Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 3 Language in use-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:300d0).zip


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Unit3 Language in use1. To learn some key words and useful phrases. 学习重点有关京剧和茶馆的单词和短语。学习重点有关京剧和茶馆的单词和短语。2. To understand a conversation with infinitives 理解含有不定式的对话。(理解含有不定式的对话。(to do)3. To use infinitive to describe ones plan . 运用动词不定式来描述某人的计划或意图。运用动词不定式来描述某人的计划或意图。4.To love Chinese culture. 热爱中国文化。热爱中国文化。Learning aims (学习目标学习目标)Ms Liu wants to see Lao She Teahouse. ListeningReadingGrammarWordsWords and Phrases ListeningTask1 1. What would Betty like to see? A.The movie B. The traditional Beijing Opera2. What can they do in Laoshe Teahouse? They can listen to _ and _ at the same time. Beijing Operadrink teaListenListen andand choosechoose Task2 Listen and underline the correct words or expressions.1. Betty often sees / wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera.2. Betty knows / doesnt know Lao She Teahouse.3. Lingling says that the opera is easy / difficult to understand.ReadingEnjoy the short playLao She Teahouse1.Why did Lingling want to take Betty to the teahouse?2. Who is Lao She?Because its famous.Lao She is a great writer. The Feedback of Reading朗读反馈朗读反馈Take out your mobilephone, turn on Ekwing APP, find out the sentences with “to do” and read them out loudly. 思考思考:动词不定式的用法,大胆展示!动词不定式的用法,大胆展示! ItIt isis +adj+adj+forfor sbsb +to+to isis easyeasy forfor meme toto dodo thethe homeworkhomework. .ItIt isis hardhard forfor himhim toto playplay thethe violinviolin. .要点小结:当要点小结:当adjadj描述的是描述的是“ “to to do”fordo”for ItIt isis +adj+adj+ofof sbsb +to+to isis kindkind ofof youyou toto helphelp meme . .ItIt isis ruderude ofof himhim toto breakbreak thethe windowwindow. .要点小结:当要点小结:当adjadj描述的是描述的是“ “sb.”sb.”时,用时,用of of2. 不定式做宾语的结构:不定式做宾语的结构: “V V + + toto dodo” 的结构的结构接动词不定式作宾语常见的几个动词、短语是接动词不定式作宾语常见的几个动词、短语是want , try, decide , offer, agree , plan , begin , learn, start, need , like , love, would like 等等.e.g. 1) They decided to try again.2) Students need to go to school before 7 oclock every day.3. 不定式做宾语补足语的结构:不定式做宾语补足语的结构: 肯定形式:肯定形式:“ “V V + + + + toto dodo” ”动词不定式作宾语补足语动词不定式作宾语补足语,常见的动词有常见的动词有 tell , ask , want , would like , wish , teach , help , invite等等. 其其否定形式否定形式为:为: “V +sb. not +to do”She told me not to give the book to him. I asked John to carry the box. 4. 不定式做状语的结构:不定式做状语的结构:“bebe + + adjadj + + toto dodo ”不定式作状语一般表示目的,原因或结果不定式作状语一般表示目的,原因或结果1.I1.I amam sorrysorry toto hurthurt youyou. .伤害到你我很难过。伤害到你我很难过。2.She2.She waswas excitedexcited toto seesee YaoYao MingMing!见到姚明她很激动!见到姚明她很激动!3.Tony3.Tony isis afraidafraid toto gogo outout . .托尼害怕外出。托尼害怕外出。5. 作定语作定语(后置)的结构:后置)的结构: “ n + to do ”1. I have something _ 要说要说 .2. She has a lot of work _ 做做 every day .3. The old man has a house _ 住住 .to say to doto live in5.不定式做定语:用来修饰前面的名词或者不定代词。不定式做定语:用来修饰前面的名词或者不定代词。注意:注意: 他在找一个房子住。他在找一个房子住。请给我只笔来写东西。请给我只笔来写东西。He is looking for a house to live in Please give me a pen to write with当动词为不及物动词时,需要保留当动词为不及物动词时,需要保留介词介词,不能去掉。不能去掉。1. 作主语作主语2. 作宾语作宾语4. 作定语作定语5. 作状语作状语3. 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语With so many points to remember, we should summarise the usage of infinitive.Group Work 采访采访What do you plan to do?Where do you want to go?How do you decide to get there?Who would you like to go with?What do/does your_(人人) offer to do?What do you hope to do?She plans to travel.She wants to go to Beijing.She decides to get there by train.She would like to go with her family.Her parents offer to go to the Great Wall. She hopes to have fun.Ms Lius plan for National DayNational Day I plan to I want to and I decide to get there by I would like to go with My (朋友或家人朋友或家人) offer(s) to I hope toInfinitive: to + 动词原形动词原形Summary:Summary:课堂小结课堂小结 M5U1offer, actress, teahouse,end, Beijing opera, no idea, offer to do sth, in the end, I hope to understand more. Lingling offered to take me there.We planned to watch for an hour.Words:单词单词Phrases:词组词组Sentences:句子句子Grammar:语法语法1. Recite the words in Unit 1.2. Finish the report and write a short passage.National Day I plan to I want to and I decide to get there by I would like to go with My (朋友或家人朋友或家人) offer(s) to I hope to课题外研版八上 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit 3 Language in use科目英 语教学对象八年级学生课时1 课时教者一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析Lets focus on the analysis of teaching content. This is an important lesson. To attain the skills of listening and speaking, while reading and writing also will be well development. The lesson is Module 5 of New Standard English. The topic of this unit is Lao she Teahouse. Students will learn the using words and expressions, and mainly talk about what they hear and what they see in Lao She Teahouse,and enjoy the Beijing Opera. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.二、教学目标二、教学目标Language goals:1. To master the useful words and phrases. (teahouse, actress, actor, Beijing Opera, no idea, in the end, at last, offer to do )Ability goals:1. To help students to improve their ability of listening and speaking. 2. Listening and understanding familiar topics (Beijing Opera) finding specific information.3. To use infinitive to describe ones plan .Moral goals:1. To love Chinese culture.三、学习者特征分析三、学习者特征分析The students have learned English for many years. They can understand some words and some sentences. And I want to attract their interests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject. I will simulate scenes of Lao She Teahouse, they can drink some tea, watch a performance and see the Beijing Opera. I can encourage them to express themselves better. Besides this, the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing can also be developed.四、教法与学法分析四、教法与学法分析I think if I want to improve the Students oral English, I should give them enough chances to practice and Ill give the Students some tasks and arrange many kinds of activities: watching a video, micro-lesson, listening, using mobile phone to read and reporting. That is “Learning by doing, Learning by using”. Let the students be the master of the class. And Teaching special features are to use these methods are helpful to develop the students thought.Our students are relatively lack of the cultural background of English. As Middle School students they have a certain ability to read, but they are poor in cooperative learning skills. Some students are not active enough in class. Therefore Ill have students study in a relaxed atmosphere. Studnets understand the new knowledge through the mental process of hearing, saying, observing and thinking. That is to say, let students study language by “Observation-Imitation-Practive” approach.五、教学环境及资源准备五、教学环境及资源准备The teaching syllabus says that its necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. Its of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. So this class Ill use Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, mobile phone client called Bandu, micro- lesson , Powerpoint and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.六、教学过程六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step I. Lead in 1. The teacher introduces a place to the students. Show a video about Lao She Teahouse. 2. What can we do in Lao She Teahouse? 3. Ill prepare four tasks in our class, if we can do better, we can do all the things in class. They are words, listening, reading and exercise.The students say this is Lao She Teahouse.Drink some teaEat some delicious snackWatch a performanceSee the Beijing Opera借用视频导入本课主题及相关话题。并介绍本节课的四个任务,如果学生完成得好,我们可以尝试引导学生模仿老舍茶馆中的表演环节。Step II. WordsTo use a mirco-lesson to teach the words. (The students finish the tasks, we drink some tea while we are watching the performance.)The students follow the mirco-lesson to learn the words. They should read and pronounce the words. Then have a quiz to check them.打破传统课堂讲课的方式,在教授单词环节采取微课形式。本节微课采取讲授和问答形式,教师口头讲解单词,向学生提出问题,要求学生回答,并通过问答的形式来引导学生获取或巩固检查知识。学生表现得好,我们可以边喝茶边欣赏表演。Step III. Listening 1. You can listen to a covsation between Lingling and Betty, they are talking something about Lao She Teahouse.2. The teacher gives the questions about this conversation.3. Play the recording while they listen for the answers.4. Play the recording again for them to answer the questions and then check with their partners.1. What would Betty like to see?A.The movie B. The traditional Beijing Opera2. What can they do in Laoshe Teahouse?They can listen to _ and _ at the same time. 3. Betty often sees / wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera.4. Betty knows / doesnt know Lao She Teahouse.5. Lingling says that the opera is easy / difficult to understand.在文本听力练习的基础上新增两道习题,培养学生通过听对话获取信息及文本转换的能力。Step IV. Reading1. Lingling and Betty went to Lao She Teahouse last night. Do you want to know how was it? To use CD-ROM to watch the cartoon. And answer two questions2. Check yesterdays homework. To use mobile phone client called Bandu. And there is a feedback on the teachers mobile phone. There are five sentences that students are bad at. Read the sentences together.3. Read the passage by yourself, and underline the sentences with “to do”. And then summarize the usage of infinitives.4. To do the exercise with the usage of infinitives.(The students finish the tasks well, enjoy the Beijing Opera.)The students watch the cartoon and find out the answers to the questions. Try their best to immitate the coversation.1. But the actors and actresses were excellent.2. Well, it was interesting- thats the main thing.3. Lingling and I went to the Lao She Teahouse last night. 4. We drank tea and watched an opera.5. Hes especially famous for his play Teahouse.Find out the sentences with “to do”.Ask students to do the exercise, and then check the anwers with the partners.动画生动形象的呈现出课文的内容,使学生在理解的基础上,模仿原文。此处设计属翻转课堂教学。老师在上课之前运用伴读软件给学生预留跟读并朗读英语课文的作业。伴读软件会对学生的作业情况进行反馈。教师在课堂有针对性地组织学生反复练习,达到省时高效的目的。对当堂课所学的语法知识做一个小结,为下一步的灵活运用打下基础。在习题部分,采用互动式白板中的幕布功能来对答案,能够激起同学们对正确答案的渴望。Step V. ReprotingGroup workFour students in a group. One student acts as a reporter. The reporter interviews his group member, talk about your plan for National Day.You can ask students from 6 aspects.1. What do you plan to do?2. Where do you want to go?3. How do you decide to get there?4. Who would you like to go with?5. What do/does your_(人人) offer to do?6. What do you hope to do?The students work in groups and prepare for several minutes. Using the sentences they have learnt.Example:She plans to travel.She wants to go to Beijing.She decides to get there by train.She would like to go with her family.Her parents offer to go to the Great Wall. She hopes to have fun.设计“十一”假期计划的对话情景,运用本课所学的动词不定式完成。并对本课的语法难点动词不定式进行巩固运用。提高学生综合语言运用的能力。Step VI. Summary and Homework1. Ask one student to summarize what we have learnt today.2. Consolidated Homework: Recite the words in Unit 1. Stretch Homework: Write a short passage. The other students think about what we have learnt today.National Day I plan to I want to and I decide to get there by I would like to go with My (朋友或家人) offer(s) to I hope to对当堂课所学的知识做一个小结,为下一步的灵活运用打下基础。再一次对本课的语法难点动词不定式进行巩固运用。七、板书设计七、板书设计Module 5 Lao She TeahouseUnit1 3 Language in use .八、教学反思八、教学反思to do plan want remember offer likestart Words:teahouseBeijing OperaactressactorPhrases:in the endat lastfinallyno ideaoffer to do sthI think the highlight of the lesson is micro-lesson and flipped class model. Except these, in this class, the teacher simulates scenes of Lao She Teahouse, they can drink some tea, watch a performance and see the Beijing Opera. I can encourage them to express themselves better. Under the new curriculum standard in middle school English teaching, teachers should cultivate and maintain student thick interest in learning, seize the opportunity, render English classroom atmosphere, arouse students interest and curiosity, study the textbook fully, and prepare for the class carefully. Of course increasing interest in each aspect of teaching is also very important. Teachers should also pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role.We can establish new relationship and pay attention to the importance of affective communication between teachers and students, so that students can cultivate much interest in textbook. And we can also develop different kinds of after-school activities with extensive content. As we know, interest is the best teacher, so a successful English teacher should consciously train the student in the teaching of English lasting interest, encourage students to learn in a good state to make them be interested in English study. So classroom teaching methods must be constantly updated.
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