Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:a007a).zip


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Summer holiday plansSummer holiday plansStory timeStory timeStory timeStory timethe summer holidaybeginendHow long is the summer holiday?Two months.how long在这里用于询问时间长短,意思是“多久”Super guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?SydneySuper guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?ShanghaiSuper guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?BeijingSuper guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?Hong KongDisneyland/dznilnd/Show you some photosShow you some photosShow you some photosShow you some photos DISNEYLANDSuper guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?Taipei /taipei/Super guessing根据展示的景点或动物图片,猜测所属城市What city is it?London今年暑假,Miss Zhou将要去其中的一个城市玩,你能猜一猜:老师将去哪个城市吗?Will you go to for the summer holiday?Yes, I will.No, I wont.Where?How ?Who ?How long?When?MichelleTaipeigo thereby planetwo monthsin JulyMy summer holiday planB: I will A better plan is good for my trip. A: will you ?This summer holiday, I will go to _. (where)I will go there _. (how) I will go there _. (when)I will stay there _. (how long)I will go there _. (who)I will _there. (what) Taipeiwhere:in Julywhen:with my daughterwho:by planehow:go boatingwhat:for two monthshow long:Tip :思维导图确定内容My plan The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.What are their holiday plans?Work in two :First, read story time carefully. Next, finish the mindmap, ask and answer.Finally, be ready to report.(准备汇报)Tips: 1. No Chinese. 2. No Chatting. 3. No wasting time. 4. Everyone talks!3124?Because Mike is from London.go back to 回去 will go to for the holiday. will go to for the holiday. How will they go there? How will they go there? Will go to by ? Will go to by ? No, he/she No, he/she wontwont. .Yes,heYes,he/she /she willwill. .= will not= will notWhat will they do there? What will they do there? Look and sayLook and sayvisit his grandparentsvisit her aunt and unclego to Disneyland and Ocean ParkWhat will he do in Taipei?He will _ .A. draw some picturesB. eat some nice foodC. take some photosCWhy? /ft/My summer holiday planListen and repeat跟读录音,注意语音语调!YangLing: Where will you go for the holiday,Mike?YangLing: Where will you go for the holiday,Mike? Mike: Ill go back to London. Mike: Ill go back to London.YangLing: How long will you stay there?YangLing: How long will you stay there? Mike: Ill stay there for a month.What Mike: Ill stay there for a month.What about you?about you?YangLing: Ill visit my aunt and uncle in YangLing: Ill visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing.Beijing. Mike:That sounds great.Will you go to Mike:That sounds great.Will you go to Beijing by plane?Beijing by plane?YangLing: No,I wont.I ll go by train.YangLing: No,I wont.I ll go by train.The children are talking about their plans for The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.the summer holiday.Listen and repeat跟读录音,注意语音语调!LiuTao: Where will you go for the summer LiuTao: Where will you go for the summer holiday,SuHai?holiday,SuHai? SuHai: Ill go to Hong Kong with my family. SuHai: Ill go to Hong Kong with my family. LiuTao: Will you go to Disneyland?LiuTao: Will you go to Disneyland? SuHai: Yes,I will. Well go to Ocean Park SuHai: Yes,I will. Well go to Ocean Park too.What abouttoo.What about you,Liu Tao? you,Liu Tao?LiuTao: Ill go to Taipei with my parents.LiuTao: Ill go to Taipei with my parents. SuHai: Thats wonderful.I want to see the SuHai: Thats wonderful.I want to see the city too.city too.LiuTao: OK.Ill show you some photos after the LiuTao: OK.Ill show you some photos after the holiday.holiday. SuHai: Thanks. SuHai: Thanks.Lets retellThe children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.Mike will .Yang Ling will .Su Hai will .Liu Tao will .Tips:可以利用思维导图和板书哦!1. 四人一小组组,每人复述一个人物的假期计计划。2. 各自复述课课文,组组内PK, 比一比谁谁复述的更好!Make our holiday plansStep1: What should we think about ?holiday planWhere will you go?How will you go there?When will you go there?Will you go there with your parents or friends?How long will you stay there?Make our holiday plansholiday planStep2: Make your holiday planShow timeholiday planStep3: Talk about your plans in groupsI will go to . for the summer holiday.I will .I will .My summer holiday plans This summer, I will go to with I will go there by I will stay there for I will do many things there. I will I will have a wonderful summer holiday!Share your plan1.Enjoy your holiday!享受假期!2.Be careful for your holiday! 注意假期安全哦!必做题:Read the story at least three time after class. (课后朗读故事不少于3遍)Read and act the story with your group mates.(跟小组成员合作朗读并扮演故事)选做题: Talk about your summer holiday plans with your parents or friends. (跟父母或朋友讨论下你的暑假计划)Homework1以图带文,合作分工,以图带文,合作分工,碰撞思维火花!碰撞思维火花!译林版六下 Unit7 Summer holiday plans 教学设计 教材简解教材简解 :译林版的这一单元,谈论的重点话题是暑假期间的一个出游计划,但对于农村孩子来讲,更多的只是在电视、电脑或书本上能看到,并没有深入的去亲身感受过。因此,教师在引导学生学习这节课时,前期大量的工作是必不可少的。比如,布置学生通过网络、图书馆等处找到相关图片、视频,查找相关地点景区的由来等等。通过对这些景点的了解,勾起学生想要出游的欲望,有可以谈论的话题。同时,本单元的语法继续延续了前一个单元的语法项目一般将来时,重点是一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。教师可以在本单元总结归纳一般将来时的构成和用法,让学生对小学阶段所学的时态有一个整体的认识。 本单元的目标词汇是有关城市的地点名词,教师可以在课前准备关于国内外著名城市的图片或视频,用于教学活动中。教师也可以与学生分享自己最近或最难忘的旅行经历,或要求学生课前准备一些自己出游的照片,与同学和老师交流分享。 目标预设目标预设 :1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will you? I /We will2. 能听懂、会说、会读会写词汇 summer holiday/stay/sound/Disneyland/ Ocean Park/Taipei/traveler/travel around the world/ different. 3.会运用一般将来时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 重点、难点重点、难点 :正确掌握,灵活运用 will 来表达一般将来时句型,能理解、朗读、复述 Story time。 设计理念设计理念 :1.采取灵活多样的方式呈现单词和短语,创设生动、真实的学习情境来吸引学生的课堂注意力,使学生在兴趣中学习,在学习中收获,在收获中成长。2另外,赏识、激励学生的想象力和创造力,开发学生创新思维的能力。2高年级学生,通过任务型教学,小组合作分工,在各种活动中培培养和提高团队合作、学生英语口语交际能力和运用英语进行思维的能力。 设计思路设计思路 :本课是 story time 板块的教学,围绕计划这一主题,通过大任务的驱动,从学生的学习能力出发,听读说结合,独立思考和合作学习结合,层层递进,达成目标;拓展活动基于学生的发展情况,有效提升,灵活运用,致力于学生综合语言运用能力的提高。 教学过程教学过程 Step1Step1 WarmWarm upup: (一)Greetings.(二)1.July and August“the summer holiday”.2 .Answer the question:How long is it?.T:Yes,there are a lot of holidays. What holidays do you know?S: (引导学生说出 summer holiday) 设计意图设计意图 :轻快的图片导入让学生放松心情,从而引领学生进入英语学习的:轻快的图片导入让学生放松心情,从而引领学生进入英语学习的氛围中。和学生谈论节假日,不仅能激发学生用英语说话,也能拉近与学生之氛围中。和学生谈论节假日,不仅能激发学生用英语说话,也能拉近与学生之间的距离,作情感交流,也为新课的主题作铺垫。间的距离,作情感交流,也为新课的主题作铺垫。 Step2Step2 Presentation.Presentation.1. the summer holiday planT:Now Ill show you my pictures for the summer holiday. T:What city is it? I visited Disneyland and Ocean Park.(引出香港的著名景点 Disneyland,Ocean Park 新授,朗读。 ) T:I will go to Taipai this summer holiday. 设计意图设计意图 介绍自己暑假的计划。通过过去和将来的对比,让学生能进一步加介绍自己暑假的计划。通过过去和将来的对比,让学生能进一步加深对一般将来时的理解。引出香港的著名景区深对一般将来时的理解。引出香港的著名景区 DisneylandDisneyland,OceanOcean ParkPark。为课。为课3文的教学作预设。并通过了解老师的暑期计划,激发学生好奇欲望,保持学生文的教学作预设。并通过了解老师的暑期计划,激发学生好奇欲望,保持学生学习的兴趣。学习的兴趣。2. Enjoy some pictures of places 设计意图设计意图 带领学生欣赏你一组台北著名景点的照片,让学生学生热爱旅游,带领学生欣赏你一组台北著名景点的照片,让学生学生热爱旅游,感受大自然的美。感受大自然的美。 3. Practice in pairsT:This is my plan for the summer holiday. What about you?(练习句型)A:Hello, where will you go for the summer holiday?B: Ill go to A: Will you ?B: Yes, I will No, I wont.A: How long will you ?B:Ill stay there for a month.(通过上述句型展示,和同桌讨论,你打算去哪?开不开心?打算待多久等等。) 设计意图设计意图 精美图片的欣赏,让学生对旅游景点有个直观印象,更会对旅游有精美图片的欣赏,让学生对旅游景点有个直观印象,更会对旅游有向往,从而进行探讨,这样才能有话可说。并通过小组、同桌句式的练习,讲向往,从而进行探讨,这样才能有话可说。并通过小组、同桌句式的练习,讲解语法解语法 wontwont =will=will not,not, a a monthmonth =about=about thirtythirty daysdays。4.揭示课题 T:We will graduate in July. This summer holiday will be very happy. Lets make a summer holiday plan. Today we will learn Unit7 Summer holiday plans. 5.Talk about their plans.T: Look, who are they?( 出示人物图,学生找出四个人物 Mike Yang Ling Su Hai and Liu Tao)4T: What are the talking about?A. Please look at the pictures and answer.Mike willYang Ling willSu Hai willLiu Tao willB. How long will Mike stay in London? Will Yang Ling go to Beijing by plane?(这两句是本课的重点句型,how long 开头的特殊疑问句和 Will 开头的一般疑问句。 )CSome exercises1.Work in pairs. Match and say .Mike willYang Ling willT:Do you have any questions about their holidays? What questions can we ask?S1;Will Mike visit the London Eye?S2:What place will Mike visit?S3:How will Yang Ling go to Beijing?S4:What will Mike do?S5:How long will they stay there?S6:When will they go back?52. Open the book at page68, a. Read the dialogue by yourselves and underline the answers.b. Check the answer in groups. 设计意图设计意图 六年级的学生在课堂上通常比较保守,所以在设计教学时我尽量激六年级的学生在课堂上通常比较保守,所以在设计教学时我尽量激发学生开口说的欲望,激发学生已有的知识储备。让他们不光学到新知识,更发学生开口说的欲望,激发学生已有的知识储备。让他们不光学到新知识,更能将已有的知识进行整合,真正成为自己的东西。能将已有的知识进行整合,真正成为自己的东西。T: Today weve learned a dialogue of different plans. Now read the whole dialogue and find out the sentences and phrases do not understand, write on paper, panel discussion, followed by group presentation, students and common solutions. c.Read after the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation andintonation and the stress. 设计意图设计意图 让学生通篇阅读,尝试自己找到答案,然后小组讨论,把讨论结果让学生通篇阅读,尝试自己找到答案,然后小组讨论,把讨论结果写在纸上,之后小组汇报,师生共同解决。写在纸上,之后小组汇报,师生共同解决。T:Just now, we have learned Mike and Yang Lings summer holiday plans. Then, lets look at Su Hai and Liu Taos plans.a. 自读课文,找到答案,完成思维导图。b. 小组合作,用以下句式进行交流Su HaiLiu Tao will go to for the summer holiday.She He willc. Show some pictures about Taipei and talk something about it. 设计意图设计意图:俗话说,三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。适当的课外拓展,是相当有必俗话说,三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。适当的课外拓展,是相当有必要的,在这边的操作,教师可让学生通过各种途径搜集相关台北方面的资料,要的,在这边的操作,教师可让学生通过各种途径搜集相关台北方面的资料,课堂上进行战士讲解,小组分享。既能拓宽视野,又给了孩子课堂体现自我价课堂上进行战士讲解,小组分享。既能拓宽视野,又给了孩子课堂体现自我价值的时候,一举多得。值的时候,一举多得。d. Read in groups.6T: Ok. Well done . Now boys and girls sub-role within the group read, discuss together to find the central meaning of this article / general meaning, then a representative of each group reported pumping.Step3Step3:ConsolidationConsolidation1. T: Today Weve learned a dialogue about summer holiday plans . a. Can you make a similar dialogue use these sentences ? b. Talk with your partner .Then Ill ask some pairsact. 设计意图设计意图 文本的理解对于学生来说并不是难点,只要给他们机会学生会还你文本的理解对于学生来说并不是难点,只要给他们机会学生会还你一个意想不到的结果。所以课文的学习主要是让学生自己提出想要知道什么,一个意想不到的结果。所以课文的学习主要是让学生自己提出想要知道什么,从而自己阅读解决,其印象比老师的一味灌输要深刻得多。从而自己阅读解决,其印象比老师的一味灌输要深刻得多。Step4Step4:SummarySummary andand writewrite aboutabout something.something.My summer holiday plans. This summer holiday, Ill go to . with .Ill go there by.Ill . I think Ill have a good time.Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework 必做题: 1.Read the story at least three time after class. 2.Read and act the story with your group mates.选做题: Talk about your summer holiday plans with your parents or friends. (跟父母或朋友讨论下你的暑假计划) 7Step6Step6 BlackboardBlackboard design.design.UnitUnit 7 7 SummerSummer holidayholiday plansplans 1.1. WhereWhere will?will?2.How2.How willwill?3.When3.When willwill? 4.Will4.Will ?SummerSummer holidayholiday plansplans附:四个椭圆形内,四附:四个椭圆形内,四个小朋友头像,以及相个小朋友头像,以及相关去往国家图片。关去往国家图片。Unit7 Summer holiday plans一、一、WorkWork in in twotwo :1.First,1.First, readread storystory timetime carefully.carefully. 2.Next,2.Next, finishfinish thethe mindmap,mindmap, askask andand answer.answer. 3.Finally,3.Finally, bebe readyready toto report.(report.(准备汇报准备汇报) )Tips: 1. No Chinese. 2. No Chatting. 3 . No wasting time. 4. Everyone talks!Where?How?What?1. Where will the children go for the holiday?2. How will they go for the holiday?3. What will they do for the holiday?二、二、MyMy holidayholiday plan:plan:1.Make1.Make a a plan.plan.holidayplan2.Share2.Share mymy plan.plan.My summer holiday plans This summer, I will go to with I will go there by I will stay there for I will do many things there. I will I will have a wonderful summer holiday!
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Unit Summer holiday plans_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:a007a) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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