Unit 1 Cinderella-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a062b).zip


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Cinderella(Checkout time & Ticking time)Cinderinderellaellastepmother继母stepsistersDoes Cinderella look happy?Why is she sad?Whos the girl?There is , but A fairy Why Because Let me puts on before visits Many , but Finally It ! has a good time SorryHey结结合合关键词,尽量不看书关键词,尽量不看书There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind.The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.(Tips:请在书P15上独立完成吧!)There is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fairy Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind.The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.partynicehelpsclothesshoesgoodlikesshoehousetryfit(Tips:请在书P15上独立完成吧!)There is a party at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any nice clothes or shoes.The fairy helps Cinderella. Cinderella puts on beautiful clothes and shoes. She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a good time at the party. The prince likes her very much.Cinderella has to go home at 12 oclock. She leaves a shoe behind.The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits well.(Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)has to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off 1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. (泳衣)1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. fitshas totryonhave a good timetakes offputs on(泳衣)has to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off (Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)你理解灰姑娘这个故事吗?请根据自己你理解灰姑娘这个故事吗?请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ” 吧!吧!Why is Liu Tao so happy?Because 和同桌一起以对话的形式核对答案吧!(Tips:请独立完成书P14上的练习。)Why is Yang Ling not at school today?Because .she is sickWhy is Liu Tao so happy?Because .today is his birthday Why does Nancy take off her coat?Because .she feels very hotWhy does Mike put on his jacket?Because .he feels very coldWhat questions does Lily ask?Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?Lets buy some milk, dear!Why do we buy some milk?Lily is a cute girl. But her father cant bear(忍受)(忍受) her.Why? Because Lily always asks “Why?”When Lilys father asks her to put on the trousers.When they go shopping together.Put on your trousers, Lily!Why do I put on the trousers?Why?Written by: KempWhen they play in the sand. What questions does Lily ask?Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?Lets buy some milk, dear!Why do we buy some milk?Lily is a cute girl. But her father cant bear(忍受)(忍受) her.Why? Because Lily always asks “Why?”When Lilys father asks her to put on the trousers.When they go shopping together.Put on your trousers, Lily!Why do I put on the trousers?Why?Written by: KempWhen they play in the sand. ?When they play in the sand. One day, Lily goes out to play. And she meets Cinderella.Can we go home now, Lily?Why do we go home?Because you have a dancing lesson.Why?And then, she comes to our school. After visiting our school, Lily goes home happily. And she sees an alien near her house.Oh! Who is that? ?Lily的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故事呢?事呢?四人小组选择信封中的一个四人小组选择信封中的一个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧!场景,把人物的对话写一写吧! ?你们能把编写的故事表演出来吗你们能把编写的故事表演出来吗?试一试吧!别忘了加上表情和?试一试吧!别忘了加上表情和动作哦!动作哦!Lily的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故的奇幻之旅中发生了怎样的故事呢?事呢?四人小组选择信封中的一个四人小组选择信封中的一个场景,把人物的对话写一写吧!场景,把人物的对话写一写吧! ?你能用你能用“why”和和“because”问答吗?请根问答吗?请根据自己的情况在相应的空格内打据自己的情况在相应的空格内打 “ ” 吧吧!1. 复习复习Unit1的内容的内容;2.Lily的奇幻之旅中还会有发生怎样的精彩的奇幻之旅中还会有发生怎样的精彩故事呢?请续编故事,完成绘本的创编吧!故事呢?请续编故事,完成绘本的创编吧!Written by: Kemp15B U1 Cinderella单元分析一单元教材分析本单元以 Cinderella 的故事为主线,以 why 提问,because 回答的方式为重点,学生在情境中理解,感知并掌握。二单元目标要求X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会用 why? 询问原因,用 Because回答原因。2、能听懂、会说、会读 prince,fairy,why,because,clothes,let,put on, before等单词。3、通过学习 Story time 和 Cartoon time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能创编对话。4、能了解中西文化中的一些经典故事。5、能了解并掌握 dr 在单词中的发音。三单元设计意图以学生们熟知的 cinderella 的故事,呈现本单元重点 why 的询问及 because 的回答。在充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练的基础上,学生们自然交流,培养学生快速捕捉和获取文章大意的能力。培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 1 课时教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读 prince,fairy,why,because,clothes,let,put on,take off,before,have to,try on,fit.2、能初步运用句型 Why .? 及其应答 Because .3、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事.4、学生能在理解的基础上合作表演故事.教学重点和难点新 课 标 第 一 网1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-upFree talk 1.What do you like doing? Why?2.Do you like English stories? Why?I like . Because I.Step2 Pr-task1.Today lets learn an English story: Cinderella. (出示插图并板书) 2.Who is the writer of Cinderella?Who can you see in the pictures?What is Cinderella doing?23.出示图片Look at Cinderella. Is she happy? So why is she so sad?You can guess with “because she.”Step31.Why is Cinderella so sad? Now, lets listen to the tape.2.So Cinderella cant go to the party. Why cant she go to the party? And why can the prince find her? 3.But when do all these things happen? Now can you read by yourselves and try to order them?Watch the cartoon and underline the sentencesStep41.Lets go into Cinderellas world.出示课文插图 1Where is the party?(以思维导图的形式板书 where)2.出示课文插图 2Who helps Cinderella?(以思维导图的形式板书 who)3.出示课文插图 3http:/w omWhen does Cinderella have to come back?(以思维导图的形式板书 when)4.出示课文插图 5Whose shoe do the girls try on?(以思维导图的形式板书 whose)Step51. Read after computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作。 )2. Read in roles3.Act the storyStep6 Posttask回顾板书 retell the story1.the teacher asks and the student answers2.Work in pairs and retell3.Retell the story togetherHomework1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times.2. Copy the new words 3 times.板书设计 Unit 1 Cinderella When Who Why.? why Cinderella whose Because. where教学反思:3Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 2 课时教学目标: 1、复习巩固词汇及 why.? Because.2、能够看图片复述故事内容3、学习 Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。4. 学生能理解并掌握 why.?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化重点与难点1.学习 Fun time, 引导学生创编,提高创造力和学习英语的兴趣。2.学生能理解并掌握 why.?及其他疑问词,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1.Greetings2. Play a game.If you are the same to me, please say “me too”Im very happy today. Why? h. comI like rabbits. Why?I like summer. Why?I am a teacher. Why?I like reading stories. Why?Do you remember the story?Retell the story with some pictures.Step2 Pre-task1.PPT(出示图片)Look at these pictures. Do you want to ask some questions about Cinderella?(hint: where, who, why, whose, when)2. A:Where is the party? B:. A:who helps Cinderella? B:. A:why is Cinderella sad? B:. A:why cant Cinderella go to the party? B:. A:when does Cinderella have to come back? B:. A:whose shoe do the girls try on? B:.Step3Grammar time:41.板书相关问题What do you find? When do we use “why” “because”?2.板书相关答案Come-comes put-putsFit-fits try-triesStep4Fun time1. So now you know what happens to Cinderella? Can you enrich the story?2. Fun time 插图:Can you make add some words to it?3. 教师示范后:look,this is my story. Can you make up your story? Now work in groups and act this story out.Step5Read a dialogue(卡通故事)1.Can you ask some questions with“where, who, why, whose, when”? 2. act read the dialogue Use 4 more sentences in the dialogueCreate a new dialogue in your group, and add some actions. 针对学生的表演及时评价Step6 Posttask完成补充习题部分内容HomeworkX K b1. C om1. Recite story time 2. Recite and write new words 3+1.板书设计 Unit 1 Cinderella When Who Why.? why Cinderella whose Because. where 5Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 3 课时教学目标:1. 能了解并掌握 dr 在单词中的发音2. 熟练掌握单词 mushroom,late,pick,understand,be bad for.3. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。4. 在理解 cartoon time 的基础上,进行创造性地输出。重点与难点1.能正确理解,朗读 cartoon time 的故事2.能正确并熟练询问并回答原因教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up1.Look at this picture. Who is she? Oh, she is Cinderella.2. What does she wear? Step2 Pre-taskSound time:1. So Andrea is also drawing a dress.(出示 sound time 图片)2. What can you see in the picture?So the boy is having a drink. X|k | B | 1 . c|O |mAnd the girl is drawing a dress.Whats the boys name? His name is Andrew. What do you find with the red words?3. Read these words. Can you name more?4. Learn sound time sentence by sentence5. Sing it together(work in groups)Step31.talk about the pictures:Where are Sam and Bobby?What does Bobby find?2.So what does Bobby do after finding the mushroom?Does Bobby understand at first? Watch the cartoon3.Are the mushrooms good for us? How do you know? OK, now open your books and underline itStep4 Reading time1.Read after computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作)2.Read in rolesStep51.Can you make an ending for the story?2.Act the storyWork in groups6Step6 Posttask完成补充习题相应练习Homework1.Read Cartoon time 5 times2. Talk about your home to your family. 板书设计 Unit 1 Cinderella Bobby: pick the mushroom. Sam: be bad for. w W w .X k b 1. c O m7Unit 1 Cinderella教时第 4 课时教学目标: 1、巩固复习本单元单词。2、巩固复习本单元重点句型。3、能了解中西文化中的一些经典故事。4、通过活动和练习检测学习情况。重点与难点1、巩固复习本单元的课文、单词和重点句型。2、能对歌谣进行改编和表演唱。教 学 过 程Step 1 Warming-up新- 课 -标- 第 -一 - 网1.Greetings 2.Imitation 模仿表演 cartoonStep2 Pre-taskReview the story time:1.模仿表演,完成第一项 ticking time2.完成 think and writeAct and tick Step31.Check the answers.2.ask and answerWhy is Cinderella sad?Why cant she go to the party?Step4Culture time:1.lead-in:Cinderella is a fairy tale. 2.Listen. What does Mike like reading? What does Yang Ling like reading?3.what fairy tales do you know in China? How about the fairy tales in Western countries?Step5Show some pictures:1.look and say2.Write it down3.Summary: why, becauseStep6 Posttask1.默写本单元的词汇跟句型,完成 ticking time2.完成补充习题所有内容默写并巩固Homework1.Read sound time 5 times.2.Review the whole unit.8板书设计 Unit1 CinderellaLeave.behindWhy.?Because. 教学反思新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 新课 标第 一 网
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Unit Cinderella_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a062b) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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