Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:40bbd).zip


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他们在派对上他们在派对上会穿什么会穿什么衣服衣服呢?呢?大胆猜一猜大胆猜一猜Brainstorm( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )Listen and tickboots靴子靴子勾勾出你听到的衣物出你听到的衣物注意听注意听关键字关键字哦!哦!Read and findFox: Look at my gloves, Bunny.Bunny: Theyre so big. Whose gloves are these?Fox: Theyre my brothers. Your dress is so beautiful. Bunny: Thank you.Fox: Whose dress is this, Bunny?Bunny: Its my mothers.Lion: Bobby, your trousers are so nice.Bobby: Thank you.Lion: Whose trousers are these?Bobby: Theyre my fathers. Your boots are beautiful too.Lion: Thank you.Bobby: Whose boots are these?Lion: Theyre my cousins.Tips:找一找找一找对话中出对话中出现的衣物。同学们记现的衣物。同学们记得得抢答抢答哦!哦!Read and fillFox: Look at my gloves, Bunny.Bunny: Theyre so big. Whose gloves are these?Fox: Theyre my brothers. Your dress is so beautiful. Bunny: Thank you.Fox: Whose dress is this, Bunny?Bunny: Its my mothers.Lion: Bobby, your trousers are so nice.Bobby: Thank you.Lion: Whose trousers are these?Bobby: Theyre my fathers. Your boots are beautiful too.Lion: Thank you.Bobby: Whose boots are these?Lion: Theyre my cousins.Tips:根据上下文,找衣物的小主根据上下文,找衣物的小主人人Read and fillTips:小组小组合作,合作,根据上下文,找衣物的根据上下文,找衣物的小主人小主人Lets readFox: Look at my gloves, Bunny.Bunny: Theyre so big. Whose gloves are these?Fox: Theyre my brothers. Your dress is so beautiful. Bunny: Thank you.Fox: Whose dress is this,Bunny?Bunny: Its my mothers.Tips:分角色分角色朗读短文朗读短文男生扮演男生扮演Mr.Fox女生扮演女生扮演Miss. BunnyLets readLion: Bobby, your trousers are so nice.Bobby: Thank you.Lion: Whose trousers are these?Bobby: Theyre my fathers. Your boots are beautiful too.Lion: Thank you.Bobby: Whose boots are these?Lion: Theyre my cousins.Tips:分角色分角色朗读短文朗读短文第第1、第、第2,3组组扮演扮演Mr.Lion第第4、第、第5,6组组扮演扮演BobbyLets showWord bank(你可能会用到的词你可能会用到的词)trousers jeans dress jacket skirt shirt gloves .nice great beautiful good.fathers mothers brothers sisters uncles aunts cousinssentence(你可能会用到的句子你可能会用到的句子)Look at . Its/Theyre beautiful/nice/cool/funny.Whose . is it/are these?Its/Theyre .s.Tips:你也想去参加派对吗:你也想去参加派对吗?那就一起来那就一起来穿上穿上你们带来的你们带来的衣服衣服吧!吧!Tips:小组:小组自编自编对话并对话并演一演演一演Word bank(你可能会用到的词你可能会用到的词)trousers jeans dress jacket skirt shirt gloves .nice great beautiful good.fathers mothers brothers sisters uncles aunts cousinssentence(你可能会用到的句子你可能会用到的句子)Look at . Its/Theyre beautiful/nice/cool/funny.Whose . is it/are these?Its/Theyre .s.Lets showSpeak clearly.发音清晰。发音清晰。Act vividly.表演有表情动作表演有表情动作。Act creatively.表演有创意。表演有创意。Lets choose ( ) 1. Is this Joes ? No,youre . A.shirt;right B. gloves, wrong C.shirt, wrong( )2. Look at dolls. They so beautiful. A.this, are B. that, is C. those,are( )3. dress is this? Its my sisters. A.Whos B. Who c. Whose( )4.Whose gloves are they? Theyre . A.my mother B. my mothers C. short ( )5.My jeans are too long, but her jeans are too . A .fat B. thin C. short Lets finish My jeans are short, Helen. You can have this pair. And my shoes too small. worry. Heres a big pair you. Look the yellow shoes. so big. shoes are they? my aunts. Tips:小组合作,选择小组合作,选择1题完成哦!题完成哦!12Homework1. Finish the dialogue with your partner and share with us next time. 和搭档完成对话,下次交流。和搭档完成对话,下次交流。2. Preview Unit 7. 预习第七单元。预习第七单元。Story time让我们来让我们来回顾回顾Mike等人的派等人的派对吧!对吧!Story timeStory timeStory timeBobbySam邀请四个邀请四个小伙伴去派对小伙伴去派对foxbunnylionTip:你能来你能来猜猜猜猜看看这些礼物分别是谁的吗?这些礼物分别是谁的吗?Is it .s?Bobby BunnyFoxLionFun timeIs it .s?Bobby BunnyFoxLionFun timeAre these .s?Bobby BunnyFoxLionFun timeAre these .s?Bobby BunnyFoxLionFun time Zhangyu Dongnan Experimental Primary SchoolRevisionI can say and write the names of some clothes.我我会说、会写衣物名称会说、会写衣物名称。Learning aims教学目标教学目标I can talk about clothes at the party.我我能在聚会上谈论穿着能在聚会上谈论穿着。Free talk1.Let me get to know you !让我来认识认识你们吧!让我来认识认识你们吧!What.How.Can you.When.2.Its your turn!换你们来认识我啦!换你们来认识我啦!Do you.4B Unit6 Whose dress is this?(revision)一、教材解析一、教材解析本单元通过谈论化妆舞会的服装,呈现了物品的所属关系。创设真实的语用情境,帮助学生理解和运用所有格结构。学生能用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。学生能创编 party 情景,灵活表达。二、教学目标二、教学目标1.知识与能力目标(1)学生能巩固句型: Whoseis this/that? Whoseare these/those?及其回答:its/ theyres.(2)学生能巩固衣物名词:dress, party, coat, shirt, sweater(3)学生能用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。2.情感目标:(1)学生能通过 fancy dress party 活动,学生角色扮演,体验party 的快乐,锻炼了学生的用英语的思维品质。(2)养成“爱学习,爱 party 活动,爱生活”的品质。三、教学重难点三、教学重难点1. 学生能用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。2.学生能创编 party 情景,灵活表达。四、设计思路四、设计思路本节课是一堂由 fancy dress party 展开的复习课。在设计思路上,唤醒学生的已有知识,使新旧知识建立关联,并利用发散学生思维能力,引导学生对信息再加工和内化,最后让学生完成自己的 party 情景表演。首先让学生读图对文章内容进行预测。其次,学生听音,寻找答案。接着,同桌,小组互助活动,以初读、略读的形式完成文本的学习。最后,学生通过讨论内化所学知识,不仅完成相关习题,而且提升了 party 创编表演能力。五、教学过程:五、教学过程:StepStep 1:Warming1:Warming upup1.Sing a song: When do you get up?Whose cake is this?2.Today we continue to learn unit 6 whose dress is this?These are the Learning objectivesI can say and write the names of some clothes.I can use Whose to ask questions.I can talk about clothes at the party.3.(1).Let me know you !How are you today? What lessons do you have this morning? What can you do ? Can you draw? When do you get up very day? Whose dress is this?(2).Its your turn! Do you have any questions? Please ask me .What? When? How? Can you? Do you?【设计意图】通过歌曲,打开学生思维,引领学生进入英语学习的氛围。通过 free talk 形式复习旧知,为引出本课的主题 party 做铺垫。StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice1.让我们来回顾 Mike 等人的派对吧。I like parties lets review mike and his friendss party.学生看图复述:Look at my dress, SuYang. Its too short. Yes. Try this,Su Hai.Whose dress is this, Helen? Its my cousin. Its so beautiful. Thank you.【设计意图】整体呈现一个 party 的情景,培养学生在完整的情景中巩固前几个板块内容,并获取相关信息的能力。2.Sam 邀请四个小伙伴去派对. Bobby fox bunny lionSam has a fancy dress party. He invites 4friends to come. Bobby, fox, Bunny and lion. They give Sam some presents. Ball, dolls, robots, Yoyos.Who gives these presents to Sam? Do you know whose ball is it? Lets guess! Is it s? Are theses?【设计意图】通过游戏猜测的形式,让学生在游戏中复习句型Is its? Are theses?Step3:Step3: ConsolidationConsolidation1.Brainstorm:他们在派对上会穿什么衣服呢?大胆猜一猜Now, Bobby, Fox, Bunny, lion are at the party. How can they dress up?学生猜测:I think the lion wears long trousers. May be bunny wears a beautiful dress.T: I love your ideas. 【设计意图】通过一个开放性的问题, “他们会在派对上穿什么服饰呢?”激发学生的知识储备,培养学生的发散思维能力。2.Listen and tick 听音打钩,勾出你所听到的衣物。Lets listen and tick, tick the clothes you heard.Gloves, dress, trousers, boots 教学 boots 【设计意图】通过带着问题,初步感知文本,培养学生在听的过程中获取信息的能力。3.Look and competeTips:与同桌合作,找一找对话中出现的衣物,记得抢答哦!T:Find the clothes with your partner. Lets have a competition who will be the first.学生抢答:Gloves, dress, trousers, boots4.Look and find:Tips:小组合作,根据上下文,找衣物的小主人Find out whose clothes are they? Do it in groups.【设计意图】让学生尝试运用学习策略自主进行阅读活动,他们的学习策略意识不断增强。在阅读了解完成表格的基础上,与组员分享文本人物的穿着,培养了小组互助合作的精神。5.Lets read:Tips:分角色朗读短文男生扮演 Mr.Fox 女生扮演 Miss. BunnyT:Its reading time now. Boys act Mr. fox. Girls act Miss bunny.Tips:分角色朗读短文:第 1、第 2 组扮演 Mr.Lion 第 3、第 4 组扮演 BobbyGroup 1 and group 2 act Mr. lion Group 3 and group 4 act Bobby.【设计意图】在理解的基础上让学生分角色朗读,把握课文中人物的情感,模仿语音语调。使每个学生都参与进来,活跃课堂。 )6.Lets showTips:你也想去参加派对吗?那就一起来穿上你们带来的衣服吧! Tips:两人一组自编对话并演一演 选用的单词:trousers jeans dress jacket skirt shirt gloves .nice great beautiful good.fathers mothers brothers sisters uncles aunts cousins选用的句型:Look at . Its/Theyre beautiful/nice/cool/funny.Whose . is it/are these?Its/Theyre .s.T:Do you want to have a fancy dress party? Its your show time. Work in groups . Dress up yourselves and make a new dialogue. You can use these words and sentences.评价标准:Speak clearly.发音清晰 Act vividly.表演有表情动作. Act creatively.表演有创意. 【设计意图】 学生表演展示活动,让学生在真实的语境中说英语,不仅锻炼了学生运用所学句型进行表达的能力,而且体会到英语学习的趣味性。7.Do some exercise:(一) 、选择题( )1.Is this Joes ? No,youre . A.shirt;right B. gloves, wrong C.shirt, wrong( )2. Look at dolls. They so beautiful. A.this, are B. that, is C. those,are ( )3. dress is this? Its my sisters. A.Whos B. Who c. Whose( )4.Whose gloves are they? Theyre . A.my mother B. my mothers C. short ( )5.My jeans are too long, but her jeans are too . A. fat B. thin C. short (二) 、完成小短文(小组选择 1 题完成) 1.My jeans are short, Helen.You can have this pair.And my shoes too small. worry. Heres a big pair you. 2.Look the yellow shoes. so big. shoes are they? my aunts.8.欣赏我校举办万圣节活动照片。利用学校微信活动的网页,给学生展示欣赏。T: Lets enjoy some pictures in our school last year. . lets look forward to the next Halloween.情意目标:爱学习,爱 party 活动,爱生活。Step4Step4:HomeworkHomework 1. Finish the dialogue with your partner and share with us next time. 和搭档完成对话,下次交流。2. Preview Unit 7. 预习第七单元。【设计意图】课外作业将学习的主动权交到了学生的手里,使课堂学习延伸到课外,培养学生对英语学习的持久性兴趣。
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Unit Whose dress is this_Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:40bbd) 译林版 三年级
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