Unit 5 Helping our parents-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:5080e).zip


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展开 译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit5Helpingourparents_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号5080e.zip译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit5Helpingourparents_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号5080e.zip
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Unit 5新店镇小新店镇小湖中心小学湖中心小学 张慧张慧Name: MimosaJob: an English teacherHobbies: reading, writing and cleanning Guess: 我在家通常做什么?What do I usually do at home?You usually -Miss ZhangMiss ZhangMiss ZhangMiss Zhang知多少知多少知多少知多少Tip: 当我们想要描述一件正在发生的事情时,我们用be动词加上动词的-ing形式,我们称之为现在进行时。I am sweeping the floor.sweep the floorsweetWhat am I doing?Look and say:What is he doing?He the floor.sweepingAct and say: 别忘了 be + V-ing 哦!isWhat are you doing? I -Act and say in pairs: 别忘了 be + V-ing 哦!同位表演练习对话clean the carcook foodwash clothesclean the tablesweep the floorWatch the cartoon What day is it today? Who are they? 观看卡通片回答问题:Watch the cartoon 观看卡通片回答问题:What day is it today? Who are they? in the afternoonListen and finish the formWhat are they doing?in the morningListen to the tape.听录音1It is Saturday morning. My father is cleaning the car.I am helping him.Helen is in the living room. She is sweepingWhere is Tim?What is he doing now?Tim is in his bedroom. He is sleeping.Ben the dog is sleeping too.My mother is cooking breakfast in thekitchen.the floor. Tip: What are they doing in the morning?四人一组合作,在书上用横线划出他们正在做事情的句子,每人一句,也可以小组齐读。Read and underlineRead and underline现在,你就是迈克,请你读出你画出的关键句子。四人一组,可以一人一句,也可以齐读。in the morningRead and finish form:clean the car小组合作自学完成Mikes father is cleaning the car. Mike is - cook breakfasthelp him(his father)sweep the floorsleep注意现在进行时的结构哦:be + V-ingin the afternoon小组合作完成表格并介绍他们正在做的事情。Ask and answer小组内用下面的句子开展问答练习。A: When is it now?B: It isA: What is Mikes mother doing?B: She isA: What are Helen and Mike doing?B: Helen is Mike is自学提示:1. 阅读课文并在书上划出重点的句子。2. 完成余下的表格。3. 两人一组完成问答。Ask and answer两人合作用下面的句子开展问答练习。A: When is it now?B: It is Saturday A: What is Mikes mother doing?B: She isA: What are Helen and Mike doing?B: They are Helen is Mike isA: What is Tim doing ? -in the morningin the afternoonRead and thinkWhat do you think of Mikes mother?clean the carcook breakfasthelp his fathersweep the floorwash the dishesclean the tablecook dinnerbusysleepeat fruit and watch TV with Jim用课文里的一个词来形容迈克的妈妈Love our parents and help our parents.Watch and repeat。看卡通片并跟读课文 Watch and repeat。看卡通片并跟读课文 sweep the floorcook breakfastclean the cartake the bookclean the shoeswash the dishesclean the tableclose the doorclean the floor小狗Ben在梦里做了哪些事情呢?(小组合作记得多)小狗Ben正在做梦,进入小狗的梦乡,看看他在干什么吧?Watch and ticksweep the floorcook breakfastclean the cartake the bookclean the shoeswash the dishesclean the tableclose the doorclean the floor小狗Ben在梦里做了哪些事情呢?(小组合作记得多)He is sweeping the floor. He is -HomeworkHomework:1. Help your parents do housework.2. Say “I love you” to your parents.2. Retell the story according to the pictures.HomeworkHomeworkThank youThank you五下 Unit5 Helping our parents 教案一、教学内容:一、教学内容:义务教科书 译林小学英语五下 Unit5 Helping our parents Story time二、教学目标:二、教学目标:知识目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: clean the car/table, cook breakfast/dinner, sweep the floor, busy, wash the dishes.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答。能力目标:1. 能正确理解并朗读课文。2. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。3. 培养学生的自学能力,掌握阅读技巧。情感目标:教学过程中,引导学生关心帮助自己的父母,多做一些力所能及的家务劳动。鼓励他们在家帮助父母承担家务,做一个乐于助人的人。三、教学重点:三、教学重点:1. 有关家务劳动的词汇。2. 句型 What are you/they doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答。3. 正确流利地朗读课文。四、教学难点:四、教学难点:1. sweep the floor, wash the dishes 等词汇的读音。2. 利用现在进行时态的句型开展交流活动。五、预习要求:五、预习要求:1. 充分阅读课文,结合插图理解课文内容。2. 听录音跟读课文,模仿录音朗读。3. 根据上文尝试理解生词。六、教学流程:六、教学流程:Step1 Warm up and lead in1. IntroductionHello, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher. Are you happy today? 出示一张教师生活照。This is me. My English name is Mimosa. I am an English teacher in Xiaohu Primary School. I like reading and writing. I like cleaning my house too. So can you guess, what do I usually do at home?Ss: You usually -T: Yes, I usually help my parents. (板书:Helping our parents)2. Play a game.A. Look and say: What am I doing? (sweep the floor)初步渗透现在进行时:When we want to describe something what is happening, we use be add the verb-ing form.B. Act and say: What is he doing? (sweep the floor)继续渗透现在进行时的第三人称。3. Pair work. Act and say in pairs. A: What are you doing? B: I am -Step2 While reading1. Look and sayWe like helping our parents at home. What about Mike? Lets watch the cartoon and find out: What day is it today? Who are they?2. Listen and answerIt is Saturday. Mike and his family are all at home. What are they doing? First, lets have a look: What are they doing in the morning? Listen to the tape.3. Read and underlineWhat are they doing in the morning?My father and I are cleaning the car. Helen is sweeping the floor. My mother is cooking breakfast. Tim is sleeping. Ben the dog is sleeping too.4. Act as Mike. Read the sentences one by one.5. Finish the form.What are they doing in the morning?6. Learning the second paragraph by themselves. A. Read and underline.B. Finish the form.C. Ask and answer.7. Ask and answer in pairs with the sentences.When is it now? What is mother doing? What are Helen and Mike doing?8. Look and know: Mother is cooking in the morning and she is cooking in the afternoon too. So, can you find a word in the text to describe mikes mother? What do you think of her? (busy) What do you want to say to your parents? What can you do for your parents?9. Read the story after the tape.Step3 Post-reading1. Watch and sayIs Tim helping his parents at home? Why? He is too young.2. Watch and say: What is the dog doing in his dream?Tim and his dog Ben are sleeping in the morning. Ben is having a dream. What is he In the morningIn the afternoonMikes fatherMike Mikes motherMikes sisterTim doing in his dream? Lets watch the cartoon and tick out the right things.Step5 Homework1. Help your parents do housework.2. Say “I love you” to your parents.2. Retell the story according to the pictures. Unit 5新店镇小新店镇小湖中心小学湖中心小学 张慧张慧Name: MimosaJob: an English teacherHobbies: reading, writing and cleanning Guess: 我在家通常做什么?What do I usually do at home?You usually -Tip: 当我们想要描述一件正在发生的事情时,我们用be动词加上动词的-ing形式,我们称之为现在进行时。I am sweeping the floor.sweep the floorsweetWhat is heshe doing? HeShe is ing .washthe dishesAct and say: Watch the cartoon Who are they ?in the morningin the afternoonListen and finish the formWhat are they doing?Listen to the tape1It is Saturday morning. My father is cleaning the car.I am helping him.Helen is in the living room. She is sweepingWhere is Tim?What is he doing now?Tim is in his bedroom. He is sleeping.Ben the dog is sleeping too.My mother is cooking breakfast in thekitchen.the floor. Tip: What are they doing in the morning?划出正在做事情的句子并完成表格。Read and underlineRead and underline现在,你就是迈克,请你读出你画出的关键句子。in the morningin the afternoonRead and finish tableWhat are they doing?clean the car小组合作完成Mikes father is cleaning the car. Mike is - cook breakfasthelp his fathersweep the floorsleep注意现在进行时的结构哦:be + V-ingAsk and answer小组内用下面的句子开展问答练习。A: When is it now?B: It isA: What is Mikes mother doing?B: She isA: What are Helen and Mike doing?B: Helen is Mike is自学提示:1. 阅读课文并划出重要的句子。2. 完成表格3. 小组合作完成问答。in the morningin the afternoonRead and finish tableWhat are they doing?clean the carcook breakfasthelp his fathersweep the floorwash the dishesclean the tablecook dinnerbusysleepeat fruit and watch TV with Jim用课文里的一个词来形容迈克的妈妈Love our parents and help our parents.in the morningin the afternoonRepeat the story. 复述课文It is Saturday morning. My father is -clean the carcook breakfasthelp his fathersweep the floorwash the dishesclean the tablecook dinnersleepeat fruit and watch TV with Jimbusy小狗Ben正在做梦,进入小狗的梦乡,看看他在干什么吧?Watch and ticksweeping the floorcooking breakfastcleaning the cartaking the bookcleaning the shoeswashing the dishescleaning the tableclosing the doorcleaning the floor小狗Ben在梦里做了哪些事情呢?He is sweepig the floor. He is -HomeworkHomework:1. Read the story 3 times2. Retell the story according to the pictures.HomeworkHomeworkThank youThank you
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Unit Helping our parents_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:5080e) 译林版 三年级 起点
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本文标题:Unit 5 Helping our parents-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:5080e).zip

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