Unit 7 What's the matter -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:516ec).zip


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(Fun time & Cartoon time)译林小学英语译林小学英语 四年级下册四年级下册1. Talk about feelings.(谈论感受或感觉。)(谈论感受或感觉。)Learning tasks:学习任务学习任务 2.Use“Whats the matter?”.(使用句型。)(使用句型。)3.Read and understand the story of cartoon time. (朗读并理解卡通部分的故事。)(朗读并理解卡通部分的故事。)Task 1:talk about feelings 1. Whats the matter with Liu Tao?3. How(怎样)do they care about him?2. Who cares about(关心)him?And how does Liu Tao ask for(寻求)help?feelingsTask 1: talk about feelings. 注意:列举更多表感觉的单词,注意:列举更多表感觉的单词,边说边用你的肢体语言表示出来哦!边说边用你的肢体语言表示出来哦!Rules(规则规则):1. 看到的单词或图片看到的单词或图片,快速快速说说单词。单词。2. 看到看到 ,拍手一次。拍手一次。Task 1: talk about feelings. hungryillsadthirstyhappytiredReady!Go Task 11. Talk about feelings.能说出能说出6种及以上种及以上“感觉感觉”类词类词能说出能说出4-5种种“感觉感觉”类词类词说出说出3种及以下种及以下“感觉感觉”类词类词 1.Here is/arefor you.2.Have 3.You can 4. Task 2: use “Whats the matter?”Can you care about(关心)(关心)me?Task 2: use “Whats the matter?”( ) Whats the matter?( ) Im tired.( ) Sit down, please.( ) Thank you.1234( ) Heres a chair for you.( ) Are you tired?( ) Yes, Im tired.( ) Thanks.1234Step1 先排序,再和同桌表演先排序,再和同桌表演。Step2 从从A组和组和B组中找出意思相近的句子,并连线组中找出意思相近的句子,并连线。ABSummary Say this in a different way (用不同的方式用不同的方式说说) 在英语中在英语中,我们可以用不同的句子来表达相我们可以用不同的句子来表达相同或相近的意思。比同或相近的意思。比如,如, 把水给别人时可以把水给别人时可以说说Have some water, please.也可以也可以说说Heres some water for you.Rules(规则规则):两人一组两人一组,轮流抽牌轮流抽牌,一人根据牌面上的一人根据牌面上的feelings做表情或肢体动作做表情或肢体动作,另一人询问并猜测另一人询问并猜测,并根据需要给予帮助。并根据需要给予帮助。Whats the matter? Are you ? Here is/are for you. Have a/some You canTask 2: use “Whats the matter?”Whats the matter?Guess.Are you?Yes, /No, butHere is/are Have a/someTask 2: use “Whats the matter?”Tip: 两两一组,交替翻卡片,大组里竞赛,两两一组,交替翻卡片,大组里竞赛,看哪小组表演的最好?看哪小组表演的最好? Task 22. I can use “Whats the matter? ”能用能用“Whats the matter? ”询问,能灵活回答并能给予具体帮助询问,能灵活回答并能给予具体帮助能用能用“Whats the matter? ”询问并能回答询问并能回答能用能用“Whats the matter? ”询问别人状况询问别人状况 浏览照片,回忆波比和我们一起经历的喜怒哀乐,大声说出波比的感受。Task3 Read Cartoon time1. Who are they? Mouseabout老鼠老鼠Mrs2. Where are they?Theyre in the classroom at school.Whats the matter with Bobby?Whats the matter with Bobby?Are you all right,Bobby?Im hungry,Mum.(健康)良好的(健康)良好的Hes hungry.Why so hungry?(为什么如此饿?)He lost(掉)his cake. 1. Is Bobby happy now? 2. How does mum know?(妈妈是怎么知道?) 自己仔细读故事,并用横线划出相自己仔细读故事,并用横线划出相关的句子。关的句子。Have a cake.Ha!Ha! Hes happy now. 1. Is Bobby happy now? Thank you,Mum.Hello,Mrs Mouse.This is Mrs Fox speaking. 2.How does mum know?(妈妈是怎么知道?) Tips:This is.speaking.是打电话用语,意思是是打电话用语,意思是“我是我是. ”,相当于我们日常说的,相当于我们日常说的“Im”。如:杨玲打电话时说:如:杨玲打电话时说:This is Yang Ling speaking.eatspeakingspeak 说,讲说,讲Hello,Mrs Mouse.This is Mrs Fox speaking. 2.How does mum know?(妈妈是怎么知道?) Everyone all worried about Bobby. How to read their words?(每个人都很担心Bobby。我们如何读他们的话呢?)挑选一个你喜欢的角色,给他们配音吧挑选一个你喜欢的角色,给他们配音吧!分角色朗读:分角色朗读:4人一组分角色人一组分角色朗读课文,注意朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦模仿语音语调哦!分角色表演:分角色表演: 4人一组分角色人一组分角色扮演,看谁模仿扮演,看谁模仿的语音语调最棒的语音语调最棒,别忘了别忘了表情还表情还有动作有动作哦!哦!难难度度系系数数难难度度系系数数 Ticking Time3. Read and understand the story.1. Talk about feelings.2. I can use “Whats the matter? ”.Congratulations!祝贺你们!祝贺你们!Learning TasksHappiness lies in caring for others and giving help to others.关心和帮助他人使你快乐。We must care for each other and help each other.我们要互相关心,互相帮助。 1.1. ReadRead CartoonCartoon timetime 3 3 timestimes andand reciterecite it. it.朗读Cartoon time 3遍,并背诵。2.2. WriteWrite downdown a a dialoguedialogue aboutabout “Give“Give youryour love”.love”.2.写下关于“献爱心”的一个对话。Give your love(献爱心)(献爱心)Tip: 请选择其中一人来帮助他(她),以请选择其中一人来帮助他(她),以“献爱心献爱心”为题写一段为题写一段 对话。对话。1432 3.3. CareCare aboutabout othersothers andand taketake pleasurepleasure in in helpinghelping people.people. 在日常生活中关心他人,助人为乐。Try your best to help people in trouble, they will have a better life, and you will be happy too.尽全力去帮助困境中的人们,他们拥有了一个更好的生活的同时,你也会开心。1译林英语译林英语 4B Unit7 第二课时第二课时一、教学内容Unit7 Whats the matter? (Fun time & Cartoon time)二、教学目标1. 通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词。2. 在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型 Whats the matter?以及应答句 Im;3. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型 Whats the matter?以及应答句 Im;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;4. 能够理解 Cartoon time 故事内容并能生动表演。三、教学重点1. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型 Whats the matter?以及应答句 Im;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助。2. 能够理解 Cartoon time 故事内容并能生动表演。四、教学难点1. 通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型 Whats the matter?以及应答句 Im;2. 能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助。五、课前准备1. 教师:PPT、单词卡片、人物头饰和单词图片2. 学生:饮料、食物、生活用品等六、教学过程课前:Enjoy a song: If youre happy.(站着唱并跳)T: Boys and girls, Im Joycee. Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, Joycee.T: First, lets enjoy a happy song together. Please stand up. Are you ready? Go!Step1 Warm up & ReviewTalk about the songT: Are you happy now?(Yes!) OK. Lets begin our class.(起立). 2T: Just now, the song was about feelings(四种感觉的动作). Right?So today lets talk about feelings,use “Whats the matter?” well and read and understand the story of cartoon time.(呈现本课学习目标) I want you to get all the stars. Are you sure? Come on!Review the storyT: Look! Whos he? (Liu Tao)In the story time, is Liu Tao happy?(No)1) Whats the matter with Liu Tao? (板书 thirsty tired)2) Who cares about him? (板书 Dad Mum)3) How do they care about him? What does dad or mum say? And Bobby says(板书)Come and have(hungry?)Whats the matter?Are you?(ill?)4) How does Liu Tao ask for help? What does Liu Tao say?Can I have?Mum says (So mum gives some water to Liu Tao.)I want to Mum and dad say(So Liu Tao goes to bed)3. Review the words(Brain storm)T: What a warm story! So, we know thirsty and tired. (板书 thirsty tired)T: Do you know any other feelings? Can you say more?(拓展更多的词如 scared,cold,hot, angry)4. Play a game(Quick response)T: OK, you know so many feelings. Lets play a game : Quick response.(课件出示看单词、图片大声说单词或做出拍手的动作。 )T: Rules: If you see a picture or words, say them loudly. If you see a clown, please clap your hands once. Do you understand?5.完成 Ticking time1Step2 Fun time1. Lets help3T:OK. Today Im very happy to come here, but I dont feel well. Can you care about me? S: Whats the matter? (板书句型) T: Guess. S: Are you? (板书句型)T: Yes, Im very hot./No, Im T: Can you help me?S: Heresfor you. /Here are/Have/You can(板书以上句型)2. Lets order(tired 的图片)1) T: I feel better now. Whats the matter with the boy?S:Hes tired.2)Order the sentences and ask and answer in pairs.3)指名两组对话并校对答案4)总结句型: Say this in a different way(英文解释)3. Lets play(Fun time)T: OK. Lets play another game. Look at the rules. Two in one group, choose one picture in turn. One looks at the picture and do the action. The other guess ,ask and help. Who wants to come here and play with me? (游戏规则:通过纸牌配对游戏进行练习。两人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings 做表情或者肢体动作,另一人进行猜测并给予具体的帮助)1)师生示范一组。2)生生两两对话完成,看哪组表演得最到位?3)请 2 组进行 PK 表演,并奖励。3. 完成后进行 Ticking time2Step3 Cartoon time1. Watch and sayT: The two tasks! Well done! (赞扬) Lets have a rest. (出示 Bobby 图片)T: Watch some old photos about Bobby and say out his feelings. Are you really?4 (出示课文图)最后一个是 hungry. Whats the matter? (学生自由说)2. Look and say(呈现课文幅图)T: Whats the matter with Bobby? Heres another story about Bobby. Look!Q1: Who are they?学习单词 mouse, 先读 aboutQ2: Where are they?Are they at home?3. Watch and answerWhats the matter with Bobby? (出示图 4,品读)追问 Why so hungry?(生可中文解释) He lost his cake. 4. Read and underlineQ1: Is Bobby happy now?(出示图 5 和 6,品读)Q2: How does mum know?1) This is speaking.(由 eat 学习 speak,再到 speaking。 )2) (英文讲解电话用语)板书: (出示图 3,品读)3) (呈现打电话剪影)师生接力打电话(配上电话铃声)5. Read and find (出示全文品读)T: Bobby is happy now. Everyone cares about him. How to read these sentences?S: 焦急地读1)Sam: Are you?2)Mrs Fox: Are you? 3)Mum: Are you all right, Bobby? Have a cake.6. Reading time1) Listen and repeat2) Read together.3) Dub the story.(指名四人分角色表演)4) Act the story. (四人一组表演指名 2 组表演 PK)Step4 Emotional education5Lets talkT: What do you learn from the two stories?Ss: 总结:1) We must care for each other and help each other.(我们要互相关心,互相帮助。)T: At last, everyone laughs. Not only Bobby is happy, Mrs Fox, Mrs Mouse and all his classmates are all very happy. 2) Try your best to help people in trouble, they will have a better life, then you will be happy too.Step5 Homework1. Read cartoon time three times and try to recite it.2. Write down a dialogue about “Give your love”.T: In the world, not only our families, friends, classmates, teachers need our care and help, many people also need our care and help. (An old man on the bus, a little boy without parents, a girl with disability, a poor boy in disaster)Choose one and Write down a dialogue about “Give your love”.3. Care about others and take pleasure in helping people. Can you do it?T: Im happy to hear that. So much for today. Thank you for your cooperation, see you !Exercises1. Lets tick(根据评价标准自评,并打根据评价标准自评,并打)Ticking timeI can talk about feelings.I can use “whats the matter?”.I can read and understand the cartoon.2. Lets order(分别给每组排列序号,并把两组中相近意思的句子连线分别给每组排列序号,并把两组中相近意思的句子连线)A( ) Sit down, please.( ) Whats the matter?( ) Thank you.( ) Im tired.B( ) Yes, Im tired.( ) Heres a chair for you.( ) Thanks.( ) Are you tired?Exercises1. Lets tick(根据评价标准自评,并打根据评价标准自评,并打) Ticking timeI can talk about feelings.I can use “whats the matter?”.I can read and understand the cartoon.2. Lets order(分别给每组排列序号,并把两组中相近意思的句子连线分别给每组排列序号,并把两组中相近意思的句子连线)A( ) Sit down, please.( ) Whats the matter?( ) Thank you.( ) Im tired.B( ) Yes, Im tired.( ) Heres a chair for you.( ) Thanks.( ) Are you tired?Homework2Write down a dialogue about“Give your love”.(以以“献爱心献爱心”为题写一段对话为题写一段对话)世界上,不仅仅我们的家人、朋友、同学或老师需要我们的关心和帮助,还有许多人也需要我们的关心和爱护。请选择其中一人,帮帮他(她)吧!An old man on the bus A girl with disability(公共汽车上的一位老人) (残疾的一位女孩)A poor boy in disaster A little boy without parents(灾难中的一位贫穷男孩) (无父无母的一位小男孩)Homework2Write down a dialogue about“Give your love”.(以以“献爱心献爱心”为题写一段对话为题写一段对话)世界上,不仅仅我们的家人、朋友、同学或老师需要我们的关心和帮助,还有许多人也需要我们的关心和爱护。请选择其中一人,帮帮他(她)吧!An old man on the bus A girl with disability(公共汽车上的一位老人) (残疾的一位女孩)A poor boy in disaster A little boy without parents(灾难中的一位贫穷男孩) (无父无母的一位小男孩)
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Unit What's the matter _Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:516ec) 译林版
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