Unit 7 What's the matter -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f1670).zip


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Unit 7 Whats the matter?feelings感觉、感受Brain stormTips:1.说出关于说出关于 feelings(感觉、感受)(感觉、感受)的单词,的单词,越多越好。越多越好。2.音乐停止,游戏结束!音乐停止,游戏结束!Rhyme timeBill illpill 四人小组学习:大声朗读,认四人小组学习:大声朗读,认真观察,仔细体会真观察,仔细体会, 你有什么发现?你有什么发现?押韵押韵 你能帮帮你能帮帮Bill,给他提,给他提些建议吗?些建议吗?My baby .Is sitting still . 静静地静静地坐着。坐着。If youre .Take this .Rhyme timeLittle monkey, in the tree,Little dog, run with me!Little cat, on the mat,Little panda, cute and fat!Little monkey, in the tree,Little dog, run with me!Little cat, on the mat,Little panda, cute and fat! Can you read?Go home , Joe,And show Rose your nose!展示,展示,给给看看Rhyme time Can you read?JoeGo home , Joe,And show Rose your nose! Sound timegohomeJoenoseRoseo/u/ 你还能想出更多含有字母你还能想出更多含有字母“o”,且发且发/ u /的单词吗?四人小组,讨的单词吗?四人小组,讨论并写下来,越多越好哦!论并写下来,越多越好哦! Whats the matter with Bobby? Cartoon timeWatch and answer Cartoon timecartoon Whats the matter with Bobby? Cartoon time Is Bobby happy at last? 最后最后A. Mrs FoxB. Mrs MouseC. Mrs Fox and Mrs MouseWho helps Bobby? Mrs太太太太,夫人。夫人。用于指已婚女性。用于指已婚女性。 Mrs Fox Mrs Mouse. How do they help Bobby?calls1. Skimming 快速浏览故事快速浏览故事2. Underline 划出打电话时使用的句子划出打电话时使用的句子3. Read 和同桌大声地读一读和同桌大声地读一读 Learning Tip:This is speaking. This is speaking. 是电话用语,意思是是电话用语,意思是“我是我是”。 仔细阅读图一和图二,想一想仔细阅读图一和图二,想一想Mrs Fox 和和Mrs Mouse 在电话里会说些什么在电话里会说些什么呢?两人一组,一个扮演呢?两人一组,一个扮演Mrs Fox ,另,另一个扮演一个扮演Mrs Mouse,说一说。说一说。 Cartoon time: Read and think Cartoon time: Read and thinkFox: Hello, Mrs Mouse. This is Mrs Fox speaking.Mouse: Hello, Mrs Fox. This is Mrs Mouse speaking.Fox: Bobby Can you ?Mouse: All right./OK. See you, Mrs Fox.Fox: See you!Are you all right, Bobby? Ha! Ha! Hes happy now!跟读模仿,读出心情!跟读模仿,读出心情!读出读出Bobby的心情变化:的心情变化: 跟读模仿,读出心情!跟读模仿,读出心情!读出读出Bobby的心情变化:的心情变化: 跟读模仿,读出心情!跟读模仿,读出心情!读出读出Bobby的心情变化:的心情变化: Cartoon time: Read in rolescartoonRead together.(齐读齐读)Read in roles.(分角色读分角色读)Read and actRead and act(表演读表演读)Read after the leader(跟组长读跟组长读) 四人小组自选方式读,注意语音语四人小组自选方式读,注意语音语调和人物语气,加上动作会更生动哦!调和人物语气,加上动作会更生动哦! 特别提醒特别提醒:能上台进行角色表演的能上台进行角色表演的小组课后会得到老师送上的惊喜哦!小组课后会得到老师送上的惊喜哦! 观众欣赏要求:观众欣赏要求: 1. 1.认真倾听,文明欣赏。认真倾听,文明欣赏。 2. 2.做一位公正的小评委。做一位公正的小评委。 cartoon1.熟练诵读歌谣,说给家长听。熟练诵读歌谣,说给家长听。2.找一找含有字母找一找含有字母“o”且发且发/ u /的单词,至少写的单词,至少写5个。个。3.表演表演Cartoon time, 并完成并完成读书卡读书卡的制作。的制作。 Title题目:题目:_ Main characters主要人物主要人物:_ My favourite character 你最喜欢的人物你最喜欢的人物:_ My favourite sentence 你最喜欢的句子(说一说演一演哦你最喜欢的句子(说一说演一演哦!):_Make a reading cardHungry BobbyBobby, Mrs Fox, Mrs MouseBobbyBobby: Thank you, Mum. Sound timeno home close hellohot dog box clock Can you read? go notno hotclockdogcloseboxhomehello Sound time Find the right house! Find the right house! 四人小组讨论,帮这些单词找四人小组讨论,帮这些单词找到自己的家,汇报时轮流发言。到自己的家,汇报时轮流发言。Unit7 Whats the matter? (Period3) I can read the rhyme . I know the sound of the letter o.I can understand and read the cartoon. 你能帮这些单词按字母你能帮这些单词按字母o的不同发音分成两个家族吗?的不同发音分成两个家族吗? 四人小组讨论,试着分一分吧!四人小组讨论,试着分一分吧!no hotnosedogcloseboxhomehello12Unit7 Whats the matter? (Period3) I can read the rhyme . I know the sound of the letter o.I can understand and read the cartoon.1Unit 7 Whats the matter ?Period 3一、教学内容: Rhyme time& Sound time& Cartoon time二、教学目标:1.能听懂并有节奏地诵读歌谣。2.知道字母“o”的发音并能正确读出例词和句子。3.能理解卡通内容,正确有感情地朗读并表演故事。4.初步听懂、会读、会说电话用语 This is speaking .三、 教学重点:1.能听懂并有节奏地诵读歌谣。2.知道字母“o”的发音并能正确读出例词和句子。3.能理解卡通内容,正确有感情地朗读并表演故事。四、 教学难点:1.知道字母“o”的发音并能正确读出例词和句子。2.能理解动画和儿歌并能熟练朗读。3.初步听懂、会读、会说电话用语 This is speaking .五、教学具准备:课件六、教学过程:Step 1: Brain storm1.T: Hello,boys and girls. Today Im very glad to be your new English teacher, and have a lesson with you. I know all of you are very clever, so Im very happy. Are you happy too?Ss: (根据学生回答情况,教师适时予以评价和追问。)2. We know “happy” is word about feeling. Can you say more words about feelings ?Lets play a game “ Brain storm”.(学生说单词,教师板书,并总结)Step 2: Rhyme time 1. T: Well done, boys and girls .Look at this boy. Do you know his name?S:His name is Bill.T: Is he happy? Whats the matter with Bill?Ss:Hes ill .T: Can you give him some suggestions? S: Heres / T :Thank you for your help. Look, his mother is coming. What can you see in her hands?2Ss: I can see some water and some pills.教学 pillT: What is his mother saying? Listen!(整体感知歌谣)2.T:This time, lets try to follow it.生逐句跟读歌谣3. Read in groups , try to think over, what can you find from this rhyme?引出“押韵”概念。3. 读一读找一找另一首歌谣的韵脚是什么?Step 3: Sound time1.T: 课件继续出示语音部分的歌谣。Can you read it? Ss: Try to read. 课件出示图片,介绍 Joe 和 Rose,T: Lets listen and repeat.跟录音有节奏地读。找一找这首歌谣的押韵之处。 Ss: O.2.T: Now, please pay attention to these words. Read them. Ss: 读含有”o”的单词 T: What is the letter “o” pronounced? 学习”o”的发音 /u /33.T: Can you find the other words which contains “o” and pronounced /u /?小组 PK:(1)小组合作并写下来。(2)小组汇报并评价。Step4:Cartoon time 1.T: Look, This is our old friend , Whos he? (Bobby) Is he happy? (No) Whats the matter with him? 2. Who helps him? 3. How do they help Bobby?引导学生回答: Mrs Fox calls Mrs Mouse,Mrs Mouse comes to school with a cake. 4.How do they make the call?Read and underline.T:look, Mrs Fox is calling his mother.出示图 3,跟读图 3 句子。 课件出示 Learning tip :This is speaking.是在电话用语。意思是“我是” Practice:让学生尝试和老师、同学打个电话。 A: Hello, this is *speaking. B: Hello, *. This is * speaking. 5. T: What are they talking on the phone? Discuss with your partner, one acts Mrs Fox, the other one acts Mrs Mouse. 课件出示提示语。 Ss: 讨论并反馈。45. Mrs Mouse comes to school.She says: Are you all right, Bobby? How does she feel now? Happy? Angry? (Worried. )(Try to read this sentence with emotion,please.)T&Ss 角色扮演进行对话,感受体会母子间的情感:Ss: Are you all right ,Bobby?T: Im hungry, mum.Ss: Have a cake.T: Thank you, mum.Is Bobby happy at last? 课件出世最后一幅图 Yes. Ha! Ha! Hes happy now! (指导学生体会人物心情,有感情的朗读关键句型。) 7.T: well done, boys and girls. Now, Its time for reading. a.听音跟读,注意模仿正确的语音语调。 b.小组自选方式展示。Step5: Homework
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Unit What's the matter _Sound time Rhyme Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f1670) 译林版
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本文标题:Unit 7 What's the matter -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f1670).zip

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