Unit 3 My day-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:c307c).zip


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EnglishEnglish 4B4BUnit 3 My dayFun time Cartoon time I can talk about my day.我会谈论我一天的生活。I can use “when” to ask about daily activities.我会有“when来谈论日常生活。I can understand and act “cartoon time”.我能理解并会表演卡通故事。AllAll together,together, IveIve gotgot _ stars.stars. QQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页My photo Diary Music Game More我的日志我的音乐我的游戏我的照片Tip:Tip:看到时间快速大声读出来,碰到动作边说边看到时间快速大声读出来,碰到动作边说边大胆勇敢做出来吧!大胆勇敢做出来吧!YouYou cancan ! !7:406:155:30go homeMy photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页My friend: Mikedo my homeworkplay footballgo to bedgo to schoolget uphave dinnerhave lunchwatch TVhave lessonsWhat does Mike usually do every day? 迈克每天通常做什么?迈克每天通常做什么?go home7:007:4012:004:004:405:306:157:009:00Tips: 假设你是Mike,尝试根据提示用I.at.来复述麦克的一天。7:007:404 lessons2 lessonsMy photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页Miss MaWhen?My photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页My photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页I get up at six. I have breakfast at six thirty. I usually go to work at seven ten. I have lunch at twelve. I go home at five ten.I have dinner at six. I go to bed at ten.When do you?I atTips: When=What timeMy photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页Tips: 你想知道其他同学一天的活动你想知道其他同学一天的活动吗?试着画一画钟,然后用吗?试着画一画钟,然后用When do you?提问吧!四人一组,轮流提问吧!四人一组,轮流问与答。问与答。My photo Diary Music Game MoreQQ空间空间个人中心个人中心我的主页我的主页Bobby and Sam?Watch and answerQ1:Whats the matter with Bobby? 波比怎么了?波比怎么了? Q2: Is Bobby hungry?波比饿吗?波比饿吗?Q1:Whats the matter with Bobby? He is having a dream.他正在做梦。他正在做梦。pillowQ2: Is Bobby hungry?Yes, he is.Read and answer1.When does Bobby have dinner every day? Bobby _dinner at _.2. What time is it now?Its _ _ now.sevensixoclockLearning tip(学习策略)(学习策略):Read carefully and find the answer of the blanks quickly.认真阅读,快速找出空格的答案。认真阅读,快速找出空格的答案。hasTry to readwhen =what time何时何时现在七点钟。现在七点钟。= Its seven.What can Bobby and Sam see?A.A big hamburger. B.A big pie. C.A big cake!WhatWhat a a bigbig cake!cake!A.Yes, he can.B.No, he cant.Can Bobby eat the cake?Bobby had a dream about desert adventure .Bobby做了个关于沙漠探险的梦。做了个关于沙漠探险的梦。?Listen and imitate 仔细听,模仿语音语调仔细听,模仿语音语调. .Tip: 模仿语音语调时模仿语音语调时,要读出故事中人物的心情哦!要读出故事中人物的心情哦!小组合作,朗读或表小组合作,朗读或表演故事。演故事。Read in roles.(分角色读)(分角色读)Act in roles.(分角色演分角色演)Read together.(齐读齐读)Lets read or act. 表演时间到了!表演时间到了! 请两位组员分工合作,请两位组员分工合作, 共同表演这个有趣的故事吧共同表演这个有趣的故事吧!A sweet dream.一场美梦。一场美梦。开心开心/疲惫疲惫happy/tired焦急焦急/兴奋兴奋worried/excitedTip:可以加入适当的动作,增加表演的生动性可以加入适当的动作,增加表演的生动性!Tip:可以加入适当的动作,增加表演的生动性可以加入适当的动作,增加表演的生动性!苦恼苦恼/惊喜惊喜worried/surprised时间如流水时间如流水钟的名字:流淌的时间钟的名字:流淌的时间I can talk about my day.我会谈论我一天的生活。I can use “when” to ask about daily activities.我会有“when来谈论日常生活。I can understand and act “cartoon time”.我能理解并会表演卡通故事。AllAll together,together, IveIve gotgot _ stars.stars. Homework:1. 听读听读cartoon time的故事,与同座位的故事,与同座位 用正确的语音,语调进行表演。用正确的语音,语调进行表演。2. 试着创编一个新的故事,比比谁的故试着创编一个新的故事,比比谁的故事最有趣。事最有趣。Talk about “ Bobbys day”.Show time Bobbys dayShow time go to school do homework swim have a swimming lesson have breakfast watch TV listen to music read books play table tennis have an Art lesson have lunch have dinner go to school go home go to bed play basketball watch a football match have a Chinese class Key wordsHello, Im Bobby.In the morning ,I . Talk about “ Bobbys day”.要求:可以说一天的活动,要求:可以说一天的活动, 也可以说其中一个时间段。也可以说其中一个时间段。 Unit3 当堂练习当堂练习姓名:姓名: 班级:班级:I.英汉互译英汉互译1. have breakfast 2. 七点十分3. go to school 4. 看电视5. eleven fifty-five 6. 吃晚饭7. at seven forty 8. 在夜里9. do my homework 10. 每天II. 单项选择题单项选择题( )1. -When do you go home? -I go home 5:00 A. At B. On C. In( )2. Its 7:30 in the morning. Lets . A. go to school B. have lunch C. go home( )3. -Its 9:00. You are late(迟的). - . A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. OK( )4. - ? -Its 9:20. A. Whats this B. What time is it C. Whats that( )5. - do you have lunch? -At 12:00. A. Whats the time B. When C. Whats timeIII. 请根据请根据 Jim 的时间表,帮他写一段介绍自己生活起居的话的时间表,帮他写一段介绍自己生活起居的话Get upHave breakfastGo to schoolHave lunchGo homeGo to bed6:207:007:4012:004:309:00Hello,Im Jim. Im a student(学生). I get up at six twenty in the morning. 课堂教学设计课堂教学设计 Unit 3 My dayFun time & Cartoon time Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Fun time &Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能正确地理解并朗读卡通内容。2. 在图片和语言提示下表演故事。3能用四会句型 When in/at?I at.来询问并了解别人的活动。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点1. 教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读卡通内容。了解 cartoon 之趣。2. 教学难点:在图片和语言提示下表演故事。Teaching record 教学实录教学实录Step 1 Let Ss know the learing aims.Step 2 Free talk & RevisionT: Hello, boys and girls. Lets begin our class.What day is it today?S1: It is Tuesday.T:Whats the weather like today?S2: Its sunny day.T:What lessons do you have this afternoon?S3:We haveT:What subjects do you like best?Why?S4:I like PE.It is fun.T:Which day do you like best?Why?S5:I like Saturday,because I dont have any lessons on Saturday.T:Can you guess which day do I like best?S6:Sunday?.T:Yes,you are very clever,I like Saturday,because I can play qq games.Do you like games?Ss:Yes.T:Lets play a game.When you see the time,please say it loudly.When you see the movements,please say and do it bravely.OK? (Ss play the game) (课件出示游戏,学生边说单词边做动作)T:Well done.Do you like this game?Do you want to see my picture album?Ss:Yes.T:Who is he ?Ss:He is Mike.T:Good ,what does Mike usually do everyday?Do you remember?Maybe it is a little difficult,but dont worry I can help you.(课件出示图片,提示学生复述 storytime 版块课文)S1:In the morning.I in the afternoon,I S2:【设计意图:上课伊始,通过和学生自然的对话,结合之前单元学习的旧知,拉近和学生之间的距离,消除学生的紧张情绪,也为后面的游戏环节做好铺垫。游戏一向是四年级孩子喜欢的课堂教学环节,本版块设计不单单是玩游戏,关键让孩子在游戏中复习本单元的时间和动作短语,为之后的复习、复述课文环节做好铺垫】Step 3 Fun timeT:You know Mike has a busy day.Do you want to know my day?So if you want to know sth about me?What Qs can you ask me?S1:When dou you get up?S2:When do you have breakfast?S3:【设计意图:让学生自主提问,充分发挥学生的主体地位,同时也操练的本单元的重点句型。 】T:Let me tell you my day.In the morning,I get up at 6:30,I have breakfast at 6:45.I go to school at 7:20.This is my busy day.Whats your day?T:When do you get up?S1:I get up at 6:00.T:When do you have breakfast?S2:I have breakfast at7:00.S3:T:I know your day.Do you want to know your classmates day?Lets have a group work.4Ss are a group.Open your books and turn to page 20.Try to draw the clocks and then ask and answer one by one.【设计意图:由 Mike 的一天过度到老师自己的一天,再由老师的一天过度到学生及小组成员的一天,让学生组内完成调查,并在调查中完成句型的操练,让学生组内轮流问与答,保证让每个学生开口说英语,同时也关注到组内比较弱的学生。 】Step 4 Cartoon timeT: Boys and girls.You have a great job.You know your friends activities.What about them?who are they? (课件出示图)S: Bobby and Sam.T:Lets watch the cartoon, and try to answer these two questions.Whats wrong with Bobby?Is Bobby hungry? (PPT 播放动画)S: (watch the cartoon and answer the questions)S1: Bobby is hungry. S2: S2: He is having a dream.【设计意图:帮助学生整体感知课文, 整理课文要素。让学生带着问题观看动画】T: This story is really interesting. Bobby is hungry.How do you know that?Can you read it vividly? Lets have a try! (分图解析、朗读故事里的关键句子,引导学生揣摩人物的心情和说话语气,并示范读一读。)【设计意图:通过精读课文句子,模仿语音语调,理解文中人物的心理与情感变化。 】T: Very good. What can Bobby see?Ss:CakeT:What about this cake?S1:It is a big cake.S2:What a big cake.T:Who can read it vividly?Ss:T:Can Bobby eat the cake?Ss:NoT:Why?S1:Bobby eat a pillow.Because he had a dream.T:Good.Bobby cant eat the cake. What a pity! Lets try to read the story. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Read after the cartoon first. And then, read by yourself. (提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,这是演绎好 Cartoon Time的关键)S: (read the story after the cartoon, then read by themselves)T:Look at the last picture.Can you say more about this picture?S1:What a pity!S2:Oh,my god.S3:Where is my cake?S4:Its time for school.S:【设计意图:通过故事板块的适当留白,让学生自己去想象故事的结局和结尾,锻炼学生的思维,同时训练学生的语言,为之后的故事表演做好准备和铺垫。 】T: Do you like this story? Please discuss in groups of four and make a title for it.S: (学生四人一组,讨论标题)T: What is your title for the story?(学生汇报讨论结果)【设计意图:通过讨论故事的题目,锻炼学生归纳总结与交流合作的能力,同时也考察学生对于整个故事的理解和概括。 】T: Your titles are fantastic. Lets try to act the story. I want to be Bobby. Who wants to be Sam? Come here. Act with me. (师生示范卡通部分对话表演)T: Boys and girls, do we act well? S: Yes.T:Thank you. Now its your turn. You can act with your partners.S: Act the story.【设计意图:表演卡通部分可以帮助学生复习、巩固,学生带着头饰,将卡通板块内容进行脱稿表演是提高学生语言能力和学习兴趣的最佳方式。同时适当的进行结尾的续编,让学生感知故事乐趣的同时,完整的演绎整个故事】Step 4 EndingT:Today we have learned a story about Bobby.and we know about Bobbys timetable.We know time is very important in our daily lives.And time files.We should treasure our time.So enjoy everyday.Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. Read and act the cartoon with your partner. 和你的同伴读并表演卡通。2. Try to imagine, what will happen after Bobby wakes up?试着想象一下,Bobby 醒来后,一天发生了什么,比比谁的故事最有趣。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学准备:人物卡片和头饰、多媒体课件。板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 My dayMikes timetable When .in/at? I .at
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Unit My day_Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(编号:c307c) 译林版 三年级 起点 出发点 四年级
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