Unit 8 Our dreams-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f0366).zip


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SingSing thethe songsong Im a little teacherHe / She isHe canHe always/neverHe likesHe is good at PraisePraise! PraisePraise! PraisePraise!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸你的同学吧!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸你的同学吧! PraisePraise! PraisePraise! PraisePraise!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸这些孩子吧!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸这些孩子吧!四人小组拆开信封四人小组拆开信封阅读阅读exercise1对话对话每组读到的对话不一样哦每组读到的对话不一样哦! 四人分工安排四人分工安排A提炼词组提炼词组 B B书写词条书写词条 C C语言汇报语言汇报 D D贴上黑板贴上黑板 PraisePraise! PraisePraise! PraisePraise!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸这些孩子吧!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸这些孩子吧! 四人分工安排四人分工安排 A&B B 合作朗读对话合作朗读对话 C C&D D思考解题策略思考解题策略finishfinish Exercise1ercise1 A: Nancy, what are you doing now?B: Im _ the _, Mum.A: Is your cousin there too? B: Yes, hes _ the windows.A: Are you tired? Come and eat some _! 解题策略解题策略仔细看图片,获取信息量。仔细看图片,获取信息量。sweepingfloorcleaningtomatoesA: Why didnt you go shopping with me yesterday, Helen? B: Because Im not good at Chinese, so I _ some books about it .A: You always _ very hard. What about this evening?B: Sorry, I _ _ my homework. 解题策略解题策略看时间状语,判断出时态。看时间状语,判断出时态。readstudywilldo/finishA: Look at the red man. B: What does it mean, Mike? A: It means you should _ _the green man. Please keep _.B: I see. I think you also follow the classroom rules. You always make your desk _and _. 解题策略解题策略圈画关键词,明确语法点。圈画关键词,明确语法点。wait forsafecleantidyA: Its 29th of September. _ Day holiday is coming. Do you have any _, Tim?B: Sure, Ill _ Australia by plane. A: Will you go with your parents?B: No, Ill go with my friends. We all like _. 解题策略解题策略联系上下文,弄清楚句意。联系上下文,弄清楚句意。NationalplansvisittravellingA: Hello, Yang Ling. _ are you going?B: Im going to the library.A: But the library is open at 8:00 in the morning. _ did you get up this morning?B: I _up at six. A: Its so early. 解题策略解题策略 看答句写问句,看答句写问句,看问句写答句。看问句写答句。WhereWhengot看图完成对话策略指导看图完成对话策略指导1. 仔细看图片,获取信息量。仔细看图片,获取信息量。2. 看时间状语,判断出时态。看时间状语,判断出时态。3. 圈画关键词,明确语法点。圈画关键词,明确语法点。4. 联系上下文,弄清楚句意。联系上下文,弄清楚句意。5. 看看答句写问句,看问句写答句答句写问句,看问句写答句。 独立完成独立完成 提炼主题提炼主题 使用策略使用策略 补全对话补全对话 finishfinish Exercise2ercise2 PraisePraise! PraisePraise! PraisePraise!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸我的学生!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸我的学生!A: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! PraisePraise! PraisePraise! PraisePraise!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸我的学生!你夸我夸大家夸!夸夸我的学生! 独立完成独立完成 提炼主题提炼主题 使用策略使用策略 补全对话补全对话 finishfinish Exercise2ercise2 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 A: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 A: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! 独立完成独立完成 提炼主题提炼主题 使用策略使用策略 补全对话补全对话 finishfinish Exercise2ercise2 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 A: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 A: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! 独立完成独立完成 提炼主题提炼主题 使用策略使用策略 补全对话补全对话 finishfinish Exercise2ercise2 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 LuckyLucky TurntableTurntable幸运转盘幸运转盘 cleverkind/niceWelcomeWhoscookingcookedsings/studiesdreamwantsfutureA: _ to my school! This is my Class 6, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Shen Zijun. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Xu Hugui.He _ _very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Lu Xintong.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的出色的) in the_! 独立完成独立完成 提炼主题提炼主题 使用策略使用策略 朗读对话朗读对话 finishfinish Exercise2ercise2 A: Nancy, what are you doing now?B: Im _ the _, Mum.A: Is your cousin there too? B: Yes, hes _ the windows.A: Are you tired? Come and eat some _! A: Look at the red man. B: What does it mean, Mike? A: It means you should _ _the green man. Please keep _.B: I see. I think you also follow the classroom rules. You always make your desk _and _. A: Why didnt you go shopping with me yesterday, Helen? B: Because Im not good at Chinese, so I _ some books about it .A: You always _ very hard. What about this evening?B: Sorry, I will _ my homework before 8 oclock. A: Its 29th of September. _ Day holiday is coming. Do you have any _, Tim?B: Sure, Ill _ Australia by plane. A: Will you go with your parents?B: No, Ill go with my friends. We all like _.A: Hello, Yang Ling. _ are you _?B: Im going to the library.A: But the library is open at 8:00 in the morning. _ did you get up this morning?B: I _up at six. A: Its so early.We are good children!教学设计!教学设计一、教学内容:一、教学内容:译林版牛津小学英语六年级下册“看图或根据上下文完成对话”题型策略指导二、教学目标:二、教学目标:1. 知识目标a. 能用句型 He/She is . He/She can He/She always/never He/She likesHe/She is good at等句型夸赞他人。b. 能用 study hard, get up early, have good habits, help his parents, be good at planning 等短语描述他人优点。c. 能根据图片或上下文提示完成对话。2. 能力目标a. 能通过四人小组分工合作准确夸赞他人优点、评价他人。b. 能理解、掌握“看图完成对话”题型的五大策略方法。c. 能通过解题策略的引导正确完成对话,提升正确率。3. 情感目标a. 能建立每个孩子的自信心,正确体现自我价值。b. 能培养学生擅于发现、夸赞他人优点的良好品质。c. 能通过本课时增加学生与教师之间的情感交流,建立相互信任与肯定,增进师生情谊。三、教学重难点:三、教学重难点:1. 能用句型 He/She is . He/She can He/She always/never He/She likesHe/She is good at等句型夸赞他人。2. 能用 study hard, get up early, have good habits, help his parents, be good at planning 等短语描述他人优点。3. 能理解、掌握“看图完成对话”题型的五大策略方法。四、教学准备:四、教学准备:PPT、信封、扑克牌、课堂练习纸、人物头像、词条五、自主导学:五、自主导学: 1. 试着用 He / She isHe canHe always/neverHe likesHe is good at等句型夸一夸班上的一位同学。2. 你能试着思考“看图或根据上下文完成对话”题型有哪些解题策略吗?试着写一写吧(中英文皆可) 。 _ _ _ 六、教学过程:六、教学过程:Step1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you have any dreams?Ss: Yes!T: What do you want to be in the future?S1: I want to be a cook.S2: I want to be a dentist.S3: I want to be an artist. Step2. Warming upT: Do you want to be a teacher like me in the future?S: Yes, I do!T: Lets sing a song Im a little teacher. OK?Ss sing the songT: Great. All you children, please be good!(歌词)I like the lyrics and I think all of you are good children! Right? 教师揭示课题并板书:We are good children!Step3. Presentation1. Praise our classmatesT: All of you are good children, now lets praise praise praise! Praise our friends! You can use the sentences like these. Who can?He / She isHe canHe always/neverHe likesHe is good atS1: S2 is. He canS2: S3 alwaysS3: S4 likes.S4: S5 can .S5: S1 is good at .2. Praise the five childrena.T: Well done, boys and girls. Look, I have five good children too. Who are they?Ss: Theyre Nancy, Tim, Helen, Yang Ling and Mike. (教师出示五个任务头像,并贴上黑板。 )b. T: The five children are good too, they all have their own advantages. This time, lets praise praise praise! Praise the five children! Can you? Look! PPT 出示小组合作学习要求:四人小组拆开信封 阅读 exercise1 对话 每组读到的对话不一样哦!T: The envelopes are in your desks, find it out! Please open your envelopes now and take the sheets from the envelopes.(让学生找出课前在课桌内藏好的信封,四人小组每组一封,每封信内含有一篇练习纸,其中 exercise1 是关于 5 个孩子的一篇小对话,每组不一样,exercise2 每组一样。 )T: Read the dialogue from exercise1四人分工安排如下:A提炼词组 B书写词条 C语言汇报D贴上黑板 c.幸运扑克牌抽取小组汇报T: Please tell me what their advantages are. I have some lucky cards, theyre one to ten. Ill choose one to tell me. (按照分工将提炼好、书写好的优点词组贴在黑板上相应任务头像的下方,教师进行适当纠正补充。 )d. T: We have got the main ideas of the dialogues. Now lets finish exercise1.四人分工安排:A&B 合作朗读对话 C&D思考解题策略 教师逐图核对答案并让学生总结每个对话的解题策略,总结如下:仔细看图片,获取信息量。看时间状语,判断出时态。圈画关键词,明确语法点。联系上下文,弄清楚句意。看答句写问句,看问句写答句。 (将五大策略贴上黑板)Step4. Consolidation1. Praise my students.a.Finish exercise2 独立完成练习 2b. 学生转动幸运转盘提炼对话主题c.说说你使用了哪些解题策略?d. 补全对话、核对答案 T: You have finished all the tasks very well, congratulations! Im proud of you! I love you so much, boys and girls! Give me a hug.Step5. Homework1. 小组复习看图完成对话的解题策略,整理在书上。 2. 完成课后练习:看图根据上下文完成对话。七、板书设计:七、板书设计:We are good children!Nancy Tim学生词条 学生词条Helen Yang Ling Mike学生词条 学生词条 学生词条We are good children!看图完成对话材料看图完成对话材料(10 个个 4 人小组,每人小组,每 2 个小组材料相同,共个小组材料相同,共 5 篇材料)篇材料)Exercise 1: about NancyA: Nancy, what are you doing now?B: Im _ the _, Mum.A: Is your cousin there too? B: Yes, hes _ the windows.A: Are you tired? Come and eat some _!解题策略:_Exercise 1: about HelenA: Why didnt you go shopping with me yesterday? B: Because Im not good at Chinese, so I _ somebooks about it .A: You always _ very hard. What about this evening?B: Sorry, I _ _ my homework.解题策略:_Exercise 1: about MikeA: Look at the red man. B: What does it mean, Mike? A: It means you should the green man. Please keep .B: I see. I think you also follow the classroom rules very well. You always make your desk and . 解题策略:_Exercise 1: about TimA: Its 29th of September. _ Day holiday is coming. Do you have any _, Tim?B: Sure, Ill _ Australia by plane. A: Will you go with your parents?B: No, Ill go with my friends. We all like _.解题策略:_Exercise 1:about Yang LingA: Hello, Yang Ling. _ are you going?B: Im going to the library.A: But the library is open at 8:00 in the morning. _ did you get up this morning?B: I _up at six. A: Its so early.解题策略:_Exercise 2A: _ to my school! This is my Class 3, Grade 6.All of them are _ and _. I love my students!B: _ that short boy, Miss Weng? He looks clever.A: Hes Kuang Yufan. Hes good at _.He _ nice food for us in Nanshan Park last month.B: What about this tall boy with glasses?A: Hes Li Xingchen.He_very well. Being a policeman is his _.B: What does the girl want to be?A: She _ to be a traveller. Shes Zheng Xiaoya.B: Thats wonderful. All the children will be excellent(出色的) in the_!
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Unit Our dreams_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f0366) 译林版 三年级
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本文标题:Unit 8 Our dreams-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:f0366).zip

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