Module 12 Help-Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:30230).zip


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12HelpWhats happening?An earthquake.What do you think of the earthquake?Its terrible.Do you have an earthquake drill(训练)?Yes, we do.earthquakewarninsidewindowkeepbravecalmpowerunder1. Where are the people?2. What are they doing? Why? Q: Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake? Yes, it is.课文动画Self-studying time 1) 4 2) 5 3)B a) F F b) 1. No, it isnt. 2. Keep clear of fires. 3. Leave the building quickly. 1) A 2) C When the earthquake started 1 I hid under a table.2 Sam sat on his desk.3 Alice ran out of the building.4 Peter and Helen stayed in their car.5 my family and I moved away from the beach.Inside 1. jump out of 2. Hide under , stay away from , keep clear of 3. Leave quickly, . use lift4. Keep calm , brave and helpfulOutside1. Move away from , because2. street lights power lines3. bridges and trees a bus or a car 4. falling rocks5. run away from higher ground1. Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 句中的 them 指的是 earthquakes。 warn sb. about sth. 意为“提醒/警告.注意”。拓展:The doctor warned me not to smoke.2. Do not jump out of high buildings.jump out of 表示“从.跳出”。拓展: run out of 表示“从.跑出”。climb out of 表示“从.爬出”。3. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. keep 表示“保持”, calm 表示“冷静,沉着”。 keep calm 是系动词 + 形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能做系动词的有:become, feel, look, seem 等。e.g. Everybody became quiet. He looked a little nervous. 4. In short, follow what you learnt in school. in short 的意思是“总之,简言之”。e.g. In short, I am interested in all of the sports. When you read instructions(指示,指令,说明), make sure of what they tell you to do, and also focus on the steps of activities.Go out and meet on the playground.Do not use the lift.The use of the imperative sentences(祈使祈使句的使用句的使用)。重重点短语点短语 warn sb. about sth. jump out of keep calm stay away from be careful of run away句式用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Our teacher warned us _ (not walk) far away from our tent.2. _(be) brave in the earthquake.3. _ (not stand) near street lights or under power lines. 4.Are you tired? Here is some _ (advice) for you.not to walkBeDont standadvice1. The teacher warns the students _ the danger in the house. A. in B. at C. to D. aboutD2. - I am leaving now. - _ you turn off the lights and the computers. A. To make sure B. Make sure C. Made sure D. Making sureB单项选择3. What should we do? We should _ clear of the fire in an earthquake. A. keep B. try C. think D. stop4. Can parents help kids _ bad games? A. stay off B. stay from C. move off D. move fromBA 近几年地震频频发生,导致无数人近几年地震频频发生,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。然灾害进行防范。Module 12 HelpUnit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.学科:英语学科:英语 专业:英语专业:英语 课程:应对地震的有关知识课程:应对地震的有关知识 适用对象:适用对象:【教学背景教学背景】 本节课涉及的主题是地震中的做法,学生对这方面的内容比较了解。对于涉及到的语法知识祈使句比较简单,在第一模块也已经学习,这节课是继续熟悉和练习使用。总体来说这节课对大部分学生来说难度不大。【教学目标教学目标】Knowledge objective1. To get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake.2. To write about an earthquake.Ability objectiveWrite about an earthquake using the imperative sentences.Moral objectiveGet the student to know about how to save their lives in an earthquake.【教学重点教学重点】Imperative sentences. 【教学难点教学难点】To understand the article in detail【教学方法教学方法】PWP method, task-based method【教学手段教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures, video.【教学过程教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision and lead-inLook at the pictures and let Ss answer the questions.Q1:Whats happening? (An earthquake)Q2: What do you think of the earthquake? (Its terrible, dangerous, and so on)Q3: Do you have earthquake drill? (Yes, we do.)Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students say as quickly as possible. If the students know the word, just stand up and speak out. 1. T: Whats this?S: earthquake2. T: Its the warning of no parking.S: warn3. T: The positional relation between the candle and the bulb?S: inside4. T: Whats this?S: window5. T: What does the cat do?S: keep6. T: What do you think of the soldiers?S: brave7. T: This word?S: calm8. T: What makes the bulbs bright?S: power9. T: Where is the monkey?S: underStep 3 Ask and answer the questions Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions in pairs.T: I will give an example to you(point to picture1). There are 4 students in your groups A, B, C, D. A: Where is the boy? B: Maybe he is at home. C: What is he doing? D: He is hiding under the desk.Picture2: A: Where are the people?B: They are in the street.C: What are they doing?D: They are running(around).Picture3: A: Where are the people?B: They are in a bus.C: What are they doing?D: They are hiding near the bus seats.Picture4: A: Where are the people?B: They are in a building.C: What are they doing?D: They are going downstairs.Step4 Playing the video 1. Watch the video of the passage and answer the question. (Pay attention to the pronunciation) Q: Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake? 2. Read loudly. 3. Read after the video together. 4. Read after the video one by one. (correct their pronunciation mistakes)Step5 Self-studying time1 Complete the contents on the exercises paper. Then show the answers on the screen.2 Checklet the Ss read the sentences carefully and then decide if the following actions were good or bad according to the passage.1. T 2.F 3. F 4.T 5.T T: Reasons for 2 and 3. 2: The desk may break and Sam will fall onto the ground. He should hide under the table or at the corner of the wall.3: Alice should stay inside before the ground stops shaking. Before that, she can stay in the washing room or somewhere safe.Step6 Retell the passage in groupsUse the words that the teacher has given to retell the passage in groups. (The key words are on the PPT)Step7 Language pointsLet Ss master the main points of the passage. Try to learn the language points in groups. The tips are on the paper. At last, learn together.Step8 Learning to learnMaster how to write instructions. (What to do and how to do it)Step9 Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake .1. Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake according to the following pictures.Two examples:a) Go out and meet on the playground.b) Dont use the lift.2. Now work in pairs and check and share your instructions.1Hide under the bed or the desk or near the bed.2. Go downstairs orderly.3. Pay attention to protect your head. Step10 SummaryLet Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.句式:祈使句短语:on the screen; the students read togetherloudly.Step11 ExercisesLet the students practice the main points in Unit 2. The exercises are on the paper.Step12 Homework 近几年频频发生的地震,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。【教学总结教学总结】 在备课过程中本人基于本节课的主题,认真分析了学生的认知状况,依据学生实际,设计了比较直观的多媒体课件,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习(“说”和“写” )欲望。教学过程中,听、说、读、写都一一落实,注重对学生的综合语言素养的提升。在教学中,注意知识之间的衔接和过渡,及时进行归纳和总结,有利于学生更好地掌握英语的学习技巧。在课堂教学中,以“三以”高效课堂为出发点,做到“以自主学习为前提,以问题解决为主线,以目标达成为落脚点” 。但课堂中给学生展示的机会有点少;在师生互动合作环节,仍有部分同学不够积极主动,不能大胆开口说英语,还需引导和强化练习。外研社八年级上英语外研社八年级上英语 Module 12 Help 学练案学练案Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.一、学习目标:一、学习目标:1、掌握本单元的单词及短语,能够读懂描述突发状况及其对应措施的语言材料。 2、通过阅读文章及小组合作,学会理解文章大意和提取细节信息的方法。3、激情投入,专注高效;提高自己在灾难中的自我保护意识和应对突发事件的能力。【用法指导】 1、复习巩固 unit2 的单词。2、默读课文,在文中勾画短语及疑难点。二、学习重点:二、学习重点:1. 掌握课文中的单词2. 掌握祈使句的用法难点:掌握祈使句的用法;模仿短文写类似文章。三、学习过程三、学习过程(一)自主学习基础知识认知:设计有梯度的自学内容。Reading practice 、Fast-reading:1) 、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are inside? _ 2) 、How many pieces of advice are mentioned(提及) in the passage if we are outside? _ 3). What is the passage mainly about? ( )A. Introduction (介绍) of the earthquake B. Advice about the earthquake 、Careful-reading:a) Read paragraph 1, and tell T or F.1.It is easy to warn people about the earthquake. ( )2. People usually know a lot about what to do during the earthquake. ( ) b) Read paragraph 2 and answer the questions.1. When the earthquake happens we should jump out of high buildings. Is that right? _ 2. What should we do if there is a fire?_ 3. When the ground stops shaking we should we do? _ c) Read paragraph 3, choose the best answer. 1. Why should we move away from the buildings? ( ) A. Because parts of a building may fall on you. B. Because there are too many people in the building.2. If you are on a beach where should you go to avoid(躲避) the earthquake? ( ) A. Sea. B. Lower ground C. Higher ground(二)通过做 PPT 上的题检测自学效果(三)合作探究、Retell the passage in groups.、Language points1. Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 句中的 them 指的是_。 _ 意为“提醒/警告.注意” 。拓展:The doctor warned me not to smoke. _意为“警告某人(不要)干某事”2. Do not jump out of high buildings.jump out of 表示“_” 。拓展: _ 表示“从.跑出” 。_ 表示“从.爬出” 。3. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. keep 表示“保持”, calm 表示“冷静,沉着” 。 keep calm 是系动词系动词 + 形容词形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能做系动词的有:become, feel, look, seem 等。e.g. 1). Everybody became quiet. 2). He looked a little nervous.4. In short, follow what you learnt in school. _ 的意思是“总之,简言之” 。e.g. In short, I am interested in all of the sports. This book is, in short, an exciting story about adventures.、Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake when you are at school. _ _ _四、课堂检测:四、课堂检测:将以上基础知识和重难点问题设计成检测题的形式。一、一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Our teacher warned us _ (not walk) far away from our tent.2. _(be) brave in the earthquake.3. _ (not stand) near street lights or under power lines. 4. Are you tired? Here is some _ (advice) for you.二、单项选择二、单项选择1. The teacher warns the students _ the danger in the house. A. in B. at C. to D. about2. - I am leaving now. - _ you turn off the lights and the computers. A. To make sure B. Make sure C. Made sure D. Making sure3. What should we do? We should _ clear of the fire in an earthquake. A. keep B. try C. think D. stop4. Can parents help kids _ bad games? A. stay off B. stay from C. move off D. move fromModule 12 HelpUnit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.学科:英语学科:英语 专业:英语专业:英语 课程:应对地震的有关知识课程:应对地震的有关知识 适用对象:八年级学生适用对象:八年级学生【教学背景教学背景】 本节课涉及的主题是地震中的做法,学生对这方面的内容比较了解。对于涉及到的语法知识祈使句比较简单,在第一模块也已经学习,这节课是继续熟悉和练习使用。总体来说这节课对大部分学生来说难度不大。【教学目标教学目标】Knowledge objective1. To get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake.2. To write about an earthquake.Ability objectiveWrite about an earthquake using the imperative sentences.Moral objectiveGet the student to know about how to save their lives in an earthquake.【教学重点教学重点】Imperative sentences. 【教学难点教学难点】To understand the article in detail【教学方法教学方法】PWP method, task-based method【教学手段教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures, video.【教学过程教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Revision and lead-inLook at the pictures and let Ss answer the questions.Q1:Whats happening? (An earthquake)Q2: What do you think of the earthquake? (Its terrible, dangerous, and so on)Q3: Do you have earthquake drill? (Yes, we do.)Step 2 Consolidate new wordsLook and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students say as quickly as possible. If the students know the word, just stand up and speak out. 1. T: Whats this?S: earthquake2. T: Its the warning of no parking.S: warn3. T: The positional relation between the candle and the bulb?S: inside4. T: Whats this?S: window5. T: What does the cat do?S: keep6. T: What do you think of the soldiers?S: brave7. T: This word?S: calm8. T: What makes the bulbs bright?S: power9. T: Where is the monkey?S: underStep 3 Ask and answer the questions Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions in pairs.T: I will give an example to you(point to picture1). There are 4 students in your groups A, B, C, D. A: Where is the boy? B: Maybe he is at home. C: What is he doing? D: He is hiding under the desk.Picture2: A: Where are the people?B: They are in the street.C: What are they doing?D: They are running(around).Picture3: A: Where are the people?B: They are in a bus.C: What are they doing?D: They are hiding near the bus seats.Picture4: A: Where are the people?B: They are in a building.C: What are they doing?D: They are going downstairs.Step4 Playing the video 1. Watch the video of the passage and answer the question. (Pay attention to the pronunciation) Q: Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake? 2. Read loudly. 3. Read after the video together. 4. Read after the video one by one. (correct their pronunciation mistakes)Step5 Self-studying time1 Complete the contents on the exercises paper. Then show the answers on the screen.2 Checklet the Ss read the sentences carefully and then decide if the following actions were good or bad according to the passage.1. T 2.F 3. F 4.T 5.T T: Reasons for 2 and 3. 2: The desk may break and Sam will fall onto the ground. He should hide under the table or at the corner of the wall.3: Alice should stay inside before the ground stops shaking. Before that, she can stay in the washing room or somewhere safe.Step6 Retell the passage in groupsUse the words that the teacher has given to retell the passage in groups. (The key words are on the PPT)Step7 Language pointsLet Ss master the main points of the passage. Try to learn the language points in groups. The tips are on the paper. At last, learn together.Step8 Learning to learnMaster how to write instructions. (What to do and how to do it)Step9 Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake .1. Write some instructions about what to do in an earthquake according to the following pictures.Two examples:a) Go out and meet on the playground.b) Dont use the lift.2. Now work in pairs and check and share your instructions.1Hide under the bed or the desk or near the bed.2. Go downstairs orderly.3. Pay attention to protect your head. Step10 SummaryLet Ss talk about what they have learnt in class.句式:祈使句短语:on the screen; the students read togetherloudly.Step11 ExercisesLet the students practice the main points in Unit 2. The exercises are on the paper.Step12 Homework 近几年频频发生的地震,导致无数人失去家园。请阐述一下如何对这一自然灾害进行防范。【教学总结教学总结】 在备课过程中本人基于本节课的主题,认真分析了学生的认知状况,依据学生实际,设计了比较直观的多媒体课件,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习(“说”和“写” )欲望。教学过程中,听、说、读、写都一一落实,注重对学生的综合语言素养的提升。在教学中,注意知识之间的衔接和过渡,及时进行归纳和总结,有利于学生更好地掌握英语的学习技巧。在课堂教学中,以“三以”高效课堂为出发点,做到“以自主学习为前提,以问题解决为主线,以目标达成为落脚点” 。但课堂中给学生展示的机会有点少;在师生互动合作环节,仍有部分同学不够积极主动,不能大胆开口说英语,还需引导和强化练习。安丘市凌河镇红沙沟中学安丘市凌河镇红沙沟中学 王建惠王建惠12HelpWhats happening?An earthquake.What do you think of the earthquake?Its terrible.Do you have an earthquake drill(训练训练)?Yes, we do.earthquakewarninsidewindowkeepbravecalmpowerunder1. Where are the people?2.2. What are they doing? Why? Q: Is it difficult to warn people about an earthquake? Yes, it is.课文动画课文动画Self-studying time 1) 4 2) 5 3)B a) F F b) 1. No, it isnt. 2. Keep clear of fires. 3. Leave the building quickly. 1) A 2) C When the earthquake started 1 I hid under a table.2 Sam sat on his desk.3 Alice ran out of the building.4 Peter and Helen stayed in their car.5 my family and I moved away from the beach.Inside 1. jump out of 2. Hide under , stay away from , keep clear of 3. Leave quickly, . use lift4. Keep calm , brave and helpfulOutside1. Move away from , because2. street lights power lines3. bridges and trees a bus or a car 4. falling rocks5. run awa
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Module 12 Help_Unit What should we do before help arrives _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_外研版八年级上册英语(编号:30230) 外研版
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