Project 1 Being a good student-Part B & C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:b0765).zip


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Revision (Unit1-Unit4)义务教育译林版六年级下册义务教育译林版六年级下册1.Know clearly which are good habits and which are bad habits. 熟练的分清哪些是好好习惯与坏习惯习惯与坏习惯。2. Practice the sentences we have learned, and give suggestions to others about their bad habits.巩固所学知识并对别人的坏习惯给出建议给出建议。3.Realize what bad habits you have and try your best to change them. 认识到自身存在的不足,并听取建议加以改改正正。学习目标学习目标:1.Do I get up early every day?2.Do I waste(浪费浪费) food sometimes?Tip:仔细听小短文并仔细听小短文并回答问题,可以回答问题,可以用笔用笔记录下关键词哦!记录下关键词哦!1. Do I get up early every day?No. I usually get up early except the holidays.除了除了2. Do I waste food sometimes?Because I dont like eating fat meat.肥肉肥肉Yes.grain谷物谷物LionLion TeamTeam vsvs MouseMouse TeamTeam获得胜利的小组可以优先选择作业。获得胜利的小组可以优先选择作业。Lets PK.ReadRead andand judge.judge.看到好习惯大声看到好习惯大声读出,看到坏习读出,看到坏习惯说惯说No, no, no!usually get up earlynever go to school late often drink a lot of colaalways look left and right before crossing the roadnever eat fat meatsometimes run fast on the roadoften eat a lot of vegetablesalways put things in orderusually study late at nightPickPick apples.apples. Lets pick apples.earlylatesafelysadlywellfastquietlyhappilyloudlyRules: Choose an apple, then use the word on the apple to make a sentence.选择一个苹果选择一个苹果,用上面的词,用上面的词造句造句,对的,对的可顺利摘下一可顺利摘下一只苹果。只苹果。 你能造出哪些句子,四人一小组讨论一下吧!Read and order.(连词成句(连词成句) 1. laughed, the, little, loudly, boy (.) _ 2. cross, we, how, can, the, safely, road (?) _ 3. habit, get, a, up, early, is, good (.) _ 4. does, at, Liu Tao, well, home (.) _仔细看题,自己独立完成!仔细看题,自己独立完成! 1. laughed, the, little, loudly, boy (.) _ 2. cross, we, how, can, the, safely, road (?) _ 3. habit, get, a, up, early, is, good (.) _ 4. does, at, Liu Tao, well, home (.) _小组讨论交流。小组讨论交流。注意检查句子书写的注意检查句子书写的格式!格式!The little boy laughed loudly.How can we cross the road safely?Get up early is a good habit.Liu Tao does well at home.DescribeDescribe andand judge.judge.描述图片并判断。描述图片并判断。TryTry toto describedescribe andand judgejudge对于不好的行为习对于不好的行为习惯,你有哪些好的惯,你有哪些好的建议建议?(should/shouldnt)TryTry toto describedescribe andand judgejudge你能给出建议你能给出建议吗?(吗?(must/mustnt)Fill in the blanks.(根据提示填空(根据提示填空)I want to be a good child. At home, I should help my parents _. (做些家务)(做些家务)I should keep my room_.(干净整洁(干净整洁) I should also _. (把我的东西整理的井井有条)(把我的东西整理的井井有条)I should have _.(一个健康的饮食)(一个健康的饮食)At school, I must _. (听老师的话)(听老师的话)I should help my classmates too.To keep safe, we must _(遵守规则)(遵守规则)on the road. We must _(当心)(当心)the cars and bikes.小组讨论小组讨论交流一下交流一下吧!吧!do some houseworkclean and tidyput my things in ordera healthy dietlisten to teachersfollow the ruleslook out for Good habits make a big future! 好习惯成就大未来!1.Write a story about your habits.写一篇关于你的习惯的小短文。写一篇关于你的习惯的小短文。2.Make a poster about your habits.做一张关于你的习惯的海报。做一张关于你的习惯的海报。Homework六年级下册六年级下册 Project1Project1 课堂练习课堂练习 NameName _一、一、ReadRead andand order.order.(连词成句)(连词成句)1.1. laughed,laughed, the,the, little,little, loudly,loudly, boyboy (.)(.) _ 2.2. cross,cross, we,we, how,how, can,can, the,the, safely,safely, roadroad (?)(?) _ 3.3. habithabit , , get,get, a,a, up,up, early,early, is,is, goodgood (.)(.) _ 4.4. does,does, at,at, LiuLiu Tao,Tao, well,well, homehome (.)(.) _二、二、FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks.(根据提示填空)(根据提示填空)I I wantwant toto bebe a a goodgood child.child. AtAt home,home, I I shouldshould helphelp mymy parentsparents _._.(做些家务)(做些家务)I I shouldshould keepkeep mymy room_.room_.(干净整洁(干净整洁) ) I I shouldshould alsoalso _._. (把我的东西整理的井井有条)(把我的东西整理的井井有条)I I shouldshould have_.have_.(一个健康的饮食)(一个健康的饮食)AtAt school,school, I I mustmust _._. (听老师的话)(听老师的话)I I shouldshould helphelp mymy classmatesclassmates too.too.ToTo keepkeep safe,safe, wewe mustmust _(遵守规则)(遵守规则)onon thethe road.road. WeWe mustmust _(当心)(当心)thethe carscars andand bikes.bikes.1译林版六年级下册译林版六年级下册 Project1Project1 BeingBeing a a goodgood studentstudent 教学预案教学预案 一、教学目标1.熟练的分清哪些是好习惯与坏习惯。2.巩固所学语言知识并对别人的坏习惯给出建议。3.认识到自身存在的不足,并听取建议加以改正。二、教学重难点巩固所学语言知识并对别人的坏习惯给出建议。三、教学准备PPT、贴纸四、教学过程Step1. Warm up1. Greetings.T: Boys and girls. Im Miss Liu. Nice to meet you .Ss: Nice to meet you too, Miss Liu.2. Show the learning aims to students.(1) Know clearly which are good habits and which are bad habits.(2) Practice the sentences we have learned, and give suggestions to others about their bad habits.(3) Realize what bad habits you have and try your best to change them. 3. Listen and answer. 回答关于老师的两个问题。2(1) Do I get up early every day?(2) Do I waste some food sometimes?Tip:学生在听的过程中可以用笔记下关键词.设计意图:这个活动主要是对学生的听力做一个小检测并对老设计意图:这个活动主要是对学生的听力做一个小检测并对老师的习惯进行一个大概了解,拉近师生之间的距离。师的习惯进行一个大概了解,拉近师生之间的距离。4. T: Look at the Food Pyramid. What should we eat in normal times? 学生谈论关于食物金字塔。T: We should have a healthy diet. 板书 a healthy diet设计意图:进一步复习设计意图:进一步复习 Unit3 关于健康饮食的一些知识。关于健康饮食的一些知识。Step2. Revision and PK1. T: This class I want to divide you into two teams-Lion Team and Mouse Team. If you do well, Ill give you an apple sticker each time. At last, which team has more stickers, you have the chance to choose the homework first. OK?设计意图:以分组奖励的方式激发学生的兴趣。设计意图:以分组奖励的方式激发学生的兴趣。2. T: who can tell us what you have learned in Unit 1?S1: Weak people sometimes can help the strong people.S2: We shouldnt laugh at other people.T: What you said just now is all very good. If you want to be a good students, I think you should also help each other in normal times. Yes? 板书 A good student33. Lets PK.(1) Round1 Read and judge.看到好习惯大声读出,看到坏习惯说 No, no, no!usually get up early、sometimes run fast on the road、always look left and right before crossing the road、often eat a lot of vegetables、often drink a lot of cola、always put things in order、never go to school late、never eat fat meat设计意图:复习每个单元中重要的短语,为下面的学习做好铺设计意图:复习每个单元中重要的短语,为下面的学习做好铺垫。垫。(2)Round2 Pick apples. 出示规则 Rules: Choose an apple, then use the word on the apple to make a sentence.四人一小组讨论如何运用这些副词造句。副词有:early、sadly、late、well、fast、happily、loudly、safely、quietly。设计意图:复习巩固所学的重点副词,让学生自己造句,做到设计意图:复习巩固所学的重点副词,让学生自己造句,做到词不离句。以学生摘苹果这个游戏为依托,进一步提高学生的词不离句。以学生摘苹果这个游戏为依托,进一步提高学生的兴趣。使学生愿意为自己的组去努力争取得到一个苹果。兴趣。使学生愿意为自己的组去努力争取得到一个苹果。 Read and order.(连词成句)1. laughed, the, little, loudly, boy (.) _ 2. cross, we, how, can, the, safely, road (?)4 _ 3. habit, get, a, up, early, is, good (.) _ 4. does, at, Liu Tao, well, home (.) _Tip: 学生先自己做,然后小组讨论交流。注意检查句子书写的格式!设计意图:检测学生句子书写的能力,进一步提高学生的做题设计意图:检测学生句子书写的能力,进一步提高学生的做题能力。能力。(3) Round3 Describe and judge. 描述图片并判断。出示一些关于习惯的图片,先描述判断是好或坏习惯。对于不好的行为习惯,你有哪些好的建议?应该怎样做?运用句型should/shouldnt以及must/mustnt设计意图:让学生对图片进行描述提问,提高学生对图片的分设计意图:让学生对图片进行描述提问,提高学生对图片的分析理解的能力。析理解的能力。Fill in the blanks.(根据提示填空)I want to be a good child. At home, I should help my parents _(做些家务).I should keep my room_.(干净整洁) I should also _(把我的东西整理的井井有条).I should have _(一个健康的饮食).At school, I must _(听老师的话).5I should help my classmates too.To keep safe, we must _(遵守规则)on the road. We must _(当心)the cars and bikes.设计意图:由上面的图片引出以下相关短文。进一步巩固所学设计意图:由上面的图片引出以下相关短文。进一步巩固所学的知识,将题目难度层层递进。的知识,将题目难度层层递进。Step3. Summary1.总结想要成为一名好学生,我们应该怎样做?努力改正我们的坏习惯。2.情感教育:好习惯成就大未来!3.Count which team has more apple stickers.胜出的一组可优先选择作业,小组长商量决定。Step4. Homework1. Write a short story about your habits.2. Make a poster about your habits.
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