Project 2 A travel book-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:0653f).zip


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1小学英语试卷评讲(一)Teaching material:A comprehensive test paper for Grade sixTeaching aims and learning objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:1. use listening skills to do the listening text, such as use the key words to predict the answer,write the keywords in shorthand and so on;2. get to know the strategies of filling in the blanks with the first letter;3. get to know the strategies of filling in the blanks according to the pictures;4. get to know how to write the English composition.Focus of the lesson:1. use listening skills to do the listening text ;2. get to know the strategies of filling in the blanks with the first letter;3 get to know how to write the English composition. Predicted area of difficulty:1.analyse the listening skills;2.using the key words to fill in the blanks;3. using the key words to write English composition. Teaching aids:CAI, mobile phoneTeaching procedures:Step I Warm-up and leading-in1. Ask a question, “How was your test? Is it wonderful ? Is it bad?”2. Know about the exam and the average. 3.Ask a question,“Which part is difficult for you? Listening part or writing part ?”【设计意图设计意图】让学生先对成绩做自我评价,然后教师介绍班级考试的总体情况,并抛出问题,让学生对听力和笔试的难度做个比较。2Step Analyse the listening part1. Show the statistical figure about lost marks in listening part.2. Show the two typical problems.Choose the answer according to the sentences you hear.Listen to the passage and complete information.3.Analyse the question “choose the answer according to the sentences you hear”.Share what you will prepare before you listen.Listen again and check the answerDo the similar listening exercise.(give them one minute to prepare, send the pictures about the students preparing to the screen)4.Analyse the question“listen to the passage and complete information”;Share what you will prepare before you listen.Listen again and check the answer.Do the similar listening exercise.( give them one minute to prepare,send the pictures about the students preparing to the screen)5. Try to summary and share: say a chant about strategies.【设计意图设计意图】教师通过一张听力失分统计图让学生认识到听力题的难点题型,对两道难题重点分析,在分析过程中,通过听前准备、听中速记、听后检查三大方面让学生掌握听力策略和技巧。Step Analyse the writing part1.Show the statistical figure about lost marks in writing part.2.Show the three typical problems.fill in the blanks with the first letter;fill in the blanks according to the pictures;how to write the English composition.3.Analyse the question “fill in the blanks with the first letter”.Share what you will prepare before you write.Write again and check the answer.Summary the strategies: read and understand, know the context,check carefully.Have a PK in your group.(each student prepare a question about this before the lesson, four people in a group, they exchange the questions to each other and the group leader check the answer , who does correctly is the winner.) The teacher use the mobile phone to take some photos and send them to the screen, they check the answers together.【设计意图设计意图】教师让学生先通过分析试卷上的习题,渗透一些策略给学生,3然后让学生自己总结归纳方法,最后老师给出具体建议。通过小组内 PK 的方式,让学生自己出题,对方做题,组长批改,充分掌握答题技巧,同时把学生的题目传送在大屏幕上,老师和学生共同检查批改也是答题策略的再次巩固。 4.Analyse the question“fill in the blanks according to the pictures”;Share what you will prepare before you write.Write again and check the answer.Do the similar exercise and check the answer.(send the pictures about the students answer to the screen)5. Analyse the question“how to write the English composition”.Show the question and ask them to find the keywords.Show the full score compositions to them.Show the compositions with mistakes to them.Summary the strategies: find the tense, know the topic, know the person, correct spelling, beautiful writing.Show another topic and the students talk about the tense, topic and the person. 【设计意图设计意图】教师通过分析卷中的作文,呈现出一些满分作文和失分的作文,让学生明确写作的三大要素(时态、话题和人称) ,并且在细节上求明确,如标点、单词拼写、语句通顺、字迹工整等方面。Step SummaryEnjoy a chant about answering and be better next time.【设计意图设计意图】通过一个口诀让学生了解答题有策略,对下次考试充满信心,期待更好的下一次。How was your test(测验 ) ?Wonderful Good Not bad Bad 均分均分 89.8289.82 试卷成绩统计图试卷成绩统计图Which part is difficult for you?你认为哪部分较难?你认为哪部分较难?Listening part or writing part? 2828分分7272分分听力各题失分统计听力各题失分统计图图听短文,补全信息听短文,补全信息听录音,找出听到的内听录音,找出听到的内容容听对话及问题,选择答听对话及问题,选择答案案看图听短文,填序看图听短文,填序号号根据听到的句子选择答根据听到的句子选择答语语听录音,根据听到的句子,选择相应的答语。听录音,根据听到的句子,选择相应的答语。7)A.OK B.All right C. Thank you.8)A.Yes, Id like to. B: No, thanks .C. Yes, I did.9)A.In September. B. In October. C. In May or June.10)A.Run fast. B.Read books C.Look out for cars. 11)A.It was fun. B.I had a party. C. I go to the park.12)A.I wnt to be a writer. B.I want to write stories. C. Its hard to do well.抓住关键语,预判先答题抓住关键语,预判先答题。8)A.Yes, Id like to. B. No, thanks .C. Yes, I did.9)A.In September. B. In October. C. In May or June.10)A.Run fast. B.Read books C.Look out for cars. Did you?9月月10月月5月或月或 6月月当心汽车当心汽车一、根据所听内容,选出相应的答语。一、根据所听内容,选出相应的答语。( (听两遍听两遍) ) ( ( ) ) 1. A.Im going to London. B.I went to London last month. C.Yes, I am going there. ( ( ) ) 2. A. She cant eat too many sweets. B. She cant eat fruit. C. She can eat a few noodles.start4812162024283236404448525660一、根据所听内容,选出相应的答语。一、根据所听内容,选出相应的答语。( (听两遍听两遍) ) ( ( ) ) 1. A.Im going to London. B.I went to London last month. C.Yes, I am going there. ( ( ) ) 2. A. She cant eat too many sweets. B. She cant eat fruit. C. She can eat a few noodles.CA 月份月份 职业职业 数字数字ingingtwelve/12playsingJulydentistviolin 根据所听内容,补全短文。根据所听内容,补全短文。( (听三遍听三遍) ) Day: Last _ Weather: It was _ at first, then it became _. Things: some fruit , _ _ of cola and some _ How much ? ¥ _ ( (填写阿拉伯数字填写阿拉伯数字) )start4812162024283236404448525660 根据所听内容,补全短文。根据所听内容,补全短文。( (听三遍听三遍) ) Day: Last _ Weather: It was _ at first, then it became _. Things: some fruit , _ _ of cola and some _ How much ? ¥ _ ( (填写阿拉伯数字填写阿拉伯数字) ) Tuesday cloudy rainynoodles twobottles59听前先听前先题题 , ,题 忘做笔忘做笔题 。 。抓住关抓住关题题 , ,题 判先答判先答题 。 。题 句找主句找主题 , ,题 景需牢景需牢题 。 。速速题 与心理,平与心理,平题 勤勤题题 。 。一、根据首字母填空。一、根据首字母填空。 1.There are 13 big c_ in Jiangsu. 2. Tom is a lovely baby. Today is his t_ birthday.3.W_ comes from trees . We use it to make tables and chairs.4.After dinner ,we usually go to the park on foot, because our home is b_ it.itieshirdoodehind/ beside做首字母填空的注意事项做首字母填空的注意事项: :1.1.通读句子或短文通读句子或短文, ,了解大意。了解大意。2.2.平时注意积累词组和单词。平时注意积累词组和单词。3.3.上下文联系。上下文联系。4.4.默读检查,注意时态与人称。默读检查,注意时态与人称。题 懂懂上下上下题系系题题 题 同学同学题 拿出你拿出你题 前准前准题 好的首字母好的首字母填空填空题 ,四人一,四人一题 互互题题 目答目答题 , ,题题题题批改。答批改。答题 的同学即的同学即PK成功。成功。Come on !A.What are they _? Are they studying there?B: No, they _. They are _the library. A: Lets go and join them.doingarentcleaning/sweeping看图完成对话。看图完成对话。根据上下文情景,完成句子。根据上下文情景,完成句子。Its five oclock .Its time _ home.A. _ do you go home? B. My home is near. I often go home _ _. What _ you?A: My home is _ from the school. I go home by car.B: Smoke from cars _ the air _. You _ _ a bus .A:You are right. forHowon footaboutfarmakesdirtycan/shouldtake 明天是周末了,你打算怎样轻松一下呢?请根据提示写一篇介明天是周末了,你打算怎样轻松一下呢?请根据提示写一篇介绍自己周末生活的短文,至少写五句话。绍自己周末生活的短文,至少写五句话。 找关找关题题 ,确定,确定题题看内容提要,确定主看内容提要,确定主题看内容提要,确定主人公看内容提要,确定主人公TipsTips:做到意思连贯、语法正确、语句通顺、:做到意思连贯、语法正确、语句通顺、 标点正确、书写规范。标点正确、书写规范。英文写作注意事项英文写作注意事项 ? 暑假快到了,回忆一下,去年暑假你和家人去了哪里?参观了暑假快到了,回忆一下,去年暑假你和家人去了哪里?参观了哪些地方?做了什么有趣的事?哪些地方?做了什么有趣的事?请你和我们分享,至少写五句请你和我们分享,至少写五句话。话。 找关找关题题 ,确定,确定题题看内容提要,确定主看内容提要,确定主题看内容提要,确定主人公看内容提要,确定主人公 答题有策略,答题有策略, 单词是基石。单词是基石。 调整好状态,调整好状态, 抓住关键词。抓住关键词。 人称和时态,人称和时态, 前后要一致。前后要一致。 莫怕生单词,莫怕生单词, 检查要细致。检查要细致。 Which part is difficult for you?你认为哪题较难?你认为哪题较难? 听力听力题 型型 得分率得分率 A)根据听到的句子,找出听到的内容。根据听到的句子,找出听到的内容。B)根据听到的句子,根据听到的句子,题题 相相题 答答题 。 。C)根据听到的根据听到的题题 及及题题 , ,题题 正确答案。正确答案。D)看看题 听短文,将听短文,将题 片序号填入括号内。片序号填入括号内。E)根据所听内容,根据所听内容,题 全信息,没空一全信息,没空一题 。 。 结束了一个星期的学习,周末你和家人通常做什么呢?结束了一个星期的学习,周末你和家人通常做什么呢?请请你至少用五句话描述周末你和家人的活动。你至少用五句话描述周末你和家人的活动。 找关找关题题 ,确定,确定题题看内容提要,确定主看内容提要,确定主题看内容提要,确定主人公看内容提要,确定主人公stop12345678910
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关 键 词:
Project travel book_Part C_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:0653f) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 六年级 下册 英语
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