Module 7 A famous story-Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:a19f4).zip


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Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.一、课题概述一、课题概述本模块以童话故事为话题,主要讲的是“爱丽丝漫游奇境”的故事。青少年比较喜欢童话故事,利用这种题材的文章进行教学有助于激发学生的参与意识和学习动机。同时,故事又是教授过去进行时很合适的体裁,既可以学习语1法,又可培养叙述能力。二、学习特征者分析二、学习特征者分析八年级学生的英语基础知识虽然得到了加强,学习态度也有所好转。但是学生整体的惰性还是很强,自觉性很差。另外,学生在情感态度,学习策略方面还存在诸多需要进一步解决的问题。例如:很多学生不能明确学习英语的目的,没有真正认识到学习英语的目的在于交流;有些同学在学习中缺乏小组合作意识;大多数同学没有养成良好的学习习惯,不能做好课前预习课后复习,学习没有计划性和策略性;不善于发现和总结语言规律,不注意知识的巩固和积累。三、教学目标三、教学目标1.知识与技能目标:(1)语音:能正确朗读含有过去进行时的句子。 (2)词汇:rabbit, tea party, fall, hole, strange, follow, ground(3)语法:过去进行时 (were / was doing)(4)功能:能够描述过去正在进行的动作。(5)话题:以童话故事为话题。2.过程与方法目标:(1)听懂并熟读对话,要达到把每个单词的音都读准。(2)运用所学知识能够询问、介绍过去正在发生的事情和动作。3.情感态度与价值观目标:(1)鼓励学生多读书,读好书并能与故事中的人物共同感受。(2)在欣赏故事的同时培养学生的移情能力。四、教学重点、难点四、教学重点、难点1.理解对话的内容。2.熟练运用新单词、词组和过去进行时。五、学习策略五、学习策略1.互动教学策略:包括课堂互动和课外互动两部分。在课堂的互动要积极引起学生注意力,提出讨论性的话题,形成师生互动。在课外的互动是教师要经常与学生交流、谈心,从生活中了解学生的学习动态。22.任务型教学策略:在中学英语教学中,给学生扩展知识,以作业形式增加学生知识储备。六、教学方法和学法指导六、教学方法和学法指导1.教师引导学生通过观察、讨论、交际等形式学习本课知识。2.通过各种活动提高学生自学和合作学习的策略。七、教学步骤七、教学步骤教师活动学生活动1.“Im walking.”Teacher asks the ss to say what she was doing just now.2.“Im drawing.”Teacher draws five pictures of what she was doing. Then ask the ss to retell.3.Free talk.1.To answer teachers questions.2.To do a free talk.What were/was you/he/she doing?Were/Was you/he/she doing?预习导学Body language and drawing pictures will be presented for the ss to know more about the past continuous tense. It can arouse ss learning interests.精1.To show some character pictures about Alice s Adventures in Wonderland.2.“Memory Challenge” 3.Listening practice.(1)Play the tape and help ss number the pictures.(2)Play the tape again 1.Try to say out the name of the characters.2.Listen carefully and number 3讲点拨and help ss fill in the blanks.(3)Group competition-“To make more sentences in one minute”4.Reading Practice(1)To show some explanation and help ss find out the words.(2)To present a flash and ask the ss read after it.(3)To show a form and some pictures to help ss speak out what the characters were doing.the pictures in the story.3.Listen and learn the new words. To make up sentences.4.Read silently and find out the words.5.Read after the flash.6.Read aloud in pairs and then act it out.7.Work in pairs. To finish the table and try to describe what they were doing.4More pictures about Alices adventures in wonderland will be shown to the ss to help them know more about the story. Besides, it can help the ss to describe what the characters were doing and lay a good foundation for the later activity.Brain Storm!To choose the presents!There are three groups of presents for the ss. And ss can get 1-3 scores according to the different questions.To answer the questions themselves or with their partners. Try their best to get more scores and reach the top of the steps.当堂训练The ss can choose the presents on their own which cover the language points of this unit. The more difficult the question is, the higher the score will be. I use group competition to develop ss ability of co-operation and competition. It can also check whether the ss master the main points.5总结评价Ask the Ss to summarize the languages points.Summarize the language points.作业超市1.Remember the new words and expressions.2.Finish the exercises on workbooks.3.Write a short passage of your favorite books.(To choose any two of them according to ss interests and abilities.)八、板书设计八、板书设计九、教学反思九、教学反思 本节课的课题是“a famous story”, 主要语法知识是过去进行时was/were doing 的正确使用,要求学生能利用这一语法知识进行交流。本节课我从始至终以这一语法知识为重点,贯彻交际性原则,很好地调动学生的学习积极性与学习兴趣,运用了多种教学方法达到预期的教学目标。上课伊始,我以自己的动作演示开始,以现在进行时引出过去进行时态,然后,以自己和家人做的事情为内容,简笔画演示,对这一重点内容进行听说训练,在操练中注意到人称变化。通过问答练习,使学生在语言环境中学习新知识的同时,学生的听说能力得到训练和提高,达到事半功倍的效果。此外,我将教材练习做适当改编,利用多媒体创设情境,促使学生感悟和体验教学内容与生活的内在联系,培养学生语言综合运用能力。整个教学过程中采用了同桌对话,小组比赛,小组Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. pictures The Past Continuous tense were / was + doing6汇报等形式,使学生的思维一直处于活跃状态,不至于因单调的教学方式而感到疲劳。特别是单词造句竞赛和小组成员链式问答活动,恰当的解决了本课重难点过去进行时。最后以“爬梯子”竞赛活动的形式进行课堂训练,达到了本课的高潮,学生们跃跃欲试,充分激发了学生的积极性和学习热情,形成积极的学习态度与主动的学习方式,达到了本课的教学目标。本课的不足和需要改进的地方有:课文阅读应多找几对同学来演示;对话练习过于简单,应指导学生替换划线部分,再多做练习;课文复述可以安排在描述人物图片之后。 课 前 欣 赏Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.the March Hare - the Queen of Heartsthe Cheshire Catthe white rabbitthe Mad Hatter - the mouseAlice -Listen and numberListen again and fill in the blanks.Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a f_ English story. Its about a girl called Alice. She goes to Wonderland and meets some s_ people and animals. First, she f_ a white rabbit and f_ down a h_. Then, she sees the Cheshire Cat. She goes to a tea party at the March Hares house. F_, she meets the Queen of Hearts.amoustrangeallsoleinallyollowsTo make more sentences in one minutes.fall downfollowholerabbitgroundtea partyrun pastsmile at开始计时开始计时arrive atgarden1. Alice saw a white rabbit with a watch.2.Alice fell down a hole in the ground.3.The Cheshire Cat was smiling at everyone.4.The white rabbit went down into a hole.5.The Queen of Hearts was playing a strange game.Read the dialogue silently and try to guess the words. It tells you the time. You move down quickly to the ground. happy Its not usual. Its a place where rabbits live.Read Activity3,write notes about what the people in Activity3 were doing. The Mad Hatter , the March Hare and a mouseThe White Rabbit The Cheshire CatThe Queen of HeartsAlice bewerewaswaswaswasdoing sthhaving a tea party.running past with a watch.sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.playing a strange game.sitting with her sister by the river. CharacterTry our best to describe what were they doing!werewaswaswaswasIt was running past witha watch.It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.To be NO.1 one two three four one two Homework Supermarket 1.Remember the new words and expressions.2.Finish the exercises on workbooks.3.Write a passage about which famous books do you like. Email: AtAt thisthis timetime yesterdayyesterday theythey _ a a picnicpicnic byby thethe river.river. A.A. hadhad B.B. werewere havinghaving C.C. havehave hadhad D.D. havehave one two three four one two three I I _ a a footballfootball gamegame onon TVTV fromfrom 7:007:00 toto 9:009:00 lastlast night.night. A.A. watchwatch B.B. waswas watchingwatching C.C. watchedwatched D.D. amam watchingwatching four one two three four这本书是关于什么的?这本书是关于什么的?WhatsWhats thethe bookbook about?about? one two three fourWhatWhat waswas hehe doingdoing atat thisthis timetime yesterday?yesterday?HeHe waswas playingplaying thethe piano.piano. one twoA:A: WasWas youryour brotherbrother _?_?B:B: _,_, hehe wasnt.wasnt.A:A: _ hehe _?_?B:B: Yes,Yes, hehe _._.doingdoing hishis homeworkhomeworkNoNoWasWas playingplaying computercomputer gamesgameswaswas one twoWorkWork inin groups.groups. PlayPlay aa chainchain At eight last night, I was watching TV. How about you, B?B: At eight last night, I was . How about you, C?C: At eight last night, I was . How about you, D?D: Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a famous English story. Its about a girl called Alice. She went to Wonderland and met some strange people and animals. First, she followed a white rabbit and fell down a hole. Then, she saw the Cheshire Cat. She went to a tea party at the March Hares house. Finally, she met the Queen of Hearts. She was playing a strange game in the garden.Lets try to retell the story. Lets try to retell the story. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a f_ English story. Its a_ a girl called Alice. She went to Wonderland and m_ some strange people and a_. First, she f_ a white rabbit and fell d_ a hole. Then, she saw the C_ Cat. She went to a tea party at the March Hares house. F_, she met the Queen of Hearts. She was playing a s_ game in the g_. Lets try to retell the story. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a _. Its about a girl called Alice. She went to Wonderland and met _. First, she followed _ and fell down _. Then, she saw the Cheshire Cat. She _ at the March Hares house. Finally, she met the _. She _ in the garden. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a famous English story. Its _. She _ and _. F i r s t , s h e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n d _. Then, she _. She _. Finally, she met the Queen of Hearts. She _.Lets try to retell the story. one two three four five six seven eight nine tenSheShe waswas lookinglooking atat herher watch,watch, _?_? A.A. wasntwasnt sheshe B.B. waswas hehe C.C. didntdidnt sheshe D.D. diddid sheshe one two three four five six seven eight nine tenMyMy mothermother _ watchingwatching TVTV A.A. werentwerent B.B. arentarent C.C. isntisnt D.D. wasntwasntWorking in pairs.Do an interview.Model: A: What were you doing at 7 am last Friday? B: I was having breakfast. What were you doing at that time? A: I was getting up.TimeYouYour partner6 amhave breakfast7 amgo to school12 noonhave lunch1:30 pmhave lessons6 pmdo homework8 pmwatch TV
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