Unit 2 How do you come to school -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:40b7e).zip


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展开 译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit2Howdoyoucometoschool_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_县级公开课_编号40b7e.zip译林版三年级起点五年级下册英语Unit2Howdoyoucometoschool_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_县级公开课_编号40b7e.zip
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5 下下 Unit 2 How do you come to school? 学习单学习单(Story time)学习目标学习目标自我评价自我评价(圈出你得到的圈出你得到的哦哦)1.I can understand and read the story. 我能够理解并朗读故事。2.I can try to retell the story. 我能尝试复述课文。3.I can talk about where I live and how to come to some places. 我能谈论住在哪里,怎么去某处。Watch and match(读课文,连线。(读课文,连线。 ) 课课堂堂作作业业 Read and circle (读课文,圈出答案。(读课文,圈出答案。 )1.Su Hai and Su Yang live near/far from school. 2.Yang Ling lives near/far from school.3.Mike lives in Sunshine Town/near City Library. 4.Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/Park Street.Think and write(想一想,写一写。(想一想,写一写。 )I live _ It is near/far from_I go to school_My father goes to work_ My mother goes to work_ 五下五下 Unit2 How do you come to school?教案教案 Story time(第一课时)(第一课时)执教者:执教者:Step1 Leading in1.Enjoy a song设计意图:通过欢快有韵律的豫剧版歌曲提问:What transports can you remember in the song?导入本课重点词汇:交通工具.2.Listen and guess A.listen and guess What transport is it? B.Read after the teacher and spell设计意图:听声音猜交通工具,再出示交通工具图片,首先从听觉的敏感度上识别交通工具,再出示图,从视觉上加深印象,再跟教师朗读,拼读巩固发音练习。3.Get to know me I work in Tao yuan Primary school,I live in Cheng hou Garden.I go to Suining by bus.But my new home is near school,so I come to school on foot 设计意图:由教师图文并茂的自我介绍学习 by+交通工具的用法及 on foot,far from, near的 学习4.Work in groups(小组内循环问答): A:Where do you live? B:I live A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school by(on foot)设计意图:小组内循环问答本课重点句型,为进入课文学习扫除障碍。Step2 Presentation1.Watch and match:How do they come to school?2.Read and circle:Where do they live?设计意图:一看二读,两遍学习课文基本了解课文梗概,特别是在 read and circle 环节,先给 30 秒默读题目,再指导用单横线画出 Where do you live?用双横线画出答案,这样更有利于迅速找出答案,培养阅读技巧之一。同时在问题中学习 city,on moon street3.Listen and repeat逐句跟读,提醒孩子们:仔细听,注意语音正确、语调优美!4.Happy reading In your group,choose your favorite way to read:read after one;read together;read in roles 根据自己的能力和爱好选择不同的朗读方式Step3 Consolidation1.Retell the story要求:参照板书,组内分工合作,可以一起说也可以轮流说。目标:能复述文中一个人情况: 能复述两到三个人情况: 能复述文中四个人情况:2.Act the story要求:小组内每人扮演一个角色表演故事目标:Finish the task. Act out your task. Act it with your action and expression.设计意图:在复述和表演课文里都设置了三个不同的目标,让不同的孩子跳一跳摘得到。做到教学任务因人而异,因材施教。让不同的孩子都能在英语学习里有所收获。Step3 Expansion1.Lets show(提供目的地和交通工具) 同桌用所学句型进行交流:A: Where do you live?B:I live in/onA: How do you go/come/get to?B:I go/come/get to by (on foot)目标:能和别人正确、流利谈论 有一些小错或不太流利 仍然需要好好努力2.Think and write: Where do you live? How do you go to school? How do your parents go to work?设计意图:学习语言是为了更好的运用,在这里给出不同的目的地和交通工具,让孩子们练习如何对话;甚至可以让学有能力的孩子自由发挥,在小写作上也是对学以致用的进一步延伸。Step4 Emotional sublimationEnjoy many transportation and ask:Which transportation do you like? Why?引出:1.If possible, wed better go to school on foot or by bike. 2.Lets advocate green travel, practice low carbon life.设计意图:通过老师介绍各种交通工具的优缺点,提问孩子们喜欢哪种交通工具,原因是什么,从而倡议为了身体的健康尽量步行外出或去学校:倡导绿色出行,践行低碳生活。Step5 Homework1 Read the story after the tape three times.2 Do a survey about your friends or relatives:Namelives in/on.near/far from.goes to work/come to school3 Advocate more people to go out on foot or by bike 5 下下 Unit 2 How do you come to school? 学习单学习单(Story time)学习目标学习目标自我评价自我评价(圈出你得到的圈出你得到的哦哦)1.I can understand and read the story. 我能够理解并朗读故事。2.I can try to retell the story. 我能尝试复述课文。3.I can talk about where I live and how to come to some places. 我能谈论住在哪里,怎么去某处。Watch and match(读课文,连线。(读课文,连线。 ) 课课堂堂作作业业 Read and circle (读课文,圈出答案。(读课文,圈出答案。 )1.Su Hai and Su Yang live near/far from school. 2.Yang Ling lives near/far from school.3.Mike lives in Sunshine Town/near City Library. 4.Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/Park Street.Think and write(想一想,写一写。(想一想,写一写。 )I live _ It is near/far from_I go to school_My father goes to work_ My mother goes to work_ 五下五下 Unit2 How do you come to school?教案教案 Story time(第一课时)(第一课时)执教者:执教者:徐州市睢宁县桃园中心小学 窦述敏Step1 Leading in1.Enjoy a song设计意图:通过欢快有韵律的豫剧版歌曲提问:What transports can you remember in the song?导入本课重点词汇:交通工具.2.Listen and guess A.listen and guess What transport is it? B.Read after the teacher and spell设计意图:听声音猜交通工具,再出示交通工具图片,首先从听觉的敏感度上识别交通工具,再出示图,从视觉上加深印象,再跟教师朗读,拼读巩固发音练习。3.Get to know me I work in Tao yuan Primary school,I live in Cheng hou Garden.I go to Suining by bus.But my new home is near school,so I come to school on foot 设计意图:由教师图文并茂的自我介绍学习 by+交通工具的用法及 on foot,far from, near的 学习4.Work in groups(小组内循环问答): A:Where do you live? B:I live A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school by(on foot)设计意图:小组内循环问答本课重点句型,为进入课文学习扫除障碍。Step2 Presentation1.Watch and match:How do they come to school?2.Read and circle:Where do they live?设计意图:一看二读,两遍学习课文基本了解课文梗概,特别是在 read and circle 环节,先给 30 秒默读题目,再指导用单横线画出 Where do you live?用双横线画出答案,这样更有利于迅速找出答案,培养阅读技巧之一。同时在问题中学习 city,on moon street3.Listen and repeat逐句跟读,提醒孩子们:仔细听,注意语音正确、语调优美!4.Happy reading In your group,choose your favorite way to read:read after one;read together;read in roles 根据自己的能力和爱好选择不同的朗读方式Step3 Consolidation1.Retell the story要求:参照板书,组内分工合作,可以一起说也可以轮流说。目标:能复述文中一个人情况: 能复述两到三个人情况: 能复述文中四个人情况:2.Act the story要求:小组内每人扮演一个角色表演故事目标:Finish the task. Act out your task. Act it with your action and expression.设计意图:在复述和表演课文里都设置了三个不同的目标,让不同的孩子跳一跳摘得到。做到教学任务因人而异,因材施教。让不同的孩子都能在英语学习里有所收获。Step3 Expansion1.Lets show(提供目的地和交通工具) 同桌用所学句型进行交流:A: Where do you live?B:I live in/onA: How do you go/come/get to?B:I go/come/get to by (on foot)目标:能和别人正确、流利谈论 有一些小错或不太流利 仍然需要好好努力2.Think and write: Where do you live? How do you go to school? How do your parents go to work?设计意图:学习语言是为了更好的运用,在这里给出不同的目的地和交通工具,让孩子们练习如何对话;甚至可以让学有能力的孩子自由发挥,在小写作上也是对学以致用的进一步延伸。Step4 Emotional sublimationEnjoy many transportation and ask:Which transportation do you like? Why?引出:1.If possible, wed better go to school on foot or by bike. 2.Lets advocate green travel, practice low carbon life.设计意图:通过老师介绍各种交通工具的优缺点,提问孩子们喜欢哪种交通工具,原因是什么,从而倡议为了身体的健康尽量步行外出或去学校:倡导绿色出行,践行低碳生活。Step5 Homework1 Read the story after the tape three times.2 Do a survey about your friends or relatives:Namelives in/on.near/far from.goes to work/come to school3 Advocate more people to go out on foot or by bike Unit2 How do you come to school?江苏省徐州市睢宁县桃园小学江苏省徐州市睢宁县桃园小学 窦述敏窦述敏译林版五年级英语下册译林版五年级英语下册 Story timea taxia traina planea ship听一听是什么听一听是什么交通工具交通工具Lisisten n andand guessssa bikea metroa busGet to knknow me I work in I live in I come to school I go to Chenghou Squareby busby乘(汽车、火车等)如:乘(汽车、火车等)如:by plane by ship by metro by train by bus by bike 注意:注意:by 和交通工具之间没有和交通工具之间没有the/a on foot near 离离近近far from 离离远远 Work in groups(小组内循环问答小组内循环问答): A:Where do you live? B:I live Work in groups(小组内循环问答小组内循环问答): A:How do you come to school? B:I come to school by(on foot)Wa atch h andand ma atch h Yang Ling comes to school on foot.Su Hai comes to school by bus.Mike comes to school by metro.Liu Tao comes to school by taxi.Learning tip: 注意注意How do you come to school?及回答。及回答。Readad andand ci ircle1.Su Hai and Su Yang live near/far from school.2.Yang Ling lives near/far from school.3.Mike lives in Sunshine Town/near City Library.4.Liu Tao lives on Moon Street/Park Street.Learning tip:首先首先30秒内默读一遍题目秒内默读一遍题目城市城市Learning tip:首先,读故事首先,读故事(16-17页页),用,用“”画出画出Where do you live? 用用“ ”画出回答,然后再选择正确答画出回答,然后再选择正确答案。案。moon streeton Moon/Park Street 在月亮在月亮/公园街公园街 Lisisten n andand repea atDo you like your new home, Su Hai?Yes! Its very big.I like it very much, but its far from school.Where do you live now?I live on Moon street, near City Library.How do you come to school?Su Yang and I come to school by bus. 仔细听,注意语音仔细听,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!正确、语调优美哦!Lisisten n andand repea atWhere do you live,Yang Ling?How do you come to school?I live near school.I come to school on foot.Where do you live?I live in Sunshine Town.I come to school by metro.What about you,Liu Tao?I live on Park Street.I come to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver. 仔细听,注意语音仔细听,注意语音正确、语调优美哦!正确、语调优美哦!选择你喜欢选择你喜欢的朗读方式的朗读方式Happy reading小组内一人小组内一人领读,其余领读,其余人跟读人跟读小组成员小组成员一起齐读一起齐读分角色朗读分角色朗读Correctly! Fluently! Emotionally!朗读正确、流利、有感情是你们的目标哦朗读正确、流利、有感情是你们的目标哦! 参照板书,一起来参照板书,一起来描述课文内容吧!描述课文内容吧!Su Hai lives She comes to schoolYang Ling She Mike Liu Tao Retell th he s story y1.能复述文中一个人情况:能复述文中一个人情况:2.能复述两到三个人情况:能复述两到三个人情况:3.能复述文中四个人情况:能复述文中四个人情况:work in groups:组内分工合作,可以轮流说组内分工合作,可以轮流说也可以一起说。也可以一起说。A: Where do you live?B:I live in/onA: How do you go/come/get to?B:I go/come/get to by (on foot)回家回家 电影院电影院上班上班Lets show注意:注意:目的地不一定用目的地不一定用school哦!哦! work in two(同桌讨论)(同桌讨论) 同桌所学句型进行交流吧。同桌所学句型进行交流吧。 目的地上海目的地上海 Shanghai1.能和别人正确、流利谈论:能和别人正确、流利谈论:2.有一些小错或不太流利:有一些小错或不太流利:3.仍然需要好好努力:仍然需要好好努力:ThinkThink andand wri iteI live _ It is near/far from_I go to school_My father goes to work_ My mother goes to work_ 写好后,可小组内互相检查,是否有表达错误。写好后,可小组内互相检查,是否有表达错误。Which transportation do you like? Why?你喜欢什么交通工具?为什么?你喜欢什么交通工具?为什么?If possible, wed better go to school on foot or by bike.Homework:1 Read the story after the tape three times.2 Do a survey about your friends or relatives:3 Advocate more people to go out on foot or by bike Name lives in/on.near/far from.goes to work/come to school
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Unit How do you come to school _Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:40b7e) 译林版 三年级
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本文标题:Unit 2 How do you come to school -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:40b7e).zip

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