Unit 6 Whose dress is this-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f0e81).zip


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看到看到图片图片,快速说出英语;,快速说出英语;看到看到英语英语,快速读出;,快速读出;看到看到 ,拍手两下,拍手两下。bigbigbigsmallsmallsmalll o n gl o n glongS h o r tS h o r tShortHow beautiful ! How nice !Its great !my shoesyour socksso funnyher skirthis T-shirt/ dr / sedressWhose dress is this?Tips: 你想知道更多关于它的你想知道更多关于它的信息吗?试着问一问。信息吗?试着问一问。Whose dress is this?Its Su Hais.Tip:在在人名人名后加后加s表示表示某人的某人的,称为,称为名词所有格名词所有格。 try on 试穿试穿Q: Where do they go?派对,聚会A.They go to the park.B.They go to the party.Q: Where do they go?Q: Where do they go?A.They go to the park.B.They go to the party.fancy dress party 化妆舞会化妆舞会参加化装舞会时,人们通常会戴上面具,穿上各参加化装舞会时,人们通常会戴上面具,穿上各类服装,把自己装扮成自己喜爱的角色。类服装,把自己装扮成自己喜爱的角色。参加化装舞会时,人们通常会戴上面具,穿上各参加化装舞会时,人们通常会戴上面具,穿上各类服装,把自己装扮成自己喜爱的角色。类服装,把自己装扮成自己喜爱的角色。The party is _. ABCDEWhat is Su Yang trying on?苏阳正在试穿什么?苏阳正在试穿什么?trousers 裤子裤子outDo they fit? (它们合适吗?它们合适吗?)Su Hais dress is _.too shortTry thistoo a. 太;过于太;过于 b. 也也too 太;过于太;过于Look at my ,Su Yang. Its .Yes. Try , Su Hai.OK.dresstooshortthisTips: 朗读时要注意语音、语调朗读时要注意语音、语调和节奏哦!和节奏哦!Su Yangs trousers are_. too long _ .Try these?Tip: 同桌扮演苏海和苏阳,猜猜她们会说什么同桌扮演苏海和苏阳,猜猜她们会说什么? are ,Su Yang. .tooYour trousersTry theselongAll right.Tip: 仔细倾听,关注别人读得好的地仔细倾听,关注别人读得好的地方或者需要改进的地方!方或者需要改进的地方!Theyre at the party (在派对上在派对上).WhatWhat clothes are they talking about? 他们正在谈论什么衣服?他们正在谈论什么衣服?WhoseHowWhose clothes are they?How are they?Tip: 自读自读 书上书上 第第39页页对话,用对话,用 直线直线 划出划出 关键词(组关键词(组 ) , 并并填入表格填入表格 。WhatdressglovesWhoseHowHelens cousinsSu Yangs fathersso bigso beautifulTip: 你能读出赞美的语气吗你能读出赞美的语气吗?so 如此;这么如此;这么WhatdressglovesWhoseHowHelens cousinsSu Yangs fathersso bigso beautifulTip: 根据朗读符号,自己试着读一读根据朗读符号,自己试着读一读! 听录音模仿读,听录音模仿读,比一比谁读得更流比一比谁读得更流利。利。 Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Theyre my fathers.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Theyre my fathers.Whose dress is this, Helen?Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Theyre my fathers.Whose dress is this, Helen?Its my cousins.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Theyre my fathers.Whose dress is this, Helen?Its so beautiful.Its my cousins.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.Look at my dress, Su Yang. Its too short.Yes. Try this, Su Hai.OK.All right.Now, lets go to the party.Look at Su Yangs gloves, Helen.Theyre so big.Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?Theyre my fathers.Whose dress is this, Helen?Its so beautiful.Thank you.Its my cousins.Your trousers are too long, Su Yang. Try these.四人为一小组四人为一小组进行分角色朗进行分角色朗读。读。 Tip: 在其他同学配音朗读时,要静听在其他同学配音朗读时,要静听、细致地听,边听边记哦!、细致地听,边听边记哦!fathersglovesIts her .cousinsso beautifulhappy Su Hai and Su Yang want to go to a fancy dress party . Before the party(在聚会前)(在聚会前), they are trying on clothes. (正在试穿衣服)正在试穿衣服)too short Su Yangs are so big. Theyre her .Helens dress . Our friends are so at the party(在聚会上)(在聚会上). Su Yangs trousers . But she can .But she can .Su Hais dress is . try thistoo longtry theseareis2. Learn the other new words about clothes by yourselves. (自学其他衣物类单词)(自学其他衣物类单词)1. Read(读)(读) the story 6 times and recite (背诵)(背诵)it .1.你想约朋友们一起去参加派对,你会说:(你想约朋友们一起去参加派对,你会说:( )A. Lets go to the park. B. Lets go to the party.2.你想知道这条裤子是谁的,可以问:(你想知道这条裤子是谁的,可以问:( )A. Whose trousers is this? B. Whose trousers are these?3. 你想对苏阳说她的连衣裙太短,你会说:(你想对苏阳说她的连衣裙太短,你会说:( )A.Your dress is too short. B. Su Yangs dress is too short.4. 妈妈夸赞你的手套漂亮,她会说:(妈妈夸赞你的手套漂亮,她会说:( )A.Theyre so beautiful. B. Theyre so big.5. 妈妈想让你试试你表姐的外套,她会说:(妈妈想让你试试你表姐的外套,她会说:( )A. Try your cousin coat. B. Try your cousins coat.BBAABboatUnit6 Whose dress is this?一、教学内容译林版 4B Unit6 Whose dress is it? Story time二、教学目标1、学生能模仿故事中人物的语音语调,有感情的朗读故事。2、学生能给故事配音。3、学生能用英语流利表达。4、学生能通过对故事的学习,感受化装舞会的乐趣。三、教学重、难点1、学生能模仿故事中人物的语音语调,有感情的朗读故事。2、学生能给故事配音。3、学生能用英语流利表达,课堂上不说中文。四、教学准备PPT 教学光盘 人物头饰 板书 道具五、教学过程Step One: Warm up1. Play a game (Review).2. Free talk.T: What can you see? Do you have/like? 3. 揭题:Unit6 Whose dress is this?T: Look, whats this? Its a dress. /dres/ What colour is the dress? (Its blue.)T: Do you have any questions? (你想知道更多关于这条连衣裙的信息吗? 试着问一问。)S: Whose dress is this?Step Two: Before reading1. Ask and answer.T: Look! (show the picture)S: Its Su Hais. (名词所有格)T: We can also see some clothes on the bed. Where do they go?Ss: A. They go to the park. B. They go to the party.T: Now watch and answer.T: They go to the party. And they go to a fancy dress party. (化装舞会) Do you know fancy dress party? Lets enjoy.T: When we go to a fancy dress party, we usually wear masks and put on different kinds of clothes. We dress up in costumes to be our favorite characters. How is the party?S: The party is funny/wonderful/great2. Before the party.T: Its great fun. Su Hai and Su Yang will go to the party. Look, Su Hai is trying on her dress before the party. What about Su Yang?S: Listen and choose the right picture. Shes trying on her trousers. (out)T: But do they fit?S: Look and say.Su Hais dress is too short .( A. 太;过于) She can try this .S: Complete the dialogue. Listen and repeat. Read in roles.Su Yangs trousers are too long . Try these .T: What do they say? Can you guess?Ss: Read after the tape.T: Now, they can go to the party.3. At the party.T: Look, where are they now? ( At the party.)They are talking about their clothes. What clothes are they talking about? Whose clothes are they? How are the clothes?Ss: Read and underline the key sentences.T: What clothes are they talking about?Ss: Theyre talking about the dress and the gloves(love).T: Whose dress is this? How is the dress?S: Its Helens cousins. Its so beautifulSs: Read Picture 6. Learn: so 如此;这么T: Whose gloves are these? How are they?Ss: Theyre Su Yangs fathers. Theyre so big. Read by themselves./Read after the tape.Step Three: After reading1. Read the whole dialogue after the tape.2. Read in roles(T-S make an example).3. Try to retell.4. Do exercise.Step Four: Homework1. Read Story time 5 times and try to recite.2. 自学其它衣物类单词。 Tip: 自读书上自读书上 39 页对话,用直线划出关键词,并完成表格。页对话,用直线划出关键词,并完成表格。 WhatWhoseHow Tip: 自读书上自读书上 39 页对话,用直线划出关键词,并完成表格。页对话,用直线划出关键词,并完成表格。WhatWhoseHow
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Unit Whose dress is this_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f0e81) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点
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