Unit 3 My day-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f0a99).zip


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展开 译林版三年级起点四年级下册英语Unit3Myday_SoundtimeSongtimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号f0a99.zip译林版三年级起点四年级下册英语Unit3Myday_SoundtimeSongtimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号f0a99.zip
编号:1968748    类型:共享资源    大小:39.94MB    格式:ZIP    上传时间:2021-12-20
Unit 3 My day( Checkout time) -After school,I usually play football. What about you?-I .Free talkPlay gamesRead the activities quickly.快速读出你看到的动作。Read the time quickly.快速读出你看到的时间。7:255:409:3512:00Play gamesLets ask Mike about his day. (让我们问问迈克他的一天情况)When do you .,Mike?Reviewin the afternoon in the evening 5:30Lets retell Mikes day. (让我们复述一下迈克的一天)Reviewin the morning What do you think of Mikes day?(你认为Mike的一天是怎样的?)Its _.Lets sing.Lets talk and write(写) your dayTalk and write.Step1: Choose your activities in a day.Step1: Choose your activities in a day.( (选出你一天中的活动.)Step2: Talk about the timeStep2: Talk about the time. .(谈论你活动的时间)Step3: Introduce your day.Step3: Introduce your day.(介绍你一天的活动.)Step4: Write your day.Step4: Write your day.(写出你一天中的活动.)Activity TimeActivity Timege up fly a kitehave breakfastride my bikego to schooldo homeworkhave lunch go homeplay footballhave dinnerplay basketballwatch TVplay table tennisgo to bedStep1:Choose your activities in a dayStep1:Choose your activities in a day 请在每个活动之前用“”,选出你一天中的活动。tip:你想知道我的活动时间吗,请你用when do you.?询问我哦 Activity TimeActivity Timege up fly a kitehave breakfastride my bikego to schooldo homeworkhave lunch go homeplay footballhave dinnerplay basketballwatch TVplay table tennisgo to bedStep1:Choose your activities in a dayStep1:Choose your activities in a day 请在每个活动之前用“”,选出你一天中的活动。Activity TimeActivity Timege up fly a kitehave breakfastride my bikego to schooldo homeworkhave lunch go homeplay footballhave dinnerplay basketballwatch TVplay table tennisgo to bed6:006:3011:004:005:307:009:005:00Step2: Talk about the timeStep2: Talk about the time 同桌互相问答并记录下自己的时间。tip:用以下句子问答 A:when do you.? B:I .at. 并记录下你的活动时间Activity TimeActivity Timege up fly a kitehave breakfastride my bikego to schooldo homeworkhave lunch go homeplay footballhave dinnerplay basketballwatch TVplay table tennisgo to bed6:006:3011:004:005:307:009:005:00Step2: Talk about the timeStep2: Talk about the time 同桌互相问答并记录下自己的时间。tip:用以下句子问答 A:when do you.? B:I .at. 并记录下你的活动时间Step3: Introduce your dayStep3: Introduce your day 请介绍你的一天活动。I get up at six in the morning. I have breakfast at six thirty in the morning. tip:请用I at in the 进行表达。I at in the I get up at six In the afternoon, I play football at four . I go home at five. I have dinner at five thirty.I have lunch at eleven .I have breakfast at six thirty .In the evening, I watch TV at seven .I go tobed at nine.Step 4 Lets write your day Step 4 Lets write your day ( (对照自己的时间表写下我的一天对照自己的时间表写下我的一天) ): : Beginning(开头):The ending(结尾):.in the morning in the morningin the morningIn the morning,tip:为了让我们的介绍更加完美, 我们可以给他加一个开头与结尾。Hello! Im XX.This is my wonderful day.I _ at _. In the _, _ . _ . I _at _. ._, _._.Step 4 Lets write your day Step 4 Lets write your day ( (对照自己的时间表写下我的一天对照自己的时间表写下我的一天) ): : Beginning(开头):The end(结尾):.In the morning,Hello! Im XX.This is my _ day. 1. Introduce your day to your parents and friends. (向你的父母朋友介绍你的一天。)2. Revise the passage of “My day”. Please write better!(修改短文“我的一天”,请写得更棒哦!)Let l I can write at least three sentences .(我能至少写3句话话)I can write at least four sentences .(我能至少写4句话话)I can write at least five sentences .(我能至少写5句话话)Lets see how many stars can you get.(看看你能获得几颗星)一教学目标 1、通过复习 story time 课文内容,使学生加深对文章内容的理解。2、通过看时间和说动作游戏,学生能够理解会说动作以及发生的时间。3、能尝试运用 when do you .?I.at.等句型 来询问对方在一天中做的事情以及发生的时间;4、通过学习学生能模仿例句来用英语讨论和表达我的一天。5、通过学习学生能模仿范文自己尝试去写作短文我的一天。二学情分析 四年级学生有了一定的基础,能听懂老师的简单课堂用语,能用简单的英语表达图片的意思,能用简单的英语进行交际。又因为前面已经学过课文,对一些问句以及回答有一定的掌握。三重点与难点 1、学生能够准确运用句型 when do you .?I.at.2、学生能复述课文内容。3. 学生能仿照范文自己写出我的一天四教具准备1.相关的课件 ppt2.板书贴板3.Mike 的头饰四教学过程 Step1:GreetingsT:Goodafternoon,boys and girls!Ss: Goodafternoon,Mr Huang!step2:Free talkT: Boys and girls, Its time for class,first ,lets have a free talk.Ok?1.T:What day is it today? S:Its.2.what lessons do you have thia morning? S: I have .and .3.what lessons do you have this afternoon? S: I have .and .4.(屏幕呈现)After school,I usually play football,what about you?S:I .(学生每说出一个答案,老师要及时回应)T:What about Mike? let s read his activies quickly!S:students paly the game. T:Well done!now,can you read the time rightly and quickly.Ready?S:go!(设计意图:本环节设计了一个简短的自由谈话环节,目的是让学生快速进入学习氛围,同时也设计两个小游戏,让学生快速说出迈克的动作以及时间,为下面的学习做好铺垫。)Step 3 Review Mikes day1. T: Great!,ok,yesterday we talked about Mikes day.Now lets ask Mike about his day.(呈现问句:When do you.,Mike?)You can ask with this question. 2.师逐一呈现图片,学生一起向迈克提问,师点击录音回答学生问题。老师同时 板书。get up, go to school,have lunch,play football,go home,have dinner,watch TV,go to bed3.Lets retell Mikes day.T: Nowyou are Mike.Please retell your day in the morning.I get up at.who can have a try(师作举手状)S:( 三位学生分别戴头饰复述)in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening5. T:Great!you are so wonderful.we have know Mikes day,what do you think of Mikes day?S:Its.(happy great,nice,wonderful,fun) T:So mike has a happy and nice day.isnt it? (设计意图:通过这一环节的设置,主要目的是让学生加深对课文的理解和熟练程度,从而为下一步活动扫清障碍。)step4.sing a songT: Now,boys and girls,you have done a good job.lets have a rest to sing a song about Peter.T:师播放歌曲 when do you get up every day?S:生跟唱歌曲。T:what do you think of peters day?I think he has a happy day too.Step5: Talk and write your dayT:Peter gets up at six thirty,what about you?(师提问)When do you get up?S:I get up at.1. T:OK,now,we have talked about mike and peters day.Lets talk about your day.Look,heres a table for you.please choose your activites in a day.First,lets look at my choice.(师先展示自己的选择,然后让学生快速选择T:Are you ok?ok ,now put down your pencils.look at my table,can you ask me some questions?S:学生用 when do you.?向老师提问,老师回答并展示自己的活动时间2. T:Now,its your turn,please ask and answer in pairs then write down the time on your table3. T:Now,its time to report,you can use this sentence”I.at.in the morning”. (在让学生报告之前,师先出示两个例句作为示范)S:I.at.in the.4. T:OK,Its time to write yourday.To make our writing perfect,I have some tips for you.First,we can introduce ourselves.At last,we can add a endinglike this,oh,dont forget to write the title(标题).Are you clear?lets do it!5. show time T:Ask two or three students to show their passages to the class,and then tickthe passages(If students write at least three sentences,he or she will get one star;if four,he will get two stars;if five,he will get three stars. )Step6: Homework1. After school,introduce your day to your parants and friends.2. Revise your “My day” to make it better(Story time) 海陵路小学海陵路小学Unit3 My day大声读出你看到的单词大声读出你看到的单词,数字或词组,看谁读得数字或词组,看谁读得最棒!最棒! Play a gamegood morninghave breakfasthave lunchgood afternoonhave dinnergood evening 77:40 40 66:30 30 99:1515go to schoolgo homewhendoget up?youI usually get up at 6:30. (通常通常 ) )I usually get up at .When do you get up?Tip: work in pairs和同桌之间问答。和同桌之间问答。I get up at 6:30 I watch TV at 6:30 in the evening. (看电视)看电视)in the morning.I usually at 6:30. get up at 7:00 .I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. I usually have lessons at 8:20 in the morning.In the morning get up 6:30have breakfast 6:50go to school 7:00have 2 lessonshave lunch 12:00.In the afternoonhave 1 lessongo home( (回家回家 ) ) 5:15In the eveningwatch TV 6:30go to bed 9:40My dayMikes day A. Time (时间)(时间) B. Place (地点)(地点) C. Person(人物)(人物) How does Mike describe his day ?Mike 是是按什么按什么顺序描述自己的一天的?顺序描述自己的一天的?Tip: 看动画选择看动画选择Mikes day A. Time (时间)(时间) B. Place (地点)(地点) C. Person(人物)(人物) How does Mike describe his day ?Mike 是是按什么按什么顺序描述自己的一天的?顺序描述自己的一天的?in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningMikes dayTip: Mike的一天可以分为三个的一天可以分为三个部分。部分。the 的发音有两种的发音有两种/,/ i /,在元音字母前通常发,在元音字母前通常发/ i/。 Listen and match:Activities(活动活动)Timeget upgo to schoolhave lunch12:007:007:40I at .In the morningTip: 听课文第一段,连线。听课文第一段,连线。Read and fill in blanks: Activities (活动)Time in the afternoon play football_go homedo my homework_ 4:00 4:40 5:30?In the afternoonI at .have 2 lessonsTip: 自读课文第二段,填空。自读课文第二段,填空。do homework 做家庭作业做家庭作业Look and say:I usually have dinner at .I at seven.I every day . six fifteenwatch TV go to bed nineIn the eveningevery day每天每天Tip: 看课文第看课文第三三部分图片,同桌部分图片,同桌讨论,试着填空。讨论,试着填空。at6:157:009:00I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.Listen and read Listen and read I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty.I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.Listen and read I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty. Read the text in different ways in groups(选择选择 自己喜欢的方式在小组内朗读课文自己喜欢的方式在小组内朗读课文) 1小组内齐读小组内齐读3小组内一人读小组内一人读一个时间段一个时间段2小组内小组内一人一句读一人一句读Lets read My dayI get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve .I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty .I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.LearningLearning tip:tip:表达表达 “ “在具体在具体某个时间某个时间 ” ”时时用介词用介词 atat。in the morningin the afternoonin the evening如果你是如果你是 MikeMike,你能介绍自己的,你能介绍自己的一天吗?选择任意时间段,根据一天吗?选择任意时间段,根据板书板书 ,试一试吧?,试一试吧?Lets retell the story What do you think of Mikes day? (你认为迈克的一天过得怎样?为什么?你认为迈克的一天过得怎样?为什么?)Funny?(有趣的(有趣的)Happy?Meaningful?(有意义的)(有意义的)Enjoy every day.享受生活每一天享受生活每一天 Cherish our colourful life.珍惜我们的美好生活!珍惜我们的美好生活!Your day My dayHi, Im . This is my day.I get up at . I go to school at .At , I have lunch.In the afternoon, I have lessons.I at .I .Thank you!Tip: Talk about your day. 谈谈你的一天。谈谈你的一天。 1. Read and try to recite the text with actions.边做动作边朗读课文并试着背诵边做动作边朗读课文并试着背诵。2. Talk to your partners about your day. 和搭档谈论自己一天活动安排表。和搭档谈论自己一天活动安排表。3. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 预习预习 FunFun timetime和和CartoonCartoon timetime。 Homework Unit 3 My day( Checkout time) -After school,I play football. What about you?-I .Read the activities quickly.快速读出你看到的 动作。Lets reviewRead the time quickly.快速读出你看到的时间。7:255:409:3512:00Lets playActivity 1 Lets retell Mikes day (让我们复述一下迈克的一天(让我们复述一下迈克的一天)Lets reviewin the morning Lets retellin the morning in the afternoon Lets retell5:30 andin the morning in the afternoon Lets retellin the evening 5:30 and andLets learnActivity 2 Lets sing a song Lets singWhen do you get up every day?When do you go to school every day?I get up at six thirty every day.I go to school at seven thirty every day.谁来帮谁来帮Peter回答一下回答一下?Lets learnActivity 3 Lets talk and write(写写) your dayWhen do you get up?I get up at.Lets ask and answer step1: Do a survey 同桌互相问答并记录下自己的时间。同桌互相问答并记录下自己的时间。 get up _ go to school _ have lunch _ play football /basketball/table tennis_ go home_ do my homework_ have dinner _ watch TV_ in the morningin the eveninggo to bed _in the afternoonstep2: Report your activities and time( 请你报告一下你的活动和时间请你报告一下你的活动和时间) , I _ at _ . In the morningIn the afternoonIn the evening, I _at _ ., I _at_ .Tip :请按照时间先后顺序来报告哦Step 3 Lets write your day (对照自己的时间表写下我的一天): Hello, Im xx. I _at_. I _ at_. I _ at_. I _ at_. I _ at_. Thats my day(这就是我的一天).Hello ,I am Mr Huang.In the morning, I usually get up at six twenty.I have lunch at eleven fifteen every day.In the afternoon, I go home at four fifty every day.In the evening, I have dinner at about(大约)five forty-five.I usually go to bed at ten at night. Thats my day.1. Introduce your day to your parents and friends. (向你的父母朋友介绍你的一天。向你的父母朋友介绍你的一天。)2. Revise the passage of “My day”. Please write better!(修改短文修改短文“我的一天我的一天”,请写得更棒哦!,请写得更棒哦!)1:I can write at least three sentences .(我能至少写我能至少写3句话句话)2:I can write at least four sentences .(我能至少写我能至少写4句话句话)3:I can write at least five sentences .(我能至少写我能至少写5句话句话)
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Unit My day_Sound time Song Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f0a99) 译林版
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本文标题:Unit 3 My day-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:f0a99).zip

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