Unit 4 Road safety-Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:91075).zip


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译林译林 20112011课标版课标版 英语英语 (三年级起点)六年级下册第四单元(三年级起点)六年级下册第四单元(Revision)We must follow the rules and stay safe!(Revision)classroomroadschoolfoodRoad safety cross the road safely drive safely ride the bike safely walk safely . .safelyWhat must we do safely on the road?我们在马路上必须安全地做什么?我们在马路上必须安全地做什么?你能说一说你能说一说safe、safety、safely的区别吗?的区别吗?safe 安全的安全的(形容词形容词);safety安全安全(名词名词);safely安全地安全地(副词副词)1.To keep _, we must look out for cars.2.Classroom _ is very important for us.3.The driver must drive _.safesafetysafelyRoad safety cross the road safely drive safely ride the bike safely walk safely . .safelyWhat must we do safely on the road?我们在马路上必须安全地做什么?我们在马路上必须安全地做什么?How to cross the road safely?When theres a zebra crossing, .mustntmustA:CanMust we wait on the pavement?B:Yes,you canmust.When theres no zebra crossing, .Please ask and answerand choose the rightwords.同桌对话,选择正确的同桌对话,选择正确的单词。单词。When theres no zebra crossing, .A:MustCan we look left first,then right and then left again?B:Yes,you mustcan.When theres no zebra crossing, .A:CanMust we cross with other people?B:Yes,you canmust.你能说一说你能说一说can和和must区别吗?区别吗?must 表示必须、一定要做某事,有表示必须、一定要做某事,有很强的语气。很强的语气。Can表示有能力或允许做某事。表示有能力或允许做某事。 When we are on the road, .mustnt play on the roadLets chant!stopStopred manmustntWaitpavementLook outcarsgo fastcarefullknowhelpful一般情况下,句子中的一般情况下,句子中的名词名词,动词动词,形容词形容词和和副副词词需要重读。或者需要需要重读。或者需要凸显某个词凸显某个词,就需要重读,就需要重读。Drive safely mustmustntWhat mustmustnt we do,when were driving?Useful words:seat belt 安全带drink and drive酒驾drive when we are sleepy疲劳驾驶Drive safely mustmustntWhat mustmustnt we do,when were driving?1.must wear seat belts2.must wait for the green light3.must look out for cars and bikes1.mustnt drink and drive2.mustnt park at the bus stop3.mustnt run the red light4.mustnt drive when were sleepy Drive safelyIn the UK, people drive on the _ side of the road.leftIn China, people drive on the _ side of the road,rightexcept_ and _.Hong KongMacauIn _, people drive on the left side of the road: Janpanthe USAustraliaDrive safelySingapore(新加坡新加坡)In _, people drive on the right side of the road: New Zealand(新西兰新西兰)the USGermany(德国德国)Different countries,different rules. Drive safelyFrance(法国)(法国)Hello! Im David.Today is my first day to go to school.Read,finish and match1.David! You _ chew the gun in class.2.David! You _ touch your friend with dirty hand.3.David! You _ make noise in class.4.David! You _fight with other students.5.David! You _ draw on the desk.6.David! You _ wait your turn.7.David! You _ listen carefully in class.8.David! You _ get into the classroom.9.David! You _ raise your hand when you answer questions.mustmustntRead,finish and matchTips:If you dont know the words,please guess!如果遇到不认识的单词,试着猜一猜吧!如果遇到不认识的单词,试着猜一猜吧! a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.i.8.David! You must get into the classroom.1.David! You mustnt chew the gun in class.9.David! You must raise your hand when you answer questions.2.David! You mustnt touch your friend with dirty hand.7.David! You must listen carefully in class.6.David! You must wait your turn.4.David! You mustnt fight with other students.3.David! You mustnt make noise in class.5.David! You mustnt draw on the desk.What do you think of(认为认为) little David?naughty(调皮的调皮的)bad. .To stay safe and learn as well as I can!2.You must _,when someone is speaking.1.You must look _.3.You must raise your hand and wait, when you want to _.4.You mustnt _,when youre at break time(课间课间) or lunchtime.5.You mustnt _everywhere.6.You mustnt push or _.Tips:1.Read the text carefully,try to guess what Miss Li will say.仔细读题,试着猜一猜李老师会说什么。仔细读题,试着猜一猜李老师会说什么。2.Listen carefully.To stay safe and learn as well as I can!2.You must _,when someone is speaking.1.You must look _.3.You must raise your hand and wait, when you want to _.4.You mustnt _,when youre at break time(课间课间) or lunchtime.5.You mustnt _everywhere.6.You mustnt push or _.clean and tidylisten carefullyanswer questionsrun fast or shoutthrow rubbishfightWhat do you learn from this story? Rules help you be a good student.Lets make rules!Classroom rulesbe respect be a good listener be fairbe on time be prepared be kind be helpful tell the truth share with others Useful sentence: You mustmustnt . , when you .Useful words:hand in homework on time(按时交作业),be in need(有需要的)1.Work in four 四人一组四人一组2.Make four classroom rules 制定四条班规制定四条班规3.If you have questions, raise your hand and wait,I will help you.如果你有问题请举手等待,如果你有问题请举手等待,我会来帮助你。我会来帮助你。Lets make rules!Classroom rulesbe respect be a good listener be fairbe on time be prepared be kind be helpful tell the truth share with others Useful sentence: You mustmustnt . , when you .Useful words:hand in homework on time(按时交作业),be in need(有需要的)Its easy to make classroom rules,but its difficult to follow them.I must .1.1.选择一条你制定的班规,写在你准备的图形上选择一条你制定的班规,写在你准备的图形上。2.2.上讲台向老师和同学们宣誓你写的班规。上讲台向老师和同学们宣誓你写的班规。3.3.把图形贴在班规树上。把图形贴在班规树上。Nothing can be accomplished without rules! (没有规矩不成方圆没有规矩不成方圆)Homework:1.Follow the rules you made.遵守你自己制定的规则。2.Review unit4复习第四单元Read and match1.David! You mustnt chew the gun in class.2.David! You mustnt touch your friend with dirty hand.3.David! You mustnt make noise in class.4.David! You mustnt fight with other students.5.David! You mustnt draw on the desk.6.David! You must wait your turn.7.David! You must listen carefully in class.8.David! You must get into the classroom.9.David! You must raise your hand when you answer questions.mustnt climb overthe railWhen theres no zebra crossing, .must look for a zebra crossing must look at the traffic lightsmust wait for the green man wait on the pavement must look first,the right and then left again cross with other people mustnt run or playHow to cross the road safely?AtAt thethe zabrazabra crossingcrossing NoNo zabrazabra crossingcrossingOnOn thethe roadroad6B unit4 Road safety 教学设计教学设计一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.复习 storytime 课文能运用句型 What must you do? I must. What mustnt you do? I mustnt.进行问答,并能说出情态动词 can、must 这两者之间的区别。2.复习复习 Sound time 能运用规则找出句子中的重读的单词,并能准确地读出文本中重读的单词。3.复习 Culture time 能区别左行制国家和右行制国家。4.能通过绘本复习本单元的内容,并从绘本中学习到规则的好处。二、教学重点、难点:二、教学重点、难点:1.复习 storytime 课文能运用句型 What must you do? I must. What mustnt you do? I mustnt.进行问答,并能说出情态动词 can、must 这两者之间的区别。2.复习复习 Sound time 能运用规则找出句子中的重读的单词,并能准确地读出文本中重读的单词。3.复习 Culture time 能区别左行制国家和右行制国家。三、教学方法与手段三、教学方法与手段讲授法、情景教学法、讨论法、小组合作学习法4、教学过程:教学过程:Step1:Free talkT:Good morning, boys and girls. We know Qingming Festival is coming. What are you going to do?Ss answer:We are going to .(go to the zoo, watch the film, have a picnic, go shopping.)T:You have good plans, and I have too. I am going to watch a film called” Fast and furious”.Lets see some film clips.T:Wow How exciting! But can we drive like this? What we must do? Ss answer:We must follow the rules and stay safe.Show the title:Unit4 Road safety.Step2:Review storytime1.T:what safety do you know in our life?Ss answer:(Road safety, classroom safety, school safety, food safety.)2.T:OK. Lets talk about road safety. What must we do safely on the road?Ss answer:We must (cross the road safely, drive safely.)3.T:safety, safely, can you tell me another similar word?S1:safe.T:Who can tell difference between them?Ss read the tip and do exercise 4.T:How to cross the road safely?There are 3 situations in our storytime. Lets review it.1)The first situation:When theres a zebra crossing,what must we do?& what mustnt we do?2)The second situation:When theres no zebra crossing,please ask and answer and choose the right words.(can,must)3)The third situation: When you are on the road, what mustnt we do?Step3: Review sound time1.T:Good job! lets have a break. Heres chant, Please listen and find the stress.Who can find the stress?Ss:(stopstopred manmustntwaitpavementlook outcarsknowgo fastcarefulhelpful)2.T:Good! You can find the stress.Can you tell me how to find the stress?Ss answer and show the tip.(一般情况下,句子中的名词,动词,形容词和副词需要重读。或者需要凸显某个词,就需要重读。)Step4:Review culture time1.T:We know how to cross the road safely. But how to drive safely.What mustmustnt we do, when were driving?Ss say and read2.T:But do you know there are different traffic rules in different countries.PPT shows:In the _, people drive on the left side of the road.In _, people drive on the right side of the road, except _ and _.3.T:Now lets learn more about it. In which country, people drive on the left side of the road?Ss answer:(japan,Australia, Singapore)4.T:In which country, people drive on the right side of the road?Ss:(Germany,the US,France)T: So we should know different countries, different rules.Step5:Picture book 1.Show the characterT:Heres a boy. He comes from a different country. Lets listen who is he?Yes! He is David.So do you want to know what happened to him on his first day at school? Ss read the picture book.2.Do” mustmustnt” exerciseT:Well, David did a lot of things at school. But did he do well at school?Ss:No,he didnt.T:Yes, lets tell little David what mustmustnt he do in the classroom. Please use these two words to finish these sentences and then please match the pictures and sentences. If you dont know the words, please guess!Check the answer:8) David! You must get into the classroom. 1) David! You mustnt chew the gun in class. 9)David! You must raise your hand when you answer questions. 2)David! You mustnt touch your friend with dirty hand. 7)David! You must listen carefully in class. 6)David!You must wait your turn. 4)David! You mustnt fight with other students. 3)David! You mustnt make noise in class. 5)David! You mustnt draw on the desk.3.listening timeT:Now we know the whole picture book. What do you think of little David?S1:He is bad.T:Yes. David is naughty, but he wants to be a good student and get praise. He just doesnt know the classroom rules.36.T:Now Miss Li is talking about classroom rules, lets listen carefully and tell David, OK?Heres is a tip for you. First, read the text carefully, try to guess what Miss Li will say. Second, listen carefully.Ss check the answer.T:Now, little David knows the rules. See! What is he doing? Yes! Lets prize him. Good job! What do you learn from this story? You can tell me in Chinese.Ss:(Rules help us be a good student.)Step6.Writing timeT:So we know rules are good for us. Lets work in four and make four classroom rules. If you have questions, raise your hand and wait, I will help you.Ss show wirte the rules in group and show their classroom rulesStep7.Moral educationT:Boys and girls, you can make classroom rules by yourselves. I think its easy to make classroom rules, but its difficult to follow them. In the next part, I hope you can choose one classroom rule you made, and write on the shape of your palm. And next you should come to here, make a vow to us. At last, we stick this on the our class tree. Can you?Step8 Homework1.Follow the rules you made.2.Review unit4
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Unit Road safety_Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:91075) 译林版 三年级 起点
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