Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:400ba).zip


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Project 2 My important days(AB)教学目标:教学目标:1.创设Amy生日的情境,帮助学生复习5-8单元的单词、短语的发音和拼写;2.让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用四个单元的重点句型;3.能熟练运用生日、节日话题进行交流,巩固日期表达方式;4.进一步巩固字母组合“ing”,“qu”和“th”的发音,掌握一定的发音规则。教学重点:教学重点:1.用现在进行时态问答他人的动作。2.知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读和拼写月份单词。3.询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。4.通过问答,完成同学朋友的个人生日信息表,并根据表中的内容进行描述。教学难点:教学难点:1.用现在进行时态问答他人的动作。2.知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读和拼写月份单词。3.询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。4.通过问答,完成同学朋友的个人生日信息表,并根据表中的内容进行描述。 My name is Amy. I like dancing and drawing. My favourite festival is Halloween. I always help my mother wash the dishes at weekends. My birthday is coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party?Hello!1.What does Amy like doing?2.Whats Amys favourite festival?3.What does she usually do at weekends?4. When is Amys birthday?Its on the twenty-seventh of June.Can you find my invitation ?凑齐邀请函碎片,就能来参加我的生日聚会哦!Task 1: Magic eyes快速读出闪过的单词或图片,如果看到蛋糕图案,则要快速说出“Happy Birthday!”同学们如果顺利完成任务,就能收集到第一张邀请函碎片啦!potatoesmoon cakesthirdAugustFebruaryninthNovemberrice cakestwenty-firstsome tomato soupTask 1: Magic eyesTask 2: Practice time大家能按照要求,回答下列问题吗?大家能按照要求,回答下列问题吗?正确回答就能得到第二块邀请函碎片哦!正确回答就能得到第二块邀请函碎片哦!Spell the words:g_ _d_n b_s_ v_g_t_b_e l_ _k f_ _ F_br_ _r_ N_v_m_ _ _ b_ _th_ _ _ D_c_ _b_ _ _ n_w_ _Try to say the phrases:做晚饭_ 离开_ 土豆烧肉_ 赶走_ 赏月_ 母亲节_玩得开心_ 第一个数字_Try to write the ordinal numbers:one_ two_ three_ five_ eight_ nine_fifteen_ twenty_ thirty_twenty-five_ thirty-three_Say more words: growing _ _ _ queen _ _ _ mouth _ _ _ brother _ _ _Task 2: Practice timeTask 3: Guessing timeA: What is he/she doing? (What are they doing?) B:Is he/she.? (Are they.?)A:Yes, he/she is. (Yes, they are.) No, he/she isnt . (No, they arent.)同桌使用所给句型回答,猜测图中人物的动作。同桌使用所给句型回答,猜测图中人物的动作。能流利进行对话就可以收集到第三张邀请函碎片啦!能流利进行对话就可以收集到第三张邀请函碎片啦! Task 3: Guessing timeTask 4: Group talk(Part B)四人一组,分别选择一个节日进行描述,四人一组,分别选择一个节日进行描述,能顺利描述就能再收集一张邀请函碎片哦!能顺利描述就能再收集一张邀请函碎片哦!I like _It is in _People usually _ , and they eat _.I like this festival because _.Task 4: Group talkTask 5: Do a survey (Part A)自由询问三位同学,了解他们的生日和生日活动,自由询问三位同学,了解他们的生日和生日活动,填在练习纸上,最后尝试汇报!填在练习纸上,最后尝试汇报!这是最后一块邀请函碎片,大家就要成功啦!这是最后一块邀请函碎片,大家就要成功啦! _s birthdayDate: _Month: _Activity: _ _s birthday is on the _of _. He/ She usually _.Task 5: Do a surveyDear friends, Im very happy, because my birthday will come soon. There will be a party at my home and we can have nice food and play interesting games. I hope you can come to my party at 4:00 on the 27th of June. My home is next to Garden City. Looking forward to see you . Amy1.When is the party?2.Wheres Amy home? 3.How can you get there?Lets act! 6月27日到了,你来到了Amy的生日聚会,会和她说些什么呢?和你的搭档一起来演一演吧!你可以借助于以下句型哦!S1:Happy birthday to you, Amy! This . is for you!Amy: Thank you! Whens your birthday?S1: Its on the. Would you like to come to my birthday party?Amy: All right!Homework:1.Take a review from Unit 5 to Unit 8.(复习第5单元到第8单元的各项知识点)2. Ask your parents birthday and the activities, write them down.(询问你父母的生日和活动,并写下来)1 ProjectProject 2 2 MyMy importantimportant daysdays (AB) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.创设 Amy 生日的情境,帮助学生复习 5-8 单元的单词、短语的发音和拼写; 2. 让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用四个单元的重点句型; 3. 能熟练运用生日、节日话题进行交流,巩固日期表达方式; 4.进一步巩固字母组合“ing”,“qu”和“th”的发音,掌握一定的发音规则。教学重点:教学重点: 1.用现在进行时态问答他人的动作。 2.知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读和拼写月份单词。 3.询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。 4.通过问答,完成同学朋友的个人生日信息表,并根据表中的内容进行描述。教学难点:教学难点: 1.用现在进行时态问答他人的动作。 2.知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读和拼写月份单词。 3.询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。 4.通过问答,完成同学朋友的个人生日信息表,并根据表中的内容进行描述。教学方法:教学方法: 情境创设法、练习法教学手段:教学手段: PPT教学过程:教学过程:StepStep 1 1:WarmWarm upup 1. Greetings 2. Free talkWhat day is it today?What date is it today?What do you like doing?Whats your favourite festival?Whens your birthday?What do you do on your birthday? (出示图片) (1)T:OK,I know something about you.Today I want to introduce you a new friend-Amy.Lets say “Hello”to Amy. Lets listen and answer.(出示短文介绍:My name is Amy.I like dancing and drawing. My favourite festival is Halloween. I always help my mother wash the 2dishes at weekends. My birthday is coming soon. Would you like to come to my birthday party?)根据短文回答问题:a.What does Amy like doing?b.Whats Amys favourite festival?c.What does she usually do at weekends?(Oh,Amy says her birthday is coming soon.But When is Amys birthday?)(2)出示 Amy 的生日:Its on the twenty-seventh of June. 学生朗读。(3)T:Would you like to come to Amys birthday party? There is a invitation from Amy, but Amy has hidden it.If you can find the invitation,you can come to the party. Lets try to find the pieces of the invitation,OK?StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice 1. Task 1:Magic eyes 学生大声朗读闪过的单词和图片,看到蛋糕则说:“Happy Birthday!” (完成本项任务,学生获得第一块邀请函碎片。)(Great.You can get the first piece of the invitation) 2. Task 2:Practice time 练习一:Spell the words:g_ _d_n b_s_ v_g_t_b_e l_ _k f_ _ F_br_ _r_ N_v_m_ _ _ _ _th_ _ _ D_c_ _b_ _ _ n_w_ _练习二:Try to say the phrases:做晚饭_ 离开_ 土豆烧肉_ 赶走_ 赏月_ 母亲节_玩得开心_ 第一个数字_练习三:Try to write the ordinal numbers:one_ two_ three_five_ eight_ nine_fifteen_ twenty_ thirty_twenty-five_ thirty-three_练习四:Say more words: growing _ _ _ queen _ _ _mouth _ _ _ brother _ _ _(完成四项练习,学生获得第二张邀请函碎片。)(Oh,Wonderful.You can get the second piece of the invitation)3. Task 3: Guessing time 学生根据所给被遮住的图片,猜测图中人物的动作,复习现在进行时。3 A: What is he/she doing? (What are they doing?) B:Is he/she.? (Are they.?) A:Yes, he/she is. (Yes, they are.) No, he/she isnt . (No, they arent.) (完成六幅图的对话,学生获得第三张邀请函碎片。)(Wow.You did a good job.You can get the third piece of the invitation)4. Task 4:Group talk (Part B) Ok,please open your books on Page88.Ask and answer questions about your favourite festival。Choose one picture to describe the festival.) 学生六人一组根据所给的四幅图,各描述一个中国的传统节日。 I like _ It is in _ People usually _ , and they eat _. I like this festival because _. (学生完成活动,获得第四张邀请函碎片。)5. Task 5:Do a survey (Part A)(Now lets do a survey and ask your friends birthdays and what do they do on their birthday.Take some notes and try to make a report.) 学生自由采访三位同学的生日和活动,记在练习纸上,最后进行汇报。 采访: _s birthday Date: _ Month: _ Activity: _ 汇报: _s birthday is on the _of _. He/ She usually _. (学生获得最后一张邀请函。)StepStep 3 3: ProductionProduction (Great.Youve got the whole invitation.Lets listen and answer.) 1.集齐五张邀请函碎片,出示邀请函内容。 学生听内容,并回答问题。 Q:1. When is the party? 2. Where is Amys home? 3. How can you get there? 2.Lets act! 设计情境,学生和搭档编排在 Amy 生日聚会上的与 Amy 的对话。 S1:Happy birthday to you, Amy! This . is for you! Amy: Thank you! Whens your birthday? S1: Its on the. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Amy: All right!4HomeworkHomework:1.Take a review from Unit 5 to Unit 8. (复习第 5 单元到第 8 单元的各项知识点) 2. Ask your parents birthday and the activities, write them down.(询问你父母的生日和活动,并写下来) 板书:板书: ProjectProject 2 2 MyMy importantimportant days(A)days(A) ThursdayThursday Jun.22Jun.22ndnd A:What is your birthday?B;Its on _A:What do you do on your birthday?B;I usually _My favourite festival I like.Its in. People usually. and they eat. .I like this festival because.My birthday
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Project My important days_Part A&B_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:400ba) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 年级
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本文标题:Project 2 My important days-Part A&B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:400ba).zip

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