Unit 3 My day-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:b09cc).zip


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Unit 3 My day (Period 3) 班级_ 姓名_一、辨音:选出下列单词划线部分与其它发音不同的选项。一、辨音:选出下列单词划线部分与其它发音不同的选项。1.( ) A. bedroom B. these C. me2.( ) A. meet B. we C. egg 3.( ) A. every B. green C. get 二、读故事,选择正确答案。二、读故事,选择正确答案。1. ( ) Im a_. A. student B. farmer C. teacher2. ( ) I have breakfast at _. A. 6:00 B. 6:13 C. 6:303. ( ) I go to work _. A. by car B. by bike C. by bus4. ( )I welcome the students at_.A. 7:40 B. 7:58 C. 8:155. ( )We play _ in the afternoon. A. football B. basketball C. table tennis三、设计三、设计 Bobby 的一天的一天(Bobby 做了一个美梦,现在他醒了,他会怎样安排自己的一天呢?)四人一组,讨论并编写 Bobby 的一天。 Period 3 (Cartoon time and sound time )1.I know the sound of “e”and”ee”我知道字母e 和ee的发音2.I can understand and act “cartoon time”.我能理解并会表演卡通故事。Goles for the lessongowatchhaveplaywatch T_watch f (赏花)watch c (卡通)have breakfasthave lunchhave dinnerhave lessonsplay basketballplay footballplay gamesplay the pianogo to schoolgo to bedgo homelowersartoonshave go get domake uphomeworka fruit saladV根据关键词,开动脑筋想词组吧。根据关键词,开动脑筋想词组吧。Hello, my friends!My name is IatIm happy/busyevery day.My dayWho are we ? Tom , Jack and me.We meet Miss Li at three.eee/i:/me shegreen sleep threehe these see sweet tree fifteen Can you say more words? 你能说出更多的单词吗?eee/i:/beesheepLee根据根据e/ee的发音试着读出下列新单词。的发音试着读出下列新单词。 ACBTip:认真读单词认真读单词,仔细体会发音仔细体会发音,根据根据发音规律发音规律,做出正确判断。做出正确判断。I know the sound of “e”and”ee”我知道字母e 和ee的发音I can understand and act “cartoon time”.我能理解并会表演卡通故事。Ticking timedesert 沙漠沙漠Where are they?When does Bobby have dinner every day?When does Bobby have dinner every day?At _ .sixLook, listen and answerQ2. Whats the matter with Bobby? (Bobby怎么了?怎么了?)Q4. Can Bobby eat the cake? He is hungry. No, he cant. Why? Because its a dream(梦梦). Q3. What can Bobby see over there?He can see a cake.over there 在那儿(指较远处)Q1. What time is it? Its seven oclock. TiP:自由读卡通,回答问题,划出关键句自由读卡通,回答问题,划出关键句。Tip:注意模仿语音语调,读注意模仿语音语调,读出感情!出感情!12345678910Read together! (齐读)(齐读)Read after one!( (小老师领读小老师领读 ) )Read in roles!( (分角色朗读分角色朗读 ) )三人小组有感情的朗读 三人一组,其中一人饰演小闹钟,合作表演课文三人一组,其中一人饰演小闹钟,合作表演课文。语音、语调正确。语音、语调正确。语音、语调正确,有感情。语音、语调正确,有感情。语音、语调正确,表情丰富,语音、语调正确,表情丰富,动作到位,表演生动。动作到位,表演生动。当当Bobby被闹钟惊醒,发现这是做梦时,他会说些什么呢被闹钟惊醒,发现这是做梦时,他会说些什么呢?What a pity!Oh,my cake!Oh,its a dream!I know the sound of “e”and”ee”我知道字母e 和ee的发音I can understand and act “cartoon time”.我能理解并会表演卡通故事。Ticking timeIn the afternoon, we have a PE lesson and we play basketball.I have dinner at six and go to bed at eight every day.At eight thirty, the bell rings. Its time for class.I have lunch at eleven twenty with my students.At seven ten, I go to work by car.I welcome (欢迎) the students at about (大约) eight.I brush my teeth and wash my face.I have breakfast at six thirty.Im Miss Honey. Im a teacher.At six oclock, I get up.After that, I put on my clothes. 穿上穿上 teacher bell 铃铃 老师老师 student 学生学生 put on brush wash teeth face 刷刷 牙牙 洗洗 脸脸 ring 响响 1. Im a_. A. student B. farmer C. teacher2. I have breakfast at _. A. 6:00 B. 6:13 C. 6:303. I go to work _. A. by car B. by bike C. by bus4. I welcome the students at _.A. 7:40 B. 7:58 C. 8:155. We play _ in the afternoon. A. football B. basketball C. table tennisTip: 认真读故事,查找相关信息,并用笔划出来认真读故事,查找相关信息,并用笔划出来。1. Im a_. A. student B. farmer C. teacher2. I have breakfast at _. A. 6:00 B. 6:13 C. 6:303. I go to work _. A. by car B. by bike C. by bus4. I welcome the students at _.A. 7:40 B. 7:58 C. 8:155. We play _ in the afternoon. A. football B. basketball C. table tennisCCI have breakfast at six thirty.AAt seven ten, I go to work by car.BI welcome the students at about eight.BIn the afternoon, we have a PE lesson and we play basketball.Do you know?Im Miss Honey. Im a teacher.Guess: Whats the name of the story?同学们,猜一猜这个故事的名字吧!A. Miss Honeys job (职业)B. Miss Honeys busy day (忙碌的一天)C. Miss Honeys free day (空闲的一天)合理安排合理安排时间,快时间,快乐乐每一天。每一天。Bobby 做了一个美梦,现在他醒了,他会怎样安排自己的一天呢做了一个美梦,现在他醒了,他会怎样安排自己的一天呢?四人一组,讨论并编写四人一组,讨论并编写Bobby的一天。的一天。 1.运用本课句型,四人小组共同思考、讨论。运用本课句型,四人小组共同思考、讨论。2.画一画,写一写。画一画,写一写。3.分工合作,两人画画,一人写,一人展示汇报。分工合作,两人画画,一人写,一人展示汇报。1.1.听听读卡通读卡通,熟练背诵熟练背诵。2.2.完成完成英练英练P P1 15 5. .3.3.把故事把故事MissMiss HoneysHoneys busybusy d da ay y读给父母读给父母听。听。Unit 3 My day (Period 3)教学内容:Cartoon time and sound time一、 【教学目标】:(一)知识目标:1. 进一步掌握句型 When do you ? I at .2. 会唱歌曲 When do you get up?3. 掌握字母 e 和字母组合 ee 在单词中的读音。4. 通过欣赏动画,表演动画,能够体会故事的趣味性,享受语言带来的愉悦。(二)能力目标:1. 能了解 Cartoon time 的主要内容,并能进行表演。2. 能读懂拓展故事,联系上下文猜测词意。3. 能用英语和别人交流合作,共同完成小组活动任务。(三)情感目标:学会合理的安排时间,养成良好的生活和学习习惯,使每一天都充实、快乐、有意义。二、 【教学重点】1.掌握字母 e 和字母组合 ee 在单词中的读音。2.了解 Cartoon time 的主要内容,并能进行表演。三、 【教学难点】能理解动画并能熟练朗读并表演。四、教学准备: PPT教学过程:Step 1 Revision1. Free talk: What day is it today? Its. What lessons do you have this morning/afternoon? I have. What subjects do you like? I like.Do you have any lessons on Sunday? When do you do your homework every day? I . at .2. Sing a song :When do you get up?3. Play a game: Brain Storm 说出与所给动词相关的短语:play , watch, have, go, get , do, make4. Say about your day. My dayHello, my friends!My name is IatIm happy/busyevery day.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Sound time(1) Look and say : Who are we ? What time is it?(2) Show the sentence. Pay attention to the words(we, me, meet, three)and find out the sound of the letter e / ee / i: /(3) Read the words and try to say more words.e / ee / i: / he these see tree sweet (4) Try to read the new words: Lee, bee, sheep(5) Listen to the sentence and try to model. a. Read the sentence together.b. Read in pairs.(6) Do the exercise.选出下列单词划线部分与其他发音不同的选项。Tip:认真读单词,仔细体会发音,根据发音规律,做出正确判断。1.( ) A.bedroom B.these C.me2.( ) A.meet B.we C.egg 3.( ) A.every B.green C.get Ticking time: I know the sound of “e”and”ee”2. Cartoon time(1) Look and say:Where are Bobby and Sam? What happened?(2) Watch and answer :When does Bobby have dinner every day?(3) Read and answer: TiP:自由读卡通,回答问题,划出关键句。Q1:What time is it? (Its seven oclock.)Q2: Whats the matter with Bobby? ( Hes hungry. )Q3: What can Bobby see over there? ( He can see a cake.) over there 在那儿(指较远处)Q4: Can Bobby eat the cake? Why? (No, he cant. Because its a dream 梦.)(4)Retell the cartoon according to the blackboard.(5)Reading timea. Read after the tape.Tip:注意模仿语音语调,读出感情!b. Happy reading: Read after one. Read in roles. Read together.(6)Lets act.Tip: 三人一组,其中一人饰演小闹钟,合作表演课文。语音、语调正确。语音、语调正确,有感情。语音、语调正确,表情丰富,动作到位,表演生动。(7)Try to think: 当 Bobby 被闹钟惊醒,发现这是做梦时,他会说些什么呢?What a pity! Oh, my cake! Oh, its a dream! .Ticking time: I can understand and act “cartoon time”.Step 3 Consolidation1.Read a storybook Miss Honeys busy day(1)Try to read by someone.(2)Word bank:put on ,brush, teeth, wash, face, bell, ring, teacher, studentguess the meaning of the word(3)Read and choose:Tip: 认真读故事,查找相关信息,并用笔划出来。1. ( )Im a_. A. student B. farmer C. teacher2. ( )I have breakfast at _. A. 6:00 B. 6:13 C. 6:303. ( )I go to work _. A. by car B. by bike C. by bus4. ( )I welcome the students at_.A. 7:40 B. 7:58 C. 8:155. ( )We play _ in the afternoon. A. football B. basketball C. table tennis(4)Guess: ( )Whats the name of the story?A. Miss Honeys job(职业)B. Miss Honeys busy day (忙碌的一天)C. Miss Honeys free day (空闲的一天)2.情感教育:Arrange your time, happy every day. 合理安排时间,快乐每一天。Step 4 Activity1.Design Bobbys dayT:T:Bobby 做了一个美梦,现在他醒了,他会怎样安排自己的一天呢?四人一组,讨论并编写 Bobby 的一天。1.运用本课句型,四人小组共同思考、讨论。 2.画一画,写一写。 3.分工合作,两人画画,一人写,一人展示汇报。 2.Show timeStep 5 Homework1.听读卡通,熟练背诵。2.完成英练P15. 3.把故事Miss Honeys busy day讲给父母听。板书:板书: UnitUnit 3 3 MyMy dayday Bobbyhungrysee a big cakeeat the nice cakeGet up! e e wwe e ththe esese /i:/i:/ eeee fiftfifteeeen n tr treeee s seeee
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Unit My day_Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:b09cc) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 四年级
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