Project 1 Around our city-Part C&D-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:f2248).zip


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namejobschoolhomefriendYuBoEnglish teacherXuzhuang primary shool TaizhouHi, do you want to be a city guide? Are you about 12? Is your English good? Are you capable? (能干)Are you smart?( 聪 明)Are you knowledgeable?(博学)Would you like to try?Id like to try.我想试一下。我想试一下。招聘啦招聘啦!Game 1 Word puzzle (单词拼拼看)In the , there are many sick people. In spring,we often go to the , its beautiful. h o s pIn the_, we can see films. Its great fun.People buy things in the_.They around us.We buy books in the ,so we can learn a lot . tilap a r ksaumprere tkamenicteliotbook s hpoAfter class, some students wash hands in the _ . Listen,read and guess1. Its one kind of public places. You can keep your money(钱钱) in and borrow(借)(借) money from it.2. It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.bankpost officeListen and guess3. Its a place for meals and rest.We stay in a room and have meals when we are out of the home.hotel1. This is a place.There are many valuable objects(有价值的东西有价值的东西).So people can go and see them.They often learn(学习学习)a lot there.museum2. It is a place for meals(餐餐). People sit at tables for meals or drinks.restaurantQ1:Can you use one word to describe these places?busyquitequitebiginteresting Are you knowledgeable? 你博学吗? Q2: In the UK, people drive on the_(left/right ). Q3: To stop the traffic jam,we can go outing by_ Show the way in the cityQ4:How toask the wayshow the wayTravelTravel aroundaround ourour citycityHow do I get to _?Wheres _?Is it _?Its in _ Town/on_ Road/Street. You can take _.First, you can get on _at _, get off at _.Next/Then, walk to_.The _ is on your _.Wutai RoadShuanggu RoadGuyou RoadYucai RoadYucai RoadWNSERenming RoadRenming Road方法方法1:We can take the bus to Gucheng Middle School. We get on the bus at Gucheng Primary School and get off at Gucheng Middle School.The school is on your left. 小试牛刀小试牛刀Wutai RoadShuanggu RoadGuyou RoadYucai RoadYucai RoadWNSERenming RoadRenming Road方法方法2:We can go to Gucheng Middle School by bike or on foot. First, go along Renming Road.Next, turn left at the traffic lights. Then, go along Yucai Road. Finally, You can see Gucheng Middle School on your left.小试牛刀小试牛刀 、 Zoo Park Hospital Supermarket Cinema bookshop School Youre here. Red Street Blue Street Yellow Street Black StreetHow do I get to ? Go along turn at the You can see the初露锋芒初露锋芒 、 Zoo Park Hospital Supermarket Cinema Bookshop Youre here.How do I get to the zoo? School Stop Zoo Stop 、 Park Hospital Supermarket Cinema BookshopHow do I get to the hospital?Sun StopMoon Stop 1 / 5小学英语 (五年级下册)ProjectProject 1 1 AroundAround OurOur SchoolSchool TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand learninglearning objectivesobjectives 教学目标:教学目标:1.Be able to know some places about our city.2 .Review the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 .Be able to communicate with each other easily. 4.Be able to introduce the cities to the class.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重难点:教学重难点:1.Be able to introduce the cities to the class.2 .Be able to communicate with each other and enjoy the communication.3 .Be able to master the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions.Preparation 教学准备:教学准备:PPT, Information mapsTeaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1.Show1.Show thethe goalsgoals forfor thisthis lesson.lesson. What to learn: 1.I can know some places in TaiZhou 2.I can talk about the way 3.I can design the way to around our city.How to learn: 1.Listen more and speak more . 2.Show yourself actively.2.Know2.Know aboutabout meme Name job school home friend-School初步渗透 I go to school by -.HomeEnjoy some pictures about TaiZhou.FriendsI like making friends. See? I got a message from my friend on wechat. Ill show you the message . 2 / 5(课件出示自己和朋友微信聊天的截图)Step 2 Presentation1.T: May Day is coming . She will visit TaiZhou on May Day. And she needs a little guide to show her around our city ? Do you want to help her ? That is our topic today “Around our city”(揭题)2.2.出示招聘信息出示招聘信息 HowHow toto bebe a a littlelittle guide?guide? AreAre youyou aboutabout 1212 yearsyears oldold ? ? IsIs youryour EnglishEnglish goodgood ? ? AreAre youyou smartsmart ? ? ( (聪明聪明) )AreAre youyou knowledgeable?knowledgeable? ( (博学博学) )AreAre youyou capablecapable ? ? ( (能干能干) ) 逐条检测。 后三项一齐出示在课件上。T: I think these three are not easy for you . But will you have a try? Lets try together.3. AreAre youyou smartsmart ? ? ( (聪明聪明) ) GameGame : : WordWord puzzlepuzzle ( (单词拼拼看单词拼拼看) ) In spring , we often go to the park, Its beautiful. In the hospital, there are many sick people. People buy things in the supermarket. They around us. In the cinema. We can watch films. Its great fun. After class , some students wash hands in the toilet. We buy books in the bookshop. So we can learn a lot.所填词组成一个新单词 places,教授 placesT: Good job. You have a very good beginning. Another challenge for you . Lets guess what places are they ? GameGame :Listen:Listen、readread andand guessguessIts one kind of public places. You can keep your money(钱) in and borrow(借) money from it.(bank) 3 / 5It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.(post office)This is a place. There are many valuable objects(有价值的东西).So people can go and see them. They often learn(学习)a lot there.(museum)It is a place for meals(餐). People sit at tables for meals or drinks.(restraint)T: You are all smart enough. Congratulations.4. AreAre youyou knowledgeable?knowledgeable? ( (博学博学) )Q1Q1:CanCan youyou useuse oneone wordword toto describedescribe thesethese placesplaces ? ? 课件呈现图片 Park, hospital, restaurant, cinema, zoo, museum,引导学生用以下词语形容 nice, beautiful; busy, quiet(安静); nice, yummy; quiet; fun, interesting(有趣); quiet, interesting Q2:InIn China,China, peoplepeople drivedrive onon thethe (left/right),(left/right),ButBut inin thethe UK,UK, peoplepeople drivedrive onon thethe (left/right),(left/right), Q3:Q3: ToTo stopstop thethe traffictraffic jamjam ,we,we cancan gogo outingouting by_by_ Q4:Q4: HowHow toto askask thethe wayway showshow thethe wayway ? ? How do I get to _? Wheres _?Its in _ Town/on_ Road/Street. You can take _.First, you can get on _at _, get off at _.Next/Then, walk to_.The _ is on your _.师拓展师拓展 CanCan youyou meme thethe wayway toto -?-? ItsIts nearnear , , YouYou cancan walkwalk there.there. ItsIts farfar . . YouYou shouldshould taketake a a busbus . .T:T: Wow,Wow, soso knowledgeableknowledgeable likelike youyou .SO.SO areare youyou capablecapable enoughenough ? ?5.5. AreAre youyou capablecapable ? ? ( (能干能干) ) CanCan youyou readread a a mapmap ? ? WhatWhat isis a a mapmap ? ? 板书上连线,板书上连线,See,See, thisthis isis a a mapmap . . 4 / 5课件出示泰州全城地图,课件出示泰州全城地图, AndAnd thisthis isis a a mapmap , , tootoo . .小试牛刀,难度系数:小试牛刀,难度系数:T:T: NowNow I I willwill youyou showshow youyou somesome mapsmaps .Try.Try toto readread thethe mapsmaps ? ?出示地图一出示地图一T:T: First,First, anan easyeasy mapmap forfor youyou . .T: What can you see on the map ? How can I get to -? 出示地图二 T: What can you see on the map ? How can I get to -?T: We can have two ways to get there . Can you show us ? Way 1 : - Way 2 : -初露锋芒,难度系数:初露锋芒,难度系数:T: Wow, so many places and so many streets here. This time, read the map with your deskmates first. You can ask and answer like this .How can I get to -?You can get on -and get off-. The - is on your -.Check.大显身手,难度系数:大显身手,难度系数:T:T: GoodGood job.job. Now,Now, herehere isis a a threethree starsstars tasktask forfor youyou . . EachEach ofof youryour groupsgroups getsgets a a mapmap beforebefore class.class. ThisThis timetime , , pleaseplease workwork inin youryour groupsgroups toto talktalk aboutabout youryour mapsmaps ofof TaiZhou.TaiZhou.课件出示泰州各景点背景图,虚化后课件呈现问路及指路句型。各组操练。课件出示泰州各景点背景图,虚化后课件呈现问路及指路句型。各组操练。分给展示地图,课件同步展示。分给展示地图,课件同步展示。T T: LetsLets checkcheck , , FirstFirst , , whichwhich groupgroup hashas thisthis mapmap , , showshow meme . .小组成员到前面展示。学生说完一个景点后,课件上同步演示路线,然后放大图片欣赏,小组成员到前面展示。学生说完一个景点后,课件上同步演示路线,然后放大图片欣赏,最后缩小图片定格在地图上。最后缩小图片定格在地图上。 5 / 5StepStep 3 3 ConsolidationConsolidation1.T: You are all good enough to be my friends guide. Now can you make a plan for one-day outing The students write about one-day outing in TaiZhou. 2.Ticking2.Ticking timetimeI can know some places in TaiZhou I can talk about the way I can design the way to around our city.StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework1. Invite your friends or parents to try the one-day outing in TaiZhou.2. Collect more expressions of asking the way .BlackboardBlackboard designdesign : :
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Project Around our city_Part C&D_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:f2248) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 年级
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