Unit 3 Asking the way-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:50a50).zip


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5B Unit 3 Asking the way一、帮助 Sharon 挑选鞋子。All: Now Sharon is in the shoe shop. She likes shiny shoes. But there are so many. She doesnt know which to choose! B: The_(颜色)shiny shoes. All: Yeah!二、说出更多过于 sh 的单词。/ / : 发(Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time )Asking the wayAsking the wayAsking the wayAsking the way3 3 3 3Unit 3(Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time )Asking the wayAsking the wayAsking the wayAsking the way3 3 3 3By Ding Ning, March 17th, 2017Unit 3I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Changjiang JianghaiFind the best way. Can you show Can you show usus the way to the way to Wen FengWen Feng, , please? please? Which to choose?Which to choose? 选择选择哪一个?哪一个? Street Tongyu Street Ninghai StreetStreet I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Reviewthe second floorthe first floorthe third floorthe fourth floorthe fifth floorWhat can you see in Wen Feng?KFCa toiletUnit 3 restroom restroom 厕所;卫生厕所;卫生间间 rest rest 休息休息 Culture time.Unit 3Culture time.You should know: 很早以前,厕所Toilet里都有水箱water closet, 因此water closet就成了toilet的代名词。后来为了方便,人们就用water closet的开头字母W.C.来代替toilet。 英国常用toilet,WC,toilet是最常见的说法。男厕一般用Mens,女厕则用Womens。美国常用restroom和bathroom。在机场、车站等公共场所通常用Restrooms。Say it loudly. 同学们,请大声地读出来!Unit 3 In the In the USUS, , we we call a toilet a call a toilet a restroomrestroom. . Culture time.I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Culture time.(课外拓展)the first floorIn the UKthe ground floorthe first floorIn the USYou should know:I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Reviewthe second floorthe first floorthe third floorthe fourth floorthe fifth floora toy shopa shoe shopa shoe shop sh sh / / / /I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Meet SharonSound time.Help Sharon choose the shiny shoesAll:All:A:A:All:All:The (颜色) shiny shoes.Yeah! sh sh / / / /shsheepeep shshy y shshakeakes sl leepeepw whyhy害羞害羞c cakeake摇晃摇晃shiny shoesshiny shoes 发光的鞋子发光的鞋子I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Reviewthe second floorthe first floorthe third floorthe fourth floorthe fifth floora cinemaI. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Cartoon time. Bobby and Tina want to see a new film. They want to go to City Cinema.I. Pre-story activitiesUnit 3Cartoon time.Read and sayHow do they get to the cinema?A.B.C.D.E.Unit 3stopstop车站车站 full full 满的;满的;饱的饱的Cartoon time.Can they get on the bus?Tips: Read Picture 2 silently and try to find the answer. (默读第二幅图,找出答案。)Unit 3Cartoon time.Do they get to the cinema by taxi?Tips: Listen carefully and try to get the key words. (仔细听,试着找出关键词。)Unit 3 over over 结束了;完结束了;完了了Cartoon time.Unit 3Cartoon time.注意模仿语音语调哦!Unit 3四人一组,选择一种你们喜欢的方式朗读课文吧!Read it in four. 4人分角色朗读。Read after the leader. 跟着小组长朗读。Cartoon time.Act it in four. 4人分角色表演。Unit 3Cartoon time. What can we do to stop the What can we do to stop the traffic jam?traffic jam?A.B.C.D.E.绿色出行绿色出行You should plan for your daily life. 同学们,我们要合理地规划时间,规划我们的人生!Unit 3Retell the story:Bobby Bobby and Tina want to . and Tina want to . FirstFirst, they , they go there , but go there , but ThenThen, they , they go there go there . . . , but , but FinallyFinally, they , they get there get there . . . . , , butbutThey are so sad.They are so sad. Cartoon time.Unit 3Introducing time.Welcome to Hai an!Welcome to Hai an!里下河捕鱼节里下河捕鱼节老坝港欢歌鱼跃老坝港欢歌鱼跃七战七捷纪念碑七战七捷纪念碑韩公馆韩公馆石板街石板街“523523”主题公园主题公园金砖大酒店金砖大酒店海海陵公园陵公园七星湖七星湖I. Pre-story activities1. Read after your classmates. by bus, by taxi, by metro, stop, full, over.2. Discussion: There is often traffic jam. To stop this. How will you come to school tomorrow?3. Talk about the way from your home to your school to your friend in English.Unit 315B Unit 3 Asking the way【学生情况分析】本班多数孩子学习积极,课堂气氛活跃。在教案设计上,以轻松快乐的课堂氛围来让学生了解问路与指路的方法,培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。【教学简析】本课时主要围绕“问路”这一话题展开各项语言活动。重点学习问路中常涉及的相关用语 Can you tell me the way to?及其答语,同时学习与问路相关的一些词汇。在教学中,教师应尽量为学生创设情境,充分利用图片、体态语言等,引导学生理解和运用所学的知识。句型的操练要与学生的生活实际相结合,充分利用我们身边学生较为熟悉的场景通过“任务型”的教学途径,开展一些学习活动,使教学内容与学生生活紧密结合,以提高学生实际运用语言的能力。【教学内容】Sound time, Culture time& Cartoon time【教学目标】1.复习问路方式:How do I get to the .? Go along . Turn left/ right at .2.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:by bus, by taxi, by metro, stop, full, over. 3.学生能熟练掌握字母 sh 在单词中的发音。4.能了解英美人对“卫生间”的不同说法,了解中国对于厕所的不同说法,感受中西方文化的差异,时代的变迁。【教学重点和难点】教学重点:能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。教学难点:能体会字母 sh 的发音。【设计理念】整堂课围绕“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学理念,通过多媒体辅助教学,创设一系列情景,让学生在具体的情景中学习新句型、然后再运用于语言交流,使整个教学源2于生活,又用于生活,创设了真实的生活场景,使学生学有所用,体验成功的喜悦。具体采用以下几种方法:情景教学法、任务型教学法、交际法、直观教学法、多媒体教学法。在会话教学中鼓励学生大声说,说清楚并配以丰富的表情和适当的手势,采用委婉有礼貌的语调,有条理的说,培养学生口头表达能力。在小组合作中,使说的不准的学生及时得到纠正;不愿说的学生学着说,增强了学生的自信心,激发学生的学习兴趣,也让学生学会了与他人合作。【设计思路】一开始从 Free talk 入手,学生问,老师答来激发学习热情,创设良好的英语学习氛围,也为本课学习作铺垫。以谈论学生熟悉的购物中心展开话题,引入到新知识的学习中,也由此先学习一部分新句型。通过引言的学习来了解本课的话题,在参观各个楼层的情境中来学习本课。学生由易到难,从粗读到细读来掌握所学知识。让学生在完成各种任务的同时学会了综合运用语言的能力。【教学过程】Step 1 Free talk and motivation1.Sing a song. T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss DingT: Lets sing .2.Show the teachers the way to a shopping center.T: OK. Today we have many teachers in our classroom.Maybe after school they will visit Haian. So I introduce a place.That is Wen Feng, a shopping center.T: Can you show them the way to Wen Feng? Work in pairs.The red way can go to Wen Feng. The green way also can go to Wen Feng.So which do you choose? Why? 3S: Because its near. (复习问路句型)【设计意图】歌曲营造课堂氛围,通过给老师们指路来复习本课句型,也由此引出本课的主线购物中心。Step 2 Culture time1Q: What can you see in the shopping center? 出示图片,复习场所名词。T: On the second floor, theres a toilet. 2Look and say; L: restroom; rest (小伙伴带着小冯正确读出单词)(小伙伴带着小冯正确读出单词)3Expand: The differences among “WC”, “toilet” and “restroom”.4Expand: In the US, this is the first floor. In the UK, this is the ground floor.【设计意图】由第二楼层的洗手间引出文化部分,介绍英美差异,复习旧知。Step 3 Sound time1 Say the sentences. Help Sharon choose shoes.T: On the third floor, theres a shoe shop. 2Say a chant.T: Can you help Sharon choose the shiny shoes? S: Yes. T: You please. This part we say it together. All: Now Sharon is in the shoe shop. She likes shiny shoes. But there are so many. She doesnt know which to choose! B: The_(颜色)shiny shoes. All: Yeah!42 Say more words.T: Can you say more words about / /? I also give you some words about / /, please try to read them. sheep shy shake3 Make a new sentence.【设计意图】由第三楼层的鞋店引出语音部分, 通过帮助主人公挑选鞋子来达到练习小诗的目的,在老师的鼓励中让学生说出更多含有 sh 的单词。Step 3 Cartoon time1Learn the cartoon. Watch the cartoon and choose. (On the fifth floor, theres a cinema. 引出 Bobby and Tina)Q: How do they get to the cinema? Read Picture 2 silently and answer. Q: Can they get on the bus? -L: stop 【设计意图】将图片剪切成两部分,先呈现 Bobby 和 Tina 在站台上等的情景;再出现公交车进站的情景。 -L: full; We cant get on the bus, Tina! The bus is full! 【设计意图】引导学生模仿语音语调,入情入景地、有感情地朗读,读出 Bobby 和 Tina惊讶、着急的情感。甚至可以模仿 bus 上动物被挤得难受的叫声:Full,full, too full. Listen carefully and try to get the key words. Q: Do they get to the cinema by taxi?2Listen and repeat.5【设计意图】语篇教学也是阅读教学,正确流利地朗读也是本课的教学重点。让学生静心读一读、用心想一想本课所学内容,既巩固了所学知识,也提高了学生的阅读能力。3Show the story. T: Four in a group ,choose a way to show the story. Read after the group leader. Dub for it in four. act it in four.4Retell the story. T: You can use the sentence: Bobby and Tina want to First, they go to the cinema, but Then, they go to the cinema, but Finally, they get to the cinema, but They are so sad.【设计意图】用顺序副词连接各动词词组,帮助学生理清思路,培养条理性。5Think and say.Q: What can we do to stop the traffic jam? 【设计意图】倡导绿色出行以及合理地规划自己时间。Step 4 Consolidation1Enjoy some pictures. 2Introduce the teachers a place. T: Can you invite the teachers to these places? which to choose? 【设计意图】小结问路、指路语言,复习文本, 基于故事稍做变动与提高,将所学知识灵活运用于不同场景。6Step 5 Homework.1Read after your classmates. by bus, by taxi, by metro, stop, full, over.2Discussion: There is often traffic jam. To stop this. How will you come to school tomorrow?3Talk about the way from your home to your school to your friend in English.Step 5 Blackboard Design.Unit 3 Asking the way by bus full by taxi too many carsBobby&Tinna City Cinema by metro over / / : shop short English sunshine she
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