Unit 5 A party-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d1893).zip


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Unit5 A party (Culture time, Cartoon time, Picture book time)一、一、 教学目标教学目标应掌握的知识与技能应掌握的知识与技能:1. 通过学习,学生能听懂、会读、会说、会写的词汇 take a gift, arrive too early, a few minutes late, put on a play2. 能正确、熟练地运用句型 What are you going to do at the party?3. 通过学习学生能理解故事意思并能表演,并初步运用所学句型说说故事中人物将在聚会上的活动。4. 学生能初步掌握平板相关操作,并和教师进行互动。教学、学习方法及策略教学、学习方法及策略: :1.引导学生进行日常英语交际的意识,尤其增强连读等学生容易忽略的表达意识,使英语交流更为真实、贴近生活。2.鼓励孩子大胆说出对绘本的想法和观点情感态度与文化意识情感态度与文化意识: :1. 通过学习学生能够感受到中西方聚会文化的异同。2. 学生能够感受到来自聚会的自我展示、快乐和爱。3. 培养学生合作交流的意识,让团队的力量在课堂上绽放出光彩。二、二、 学情分析学情分析本课内容由译林版英语六年级下册 Unit5 A party 的 Culture time, Cartoon time 和自编 Picture time 组成,主干话题是中西方聚会文化的差异,及对聚会活动的展望。涉及句型 What are you going to do at the party? Im/ Were going to .通过之前的学习,学生已经对聚会的一些活动及会话表达方式有了初步的了解,通过本课的学习,让学生体验到中西方聚会文化的异同,并感受到透过聚会所表达出的“自我展示” 、 “获得快乐” 、 “体悟关爱”等三种关键聚会元素。在本课中,学生通过平板电脑自主学习绘本,通过小组合作的方式讨论、完成绘本学习任务,增强对聚会的体验和感悟。三、三、 重点难点重点难点教学重点:教学重点:(一)通过学习,学生能够感受并且分辨中西方聚会文化的异同。(二)学生能够运用句型 What are you going to do at the party?及答句对聚会的活动进行展望。(三)学生能够从绘本教学中体会到家人对自己的关爱,并且心怀感恩。教学难点:教学难点:(一)通过学习,学生能够认识到句子中的连读现象,并进行交际。(二)学生能够通过平板电脑自主学习绘本,并合作解决问题。(三)学生能够体悟到聚会上的“自我展示” 、 “给人快乐” 、 “相互关爱”三个核心元素。四、教学辅助四、教学辅助: :(一)多媒体教学课件及绘本课件、二维码等。(二)黑板、学生练习纸、学生表演道具等。(三)每位学生发放教学平板电脑一个,课前开机。(四)在黑板上预先书写好 Unit5 A party,并准备好黑板贴和粉笔。五、教学板书五、教学板书六、教学过程六、教学过程StepStep 1:1: BeforeBefore ClassClass ActivityActivityIntroduceIntroduce youryour invitationinvitation toto classclass( (设计意图:延续上堂课的学习内容,给予学生展示和畅想的空设计意图:延续上堂课的学习内容,给予学生展示和畅想的空间,让学生主动通过句型综合操练之前所学内容,同时为本课教学间,让学生主动通过句型综合操练之前所学内容,同时为本课教学埋下伏笔。埋下伏笔。) )Step2:Step2: WarmWarm upup1.1. ElementsElements ofof a a party.party. (When?(When? / / Where?Where? / / Who?Who? / / What?What? )T: Just now you talked about your invitations. What can you find in a party? Can you ask? (出示 When?)S: When is the party? / Where is the party? / Who is going to come to the party? / What are you going to bring to the party? / What are you going to do at the party? ( (设计意图:让学生通过问句的形式,将聚会的各种元素表达出设计意图:让学生通过问句的形式,将聚会的各种元素表达出来,以便在之后的来,以便在之后的 CultureCulture timetime 教学中进行认识和比较。教学中进行认识和比较。) )Step2:Step2: PresentationPresentation1.1. LearnLearn aboutabout a a ChineseChinese party.party.T:(show a picture of a Chinese party) Is it a Western party?S: No, its a Chinese party.T: How can you learn about a Chinese party?S: We can learn it from the Internet./ ask / from books and magazines T: When you go to a Chinese party, you S: We can take a gift or a red packet.T: We should arrive there S: On time / A few minutes early.(设计意图:通过网上查找、询问他人、翻阅书本杂志等方式,(设计意图:通过网上查找、询问他人、翻阅书本杂志等方式,学生对中国的聚会有一定的了解,让他们说一说,分享学习成学生对中国的聚会有一定的了解,让他们说一说,分享学习成果,也为之后的果,也为之后的 WesternWestern partyparty 教学埋下伏笔。教学埋下伏笔。 )2.2. LearnLearn aboutabout a a westernwestern partyparty (culture(culture time)time)T: (Show a picture of a western party) Now you know something about a Chinese party. What about a Western party? Lets listen. (播放 culture time,学生听并记住关键词)S: When you go to a western party, you should take a gift. You can be a few minutes late.T: Do you know this word arrive? Can you read it? (标记音标 )S: arriveT: What does it mean? A.go B.getS: It means Get there.T: What about this word? “minute” A.秒 B.分S: B is right.( (设计意图:在教学西方聚会时,利用听、记关键词的方式让学设计意图:在教学西方聚会时,利用听、记关键词的方式让学生把握中西方聚会在带礼物和参会时间的差异,同时教学单词生把握中西方聚会在带礼物和参会时间的差异,同时教学单词arrivearrive 和和 minuteminute,让学生通过音标拼读和猜测进行半自主学,让学生通过音标拼读和猜测进行半自主学习。习。) )3.3. CompareCompare a a ChineseChinese partyparty withwith a a WesternWestern party.party.T: (播放中西两个聚会的视频)Can you find more in the videos? (出示词组卡片,供学生贴到板书中西聚会图片的下方)(1)Guests bring things to the party. (2)Hosts prepare all the things.(3)Spend much time on playing.(4)Share food with each other.(5)Spend much time on eating.(6)Prepare a lot of food. (学生选择贴板书)T: There are other difference between Chinese party and Western party. How can you learn?S: We can (surf the Internet )(设计意图:中西方聚会的差异不仅体现在课文所述的方面,(设计意图:中西方聚会的差异不仅体现在课文所述的方面,引入更多值得学生思考、回忆的元素,并进行对比和分辨,更引入更多值得学生思考、回忆的元素,并进行对比和分辨,更能够让学生体会到中西方文化的差异,同时引导学生在课后进能够让学生体会到中西方文化的差异,同时引导学生在课后进行进一步了解和学习,对培养学生的国际视野具有一定意义。行进一步了解和学习,对培养学生的国际视野具有一定意义。 )4.4. FastFast readingreading CartoonCartoon timetime (Picture(Picture 1-2)1-2)T: Bobbys class is also going to have a party? What are they going to do? Lets read P54 and find the answer.S: Billy is going to play the piano. Willy is going to tell a story.T: Look at their faces. Shall we Read according to their facial expressions.S: (学生带着自信的语气读课文一、二两幅图)T: Why will they play do these?S: Because they are good at playing the piano and telling a story.T: Yes, we can at a party. (play/ show)S: We can show at a party.( (设计意图:通过第一、二课时的学习,学生已经掌握设计意图:通过第一、二课时的学习,学生已经掌握 WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo ?因此让学生通过快速阅读,找到答案,因此让学生通过快速阅读,找到答案,再根据课文人物表情加强语气进行会话,最后引导学生将前两再根据课文人物表情加强语气进行会话,最后引导学生将前两幅图的意义归结为幅图的意义归结为“聚会是展示的舞台聚会是展示的舞台” ,让学生具有更深刻的,让学生具有更深刻的思考。思考。) )5.5. ListenListen andand saysay (Cartoon(Cartoon timetime PicturePicture 3-4)3-4)T: What are Bobby and Sam going to do at the party? Can you guess.(出示之前教材出现的 fashion show, put on a play, eat and drink 等图)S: Theyre going to (说出自己的猜想)T: Now lets listen.(听录音)S: Theyre going to put on a play. T: (注意 put on a 之间的连读) put on a play (A.穿上 B.演出)S: B.T: What play? (出示哈姆雷特,白雪公主,国王的新衣等图片)S: The Kings new clothes.T: Who will be the king?S: Bobby.T: Why will he be the king?S: He thinks the king is cool/ nice/ greatT: (出示课文最后一幅图) Is Bobby cool?S: No. He isnt wearing any clothes.T: What are his friends doing?S: Theyre laughing.T: How to laugh? S: Hahaha (教师带着大家开怀大笑)T: Why do they laugh?S: Because Bobby is funny / they have a lot of fun T: So at the party we have _. S: We have fun / happiness(设计意图:在这个部分,我利用之前教材图片给予学生空间(设计意图:在这个部分,我利用之前教材图片给予学生空间猜想猜想 BobbyBobby 他们的活动计划,并渗透了哈姆雷特、白雪公主等他们的活动计划,并渗透了哈姆雷特、白雪公主等舞台剧,让课文不仅仅走一个简单的过场。随后带着大家一起舞台剧,让课文不仅仅走一个简单的过场。随后带着大家一起笑,一起享受聚会活动的乐趣,最后提炼出笑,一起享受聚会活动的乐趣,最后提炼出“聚会带来欢乐聚会带来欢乐”这个主题。这个主题。 )6.6. FollowFollow thethe tapetape (Sentence(Sentence byby sentence)sentence)Pay attention to the word linking, their confidence and fun. (设计意图:读出连读(技巧)(设计意图:读出连读(技巧) ,读出自信,读出快乐,正是本,读出自信,读出快乐,正是本课朗读的主要出发点。课朗读的主要出发点。 )7.7. DubDub forfor thethe cartoon.cartoon. (学生一起给动画配音)(学生一起给动画配音)Step3:Step3: ConsolidationConsolidation1.1. ShowShow time.time.ChooseChoose thethe wayway toto show.show.A. Read the dialogue with classmates.B. Act the dialogue with books.C. Act the dialogue freely.Tips: A. Read or act the words and sentences correctly.B. Act the dialogue with gestures and facial expressions. C. Act the dialogue with own words. (More than the dialogue)(设计意图:给予学生不同的方式进行展示,可以是分角色朗(设计意图:给予学生不同的方式进行展示,可以是分角色朗读,可以根据课文内容演出,也可以根据课文话题自由表演,让学读,可以根据课文内容演出,也可以根据课文话题自由表演,让学生在语言交际和展示中充分感受到语言和课堂的魅力,让课堂真正生在语言交际和展示中充分感受到语言和课堂的魅力,让课堂真正成为学生展示的舞台。成为学生展示的舞台。 )Step4:Step4: ProductionProduction1.1. PicturePicture bookbook timetime ( ( MarysMarys birthdaybirthday party)party)T: At the party, we can show and have fun. And we can have more. Look at the picture book. What can you see?S: I can see Mary and her family.T: Can you guess what are they going to have? (学生猜测)S: Theyre going to have a party.T: Great. Lets listen and then tell us what do you have at the party. (课件展示绘本内容)S: At a party, we have love. (揭示最后一个聚会元素)T: What are we going to learn about the story?S: We are going to finish the words and sentences in the story. We are going to read the story. We are going to have a title. We are going to think and do something. (现实上学生只说出了填空、朗读和想标题)T: Now lets scan the two-dimensional code and learn the story by yourselves.S: (学生用平板电脑扫描二维码然后展开自学)(设计意图:通过绘本故事,揭示聚会元素(设计意图:通过绘本故事,揭示聚会元素“爱爱” ,让学生通过,让学生通过扫描二维码自主学习绘本材料,思考如何学习绘本,要解决哪扫描二维码自主学习绘本材料,思考如何学习绘本,要解决哪些绘本学习中的问题,对学生的课内外阅读具有一定的指导作些绘本学习中的问题,对学生的课内外阅读具有一定的指导作用。用。 )T:T: ( (学生自学完后学生自学完后) ) NowNow letslets finishfinish thethe taskstasks inin groups.groups.T:(学生合作完成后,进行展示,检测)(以下为学生分组进行展示环节)S: She is very worried. Mary is very sad.S: (学生有感情地朗读绘本)S: Im going to give presents to you too. / S: Marys birthday party / a happy party / S: I think Mary lives in a happy family. Her family loves her very muchS: Im going to make a present for my mum. Im going to help my parents with the housework ( (设计意图:学生通过小组合作,共同探讨,完成绘本的各项设计意图:学生通过小组合作,共同探讨,完成绘本的各项任务,这些答案是丰富多彩的,不拘一格的,充满了学生的思任务,这些答案是丰富多彩的,不拘一格的,充满了学生的思考和感悟,并且让学生感受到父母、家人的爱,并且努力去感考和感悟,并且让学生感受到父母、家人的爱,并且努力去感恩、回报。恩、回报。) )Step5:Step5: HomeworkHomework1.1. ReadRead andand actact thethe dialogue.dialogue.2.2. FindFind moremore aboutabout ChineseChinese partyparty andand WesternWestern party.party.3.3. FinishFinish exerciseexercise ofof PicturePicture bookbook time.time. ( ( LookingLooking forwardforward toto seesee youryour excellentexcellent thinkingthinking andand doing!)doing!)(设计意图:(设计意图: 家庭作业的目的一是回顾课堂所进行的读和演的家庭作业的目的一是回顾课堂所进行的读和演的环节,使教学内容在学生脑海中的印迹更为深刻,二是引导学环节,使教学内容在学生脑海中的印迹更为深刻,二是引导学生通过更多的学习方式获取更多的文化信息,把课堂教学延伸生通过更多的学习方式获取更多的文化信息,把课堂教学延伸到课外,三是独立思考,完成课堂上遗留的部分绘本任务,期到课外,三是独立思考,完成课堂上遗留的部分绘本任务,期待学生的精彩的思考和实在的行动,让学生的核心素养在课外待学生的精彩的思考和实在的行动,让学生的核心素养在课外得以绽放。得以绽放。 )Unit5 A Unit5 A Party Party (Culture , Cartoon and Picture book time)(Culture , Cartoon and Picture book time)Have a party ( be going to )A partyWhen ?Where ?Who ? What bring?What do?A Chinese partyWhen you go to a Chinese party, you _(may/can/ should/must) take _ , you can arrive there _. ( early/ on time/ late)How to know: from the Internet ask other people read books and magazinesA Western partyWhen you go to a Western party, you _(may/can/ should/must) take a gift . Do not arrive too early. you can be a few minutes _. ( early/ on time/ late)shouldlateA Western partyarriveA. goB. getA. 分B. 秒 A Chinese partyA Western partyChinese party and Western party Hosts prepare everything.主人准备所有东西。Guests bring some things.客人带部分东西。Prepare much nice food.准备许多可口的食物。Share food with each other.相互共享美食。Spent much time on eating.在吃饭上花很多时间。Spent much time on playing .在餐后活动上花很多时间。Bobbys class is going to have a party._ _?What are you going to do at the party?What? ?P54Read and thinkTips: Read according to their facial expressions.(表情)Read and thinkWhy?Because _.hes good at / show his best 最佳的 read proudly (自豪地读)At a party, we can _. (show/play) showWhat are Bobby and Sam going to do?Theyre going to put on a play A.穿上B. 上演 Hamlet哈姆雷特Snow WhiteThe Kings new clothesWhy do they laugh?Because _. funny / happiness/At a party, we have _. (food/fun) funFollow the tapeTry to showWays:1. Read the dialogue with classmates.2. Act the dialogue with books.3. Act the dialogue freely.Attentions:1. Read or act the words and sentences correctly.2. Act the dialogue with gestures and facial expressions.3. Act the dialogue with own words. (more than the dialogue)At a party, we can have more. Picture book time Mary Mary is a little girl. She lives in a happy family. Dad, mum, grandpa and grandma all like her very much. How time flies! Marys birthday is coming. Oh, my birthday is coming . Im going to have a party. Shes very happy. Tomorrow is Marys birthday. But no one talks about the party. So she is very _. (worried/ sad)Dad, dad, what are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to read some books.What day is it tomorrow, dad? Er is it May Day?No, not May Day!Mum, mum, what are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to draw a picture.What day is it tomorrow, mum? Er is it Sunday?No, not Sunday!Grandpa, grandpa, what are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to do some shopping.What day is it tomorrow, grandpa? Er. is it a sunny Day?No, not a sunny Day!Grandma, grandma, what are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to make a sweater.What day is it tomorrow, grandma? Eris it a warm day?No, not a warm day!Mary is very _. (worried/sad)Come in, Mary. Ok, mum. Happy birthday, Mary! Theres a nice book, a pretty birthday card, a big cake and a beautiful sweater. They are all from her family.Oh, my birthday presents! How nice! Mary is very excited. But when is your birthday, mum? In June, dear.Do you have so many presents?Thats ok, dear.In the evening, The party begins. Everyone has a lot of fun at the party. “I like the party. Im going to _ too.”At a party, we have _. Scan and learn How can we learn?We can _. Choose and fill. (选择填词)Read. (阅读绘本)Think and fill. (补全最后一句)Think a tittle. (想一个题目)Think, write and do. (想、写、做)Scan and learn Group work (Discuss and finish)worriedsadHomework 1. Read and act the dialogue. 2. Find more about Chinese party and Western party. 3. Finish exercise of Picture book time.( Looking forward to see your excellent thinking and doing! 期待着看到大家的棒棒的想法和行动!)
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Unit party_Sound time Culture time Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d1893) 译林版
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本文标题:Unit 5 A party-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d1893).zip

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