idea.Read and chooseRead and choose 7Today is Miss Lis birthday. Lets give her a big surprise.Whats the surprise?We can cook some food for Miss Li.Good idea. Miss Li likes vegetables. So I want to cook some vegetables with meat.Miss Li likes fish too. I want to cook some fish.I can cook some tomato soup. Its yummy.We all like fruit. Su Yang and I can make a fruit salad.We cant cook food. But I can wash the dishes and Liu Tao can clean the table.1236845What food do they cook ?Read and choose the answers!阅读对话,选择合适的选项!What food do they cook?someThere is a dish of meat in the fridge.There is _ meat in the fridge.Whats in the fridge?some / a dish of some / a dish of/a many / a lot of /lots of many / a lot of /lots of is some / a bag of bread are many / a lot of / lots of apples Whats in the fridge?are many / a lot of / lots of eggs is much / a lot of / lots of milk are two boxes of milk is much / a lot of / lots of juice / are three bottles of juice some / a dish of some / a dish of many / a lot of /lots of many / a lot of /lots of is some / a bag of bread are many / a lot of / lots of apples 1. 表示“一些”,用some, any 2. 表示“许多”,用many, much, a lot of, lots of 3. many + 可数名词 much+ 不可数名词4. some, any, a lot of, lots of +可数名词/不可数名词都可以5. there is +可数名词单数/不可数名词 there are +可数名词复数WWhat should they buy ?(他们需要买点什么?) There arent any _ in the fridge.The children are helping in the kichen.S1: Is .(-ing).?S2: Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.S1: Are .(-ing).?S2: Yes, they are. No, they arent.Look and say Pair work: 用下面的句型和同桌进行两两对话Dinner is ready.Hows the food? It looks .Hows the food ? Its. Youre really good at cooking!Youre great cooks.I love it !1.What may Miss Li say? 2.How do they feel ? A happy dayA happy day Make a Make a picture book picture book 制作绘本故事制作绘本故事五人一组,每人完成一页,装订成五人一组,每人完成一页,装订成册,并表演绘本册,并表演绘本内容。内容。12345 Today is _ birthday.There is _ at Miss Lis house. The children are very _. They want to cook some food for Miss Li. Yang Ling wants to cook some _. Mike wants to cook _. Nancy wants to cook _. The twins want to make _. They come to the fridge.There is _ meat and _ fish in the fridge.There are _ apples , _ oranges and _ bananas. But there arent any _ or _ in the fridge. The children are _ in the kitchen. Liu Tao is _. Wang Bing is _. Is Miss Li _? No, she isnt. Are the twins _? Yes,they are. Dinner is _. Theyre _ the food. The food looks _. “Hows the _,Miss Li? ”“Its _. I love it. Youre great _. ” They are very _. What a _ day! Homework Homework 1. Finish the picture book and introduce 1. Finish the picture book and introduce it to your friends.it to your friends.2. Try to make some food for your 2. Try to make some food for your parents.parents.A happy day1、教学内容译林 2011 课标版三年级起点 5B Unit6 In the kitchen 的第 4 课时 checkout time &ticking time2、教材解读这个板块有两个活动,旨在检测学生对现在进行时的一般疑问句、可数名词和不可数名词的运用能力。Ask and answer 是看图问答活动,要求学生用现在进行时的一般疑问句对图中的人物活动进行提问。Look and write 要求学生根据图片内容,辨别可数名词和不可数名词,填写 some 等词,完成句子。Ask and answer 是对 storytime 的巩固活动,Look and write 是对 Grammar time 的操练活动。三、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握以下单词、短语、句型四会程度:vegetable, meat, tomato soup, fish, yummy三会程度:birthday, surprise, bunch, dozen, bottle四会句型: Is .(-ing)? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Are .(-ing)? Yes, they are. No, they arent.How is .? It looks/is. I love it! Youre are great cooks. 2. 能力目标(1)学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词汇句型表达一些菜肴和食物名称,评价食物,夸奖别人等(2)学生能熟练运用正在进行时的一般疑问句来猜测或询问别人的活动,并进行合理的回答(3)学生能通过自主学习、合作学习等收集处理信息,学会用英语表达自己的想法3. 情感目标(1)学生能学会评价,乐于表扬别人(2)学生能乐意做家务,参与群体活动四、教学重难点1. 重点(1)学生能熟练掌握本单元的词汇句型,并在本课中熟练运用这些内容进行表达(2)学生能熟运用正在进行时的一般疑问句进行猜测或询问活动,并进行合理地回答(3)学生能巩固可数名词和不可数名词的用法,并在 there be 句型中合理地运用。同时能对 some/ any/ many/ much/ a lot of/ lots of 进行区分,并合理运用在可数名词和不可数名词之前2. 难点(1)学生能熟运用正在进行时的一般疑问句进行猜测或询问活动,并进行合理地回答(2)学生能巩固可数名词和不可数名词的用法,并在 there be 句型中合理地运用。同时能对 some/ any/ many/ much/ a lot of/ lots of 进行区分,并合理运用在可数名词和不可数名词之前(3)关于 a +量词 +of 的用法的掌握和运用五、教学准备课件、阅读材料每人一份、绘本材料每 5 人一份、分组六、教学设计思路本课将全部的教学活动串成了一个完整的故事,取副标题为 A happy day,并通过几个场景的学习来呈现故事,并对本单元主要的知识点进行复习和巩固。场景 1:今天是 Miss Li 的生日,她邀请同学们放学后到她的家里参加生日会,同学们都非常开心。场景 2:放学后,同学们前往 Miss Li 的家,他们商量着要给 Miss Li 一个大的惊喜,那就是为 Miss Li做一顿丰盛的晚餐。每个孩子打算做一个自己擅长的菜,所以他们去冰箱里看看有没有做菜需要的材料。通过这个场景来复习和巩固一些食物和菜肴的名称。场景 3:孩子们打开了冰箱,一一翻看冰箱里的食物,通过这个场景来复习和巩固可数名词和不可数名词。并操练了 there be 句型和 there be 句型的否定形式。场景 4:孩子们得到了想要的食材开始在厨房里忙碌起来。通过这个场景,用 pair work 的方式来复习和巩固正在进行时的一般疑问句的形式。场景 5:饭菜做好了,通过图片上人物的动作和表情让学生们来猜测菜肴的味道如何,并进行评价,以此来复习和巩固本单元中的一些重点句型,最后通过对他们的心情的猜测来引出标题 A happy day。最后一个活动是绘本的制作与交流,让学生将本课的几个场景的图片制作成绘本,通过小组合作的方式完成缺词填空,并交流这个绘本故事,以达到对本课内容的复习语巩固。七、教学过程:Step 1 Lead in 1. Look and say Enjoy a picture and talk about it Scene 1 classroom T: The children and Miss Li look happy. Why are they so happy?Do you know?Ss:.T: Because today is Miss Lis birthday. There is a party at Miss Lis house after school. Do you want to go with them?Ss: Yes.Scene 2 Miss Lis house T: Today is Miss Lis birthday. The children want to give Miss Li a big surprise. Do you know “What s the surprise?”Ss: No.(教学意图:通过猜测为什么大家都很开心引出 Miss Lis birthday 这一话题,再通过猜测孩子们要送给 Miss Li 的惊喜来进一步引出今天的做菜这一主题,一步步深入,引起学生的注意和激发学生的兴趣 )2. Listen and answer T: Let s listen carefully and find the answer.Question: Whats the surprise?Answer: They want to cook some food for Miss Li.(教学意图:让学生通过听录音来找到答案,既训练了他们的听说能力,又激发他们学习的兴趣,而且为接下来的主题开展做铺垫)Step 2 Presentation 1. Read and choose T: The children want to cook some food for Miss Li. What food do they cook? Read the text and find the answer.Review the short phrases: some vegetables with meat, some fish, some tomato soup, potatoes with meat.Add more short phrases: some vegetables with mushroom, some tomato and egg soup, a fruit salad.(教学意图:学生通过阅读对话来找答案,既训练他们的阅读理解的能力,也培养他们收集处理信息的能力。而且这部分菜名的练习也是对本单元说出一些食物、菜肴的名字这一知识点的复习与巩固。 )2. Look and learn T: They want to cook., do they have the materials for the food? Lets open the fridge.Scene 3 In front of the fridge (1) Look and say Question: Whats in the fridge? Answers: There is/ are.in the fridge.No 1 There is some meat in the fridge. Add: a dish of meat No 2 There is a fish in the fridge. Add: some fish / a dish of fish No 3 There are many bananas in the fridge. Add: lots of / a lot of / a bunch of bananas No 4 There are many oranges in the fridge. Add: lots of / a lot of / a basket of oranges No 5 There is much bread in the fridge. Add:lots of / a lot of / a bag of bread No 6 There are many apples in the fridge. Add: a lot of / lots of apples No 7 There are many eggs in the fridge. Add: a lot of / lots of / twelve / a dozen of eggs No 8 There is much milk in the fridge. Add: a lot of / lots of / two boxes of milk No 9 There is much juice in the fridge. Add: a lot of / lots of / three bottles of juice (教学意图:这个环节是书本 67 页的内容,主要几个难点: there be +可数名词/不可数名词; some/ many/ much/ a lot of / lots of 的用法;还拓展了 a.of 的用法。这些内容是本课的重难点,通过寻找孩子们做菜需要的原材料这样一个情景来学习,有趣而又效果好。 )(2) Look and think Scene 4 in the kitchen T: The children want to cook some vegetables with meat. There is some meat in the fridge but “There arent any _ in the fridge ”Think: There arent any _ in the fridge. What should they buy?Answers: They should buy some vegetables, some tomatoes and a birthday cake (教学意图:确认完冰箱里有的食物之后,就要让学生思考一下他们需要的食材是否齐全,是否还需要买点什么。通过这一环节来复习巩固句型 There be 的否定结构和 any 的用法,此外单词 vegetable 和 tomato 也是这个单元中的难点词汇)3. Look and make a dialogue T: The children are helping in the kitchen. What are they doing?(1) Teacher & students T: Is.(ing)? S: Yes, he/ she is No, he / she isnt.T: Are.(ing)?S: Yes, they are. No, they arent.(2) Student & student pair work about the picture in page 66(教学意图:这是书本 66 页的内容,通过孩子们在厨房帮忙这样一个场景,让学生们练习正在进行时的一般疑问句结构,教师先做示范,再让学生进行两两对话练习。这里的难点和易问答中错点是 be 动词的使用及问答中 be 动词使用的一致性,在示范环节就进行提醒和讲解,效果比较理想)4. Look and talk Scene 5 sitting by the table T: Dinner is ready. How is the food? It looks _.Ss: It looks.T: Look at Miss Lis hand and guess “How is the food?”Ss: It is.T: What may Miss Li say? Ss: .Review the sentences: I love it. You are great cooks. Youre really good at cooking!T: How do they feel?S: They look happy.T: They are happy. They have a happy day.(教学意图:通过孩子们在厨房的一段时间的忙碌,晚餐准备好了。教师与学生们先围绕菜肴进行讨论,复习本单元的句型 How is .? Its . I love it! Youre great cooks.等学生们只能通过看来评价,所以先用 It looks.来评价,再通过 Miss Li 的动作和表情来猜测菜肴的味道如何,复习 It is.最后通过所有人开心的表情引出今天本课的副标题 A happy day)Step 3 Consolidation 1. Make a picture book Ss try to make a picture book in groups of five. Then tell the story one by one.(教学意图:这个环节是对本课内容的一个复习和巩固,本课主要通过 Miss Li 生日,孩子们要烧一桌菜为 Miss Li 庆生这样一个话题将本单元所有的知识点都串起来进行复习和巩固,因此做绘本这就是一个整合的环节,因为内容比较多,部分内容比较难,所以采取小组合作的形式,五人一组,一人完成一张,如果遇到困难可以进行小组讨论,如果小组讨论也解决不了,可以向老师请教)2. Ticking time (1) I can name some food.(2) I ask and answer “Yes /No ”questions about actions.(教学意图:这个环节是一个自查的部分,让学生自查对本单元内容的掌握程度如何。 )Homework 1. Finish the picture book and introduce the story to your friends.2. Try to make some food for your parents.(教学意图:课堂上的时间有限,绘本环节不可能做到每组都进行展示,所以让学生对自己的绘本进行进一步完善,并介绍给自己的朋友们。作业 2 部分主要是进行情感目标的升华,自己的家人、朋友生日时不一定要买礼物,还可以通过做家务、做菜等方式表达)Blackboard design Unit 6 In the kitchen -A happy day Whats in the fridge?a dish of a bunch of a basket of a bag of a dozen of a box of a bottle of There is / are.in the fridge.countable uncountable some /any some /any many much a lot of a lot of lots of lots of
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Unit In the kitchen_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:405df) 译林版 三年级
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