Unit 3 My day-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:d0c4f).zip


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四 年 级级 下 册Unit 3 My dayI get up at six.I have breakfast at six thirty.I go to work at seven ten.I have lunch at eleven fifteen.I go home at five.I have dinner at seven.I read books at eight.I go to bed at ten.RulersThe same:Oh,yes. Differnet: Oh,no. Play a game Activities(活动) Time get up 6:00 have breakfast 6:30 go to work 7:10 have lunch 11:15 go home 5:00 have dinner 7:00 read books 8:00 go to bed 10:00 My day2018July七月今年七月我的这些作息时间要发生一些变化。常熟市世茂实验实验 小学 澳大利亚亚佩恩斯维维尔小学Paynesville Primary School世茂实验实验 小学和Paynesville Primary School的友好往来我校师师生在友好学校交流访问访问友好学校师师生在我校交流访问访问2018July七月Jamie The guest must do as hisThe guest must do as hisThe guest must do as hisThe guest must do as his host does . host does . host does . host does . 入入入入乡乡乡乡随俗。随俗。随俗。随俗。Tips Tips Tips Tips School daysAn e-mail 一封电电子邮邮件A timetable 友好学校作息表Some photos 一些照片Paynesville Primary SchoolAfter dinnerAfter dinnerLoading 正在下载Jamies e-mail In Australia, school starts at 9:00 in the morning. 在澳洲,中小学一般在早上9:00上课课。我们的作息情况:I usually at .Sometimes , I at .I usually get up at seven . Days Get upSunday 8:00Monday 7:00 Tuesday 7:00 Wednesday 7:00 Thursday 7:00 Friday 7:00 Saturday 8:00 Days Get upGet upSunday 7:00 7:00Monday 8:00 7:00 Tuesday 8:00 7:00 Wednesday 8:00 7:00 Thursday 8:00 7:00 Friday 8:00 7:00 Saturday 7:00 7:00 AB I get up at seven . sometimes有时+some + times every dayevery dayJamies e-mail “ “ “ “ usuallyusuallyusuallyusually经经经经常常常常” ” ” ”,“ “ “ “sometimessometimessometimessometimes有有有有时时时时” ” ” ”,“ “ “ “every day every day every day every day 每天每天每天每天” ” ” ”可以帮助区可以帮助区可以帮助区可以帮助区别动别动别动别动作作作作发发发发生的生的生的生的频频频频率。率。率。率。Tips Tips Tips Tips Paynesville Primary SchoolAfter dinnerAfter dinner More activitis 更多的活动1. At school3. At2. school After home More activitiesArtbreak time 课间课间 休息 morningmorningmorningmorning afternoonafternoonafternoonafternoonEnglishSciencePE At schoolMaths Activities Activities Activities Activities at school at school at school at school 学校的活动学校的活动学校的活动学校的活动have a break 休息一下Relaxed and happyRelaxed and happyRelaxed and happyRelaxed and happy 放松、快放松、快放松、快放松、快乐乐乐乐 At school In Australia, students can have a rest or eat fruit at break time. 在澳洲,学生们们可以在课间课间 休息时时吃点心或者水果。我们的课间活动:I at break time .Paynesville Primary School morningmorningmorningmorning afternoonafternoonafternoonafternoon如果Jamie把课表信息也写进e-mail的话,他可能会怎么写? At schoolI have two lessons in the morning .I have one lesson in the afternoon.我们的课程设置:We have in the morning .We have in the afternoon.We have (Subjects).I have a at . break ten forty-five Learn a lotLearn a lotLearn a lotLearn a lot 学到很多学到很多学到很多学到很多 In Australia, children will go to different clubs after school . 在澳洲,学生们们放学后参加不同的兴兴趣活动动。 After school Activities Activities Activities Activities after school after school after school after school 课外活动课外活动课外活动课外活动I play football at four ten. At ,I .four tenplay football After schoolplay footballJamie is in a Club . 社团团 football如果Jamie把这件有趣的活动也写进e-mail的话,他可能会怎么写?Use different sentence structures to Use different sentence structures to Use different sentence structures to Use different sentence structures to express more vividly .express more vividly .express more vividly .express more vividly .使用不同的句式,使使用不同的句式,使使用不同的句式,使使用不同的句式,使语语语语言表达更生言表达更生言表达更生言表达更生动动动动。TipsTipsTipsTips Australian football 澳式足球We go to different interest clubs at 2:40 on Wednesday. 在每周三2:40,我们们参加学校工作坊活动动。 After school你参加的工作坊:On Wednesday,I go to the Club . It is . Have fun Have fun Have fun Have fun At homeAfter dinnerAfter dinnerdo some housework如果你是Jamie你会怎么写呢?A: I at . I at .B: After dinner,I help my mother . I like reading . I at . , I help my mother .I reading . I at . Try to write:likeread bookseightdo some houseworkAfter dinnerread books Use more words to enrichUse more words to enrichUse more words to enrichUse more words to enrich the sentences. the sentences. the sentences. the sentences. 用多一点的用多一点的用多一点的用多一点的语语语语言描述,使句子内容更丰言描述,使句子内容更丰言描述,使句子内容更丰言描述,使句子内容更丰富。富。富。富。Tips Tips Tips Tips Activities Activities Activities Activities at home at home at home at home 在家的活动在家的活动在家的活动在家的活动 , I help my mother . I like . I at .Pair work:你在家帮父母做的家务和其他的活动 (Use more words)With LoveWith LoveWith LoveWith Love Hi DianaThis is my dayI usually get up at seven. I go to school at eight thirty. I have lunch at twelve fifteen. I go home at three thirty . I have dinner at six . I go to bed at nine. JamieMy dayI have two lessons in the morning.I have a break at ten forty-five . I have one lesson in the afternoon . At four ten,I play football . I like reading . I read books at eight .1234I have two lessons in the morning . I have a break at ten forty-five .I have one lesson in the afternoon.At four ten,I play football .After dinner, I help my mother do some housework.I like reading . I read books at eight .这么放的理由是 ?按照时间的先后顺序。After dinnerAfter dinner如果你去澳大利亚的话,能适应他们的时间吗? After dinner,I help my mother do some housework . 56My dayHi DianaThis is my day . I usually get up at seven. I go to school at eight thirty. I have lunch at twelve fifteen. I go home at three thirty . I have dinner at six . I go to bed at nine. JamiePaynesville Primary SchoolWe can do as Jamie does .We can do as Jamie does .We can do as Jamie does .We can do as Jamie does . 入入入入乡乡乡乡随俗。随俗。随俗。随俗。 Tips Tips Tips Tips 如果Jamie把这些内容都写进邮件,会放在哪里? Jamies dayJamies dayJamies dayJamies day happy How do you think of Jamies day? learn a lot have fun with love2018October 十月I wan to know your school days in China.完成这部分内容的书写。 Ready to write Amy四(9)I usually get up at seven . At seven twenty ,I have breakfast . I go to school at seven forty. I have nine subjects at school . I like English best . I have a piano lesson after school . This is my day . What a happy day.Amy2I have breakfast at seven . I go toschool at seven thirty . At four thirty,I go home. I do my homework at five . I go to bed at nine.Jerry1Jerry四(9)1.Use usually,sometimes or every day. 2.Use different sentence structures and more words . 不同的句式和丰富的语语言 . I get up at . I at . At ,I . I . I . 3.Use learning tools to help . 学习习工具 Writing time修改符号:单词 单词单词 单词 单词对调号 Work in pairs两两互读修改单词 单词 单词单词 单词单词 单词改正号 增添号 词组 单词 删除号 Correcting time Completed 完整Use usually,sometimes or every day. Use different sentence structures and more words . Share Share Share Share your dayyour dayyour dayyour day Jamies dayJamies dayJamies dayJamies day happy learn a lothave fun with love How do you think of your day? My My My My daydaydayday busy interesting with love learn a lot Jamies dayJamies dayJamies dayJamies day happy learn a lot with love My dayMy dayMy dayMy day interesting with love learn a lotbusy have fun Every day is precious . 每一天都很珍贵。Cherish every day! 珍惜每一天! 1. 1. 1. 1. AmendAmendAmendAmend and and and and makemakemakemake“ “ “ “My dayMy dayMy dayMy day” ” ” ”better .better .better .better . 修改修改修改修改、完善完善完善完善我的一天我的一天我的一天我的一天2.2.2.2. TellTellTellTell“ “ “ “My dayMy dayMy dayMy day” ” ” ”to your friends .to your friends .to your friends .to your friends . 和朋友们和朋友们和朋友们和朋友们交流交流交流交流下下下下我的一天我的一天我的一天我的一天四年级下册 Unit 3 My day(Checkout time 写作教学)一、教学目标1知识与能力目标(1)培养学生初步的写作能力、学会叙述自己一天的活动。(2)培养学生基本的造句能力,掌握 I_at _.的用法,并运用于写作中。2.学习策略目标(1)学会合作学习,交流信息,提高英语写作能力。(2)掌握英语写作中组织语言的基本方法。3.情感态度目标通过 My day 的写作,培养学生基本的英语写作能力,培养学生愿意用英语叙述自己一天的活动。二、教学重点、难点1.学生通过对澳洲友好学校学生 Jamie 一天活动的获取,在此过程中学会用英语表达自己一天的活动,用英语介绍自己的一天。2.按照时间的顺序使句子前后连贯,相互呼应,有一定的逻辑性。三、教学准备学生课前制作自己一天的 Timetable , SOS Book, 多媒体课件四、教学过程一、Warm up教师和学生 Play a game “Oh, yes.” “Oh, no.”以此复习巩固基本句型“I at.” T: I get up at six. Ss: Yes.老师表示我们情况一样。 Ss:Oh,no.教师问When do you get up?以此说完教师的一天大概作息情况。二、教学铺垫1.接游戏,引出教师一天的作息表,并告诉学生,这些作息时间在几个月后会发生一些变化,因为教师和一些学生要去澳洲友好学校交流。介绍友好学校一些情况。2.T: If you go to Australia . What do you want to know about their school life 请学生提出他们想要知道的答案的问题。例如:When do they go to school? What subjects do they have?引出友好学校学生 Jamie ,他可以帮助我们了解他们的生活。3.教师告诉学生,自己收到了 Jamie 关于自己一天活动介绍的邮件,友好学校的课表以及一些 Jamie 的照片。三、探寻 Jamie 的信息,并与学生自己的情况进行比较1. 邮件(1)出示收到的 Jamie 的邮件,学生阅读邮件文本,在此在 usually 和 every day 的基础上,拓展 sometimes 的教学。 Hi Diana This is my day. I usually get up at seven. I go to school at eight thirty.I have lunch at twelve fifteen. I go home at three thirty. I have dinner at six. I go to bed at nine. Jamie(2)学生说说自己的作息情况,以此和 Jamie 的进行对比。2.友好学校课表(at school)T. Jamie 的一天没有邮件表达的那么简单,通过课表和照片,我们还能知道Jamie 其他的一些活动,以(at school , after school 和 at home)为线索。(1)出示课表,和学生谈论课表信息,了解友好学校的一些课程设置。 在看课表的信息中,拓展教学 break(2)和学生探讨,如果 Jamie 想把课程表所蕴含的信息写进邮件的话,他可能会怎么写?(请学生看了课表说一说)Jamie 可能会这样写: I have two lessons in the morning I have a break at 10:45. I have one lesson in the afternoon.(2(学生说一说自己的课程设置。 We have in the morning. We have in the afternoon.We have .(subjects)德育渗透:教师和学生一起总结,Both Jamie and we learn a lot at school.3.活动照片(after school)(1)由在校活动引出,课后活动,介绍我校工作坊开展情况。 学生用句型 On Wednesday, I go to club. It is .说一说自己参加工作坊的情况,让他们说出在活动时的情感体验 have fun, interesting等。(3(通过照片获取 Jamie 课后活动。 并在这个环节进行句子改写的指导。Jamie : I play football at four ten. 你能试着用另一种句型说一说吗? At , I .向学生出示写作 tips: Use different sentence structures to express vividly.(4(请学生用不同的句式,说一说自己的课外活动。 I .At , I .德育渗透:Both Jamie and we have fun when we are in the interest clubs .4.家务和读书照片(at home)(1)给学生提供选择,如果你是 Jamie 可能会怎样写这两件事。 A. I. at. I .at. B. After dinner, I . I like reading. I. 学生两种选择都可能会有,如果学生选 B,就告诉学生写作提示:Use more words to enrich the sentences.(2(尝试看着照片用尽量丰富的语言描述照片上的活动。 dinner,I help my mother .I reading . I at eight.(3(学生用丰富的语言描述自己帮父母做的家务和有趣的事情。 ,I help my mother .I like . I at .德育渗透:Both Jamie and we spend time with our family with love.我们和家人生活充满了爱。5.把课表信息和照片信息整合进邮件(1) 和学生一起探究,通过课表和照片获得的信息,Jamie 如果当时要写进邮件的话,会写在哪里? I have two lessons in the morning I have a break at 10:45. I have one lesson in the afternoon. At four ten ,I play football. After dinner ,I help my mother do some housework. I like reading. I read books at eight. Hi Diana This is my day. I usually get up at seven. I go to school at eight thirty. I have lunch at twelve fifteen. I go home at three thirty. I have dinner at six. I go to bed at nine.Jamie请学生把以上在探寻过程中得到的 Jamie 可能会写的事情放进 Jamie 的邮件,看看他可能会放在邮件的哪里?(2)学生在邮件加入获取到的信息,并说出这样安排的理由。 (按照时间顺序)(3)请学生说一说,你觉得 Jamie 的一天过得怎样?4(写作1.说明写作的原因:Jamie 十月份也将要来中国,他想了解我们的生活,学生通过写邮件告诉他。2.展示另外一个班的两份作品,让学生通过比较总结得出把邮件写好的诀窍。一封邮件得两星,另一封邮件得三星,请学生说说得三星的理由。学生通过比较发现,得三星的邮件用了 usually 等词,它还用了不同的句式变换,也用了更多的语言描述。3. 学生进行写作,教师进行方法指导。 Use usually ,sometimes or every day. Use different sentence structures and more words. Use learning tools to help.( timetable, SOS book)五同伴互相修改同桌交换,互读修改同伴的邮件。提供一些修改符号供学生使用。 (删除号,交换号,改正号 ,增添号)六展示1 学生展示自己写好的邮件2 老师给出评价标准Completed Use usually ,sometimes or every day. Use different sentence structures and more words. 对学生的作品给予肯定。3 让学生说一说感觉自己的一天怎么样4 然后把 Jamie 的一天合并比较,渗透不管是在澳洲还是中国,我们的一天都一样有趣,一样忙碌,一样学到很多知识,一样和家人生活充满了爱。德育渗透:Every day is precious. 每一天都是珍贵的。Cherish every day. 珍惜每一天。七Homework1. Amend and make My daybetter.2. Tell My dayto your friends.板书:书写稿:
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Unit My day_Sound time Song Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:d0c4f) 译林版
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