Unit 3 My day-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:20557).zip


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(period 3)(学习内容)4B Unit3 My day (period3) (学习目标)1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会写词组: go to school, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening,at night.2.能够听懂,会读,会说,会写句型When do you? Iat . 3. 能正确读出e和ee的发音,并尝试朗读新单词。4. 能唱歌曲When do you get up?7:1511:30HeiloliHeiloliHeiloliHeiloli快速说出英语快速说出英语,边说边加动作噢!边说边加动作噢!游戏玩玩看游戏玩玩看HeiloliMiss LiMiss Li请快速读,记忆请快速读,记忆MikeMike的一天。的一天。文章读读看文章读读看I at get upgo to schoolhave lunchplay footballgo homedo my homeworkhave dinnergo to bedwatch TV ActivitiesTimeget up7:00go to _7:40have lunch12:00play football4:00go_4:40do my_5:30have dinner6:15_TV7:00go to bed9:00at nightschoolhomehomeworkwatch词汇学学看词汇学学看in the _in the _in the _morningeveningafternoon你能按照顺序说一说你能按照顺序说一说MikeMike的的作息安排吗?作息安排吗? Tips: eveningevening 傍晚,傍晚, 一般指一般指9 9点以前点以前 nightnight 夜里,夜里, 一般指一般指9 9点以后点以后I at 句子学学看句子学学看When do you go home?When do you watch TV?When do you go home?When do you watch TV?句子说说看句子说说看Mike: When do you ?Miss Li: I at .请你们帮我回答请你们帮我回答MikeMike吧!吧!句子说说看句子说说看 两人一组,两人一组,谈论各自的一天。谈论各自的一天。看看谁的更合理。看看谁的更合理。句子说说看句子说说看 两人一组,两人一组,谈论各自的一天。谈论各自的一天。看看谁的更合理。看看谁的更合理。A:I at .When do you?B:I at . A:When do you .B:I at . A:Oh,I see./Me,too. 时间是珍贵的!时间是珍贵的!请合理安排时间!请合理安排时间!听歌曲,你能选出时间吗?听歌曲,你能选出时间吗?When do you get up,Peter?I get up at _ _. When do you go to school?I go to school at _ _.A:six thirty B:seven thirty歌曲听听看歌曲听听看When do you get up, Peter?When do you go to school?When do you get up,Peter?I get up at _ _. When do you go to school?I go to school at _ _.six thirtyseven thirtyA:B:听歌曲,你能选出时间吗?听歌曲,你能选出时间吗?歌词读读看歌词读读看 When do you get up?When do you get up,Peter,heiloli,every day?When do you go to school,heiloli,every day?I get up at six thirty,heiloli,every day.I go to school at seven thirty,heiloli,every day跟我一起有节奏地读歌跟我一起有节奏地读歌词吧!词吧! When do you get up?When do you get up,Peter,heiloli,every day?When do you go to school,heiloli,every day?I get up at six thirty,heiloli,every day.I go to school at seven thirty,heiloli,every day 跟着录音一起歌唱吧!跟着录音一起歌唱吧!歌曲唱唱看歌曲唱唱看 When do you?When do you Peter,heiloli,every day?When do you ,heiloli,every day?I at four thirty,heiloli,every day.I at seven twenty,heiloli,every day! 一起试着唱新歌好吗?一起试着唱新歌好吗?歌曲唱唱看歌曲唱唱看/ i: /Peter me she we语音学学看语音学学看is for “ ”. eWho are we ? Tom, Jack and me .We meet Miss Li at three .语音学学看语音学学看Who are we?/ i: / eemeetthreeseegreensleepbeesheep根据根据e/ee的发音试着读出下列新词的发音试着读出下列新词LeeI can use“when”to ask about daily actities.我知道了我知道了e和和ee的发音。的发音。 I know the sound of“e” and“ee”.我能用我能用when来询问日常活动信息来询问日常活动信息。自评自评熟练熟练 初步使用初步使用 仍需努力仍需努力 1、Guess Miss Lis day and send it to her. (微信号:微信号:Miss Li 2014) 猜猜猜猜Miss Li 的一天,微信发送给她。的一天,微信发送给她。2、Make a new song about your friend. 编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。3、Find more words with e/ee. 找出更多带有发找出更多带有发/i:/音的音的e/ee的词的词4B Unit3 My day ( Period3)教学设计教学目标:1能听懂,会读,会说词组 at night.能听懂,会读,会说,会写词组:go to school, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.2能够听懂,会读,会说,会写句型 When do you?Iat .并能用该句型来谈论一天的作息安排。3能正确读出 e 和 ee 的发音,并尝试朗读新单词。4能唱歌曲When do you get up?5让学生学会合理地安排作息时间表。教学重难点:重点:(1)能听懂,会读,会说,会写词组:go to school, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. (2)能够听懂,会读,会说,会写句型 When do you?Iat .并能用该句型来谈论一天的作息安排。 (3)能正确读出 e 和 ee 的发音,并尝试朗读新单词。难点: (1)能够听懂,会读,会说,会写句型 When do you?Iat .并能用该句型来谈论一天的作息安排。(2)能正确读出 e 和 ee 的发音,并尝试朗读新单词。教具准备:PPT,板书,词组卡片教学流程:课前热身准备T: Hello, boys and girls. Im very happy to have the English lesson. Are you happy? Ss: Yes.T: If you are happy, say Heiloli like me.学生说并跟做动作Lets play a game first.(PPT 展示游戏要求)Brain storming:快速展现时间,动作等图片,学生集体读,夹杂着 heiloli 在里面.边读边做动作。Please read the words quickly.Well done! Its time for class.Step1. Review1. 导入Dengdeng,微信声音响起Oh, the Wechat. Its Mike.He shows his day on the Wechat. Look!Please read it quickly.(分时间段自动出示内容学生轻声地朗读)2.Mike shares more pictures. Look, can you say sth. about Mikes day?出现半遮盖的图片组合,加上句型I at的提示,由学生自由回忆说出句子。(能说几句说几句) T: For example, I usually get up at seven.3.Well done! This time, try to read these words.将图显示完整,并在图下显示词组。学生读出会读的单词。Pay attention to these words.重点教 watch 和 homeworkLets read the words together. Follow me.Stand up ,please. Read the words.加上动作读一遍。4.Thats Mikes day .Now talk about the timetable and finish it.出示 Mikes day 的表格,四会单词有空缺.You can say: I get up at seven.(出示句型)请学生根据表格提示 one by one 说出句子,并拼出四会单词。5.根据早中晚不同的时间段,老师带领学生总结T:I get up and go to school in the学生说出 morning(朗读并拼读)T: I play football ,go home and do my homework in the afternoon.(读词组并拼读)T:I have dinner and watch TV in the evening?(读词组,拼读单词)T: I go to bed at night.(学 at night)出现 night 和 evening 的区别。(录音读出小贴士)Step2,Fun time.1.Dengdeng.微信音响起。A message here. Oh, its from Mike.Listen, what did he say?学生听后反馈。老师领全班读.(板书)Group1,2,3,4 读,2 个学生单独问我Ask me together please. 老师对着手机回答 T:I go to school at seven.领读,齐读,板书:Iat .Boys read,girls read.老师问学生:When do you go to school?提问 2,3 个后2.Dengdeng.微信声响起。Mike: When do you get up? When do you have lunch? When do you go to bed?发过来很多问题。Oh, Mike has two more questions. Can you help me to answer them?This is my timetable.Who will help me? 请一个学生站起来回答。Mike 问:When do you go home? When do you watch TV?Now, practice in pairs.(出示中文:两人一组问答,较好的一组发送微信给 Mike)A: When do you get up?B:I get up at.A: When do you watch TV?B:I watch TV at .练习后快速反馈。Answer the questions.用手机录下音发送给 Mike2. Mike 发送过来一个语音 Great!Lets play a game.Look, the rules. Can you read it? You try.(一个学生读规则)You please,play it with me.(和一个学生示范)老师出牌提问 A: When do you have lunch?学生出牌回答 B:I have lunch at eleven.老师出牌提问 A: When do you go home?学生出牌回答 B:I go home at four.Now,Lets play it.(玩游戏的同时,将话筒对着说话的学生)3. OK,stop. The game is fun. You can play it after class.Now, you know Mikes day and my day. What about your days? Open your books, talk about your days in pairs. (出示句型和要求)Who will talk with me? 请一个学生合作。Now,Practice.(背景音乐,学生练习) Wholl try?请 3 组反馈(可加动作)Step3,Song timeYou did a good job!Time is precious. So we should 合理安排作息时间。Yes, Just like my friend Peter. Lets listen to his song and choose .出示一个有空的歌词。Listen. Can you choose? Yes,well done.Follow me (模仿老师的语音语调)Now,sing it after the tape.(听歌曲,一句句跟着唱)Shall we sing it together? Stand up ,please.(站起来唱并做动作)Can you sing a new song?出现新歌,由图片代替动作 Have a try.(放背景音来唱)Step4:Sound time.1,Its a song about Peter. e is for Peter 引出 e 的发音,读已学的单词从三个小朋友出 we,从 we 引出,Who are we? Tom ,Jack and me,拿出遇见 Miss Li 的图片 Whats the time?引出 three,从 Whos she? Shes Miss Li. We meet Miss Li at three.一句句跟着节奏读,跟读(拍手或动作),然后齐读。出示 meet 和 three 领读。ee are pronounced /i:/Anything else?学生说一说。老师展示:Look, so many words. Read them together.2,Miss Li is an English teacher .She has some words.Can you read them?学生根据图片来读新词。Step6: Ticking timeWell done. Boys and girls, do you know the sound of “e” and “ee”?Open your books, page 23.Tick it by yourselves.Look at the blackboard, can you use “when” to ask questions? Tick it by yourselves.Who gets 6 stars in all? Stand up, please. Ill take a photo and send it to Mike.Step5,Homework1.Guess Miss Lis day and send a message to her.2.Make a new song about your friend.编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。3.Find more words with e/ee.找出更多带有发/i/的 e/ee 的词。板书Unit 3 My day When do you go to school ? go home do your homework watch TV Iat .
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Unit My day_Sound time Song Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:20557) 译林版
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