Unit 6 An interesting country-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:80072).zip


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    • 6 B unit 6 storytime
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展开 译林版三年级起点六年级下册英语Unit6Aninterestingcountry_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号80072.zip译林版三年级起点六年级下册英语Unit6Aninterestingcountry_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号80072.zip
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Do you know these four countries? Warm upAustraliaWatch and answer1.Who are they?2.What do they want to do before the lessons?Watch and answer1.Who are they?2.What do they want to do before the lessons?They want to They want to find outfind out aboutabout this country. this country. 发现关于。(的知识)发现关于。(的知识)Read and underlineWhat What willwill they do ? they do ?What will they do ?What will they do ?Mike will ask his e-friend in Australia. She can send(发送) him some photos.Wang Bing will ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.Yang Ling will go to the library and look for books and magazines(杂志) about Australia.Liu Tao will read about Australia on the Internet.Listen and repeatI will ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos.I will ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.I will go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.I will read about Australia on the Internet.True or falseTTFFT1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia.2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia.3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia.5.Australia is an interesting country. manMikeThey have different ways to find out about Australia.Summary on part 1Lieten and thinkWhy do people call Australia an interesting country? ? ? ?Read and sayYou will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!animalRead and sayYou will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!animalsportcityyoull find lovely youll find exciting(令人兴奋地) youll find beautiful youll find different Australia is an interesting country, becauseanimalssports gamescitiesweatherSummary on part 2Happy reading timeThink and write-show and tell To attract(吸引) more visitors, how can you make an advertisement(广告) for Australia? You can use these as follows.Australia is a / an .You will find/ have.You can see.There is /are.Come and visit Australia!.南澳和昆士兰的澳洲哺乳动物化石遗址(Australian Fossil Mammal Sites)世界如此大,我想去看看。The world is so big.I want to have a look.I really hope one day you can have I really hope one day you can have the chance to visit many other the chance to visit many other countries and send me some photos.countries and send me some photos.Homework1.Read the text and tell others about Australia.2.Surf the Internet to know more about Australia.3.Introduce kangaroos and koalas in English to your classmates.Thank you !Thank you !六下 Unit 6 An interesting country1Unit 6 An interesting country (Period 1)第一课时 Story time 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标语言知识目标(1)能初步感知、理解、朗读对话以及文本。(2)能正确认知单词 country,will,learn,welcome,visitor。(3)能正确听说认知短语 find out,magazine, kangaroo, koala, sport, lover, Australia football, exciting, Sydney.(4)能灵活运用句型 Ill, Well .与人进行交流表达。2. 语言技能目标语言技能目标(1)能在完成任务的过程中整体感知文本,理解语篇。(2)能通过不同活动,提高阅读分析能力。3. 文化情感目标文化情感目标(1)培养学生正确的学习态度,勇于交流表达的信心和勇气。(2)提高学生对英语国家如澳大利亚的认识,鼓励学生学好英语,有机会见识更广阔的世界,丰富国际视野。4. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1)培养学生根据视听、自读以及听读,预测信息,逐步了解并熟悉文本,通过划线建构思维导图等形式提取文本重要信息。 (2)培养学生的互助合作精神,通过交流、互助,共同完成任务。在完成任务的过程中发展语言的交流表达和运用能力。六下 Unit 6 An interesting country2二、教学内容以及学情分析二、教学内容以及学情分析本节课话题内容为“一个有趣的国家”,以澳大利亚的有趣之处着手,进一步带领学生了解澳大利亚国家的风土人情。将文本先整体认知,然后细化为两部分。第一部分介绍文中小伙伴通过何种方式了解澳大利亚,第二部分为其中一个小伙伴的网查资料学习。六年级学生已经有一定的英语学习基础,具有一定的文化意识,但是由于地区、年龄、眼界、认知能力等原因,澳大利亚的人文景观,特色动物,文化品格,以及学生的阅读技巧,交流分享和表达能力等等还有待进一步帮助梳理和增强。三、教学重点三、教学重点1.能在生活实践中理解和运用 Ill . Well 进行介绍和交流表达。2.能运用已学知识和方法帮助分析和阅读文本,形成阅读策略和技巧。四、教学难点四、教学难点1. 能结合关键词简单地介绍澳大利亚的有趣和魅力原因。2. 能在交流表达中认知不同国家的文化特色等,促进综合语言运用能力的发展。五、教学准备五、教学准备:1. 教师准备 PPT,部分板书提前写好,几本杂志,考拉钥匙扣等奖品,八个小组的写作图卡。2. 学生准备课本,纸笔。六下 Unit 6 An interesting country3六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 warm-up1. Greetings.2. Free TalkT: Do you have any dreams? SS:T: What do you want to be/do in the future? (Whats your dream?/ Can you tell us your dreams/ share your dreams with us?)S1/S2/S3.T:Do you want to know Miss Jiangs dreams?I have two dreams. First, I want to see your dreams come true.The next one, I want to travel around the world and visit many other countries. So, this lesson, please follow me to learn an interesting country.(带读课题)教师指向板书好的课题 An interesting country 设计意图设计意图: 在本节课之前,已经带领学生学习了关于 dream 单元的知识,通过师生交流梦想引出本节课题,并活跃气氛,激活思维,帮助学生克服一定的紧张感。3.Look and say.T: Look at these four national flags. Do you know the countries.SS: 设计意图设计意图:呈现四个国家的国旗,直接引出所学国家 澳大利亚六下 Unit 6 An interesting country4带读单词 Australia T: Our four friends in the story ,they will learn about this country too. So first lets watch the cartoon and find out what they are talking about. Step2. Presentation1. watch and answerQ1.Who are they?Q2.What do they want to do before the lessons?Learn find out.about (找出关于。的知识) (know more things about this country) 设计意图设计意图:通过看第一部分的动画,回答两个简单问题,整体感知课文,形成第一遍概括印象。T: The same as us,they want to know more about this country. Lets follow them, read and underline what they will do.2. Read and underline (Ask the SS to check their answers in groups)T: What will Mike/Wang Bing / Liu Tao do? What about Yang Ling?(提问学生回答,奖励考拉或者袋鼠的钥匙扣)Learn send (发送) photos T: Do you have an e-friend? Do you like taking photos?Learn come from (来自于)T: Where do you/ where does Wang Bing come from?Learn magazine(杂志) T: Is there a library in our school? What can we do in the library? Do you 六下 Unit 6 An interesting country5like reading? Do you like reading magazines?(教师呈现带来的杂志 并带读 点读)T:Do you have a computer at home? So you can chat and surf on the Internet, right? 设计意图设计意图: 引导学生在小组内自读并互助浏览第一部分,通过下划线获取关键信息,帮助学生梳理重要知识点,学习新词,理清文本脉络,为后续阅读活动的开展做好铺垫。3. Listen and repeat T: Lets listen and read after it. 设计意图设计意图:以先听后跟读的形式,让学生听读模仿,注意语音语调的训练,培养学生的语音素养和朗读习惯,并帮助学生进一步理解和整理关于文本第一部分的信息,巩固新学。4. True or falseT:After reading, lets do true of false. 设计意图设计意图:趁热打铁,摘选部分语句调整或者改变,进行判断,再次帮助学生对重点信息进行解读,促进学生对文本知识的理解和运用,提高学生的理解和思辨能力。5. Summary on part 1 T: So they have different ways to find out about this country. Lets try to say together. What will they do?Mike will ask his e-friend. Wang Bing will ask Mr. Green.六下 Unit 6 An interesting country6 Liu Tao will read about it on the Internet. Yang Ling will go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia. 设计意图设计意图:教师利用板书板贴和学生一起回忆、梳理文本第一部分的重点信息。集体带动,给班级里部分学习能力强弱的同学再一次巩固的机会,为后面的教学任务打基础。6. Learn Part 2 Listen and think T: Look at Liu Tao. He is reading on the Internet. Lets follow him and find out why people call Australia an interesting country. 设计意图设计意图: 通过文本部分的板书和指图引出文本第二部分的主旨,并给出导图框架帮助学生有意识有目的地进行接下来的阅读。换一种合上书听文本的形式,训练学生对重点信息的敏感度,培养学生提炼和记忆关键信息的能力。T: Have you got the answers? 7. Read and say. (教师提问学生读出句子)Learn kangaroo and koala. (呈现图片) T: How many can you see? 图片呈现并总结出 animal (呈现袋鼠和考拉的图片,鼓励学生用已学形容词简单描述)Learn exciting (sth +exciting / sb + excting )T: Do you like sport? Do you like playing football?六下 Unit 6 An interesting country7图片呈现并总结出 sport games Learn Sydney T: Its a beautiful city and you can visit the Sydney Opera House there.图片呈现并总结出 city T:According to the last two sentences. If someone wants to visit Bei Jing or Lian Yungang, what can we say?SS: 设计意图设计意图: 对于新学文本,内容较多较长,学生通过听只能获取部分信息,PPT 结合图片呈现文本,给学生直观的感知,鼓励学生试读,教师及时指正发音,在共同的阅读分享中,带领大家从细节着手,学习更多关于澳大利亚的方方面面,加深认知,从而进行深层次理解。在阅读过程中提出适机的问题,鼓励学生根据真实情况,进行真实地运用和表达,提高学生用英语说语言,做事情的能力。8. Summary about part 2 T: So we know now Australia is an interesting country, because we will find lovely/ beautiful / exciting /different . 设计意图设计意图:教师结合简笔板书,以思维导图的简单框架帮助学生梳理文本第二部分,巩固呈现,为后面的写作展示做铺垫,并完善课堂板书。Step3 consolidation 1. Happy reading time Read together in groups / dub the story 六下 Unit 6 An interesting country8 设计意图设计意图: 教师巡回指导,充分给予学生小组内朗读和互相指正并询问帮助的机会,鼓励多种形式的朗读,齐读巩固,角色扮演检测文本掌握情况,在检测过程中及时指正学生发音。2. Think and write -show and tell(Make an advertisement for Australia) 设计意图设计意图:结合学习成果,以小组内共同完成广告词的形式加深学生对澳大利亚的认识,小组竞争互助,灵活运用本节课所学的重点词汇句型,读写结合,在复述基础上鼓励学生提取旧知,提高综合语言运用能力。Step4 Emotional teaching The world is so big. I want to have a look.Enjoy some beautiful pictures. (Five years ago, Miss Jiang went to Australia, and stayed there for two months.)T: I really hope one day you can have the chance to visit many other countries and send me some photos. 设计意图设计意图:呼应本节课开始时候老师提及的梦想,希望孩子们努力学习,有机会去领略更多美好并且不一样的文化以及风景。引导学生开展文化之旅的思考,鼓励学生立足当下,畅想未来。Step5 Homework 1.Read the text and tell others about Australia.2.Surf the Internet to know more about Australia.3.Introduce kangaroos and koalas in English to your classmates.六下 Unit 6 An interesting country9 设计意图设计意图:以读,说,查找,记录和交流表达的作业形式要求学生对节课内容进行巩固运用,帮助学生语言能力得到更好的输出,并达到自我反馈,互助反馈和学以致用,以学促学的目的。教学板书设计:教学板书设计:教学反思:教学反思:本节课整体的设计思路是在整体把握文本主旨的基础上进行文本解构。将文本分为两部分进行解读。以梦想的交流引出课题,跟随老师一起了解有趣的国家,通过辨识国旗引出澳大利亚,跟随文本中第一部分四个小伙伴一起了解澳大利亚,学习他们通过何种途径和形式了解学习澳大利亚。通过对第一部分的简单总结,引导学生特别关注第二部分刘涛的学习形式,即在网上查找资料。呈现出的文本就是网上找出的简单概括信息。带领学生跟随刘涛一六下 Unit 6 An interesting country10起认识澳大利亚。通过完成一个个课堂任务,进行文本解读,在过程中达到朗读,并循环巩固,继而交流表达,实现学生语言能力的输出和综合运用能力的提高。在后面观看教自己学视频中发现有几下几点需要注意和改进的。首先是导入环节,提问学生关于梦想,学生可能因为紧张等原因没有及时反应并正确回答,这种反应在课堂实际中是会真实发生的,但是自己没有做到帮助学生纾解和引导。比如完全可以继续询问她:Do you like drawing/cooking/nice food? Do you want to be a.? So come on, have a try, tell us your dreams loudly, please. 可能这个时候学生就能从开始的“懵懂”回到课堂提问与思考中来。其次是对文本第二部分的跟听环节,应当提醒学生学会记录关键信息,帮助学生养成边听边记录的英语学习习惯,为后继学习打下基础。最后就是在 show-and-tell 环节,给出示范的内容是本节课的重点句型,在巡回查看小组写广告词的过程中发现大多数学生还是局限于本节课的句型和知识点,不能够做到发散思维,对已学旧知提取不到位,自己反思是因为在任务解释时不够清楚,比如教师可以就其中一个点,如对动物的好奇和喜欢,示范介绍一个特色动物,运用到 3-6 年级已学知识,启发学生思维,调动学生思考的积极性,扩大学生思维的广度和深度,更好地帮助学生提高用英语做事情,活学活用的综合语言运用能力。 执教者:执教者: 姜海洋姜海洋 连云港市中云中学连云港市中云中学Do you know these four countries? Warm upAustraliaWatch and answer1.Who are they?2.What do they want to do before the lessons?Watch and answer1.Who are they?2.What do they want to do before the lessons?They want to They want to find outfind out aboutabout this country. this country. 发现关于。(的知识)发现关于。(的知识)Read and underlineWhat What willwill they do ? they do ?What will they do ?What will they do ?Mike will ask his e-friend in Australia. She can send(发送) him some photos.Wang Bing will ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.Yang Ling will go to the library and look for books and magazines(杂志) about Australia.Liu Tao will read about Australia on the Internet.Listen and repeatI will ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos.I will ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.I will go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.I will read about Australia on the Internet.True or falseTTFFT1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia.2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia.3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia.5.Australia is an interesting country. manMikeThey have different ways to find out about Australia.Summary on part 1Lieten and thinkWhy do people call Australia an interesting country? ? ? ?Read and sayYou will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!animalRead and sayYou will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!animalsportcityyoull find lovely youll find exciting(令人兴奋地) youll find beautiful youll find different Australia is an interesting country, becauseanimalssports gamescitiesweatherSummary on part 2Happy reading timeThink and write-show and tell To attract(吸引) more visitors, how can you make an advertisement(广告) for Australia? You can use these as follows.Australia is a / an .You will find/ have.You can see.There is /are.Come and visit Australia!.南澳和昆士兰的澳洲哺乳动物化石遗址(Australian Fossil Mammal Sites)世界如此大,我想去看看。The world is so big.I want to have a look.I really hope one day you can have I really hope one day you can have the chance to visit many other the chance to visit many other countries and send me some photos.countries and send me some photos.Homework1.Read the text and tell others about Australia.2.Surf the Internet to know more about Australia.3.Introduce kangaroos and koalas in English to your classmates.Thank you !Thank you !六下 Unit 6 An interesting country1Unit 6 An interesting country (Period 1)第一课时 Story time 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标语言知识目标(1)能初步感知、理解、朗读对话以及文本。(2)能正确认知单词 country,will,learn,welcome,visitor。(3)能正确听说认知短语 find out,magazine, kangaroo, koala, sport, lover, Australia football, exciting, Sydney.(4)能灵活运用句型 Ill, Well .与人进行交流表达。2. 语言技能目标语言技能目标(1)能在完成任务的过程中整体感知文本,理解语篇。(2)能通过不同活动,提高阅读分析能力。3. 文化情感目标文化情感目标(1)培养学生正确的学习态度,勇于交流表达的信心和勇气。(2)提高学生对英语国家如澳大利亚的认识,鼓励学生学好英语,有机会见识更广阔的世界,丰富国际视野。4. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1)培养学生根据视听、自读以及听读,预测信息,逐步了解并熟悉文本,通过划线建构思维导图等形式提取文本重要信息。 (2)培养学生的互助合作精神,通过交流、互助,共同完成任务。在完成任务的过程中发展语言的交流表达和运用能力。六下 Unit 6 An interesting country2二、教学内容以及学情分析二、教学内容以及学情分析本节课话题内容为“一个有趣的国家”,以澳大利亚的有趣之处着手,进一步带领学生了解澳大利亚国家的风土人情。将文本先整体认知,然后细化为两部分。第一部分介绍文中小伙伴通过何种方式了解澳大利亚,第二部分为其中一个小伙伴的网查资料学习。六年级学生已经有一定的英语学习基础,具有一定的文化意识,但是由于地区、年龄、眼界、认知能力等原因,澳大利亚的人文景观,特色动物,文化品格,以及学生的阅读技巧,交流分享和表达能力等等还有待进一步帮助梳理和增强。三、教学重点三、教学重点1.能在生活实践中理解和运用 Ill . Well 进行介绍和交流表达。2.能运用已学知识和方法帮助分析和阅读文本,形成阅读策略和技巧。四、教学难点四、教学难点1. 能结合关键词简单地介绍澳大利亚的有趣和魅力原因。2. 能在交流表达中认知不同国家的文化特色等,促进综合语言运用能力的发展。五、教学准备五、教学准备:1. 教师准备 PPT,部分板书提前写好,几本杂志,考拉钥匙扣等奖品,八个小组的写作图卡。2. 学生准备课本,纸笔。六下 Unit 6 An interesting country3六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 warm-up1. Greetings.2. Free TalkT: Do you have any dreams? SS:T: What do you want to be/do in the future? (Whats your dream?/ Can you tell us your dreams/ share your dreams with us?)S1/S2/S3.T:Do you want to know Miss Jiangs dreams?I have two dreams. First, I want to see your dreams come true.The next one, I want to travel around the world and visit many other countries. So, this lesson, please follow me to learn an interesting country.(带读课题)教师指向板书好的课题 An interesting country 设计意图设计意图: 在本节课之前,已经带领学生学习了关于 dream 单元的知识,通过师生交流梦想引出本节课题,并活跃气氛,激活思维,帮助学生克服一定的紧张感。3.Look and say.T: Look at these four national flags. Do you know the countries.SS: 设计意图设计意图:呈现四个国家的国旗,直接引出所学国家 澳大利亚六下 Unit 6 An interesting country4带读单词 Australia T: Our four friends in the story ,they will learn about this country too. So first lets watch the cartoon and find out what they are talking about. Step2. Presentation1. watch and answerQ1.Who are they?Q2.What do they want to do before the lessons?Learn find out.about (找出关于。的知识) (know more things about this country) 设计意图设计意图:通过看第一部分的动画,回答两个简单问题,整体感知课文,形成第一遍概括印象。T: The same as us,they want to know mo
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Unit An interesting country_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:80072) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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