Unit 6 An interesting country-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:b2e94).zip


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    • Cartoon time动画视频.swf
    • Cartoon time音频1.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频10.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频11.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频12.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频2.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频3.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频4.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频5.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频6.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频7.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频8.mp3
    • Cartoon time音频9.mp3
    • Culture time音频1.mp3
    • Culture time音频2.mp3
    • Culture time音频3.mp3
    • Culture time音频4.mp3
    • Daniel视频.mp4
    • 六下Unit6第三课时.pptx--点击预览
    • 大堡礁风光片.mp4
    • 巨石阵介绍.mp3
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    • 澳大利亚宣传片.mp4
    • 背景音乐1.mp3
    • 背景音乐2.mp3
    • 背景音乐3.mp3
    • 背景音乐4.mp3
    • 黄石国家公园介绍.mp3
展开 译林版三年级起点六年级下册英语Unit6Aninterestingcountry_SoundtimeCulturetimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开.zip译林版三年级起点六年级下册英语Unit6Aninterestingcountry_SoundtimeCulturetimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开.zip
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Unit6 An interesting country (Fun time & Culture time & Cartoon time) My Australian friendsMy Australian friendsMy Australian friendsMy Australian friendsMr. RayMr. RayDanielDanielanimalsweathercitiessportsfoodpeopleviewstransportation 交通architecture 建筑 What are they talking about Australia? What else do you know about this country?Gold Coast(黄金海岸)Great Barrier Reef(大堡礁)Youll find _ in Australia./ a / i /i/ ee全世界共有224个国家和地区,其中国家有193个,地区有31个。What country do you know?Mr Ray和Daniel现在在澳大利亚,下个月他们会来中国,接着,他们将去英国和美国旅行。你想要成为他们的同行伙伴吗?Fellow Travelers wanted!Fellow Travelers wanted! 我们需要学习能力、行动能力、计划能力超强的同行伙伴。 Are you a good learner, a good practicer and a good planner? 准备好接受挑战吧!A good learner会学习的人懂得利用网络查找信息:用pad查找英国或美国的相关信息,完成信息卡并反馈给老师。Today, Ill tell you about.The weather is .The people there love.There are some interesting cities in the country, for example, .Youll find interesting places like.London(伦敦) is the capital(首都) of the UK.Big Ben大本钟London Eye伦敦眼Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥Stonehenge巨石阵文化积淀:巨石阵由几十块巨大的石柱组成,中心的巨石高达8米,平均重量近30吨,是欧洲著名的史前文化神庙遗址,但没有人知道它的建造者和用途,充满了神秘感。interesting cities in the USChicago芝加哥Los Angeles洛杉矶Seattle 西雅图 Boston 波士顿San Francisco旧金山Washington华盛顿New York 纽约好莱坞the White House白宫the Statue of Liberty自由女神像interesting places in the USYellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园文化积淀:黄石国家公园位于美国西北部,占地约9000平方公里,是美国最大的野生动物庇护所,园内栖息着多种野生动物和鸟类,同时也以壮丽的自然景观和丰富的地热资源闻名。The Great Wall长城Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园Stonehenge巨石阵 Great Barrier Reef大堡礁Match and sayMatch and sayYoull find _ in _.the Great WallYellowstone National ParkStonehenge the Great Barrier Reef译海拾珠:不到长城非好汉。 He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.A good practicerYou are all good learners!展现了优秀的学习能力,同学们是否也具备优秀的实践能力呢?Billy也想成为Mr Ray和Daniel的同行伙伴,他是否具备资格?Watch and answerWhat does Billy want to be?What will he do?He will cook fish and make a potato salad.cabbages卷心菜carrotspotatoes沙拉What can you see on the table?eggsmeatfishLook and guessWhat will Billy cook?Just wait and see.A. happyB. confident(自信的)B. confident(自信的)Is Billy a good cook?Think and sayWhy cant he cook well?译海拾珠:纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。 Practice makes perfect. Actions speak louder than words.Billy likes eating nice food.Yummy! I want to be a cook.Listen and repeatIll learn about cooking on the Internet.Ill read newspapers too.Billy wants to find out about cooking.Billy will cook dinner for Bobby and Sam.What will you cook?Will you cook fish for me?Just wait and see.Billy is very busy in the kitchen. What do you think, Sam? Is he a good cook?He is cooking fish and making a potato salad.Read and act Tips:四人小组进行表演。请记得以下四条要求。加入丰富的语言、动作和表情,尽情发挥创意,可使你的表现更出彩哦!Speak clearly.发音清晰。Be confident.表达自信。Read creatively.朗读有创意。Read vividly.有表情动作地朗读。Read and actA good practicerBillyBillyBillyBilly能成能成能成能成为为为为MrMrMrMr Ray Ray Ray Ray和和和和DanielDanielDanielDaniel的伙伴的伙伴的伙伴的伙伴吗吗吗吗?A good plannerYou are all good practicers!除了学习习能力和实实践能力,接下来我们们将要挑战计战计 划能力。你是一个优优秀的计计划制定者吗吗?Plan and writeI want to travel to _.Ill visit _.Ill see _.Ill eat _.Ill buy _.My traveling planMy traveling planPlan and writeI want to travel to Japan(日本).Ill visit Tokyo(东京).Ill see Mount Fuji(富士山).Ill eat sushi(寿司).Ill buy presents for my students.My traveling planMy traveling planPlan and writeI want to travel to _.Ill visit _.Ill see _.Ill eat _.Ill buy _.My traveling planMy traveling plan快为旅程做好准备吧!如有任何问题,你也可以直接发电子邮件给我:。Homework1. Retell and act Cartoon time. 复述并表演卡通。 2. Learn about more interesting countries on the Internet. Make information cards and share in the next class. 在网上查找了解更多有趣的国家的信息, 制作信息卡,下节课上交流分享。1六下六下 Unit6 An interesting country 第三课时教学设计第三课时教学设计一、教学内容一、教学内容译林版小学英语六下 Unit6 An interesting country 第三课时 Fun time, Culture time, Cartoon time。二、教学目标二、教学目标(一)知识目标(一)知识目标1. 能正确理解和掌握卡通板块的故事内容,并能有感情地朗读或表演;2. 四会掌握单词 yesterday 和日常用语 What do you think?;三会掌握单词和词组 for example, London, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge;3. 巩固一般将来时态 will do的用法;4. 了解中国、美国、英国、澳大利亚的国家概况,如天气、著名城市和景点、代表性动物和体育运动等。(二)能力目标(二)能力目标1. 巩固掌握一般将来时态的用法,能在语境中选用正确的时态进行表达;2. 在未来教室环境下教师指导学生学会使用互联网帮助学习,查找英语国家的相关资料,并用英语进行简要介绍;3. 锻炼英语听、说、读、写综合能力。(三)情感目标(三)情感目标1. 培养独立意识和协作精神;2. 增强祖国意识,拓宽国际视野,提高跨文化交际意识与能力;三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点教学重点:教学重点:1. 能正确理解和掌握卡通内容,并能有感情地朗读和表演;2. 查找英语国家的相关资料,能用英语进行简要介绍,并制定一个 Traveling plan。教学难点:教学难点:了解中国、美国、英国、澳大利亚的国家概况,如天气、著名城市和景点、代表性动物和体育运动等,并用英语进行简要介绍。四、教学准备四、教学准备未来教室 starC 平台,学生平板,课件,人物贴图,实物道具等。五、教学过程五、教学过程Step1. Greetings & Warming up1.Enjoy a video about Australia.欣赏澳大利亚风光宣传片,唤醒第一、二课时记忆,导入主题。2.Greetings.3.Listen and answer: 介绍澳大利亚好友,播放对话视频,回答问题 What are they talking about Australia?4.Recall and say: What else do you know about Australia?回忆第一、二课时内容,说说除了他们讨论的 sports 外,你对澳大利亚这个国家其他方面事物了解。5.出示世界地图:There are many interesting countries in the world. What country do you know?2利用世界地图拓展更多国家,请学生交流他们所知道的国家名。6.引入另外三个目标国家(英国、美国、中国):我们的两位澳大利亚朋友将来到中国,随后去英国和美国旅行,他们想要招募同行伙伴,你们想要参加吗?They want good learners, good practicers and good planners.Step2. A good learner (Fun time & Culture time)1.Make and say: 学生利用 pad 查找英国或美国的相关信息,填写信息卡,反馈给教师端。教师鼓励学生多扩展丰富信息卡内容。限时四分钟。2.个别交流后图片导学,了解并学习英国的 London/Oxford/Big Ben/London Eye/Tower Bridge/Stonehenge 和美国的著名城市及景点,着重介绍 Stonehenge 和 Yellowstone National Park。在 Make and say 的交流阶段,教师可积极利用 starC 平台互动管理功能,给表现好的学生“点赞” 。引导学生发现网络对于学习的帮助作用,拓宽学习渠道。3.Match and say: Now can you match the right interesting places with the countries?总结以上交流所得,请学生上台操作,完成景点和国家的配对连线题,并当小老师领读。4.Try to say: 用 Youll find in 句型表达配对连线题,得出 Culture time 的四句句子。学生先单独发言尝试说,再跟读 Culture time 音频,教师正音,注意 Stonehenge、Barrier等单词的发音。5.We can find the Great Wall in China. 简要介绍长城,引入名言“不到长城非好汉” ,出示“译海拾珠”Tip1。Why do people say so? 引入 Be a good practicer。Step3. A good practicer (Cartoon time)1.Billy 也想加入挑战,他能成功吗?2.Watch and answer: What does Billy want to be? What will he do? 看卡通板块动画,回答问题。思考:Is Billy a good learner?3.Look and guess: Billy will cook for Sam and Bobby.看卡通板块第三幅图,说说图上有什么食材,猜测 Billy 将要给 Sam 和 Bobby 做什么好吃的。 He will cook fish and make a potato salad.猜这两样食物分别给谁?4.Billy is ready to cook. He says “Just wait and see.”体会该句台词的情感:自信的。学生模仿语气和动作读。5.Is Billy a good cook? Why cant he cook well?图片引导学生思考,交流观点:Billy 是不是一个好厨师?为什么他做不好菜?引导学生反思:只有动手实践才能取得进步,出示“译海拾珠”Tip2。6.Listen and imitate.跟读 Cartoon time 音频,注意体会人物情绪,读出感情。7.Read and act: 四人小组为单位表演故事。利用 starC 平台的互动管理功能,投票表现最棒的小组。8.So can Billy be the fellow traveler? Billy 虽然是 good learner 但不是 good practicer,不能成为同行者。引入 A good planner 环节。Step 4. A good planner (Consolidation & Conclusion)31.Writing task: Make a plan for your traveling.教师出示范例,给出模板,学生综合之前在网上查找的资料,在 pad 上做出旅行计划并反馈到教师端。邀请个别学生进行交流,教师评价和修改。2.Commendation.利用 starC 平台的互动管理功能,总结课堂表现,表扬优秀小组和个人,送出奖品:旅行册。3.Assigning homework: Retell and act Cartoon time.复述并表演卡通板块的故事。 Find out more about interesting countries on the Internet. Share with your friends.在网上查找了解更多其他有趣的国家的信息,和同学交流分享。
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Unit An interesting country_Sound time Culture time Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:b2e94) 译林版
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本文标题:Unit 6 An interesting country-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:b2e94).zip

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