Module 10 The weather-Unit 1 It might be snow.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:d0a59).zip


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1 10 0Unit 1 It might snow. 本课重点:情态动词may/mightmay/might的运用Warming-upWarming-up Weather snowrainshowerwindcloudstormsunnywindycloudyrainysnowyHowHow cancan wewe knowknow thethe weather?weather?We can know the weather through the weather forecast.“the weather forecast” means “天气预报”Who makes the weather forecast?The weatherman makes the weather forecast. (天气预报员)?It is a unit for temperature (温度).“” refers to degree, and centigrade.度摄氏温度描述天气的形容词描述天气的形容词: :多云的: 多雨的: 下雪的: 有风的: 晴朗的: 寒冷的: cool warmcold hotcloudysnowysunnyrainywindyfreezing1.Key words : cold snow storm cloudy rainy snowy windy skate thick ice joke might temperature degree although wet neither wish probably2. key structure: And its cloudy too, so it might snow. Its probably sunny and hot there. 3. Ability: To understand conversation about weather. To talk about possibilities. TeachingTeaching aimsaims/kl klauaud d/au/snu/st:m/klaudi/reIni/snui/sni/云,云雾云,云雾 n.cloud阵雨阵雨 n.shower雪雪 n.下雪下雪 v. storm暴风雨暴风雨 n. 多云的多云的 adj.snow多雨的;下雨的多雨的;下雨的 adj.cloudyWordsWords andand expressionsexpressionssnowy晴朗的晴朗的 adj.rainy多雪的;下雪的多雪的;下雪的 adj. .sunny/wIndi/skeit/Ik /aIs/duk/maIt/temprIt /maIns/多风的;刮大风的多风的;刮大风的 adj.windy滑冰滑冰 v.skate厚的厚的 adj.ice冰冰 n. 说玩笑;开玩笑说玩笑;开玩笑 v.笑话;玩笑笑话;玩笑 n.可能;也许可能;也许 v.aux.joke温度温度 n.负的;零下的负的;零下的 adj.minusthickmighttemperature/dIgri:/:lu /wet/naI:ni:/terbl/wi/prbbli /come on度;度数度;度数 prep.degree然而;尽管然而;尽管 conj.wet下雨的;湿的下雨的;湿的 adj.terrible (某人或某事物某人或某事物)也不也不 adv.although使人烦恼的;可怕的使人烦恼的;可怕的 adj.neither但愿;希望但愿;希望 v.wishprobably或许;可能或许;可能 adv.快点快点1.1.WorkWork in in pairs.pairs. TalkTalk aboutabout thethe UseUse thethe wordswords in in thethe boxesboxes toto helphelp rain shower snow storm sun windcloudy rainy snowy sunny windy -82CWhats the weather in Beijing?ItsWhats the temperature?Itscloudy 2. Listen and check the correct information in the table.3. Then correct the wrong information in the table.58 -42 EverydayEveryday EnglishEnglishAre you joking?Sounds great!Me neither.Come on!ThenThen listenlisten andand Hey, boys!Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going?Betty: Were going to the park to skate. Theres thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us?Tony: Are you joking? Its really cold today.Daming: And its cloudy too, so it might snow.Lingling: Whats the temperature?Tony:Its between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is colder here than in England.Daming: Is it snowy in England in December?Tony: Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and rainy.Daming: Whats the weather like in America in winter, Betty?Betty: We have cold winters and hot summers. Its snowy in New York in winter.Tony: Sounds great! I like sunny weather, and I like. snow as well. But I dont like showers or windy weather.Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I were in Australia now. Its probably sunny and hot well,是固定搭配,意思是“也”。Lingling: You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunny weather.Betty: One day I will.Lingling: Come on, better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm. NowNow checkcheck ()() thethe truetrue sentences.sentences.1 1 TonyTony andand DamingDaming areare goinggoing toto skate.skate.2 2 WinterWinter is is coldercolder in in BeijingBeijing thanthan in in England.England.3 3 It It sometimessometimes snowssnows in in EnglandEngland in in winter.winter.4 4 It It usuallyusually snowssnows in in NewNew YorkYork in in winter.winter.5 5 It It is is notnot hothot in in thethe USAUSA in in Summer.Summer.6 6 TonyTony doesdoes notnot likelike windywindy 5 5 CompleteComplete thethe passagepassage withwith thethe correctcorrect formform ofof thethe wordswords fromfrom thethe degreedegree jokejoke maymay minusminus skateskate temperaturetemperature When its very cold it might be safe to (1)_ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) _feel cold, it might not be safe. The (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even colder for several weeks. Falling through the ice is(6) _.I am not (7) _ ! minusmaytemperatureskatedegreesdangerousjoking1. come on, better get goingbetter get going = had better go最好现在走 / 去如: Wed better get going (=wed better go now),or well be late.我们做好现在就走,不然要迟到了。LanguageLanguage pointspoints1. You must be joking!2. It may not even be cold.3. It might be windy. 情态动词: must may might 1. must (一定): 表示具有很大的可能性。He must be ill. He doesnt come today.2. may (可能): 暗含不确定的意思。He may be at home .3. might:表可能,但它的含义比 may 更不确定。He might come soon .6 6 ListenListen toto thethe speakerspeaker askingasking a a questionquestion oror showingshowing surprise.surprise.Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like?7 7 ListenListen andand writewrite * if if thethe speakerspeaker is is askingasking a a questionquestion oror * if if hehe is is showingshowing surprise.surprise. 1 When is the best time to visit your country?2 What clothes should she bring? 3 What is the temperature? 4 Where are you going? Now listen again and repeat. *8 8 WorkWork in in pairs.pairs. TellTell thethe story.story.Make a weather forecast for different cities in China. Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you.Now say what the weather might or might not be like in your town. tomorrow next week next monthItll probably be cold tomorrow.Exercise1.-Look! The man at the gate _ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning. - No, it _ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now. A. must, cant B. must, mustnt C. cant, cant D. cant, mustnt (2009甘肃兰州) A2. -_ I take some photos in the hall? -No, you _.A.Can; neednt B. Must; mustnt C. Could; wont D. May; mustnt (2009广州) D3.Whose notebook is this? It _ Janes. It has her name on it. A. must be B. might belong to C. may be (2009山东淄博)4.May I watch TV for a while? No, you _ You have to finish your homework first. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont (2009湖北武汉)CC5. -Could you please come to the museum with me this afternoon? -Sorry, I _ . I have to take a piano lesson at 2 pm. A. couldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt (2009山东威海)6. -What would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift? -I havent decided yet. I _ send her a handbag. A. shall B. may C. must (2009四川成都) CB7. Bob, shall we go and meet our new classmate? Sorry. Im busy now. But you_ ask David to go with youHe is free Aneed Bmay Cwould Dmust8. What will the weather be like tomorrow? It _ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows? A. must B. might C. shall D. shouldB BHomeworkHomeworkListen to the tape and read the dialogue.1ModuleModule 1010 UnitUnit 1 1 ItIt mightmight snowsnow一、学习目标一、学习目标: :A.A. 单词和短语:单词和短语:cloud, shower, snow, storm, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, skate, thick, ice, joke, might, temperature, minus, degree, although, wet, terrible, wish, probably, come on, mile, northwest, umbrella, southeast, from time to timeB.B. 交际用语交际用语:1. Youre joking!2. Sounds great!3. Come on!4. When is the best time to visit your country?5. What clothes should she bring?6. Whats the temperature?7. Where are you going?8. Itll probably be cold tomorrow.9. It might be rainy.10. Its probably sunny and hot there.11. Bring a map because you may want to travel around.二、教学目标二、教学目标1. Function: Describing the weather.2. Structure: may, might, probably (for possibility)3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding familiar topics (weather).2) Giving weather forecast based on clues; predicting about future weather using probably.3) Reading and finding specific information.4) Writing a short passage about the best time to visit your town, using because, so and but.4. Around the world: The wettest place25. Task: Preparing some advice on the best time to visit China三、重点及难点三、重点及难点: : 1. Describing the weather.2. Grammar: The using of may, might, probably (for possibility)四、教学设计四、教学设计: :UnitUnit 1 1 ItIt mightmight snow.snow.TeachingTeaching modelmodelListening and speaking TeachingTeaching methodmethod Interactive approach TeachingTeaching aimsaims1. To understand conversations about the weather;2. To get specific information from the listening material;3. To talk about possibilities TeachingTeaching ObjectivesObjectives 1. Key vocabulary: cloud, shower, snow, storm, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, skate, thick, ice, joke, might, temperature, minus, degree, although, wet, terrible, wish, probably, come on2. Key structures: may, might, probably (for possibility)3. Key sentences:1) Whats the temperature? Its between minus five and minus two degrees!2) Whats the weather like in ? = How is the weather in ? Its snowy (cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy .).3) although this year it snowed a lot. 4) Come on, better get going!5) Its probably sunny and hot there.Itll probably be cold tomorrow. TeachingTeaching aidsaidsTape recorder, OHP, video3 TeachingTeaching StepsStepsStepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upupWeather report: 1) Show some pictures of the weather. 2) Ask and answer: Whats the weather like in ?StepStep 2 2 WorkWork inin pairs.pairs.1. Show some pictures of the weather. Ask the students to talk about the weather.2. Introduce the new words.1) sun n. 太阳 sunny adj. 晴朗的2) rain n. 雨 rainy adj. 多雨的;下雨的3) cloud n.云 cloudy adj. 多云的4) snow n.雪; v. 下雪 snowy adj.多雪的;下雪的5) wind n.风 windy adj.多风的;刮大风的6) storm n. 暴风雨 stormy adj.有暴风雨的7) shower n. 阵雨; showery adj.有雷阵雨的3. Learn the new words.4. Read the new words.5. Exercises:边学边练:根据句子意思,用适当的词填空:1) It rains a lot in summer in Beijing. Its often _.2) Therere a lot of clouds. Its _.3) The weather is snowy and theres a lot of _ in the park.4) The sun is out. Its very _ and hot today.5) The wind is very strong. Its so _ that its difficult to walk.6. Ask the students to check with a partner.7. Check the answers: Keys: 1. rainy 2. cloudy 3. snow 4. sunny 5. windy8. Learn the new words.StepStep 3 3 ListeningListening41. Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the box.2. Ask and answer like this:Whats the weather like in Beijing / Shanghai ?3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.4. Listen and check ( ) the correct information in the box.5. Ask the students to check their answers with a partner.6. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.7. Work in pairs. Correct the wrong information in the table.StepStep 4 4 ListenListen andand Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4. Read the conversation.StepStep 5 5 CheckCheck ( ( ) ) thethe truetrue sentences.sentences.1. Ask the students to read the conversation again.2. Now check ( ) the true sentences.1) Tony and Daming are going to skate.2) Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3) It sometimes snows in England in winter.4) It usually snows in New York in winter.5) It is not hot in the US in summer.6) Tony doesnt like windy weather.53. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers: Keys:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.StepStep 6 6 CompleteComplete thethe passagepassage. .1. Ask the students to complete the passage with the words in the box.dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When its very cold, it might be safe to (1) _ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) _ feel cold, it might not be safe. The (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even lower for several weeks, and the ice will be thick enough. Falling through the ice is (6) _. Im not (7) _!2. Check with a partner.Keys: 1. skate 2. may 3. temperature 4. minus 5. degree 6. dangerous 7. joking5. Read the passage by yourself.
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Module 10 The weather_Unit It might be snow._ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_外研版八年级上册英语(编号:d0a59) 外研版 年级 上册 英语 _module
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