Unit 8 How are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:20887).zip


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Unit 8 How are you?课后检测课后检测一单项选择。( ) 1. _are you ? Not so good.A. How aboutB. How C. What about( ) 2. I have a fever. _ A. Thank you B. Great! C. Im sorry to hear that.( ) 3. Hello! May I speak to Nancy? _A. Yes, speaking.B. Yes, Im Nancy.C. No, Im not Nancy.( ) 4. Whats the matter? I have _.A .ill B. a cold C. cold( ) 5. Whats the matter with_? Hes got a fever.A. he B. his C. him( ) 6. I am _. Heres a glass of water for you.A. thirsty B. hungry C. tired( ) 7.I cant _ school today.A. go B. comeC. come to( )8.How are you? _ I have a fever.A. Im fine. B. Not so good.C. Im nine.( )9. Im very _ .A. cold B. a coldC. cough二从 II 栏中选出 I 栏相应的答句。 (10 分) I II( )1.Hello,this is Tom speaking.A. Im fine, thank you.( )2. Whats the matter, Su Hai? B. No, hes at school.( )3.How are you today, Liu Tao? C. Its seven.( )4.I have a bad cough.D.Holle, this is Tom speaking.( )5.What lessons do you have today?E.I feel cold.( )6.When do you get up?F. Hello, this is Sam.( )7.Is Liu Tao here?G. Im sorry to hear that.( )8.Look at my monkey! H. How nice! ( )9.May I speak to Tom? I. At seven. ( )10.What time is it ? J. We dont have any lessons .三连词成句。1.Su Hai to may I speak (?)2.want I drink water to some (.)3.that to sorry I am hear (.)4.and come a have of water glass (.)四看图完成对话。A: Hello , is Sam speaking. B: Hello, Sam. This Bobby are you today? A: Not so . B: Whats the matter? A:I have a cough and a . Period 2 Fun time & Cartoon timeLetsLets chant!chant!LetsLets chant!chant!LetsLets chant!chant!LetsLets chant!chant!LetsLets chant!chant!How are you?根据所给出的图片来回答根据所给出的图片来回答Im fine或或Not so good.cough咳嗽咳嗽I have a cough.我咳嗽了。我咳嗽了。headache头疼头疼/e/ /ei/fever Lets match and read.cold coughheadacheLetsLets playplay1.1.打开桌上的小纸条,揭开自己的身份秘密,打开桌上的小纸条,揭开自己的身份秘密,不能告诉别人哦。不能告诉别人哦。2.2.同桌同桌2 2人为一小组人为一小组, ,用自制的电话机根据纸用自制的电话机根据纸条上提供的信息进行问答。条上提供的信息进行问答。场景:周日,你打电话邀请朋友出去玩。场景:周日,你打电话邀请朋友出去玩。A: Hello. This is speaking. May I speak to?B:Hello. This is speaking.A: How are you ?B: Im fine / Not so good. I haveA:Lets / Im sorry to hear that. Take care.B: Good idea./ Thank you.LetsLets talktalk!ACBDECartoonCartoon timetime What are they talking about? Guess! 猜猜他们在说什么? Is Tina there,too?CartoonCartoon timetime Hello, this is Sam speaking .Hello, Sam . This is Tina .Hi, Tina . Is Bobby there ?No. Hes at school . Its Sunday today. We dont have any lessons on Sunday .This is Bobby . Ha ! Ha ! Is Tina there,too?A.Yes. She is talking to Sam.B.No. Bobby pretends to be Tina. Bobby假扮蒂娜假扮蒂娜CartoonCartoon timetime No. Bobby pretends to be TinaCartoonCartoon timetime 听录音,用 标上升调。Sam: Hello, this is Sam speaking.Bobby: Hello, Sam. This is Tina. Sam: Hi, Tina. Is Bobby there?Bobby: No. Hes at school.Sam: Its Sunday today. We dont have any lessons on Sunday. Bobby: This is Bobby. Ha! Ha! LetsLets read!read!LetsLets act!act!Act in pairs. 注意注意语音语调语音语调和和感情感情。1.当你打电话介绍自己时,可以说:当你打电话介绍自己时,可以说:2.当你打电话告诉别人你想找谁时,可以问:当你打电话告诉别人你想找谁时,可以问:3.当你问候别人身体情况时,可以问:当你问候别人身体情况时,可以问:4.当你身体不好时,可以回答:当你身体不好时,可以回答:This is speaking.May I speak to?Is there?How are you ? ?Not so good. I have CanCan youyou saysay ? ? 5.当你身体情况不错时,可以说:当你身体情况不错时,可以说:Im fine/ Not bad, thank you.Omework1. Call your friends with your paper phone. 2. Try to act the cartoon with your friends.3. Read and act out the cartoon.Unit 8 How are you? Fun time& Cartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容教学内容Fun time& Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:cold, fever, cough, headache。2. 能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:This is speaking. May I speak to ? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you./Not so good.3. 能用纸杯制作电话并用英语打电话。4. 能够理解并表演卡通故事。5. 通过欣赏动画、表演动画,能够充分理解并体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能够在真实语境中熟练运用如下句型:This is speaking. May I speak to ? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you./Not so good.2. 能够理解并表演卡通故事。教学难点:1. 能够正确使用电话用语打电话。2. 能够充分理解并体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Xu.T: How are you today?S: Im fine. 2. Say a chantT: Can you read these words? Lets have a chant now. First, please listen to me.Mater ,mater, whats the mater?Cold, cold, I have a cold.Mater, mater, whats the mater?Cough, cough, I have a cough.Mater ,mater, whats the mater?Fever, fever, I have a fever.Mater, mater, whats the mater?Headache, headache, I have a headache.Dont, dont, dont worry. Fine, fine, you will be fine.T: Now, please work in four and try to read it.S: Work in four.T: Which group would like to have a try?S: 【设计意图:通过韵律诗的设计,帮助学生巩固新学会的单词,活泼的操练形式可以更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,如果学生在上一环节补充词汇较多,教师还可以鼓励学生进行创编。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Play a guessing gameT: Great. You all did a good job. Lets play a game: Look and guess. Please look at the picture and try to answer this question.How are you?S: (根据所给出的图片来回答 Im fine 或 Not so good, I have )2. Learn to say T: You are fine. What about our friend, Yang Ling?T: Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. (板贴单词卡片 a cold, a fever)Can you name some illnesses?S: Yes, a headache, a cough.(学习新单词 a headache, a cough) (板贴单词卡片 a headache, a cough)【设计意图:将所学的新单词带入句型中让学生进行操练,为下一步的活动做好铺垫和准备。通过本环节的设计,了解学习课后自主学习的情况,如学生找到的单词多于书本,教师也可以通过板书适当给予补充。 】3. Try to play and sayT: Well done. Look, here is a gift for you. Whats in it? Would you like to have a look?S: Yes.T: Look, its a paper telephone. Now we all have a paper telephone. Now lets have a competition. There are five cards. Please choose one and make a telephone call with your partner. Dont forget to use your paper phone. You can prepare for 1 minute.S: Choose one picture and make a dialogue.(事先把写好角色和生病名称的纸条发给学生,让他们操练对话的时候有话可讲,也增加了神秘感。)1).小组表演。2).指名表演。T: Excellent, boys and girls. You did a good job today.【设计意图:通过学习 Fun time 所给出的例子,为下一步活动做好铺垫和准备。为学生自由使用语言创造语境,让学生将所学知识灵活运用起来。 】Step3 Practice1. Look and sayHealthy is very important. We should drink more water, and do some sports every day. On Sunday, Sam wants to do some sports with Bobby. He calls Bobby. (出示图片) What are they talking about? Guess!Is Tina there, too? Lets watch the cartoon.(播放卡通)2. Watch and chooseT: Yes. Bobby is very happy. He is making a telephone call now. Is he at school? (新授 at school)S: Watch and choose.T: Is he at school?S: No.【设计意图:引导学生通过观看卡通故事,找出问题的答案,帮助学生整体感知卡通故事内容。 】3. Read and answerT: Is Tina there? Why is Bobby laughing? Please read by yourselves and try to answer.S: 【设计意图:引导学生通过自读,关注卡通故事中的细节信息,进一步理解内容。 】4. Reading time(1) Listen and repeat (听录音跟读卡通故事,鼓励学生模仿语音、语调,体会人物的心情)【设计意图:精读课文句子,模仿语音、语调,进一步掌握课文中的句子和词汇。 】(2) Read together (齐读卡通故事)【设计意图:鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调朗读,培养学生的语感,强调理解性、整体性的朗读。 】(3) Read in roles (分角色朗读)T: Which group would like to read?S: 5. Act Cartoon time in pairsT: Well done. And I have a learning tip for you. Act it out in pairs. Now lets act the story together.S: Act in pairs.T: Have a try?S: 【设计意图:学生两人一组,用头饰、实物,表演卡通故事。在此过程中鼓励学生用正确的语音、语调,并配上夸张的表情动作完成任务。 】6. ConsolidationT: Well done! Look, now its Sunday. Bobby wants to ask Sam to go out. So, he calls Sam. And Sam is going to make a joke with him. Then what happen? Lets make a dialogue. OK? Whod like to have a try with me?S: (和老师一起示范编故事)T: Well done! Now its your turn now. Please work in pairs and try to make a new story.S: (两人一组续编新的故事)T: Its time for you to act.S: (请三组学生上台表演)T: Excellent, boys and girls. You did a good job today.【设计意图:活动要求学生用所学的语言进行对话。在故事新编中,调动学生的学习积极性,鼓励他们将已有知识和新学知识进行有机整合,从而进一步提高自身的综合语言运用能力。 】Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Call your friends with your paper phone. 2. Try to act the cartoon with your friends.3. Read and act out the cartoon.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:多媒体课件Unit 8 How are you?This is speaking. May I speak to ? How are you? Im fine, thank you. /Not so good. a colda cough a fevera headache
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Unit How are you _Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:20887) 译林版 三年级 起点
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