Unit 3 A healthy diet-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:20004).zip


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Unit3 A healthy diet (Fun time & Grammar time)1. I can retell the story. 我会复述故事。我会复述故事。2. I can distinguish between “countable nouns” and ”uncountable nouns”. 我能区分我能区分 “可数名词可数名词 ”和和“不可数名词不可数名词 ”。3. I can talk about my daily meals and say something about someone else.我会谈论自己和他我会谈论自己和他人的一日三餐。人的一日三餐。 The higher up you go, the harder it is!Do you want to challenge?4. I can design a healthy diet plan.我能简单设计健康我能简单设计健康饮食计划。饮食计划。 He likesFor breakfast,For lunch and dinner,Mikes diet Lets retell.some advice?(饮 Mike提些合理饮 食建饮 )For breakfast,For lunch and dinner,She likes , but she eats _ at a time.She eats every day.Yang Lings dieta lot ofa lot ofsomesomesomesomesomea fewa littlebreadmilkricefishmeateggsnoodlesmeatvegetablesricehavewater在句中适当的运用量词,可使你的表达更具体。在句中适当的运用量词,可使你的表达更具体。a lot ofa fewmanya littlemuchsomeanyaana lot of 、 some 后面后面既可既可跟可跟可数名词,数名词,也可也可跟不可数名词!跟不可数名词!不可数名词不可数名词 A lot of 和和some后面跟的词有何特点呢后面跟的词有何特点呢?可数名词复数可数名词复数 sign plasticCountable Nouns 可数名词可数名词Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词不可数名词 waternewspaper chip wood vegetable milk noodle tree rice sandwich energy meat bottle peach bread egg juice cake mangoGame: Pick applesCountable Nouns 可数名词可数名词Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词不可数名词 water vegetable milk noodle fruit rice sandwich meat peach bread egg juice cake mango以下单词属于不可数名词,以下单词属于不可数名词,我们通常不在单词后面加我们通常不在单词后面加“s s”或或“eses”我们通常在以下单词后面加我们通常在以下单词后面加“s s”或或“eses”,用来表示复,用来表示复数形式。数形式。Hedrinksa fewa littleeggs.water.Grammar time可数名词复数可数名词复数eatsShe不可数名词不可数名词 A little和和a few后面跟的词有什么不同后面跟的词有什么不同?vegetables.cakes.milk.juice.Lets play.a littlea fewmilkeggshamburgersbreadsweetsricecoffeehot dogspotatoesmangoestomatoes以以o结尾的名词复数可加结尾的名词复数可加s或或es,加,加es的名词通常是的名词通常是有生命的动植物。有生命的动植物。(轻声读并记住)(轻声读并记住) Lets findpianoradiophotosssmangopotatotomatoeseses没有生命的没有生命的有生命的有生命的a lot of eggssome eggsa few eggsa lot of juice some juicea little juiceTips:1. “a few”和和“a little”在意思上相近,都表示比在意思上相近,都表示比some少的少的数量。不同的是,数量。不同的是,a few和和可数名词可数名词连用,表示连用,表示“几个几个”,a little和和不可数名词不可数名词连用表示连用表示“一点儿一点儿”、“少许少许”。2.“some”和和“a lot of “后面既可以接后面既可以接 ,也可以,也可以接接 复数形式。复数形式。可数名词可数名词不可数名词不可数名词a fewa littlea lot ofsomeLook and chooseRead, choose and write1 LiuTao has _ (a few / a lot of) rice for dinner.2 There are _(some / a little ) vegetables on the plate.3 Would you like _(some / any) ice cream?4 Helen had _(a little / a few) bread for breakfast.5 Mr Green drinks _(a few / a little) apple juice every week.6 I usually eat _(a few / a little) eggs for my breakfast. Tips:我们讨论的时我们讨论的时候可以适当的用一些量候可以适当的用一些量词,例如:词,例如:a little a few some a lot of 等等. Name Breakfast Lunch DinnerWhat do you have for breakfast ?I usually eat / have _.What about lunch and dinner ?For lunch and dinner , I often eat / have_.Tips:两人一组进行问答调查,在两人一组进行问答调查,在30页做好记录,页做好记录,还可以提出合理的建议。调查结束后,向全还可以提出合理的建议。调查结束后,向全班同学进行结果汇报。班同学进行结果汇报。_ usually has for breakfast. He / She has for lunch and dinner.I think he/she can have LunchDinnerBreakfastNameBreakfast like a king(国王),lunch like a prince(贵族),dinner like a pauper(贫民).早饭要吃好,午饭要吃饱,晚饭要吃少。What is the healthy diet ?a lot ofa lot ofsomea few / a little( (食物金字塔食物金字塔) ) In a healthy diet,We should have a lot of _.We should have some _.We should have a little/ a few _. 搭建食物金字塔:搭建食物金字塔:把不同食物摆放到食物金字塔中,并作出相关介绍。I like eating very much!Lets readWow! So many watermelons!I like eating very much!Lets read故事读一读故事读一读I want to eat it! But Wow! So many watermelons!Lets read故事读一读故事读一读故事读一读故事读一读I am too fat!Im not happy!Lets readI want to eat it!Make “A healthy diet” for Mr. Pig.为猪八戒制定一份“健康饮食”,帮助他减肥吧!1.1.两人一组讨论,两人一组讨论,说说说说你们会给猪八戒提哪些建议。你们会给猪八戒提哪些建议。Say and write2.2.把你的建议写下来,并读一读。把你的建议写下来,并读一读。A healthy diet for Mr. PigMr. Pig, Y o u c a n h a v e .You can eat .You can drink .You can also have .Wish you healthy and happy everyday!a fewa littlea lot ofsomeA healthy diet for Mr. PigMr. Pig: You can .You can .You can .You can also .Wish you healthy and happy everyday!Lets shareRead and judgeWe should eat fresh(新鲜)(新鲜)fruit and vegetables but less meat .We should eat bad food or drink overdue(过期的过期的) milk. We should wash our hands before eating.We should not eat too much sweet food ,because they make us fatter.We should eat high-calorie(高热量)(高热量) food because its yummy.We should go to bed early and get up early .We should do more exercise(锻炼锻炼).We should drink a lot of water everyday. Thank you, boys and girls.ChipscreamcakesInstant noodlesHot potBarbecueSausage and BaconTins PickleDeep-friedJunk food垃圾食品垃圾食品Healthy food1. Can you retell the story? 你会复述故事吗?你会复述故事吗?2. Can you distinguish between “countable nouns” and ”uncountable nouns”. 你能区分你能区分 “可数名词可数名词 ”和和“不可数名词不可数名词 ”吗?吗?3. Can you talk about my daily meals and say something about someone else?你会谈论自己和你会谈论自己和他人的一日三餐吗?他人的一日三餐吗? 4. Can you design a healthy diet plan.你能简单设计健康你能简单设计健康饮食计划吗?饮食计划吗?1.1.向家人普及食物金字塔。向家人普及食物金字塔。2.2.为你的家庭成员制定合理健康的饮食计划。为你的家庭成员制定合理健康的饮食计划。1.Talk about the healthy food with your parents.2.Make a healthy meal plan in your family.Write down about your healthy diet. My healthy dietI have a healthy diet. In the morning, I have_.For lunch and dinner, I have_.I think _is/are good for us, we should_.We shouldnt _.Healthy diet, healthy life!(写一写你的健康饮食)(写一写你的健康饮食)6B Unit3 A healthy diet (Grammar time &Fun time) 教学目标教学目标1.学生能熟练复述 story time.2.学生能在具体情境中熟练运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。3.学生能正确归类可数名词和不可数名词并掌握可数名词的复数形式。4.学生能运用句型 I havefor breakfast/lunch/dinner 流利的说出一日三餐饮食。5.学生能用英文了解他人的饮食习惯并提出建议。教学重点教学重点1.学生能在具体情境中熟练运用 a lot of, some, a few, a little。2.学生能用所学句型流利的介绍自己的一日三餐。教学难点教学难点1. 正确使用 a few, a little。2. 可数名词和不可数名词的区分。教学准备教学准备 PPT, 调查表教学步骤教学步骤Step1 Free talk1. Show the learning aims:2. Review:(story time)Last lesson, we have known something about Mike and Yang Lings diet, let us review it.T: Does Mike have a healthy diet? Can you give him some advice? Learn: unhealthyReason-He likes eating sweet food, he does not have any fruit or vegetables.Now he eats a little sweet food and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. T: What about Yang Lings diet? Yes, she has a healthy diet. 3. Show the form and learn some quantities: a lot of, some, a little, a few ( story time) other quantities: many, much, a, an, anyStep2 Grammar time1. Read and find: 呈现语法表格 1,读,发现 a lot of 与 some 的区别:A:数量上的多少B:a lot of 、 some 后面既可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词! Play a game.(摘苹果游戏,巩固可数名词与不可数名词的区别) Summarize: 我们通常在可数名词后加“s”或“es” ,表达复数形式。我们通常不在不可数名词后加“s”或“es” 。2. Read and find: 呈现语法表格 2,读,发现 a few 与 a little 的区别:a few 后接可数名词复数a little 后接不可数名词 Play a game.(青蛙吃食游戏,操练学生对 a few 和 a little 的用法) Try to think: (mango, tomato, potato 变复数时在词尾加 es) Exercise and summarize:a.Look, choose and sayb. Look, choose and writeStep3 Fun time1Do you have a healthy diet? What about your classmates diet? Lets do a survey about it. What do you have for breakfast? I haveWhat about lunch and dinner? For lunch and dinner, I have T-S,,ask and answer.Finish the form.(a lot of 3 some 2 a little/ a few ) _s meals in a dayeggmilkbreadnoodlesvegetablesfruitricemeatfishbreakfastLunchdinner2. talk about it.问答 Ask two pairs of them , ask and answer. 呈现 T: hasfor breakfast, she hasfor lunch and dinner.What do you think of her diet? Why? Suggestions. (师叙述,学生评价)3. 让两个学生呈现出对方的饮食规律Tips:1. “a few”和“a little”在意思上相近,都表示比 some 少的数量。不同的是,a few 和可数名词连用,表示“几个” ,a little 和不可数名词连用表示“一点儿” 、“少许” 。2.“some”和“a lot of “后面既可以接不可数名词,也可以接可数名词复数形式。hasfor breakfast, she hasfor lunch and dinner.What do you think of her diet? Why? Suggestions (学生叙述,学生评价)4. T: To keep healthy, we should have Breakfast like a king(国王),lunch like a prince(贵族), dinner like a pauper(贫民).Step4 Extension1. Recall and make:What is a healthy diet? Show the frame of food pyramid,then ask students to discuss in groups。2. Show the healthy diet one by one:3. Read and talk:T: Bajie has some troubles. Whats wrong with him? What should he do?4. Make a healthy diet for Bajie: Mr pig: You can _. You can _. You can also _. Wish you have a healthy and happy everyday.5. Read and judge: Wukong also gives some advice to Mr pig. Are they right? Lets go and have a look.6. Show some junk food which Bajie ate. We should keep away from the junk food. 7. Enjoy a song .I think everyone should have a healthy diet, healthy diet, healthy life!Step 5 :Homework:1. Show the food pyramid to your family members.2. Make a healthy diet plan for your family.
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