Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:b55cc).zip


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Small talkUnit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society. Yu Tai Teahouse( the end of the 19th century)changes(the middle of the 20th century)MMatchatch thethe headingsheadings withwith thethe paragraphs.paragraphs.1._ 2._ 3._ b) The story of Teahousec) Lao Shea) Lao She Teahousea) Lao She Teahouseb) The story of Teahousec) Lao SheSkimming Tip1:The main idea of each paragraph always lies in the first sentence. Learning to learn(阅读技巧): Remember to look at the title of a passage(文章标题), the paragraph headings(段落标题) and the photos(配图). They will help you understand the main ideas.TipTip 2 2TeahouseLao She Teahouse the name of a _(话剧)the pen name of a famous Chinese _the name of a _ in BeijingLao SheParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3playwriter placeThinkingWhy does the writer write the passage in such sequence(顺序)?PredictionScanningRead paragraph 1, and choose the correct answer .1.Lao She wrote Teahouse in _.A. 1957 B.1958 C.19592.The play has _ acts.A.two B.three C.four3. It describes the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.A. more than B. less than C. the same number act n. (戏剧、歌剧或芭蕾舞的戏剧、歌剧或芭蕾舞的)一幕一幕The play has three acts.这出话剧有三幕。这出话剧有三幕。Read again and fill in the blanks.1.When does the story take place (发生)?It takes place from the end of the_ century to the middle of the _ century.2. Where does the story take place?It takes place at a _ in Beijing.3. Whats the storys main idea?It tells us the story of _ and the _.It shows us the lives of _ people in China.tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb. 给某人讲述某事给某人讲述某事show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某事向某人展示某事nineteenth twentiethteahouseWang Lifacustomerscommon5WsstorywhenwherewhowhywhatGroup workWhat do you know about Lao She?Lao She and his family membersLao SheHome of Lao She in BeijingHome of Lao She in LondonHis main works:Teahouse 茶馆茶馆Si Shi Tong Tang 四世同堂四世同堂 The Philosophy of Old Zhang老张的哲学老张的哲学Camel Xiangzi 骆驼祥子骆驼祥子 1.Underline the sentence of “他被誉为人民艺术家” .2.Circle the years and the verbs(动词)what Lao She did.Read paragraph 2 carefully and do the tasks.He was named “the Peoples Artist .1899 was bornComplete the timeline with information about Lao She._19571924191819131899 wrote Teahouseleft home and went to Englandfinished school and became the head teacher of a primary schoolwent to a teachers school(was) born in BeijingTip3Remember to use the past form(过去式) of the verbs to complete the timeline, especially when the person passed away(去世).was born in Beijing.went to a teachers school finished school and became the head teacher of a primary schoolleft home and went to Englandwrote TeahouseME AS A BABYe.g.: I was born in 2002.A Timeline By:_ME TODAYBIG EVENT 1(事件)e.g.: I went to primary school in 2009.BIG EVENT 2e.g.: I got the first “A” in 2010.Timeline about yourselfLets enjoy the wonderful show.What can we do at Lao She Teahouse?Lao She TeahouseDrink teaEat delicious Beijing foodEnjoy traditional musicEnjoy magic showsWatch the Beijing OperaTeahouse Today1.Customers can drink tea but also eat Beijing food. ( )2.We can enjoy modern music and magic shows at Lao She Teahouse. ( )3.Lao She Teahouse only gives a warm welcome to the Chinese. ( )Read paragraph 3 and check T(true) or F(false).traditionaleveryone from all over the world T F FInferring1.Why does the writer write the passage in such sequence(顺序)?2.Why does the writer write Lao She Teahouse in the last paragraph? Whats his real intention(意图)?The writer wants to introduce(介绍)(介绍) Lao She Teahouse to more foreign readers. Teahouse and Lao She are more familiar(熟悉的熟悉的) to foreign(外国的外国的)readers. The culture is flowing in our blood. The culture is rooted in our minds.embroiderythe game of goembroiderytea artsbrush, inkstonepaper cuttingfacial paintingstea artsShow timeThe first scene of the first act in the play Teahouse茶馆第一幕,第一场Complete the table.Your favourite play or filmWhere does the story take place?When does the story take place?In BeijingIt starts at the end of the 19th century and finishes over 50 years later.TeahouseWritinguY o u r favourite play or filmuWhat is the storys main idea?uWhy is it good?It tells the changes in Chinese society over 50 years.It shows the lives of common people in China.Teahouse5Ws to describe a play/film/TV showstorywhenwherewhowhywhat Where does it take place? When does it take place? What is the story about? Why is it good? Who is in it? Who is the writer?The story of Teahouse takes place in a teahouse in Beijing. It starts at the end of the 19th century and finishes over 50 years later. It tells the changes in Chinese society over this time. Lao She wrote the play in 1957. We can learn about the lives of the teahouse owner Wang Lifa and his customers but also the changes to their lives in the first half of the 20th century. It is an interesting play because it shows the lives of common people in Old Beijing. 安徽影视频道请你来帮忙!该频道正在制作一档名为安徽影视频道请你来帮忙!该频道正在制作一档名为“致那些年我们追过的佳片致那些年我们追过的佳片”的节目,现面向全省征集推的节目,现面向全省征集推荐作品,请你推荐一部你最喜欢的影片,荐作品,请你推荐一部你最喜欢的影片,发送到发送到 , ,丰厚大奖等着你哟!丰厚大奖等着你哟!要求要求:1.1.介绍基本的介绍基本的时间时间、地点地点、人物角色人物角色、故事情节故事情节等信息等信息。2.2.陈述你推荐的陈述你推荐的理由理由。Breaking newsSummary1.Use 5Ws to tell and write a story.2.Use the timeline to tell the lifestory 3.Express our real intention(意图)in the last paragraph. Your extra-class work 1.Find more information about Lao She and Old Beijing.2.Work with others to do an English handwriting paper(手抄报)of this passage.3. Watch Teahouse and try to write some thoughts(感想) about it. Module 5 Lao She TeahouseUnit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society. Understanding of the teaching materialAs is known to all, Lao She is a famous writer, and the play Teahouse is just his masterpiece, hence the name of Lao She Teahouse. In terms of such special cultural background, the students are familiar with Lao She, so they are liable to enter the language situation in this module. After learning this period, students can know something more about Lao She, Lao She Teahouse and the play Teahouse, also, they can have a better understanding of the links among them. Through the reading and writing activities, theyll improve their comprehensive skills and get more familiar with reading strategies. II. Analysis of the studentsStudents in Grade 8 are sure to have known something about Lao She, meanwhile, tea and tea house are familiar to them, therefore, its easier for them to understand the cultural information in this unit. The most difficult for them lies in the understanding of the play as an artistic form. Moreover, its not easy to infer the writers real intention while reading.Teaching typeReading and writing.Teaching methodstop-down approach, task-based approach, communicative approach.Teaching key pointsKey vocabulary: act, common, describe, society, if, magic, twentiethKey structures:1. Teahouse is one of Lao Shes most famous plays.2. It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and the customers of his teahouse in Beijing.3. His mother sent him to a teachers school in 1913. and was named “the Peoples Artist”.4. Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world. Teaching difficult points 1.To understand the links among Teahouse, Lao She, Lao She Teahouse 2.To infer the writers real intention 3.To write a passage about “My favourite play/film/TV show” 4.To be clear about the use of infinitive as objects and double objects.Teaching Objectives After the lesson, the students will be able to:1. understand the sequence of events2. understand the main idea of a passage with the help of the paragraph headings and photos3. use some reading strategies to get the text information4. use the timeline to take notes of the sequence of events5. Write a passage about their favourite plays or films6. cooperate with others to act out a short play7. have a preliminary understanding of the elements of a play, great playwrights and theatres around the world8.take more interest in Chinese culture and have a stronger sense of national Pride.Teaching aidsMultimedia, OHP, handouts.Teaching proceduresStep1 Warm-up Task 1 Let students watch the video of Teahouse and also get the students to be ready for the following reading activities.设计意图:通过看录像师生问答互动引出本单元题目,为下面的阅读活动作好准备。Task 2 Get students to compare the two photos and think about the cause: why the teahouse closed down.设计意图:通过裕泰茶馆两幅图片的对比,设问分别是什么时期的茶馆,为什么会由盛而衰直至消亡,启发学生思维,引出文本中历史时期的表达。Step 2 Pre-readingOverall reading 设计意图:采用略读、扫读等阅读方法,帮助学生从整体上认知文本,把握大意,并结合思维导图,建立起他们自己的文本框架。Task 1 Skimming: Let students read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs(Activity 2) , offering two tips to help.设计意图:通过快速阅读选择与每一段匹配的标题,学生能较快地捕捉到文章大意,同时渗透 2 个阅读策略:1.段落大意常与第一句密切相关。2.通过课文标题、段落标题、插图能迅速推导出文章大意。Task 2 Mind map: Watch the video together and ask students to complete the mind map about Teahouse, Lao She and Lao She Teahouse.设计意图:通过观看课文朗读视频进一步熟悉文本大意,以思维导图的方式理清话剧茶馆,老舍和老舍茶馆三者关系,帮助学生在头脑中建立整体框架。Step 3 While-readingDetailed reading设计意图:按照文中段落的顺序,指导学生逐一进行细节性阅读,在独立或合作完成设置的任务活动过程中,不断启发和拓展学生思维,促进其对文本的深层次加工和深入理解。Paragraph 1Task 1 Guessing: show the picture in the book and have the students guess who they are, where they are and when it is.Task 2 Choose the correct answer, and fill in the blanks.设计意图:通过书上插图,激发学生猜测话剧茶馆信息,通过设置的针对性练习,学生独立完成对本段的信息辨认和生词理解。Task 3 Make the students clear about the 5Ws in a story by means of the designed questions.设计意图:通过问题引出故事情节五要素:what, when, where, who, why, 让学生在此先感知,为读后的写作做好预热Paragraph 2Task 1 Group work: What do you know about Lao She?设计意图:通过小组讨论,学生互相交流对老舍的已知信息,为老舍段的阅读做好铺垫。Task 2 Get the students to underline the sentence of “他被誉为人民艺术家”, and circle the years and verbs in the paragraph.设计意图:通过让学生在文中给关键信息做记号:划线、划圈的方式,培养他们找关键信息的能力,渗透学习方法。Task 3 Timeline about Lao She : Activity 3 Tip 3: Use the past form to complete the timeline.设计意图:学会以时间轴的形式记录事件发生的先后顺序是本模块的语言技能目标之一,结合上面圈出的年份和过去式动词,学生通过完成老舍生平的时间轴,能初步感知时间轴这种形象简洁的记录形式,并借以渗透第三个重要的阅读策略。Task 4 Timeline about yourself设计意图:通过给出的提示和示例,让学生尝试完成自己的时间轴:出生、幼儿园、小学、中学,在做中领会,在做中学。Paragraph 3Task 1 Watch the video of Lao She Teahouse and answer what we can do at Lao She Teahouse.设计意图:视频集声、图、文一体,给学生强烈直接的感官刺激,总是能在轻松有趣的氛围中就让学生自觉吸收了语言文化知识,带着问题观看视频, 是对此活动有效性的保证,再次运用思维导图在概括总结信息方面的强大优势帮助学生在脑海中勾勒现今老舍茶馆的日常风貌。Task 2 Check the true sentences and correct the false ones.设计意图:判断改错的活动,比起选择、匹配,更能检测学生对文本信息的理解程度,同时也体现了任务活动设置在难度上的梯度性。Task 3 Infer the writers real intentionWhy does the writer write Lao She Teahouse in the last paragraph? To introduce Lao She Teahouse to more foreign readers.设计意图:在任何一则文本,作者意图从不会直接陈述,需要我们从字里行间去细细品读和推导,而培养学生对作者意图的推测能力也是增强学生阅读高级技能的目标之一,一旦推测出来,无疑能极大地增强学生在阅读活动中的自我效能感。Step 4 Post-readingTask 1 Action:Act out a scene of Teahouse to get further understanding of the play.设计意图:表演是学生非常喜欢的课堂活动,能极大地活跃课堂气氛,通过对茶馆第一幕第一场情景的体验式表演,学生在做中能进一步加深对话剧的理解, 感受话剧的魅力。Task 2 Emotional education and the cultivation of cultural awarenessShow some pictures about different forms of culture to arouse the students love for our nation and Chinese culture.设计意图:通过呈现茶艺、脸谱、围棋等象征民族文化的图片,进行文化意识和情感的教育,激发学生对京剧话剧等艺术形式的兴趣,培养其对民族文化的热爱,增强其民族认同感。Step 5 Pre-writingTask 1 Complete the table on page 37, focusing on the 5 Ws.设计意图:通过完成课本上表格的练习,再次强调构成一个故事的五要素,即5 个 w: 人物,时间, 地点,情节,原因, 并以思维导图的形式加以详细解释,帮助学生形成概念图。Task 2 Have some students mark the sentences referring to the 5ws .设计意图:呈现由上述信息串接成的茶馆范文,以此帮助学生建立起写作此类型文章的篇章意识,设置学生在文中划出包含故事五要素句子的活动,以检测学生对 5 个 W 的理解,为后面独立写作建立支架。Step 6 While-WritingTask: Send your passage to to participate in the election by Anhui Film Channel. Instructing students how to write his/her favourite film in the real writing situation, offering help and advice if necessary.设计意图:创设真实任务下的写作情境,能激发起学生的写作意愿,如参加安徽影视频道的征文评选活动,他们会觉得是在做一件非常贴近自己日常生活的事从而有话可说。通过提供可供选择的图片信息,给出可参考的表达辅助写作的方法,能降低学生的写作难度,但这并不意味着学生就一定能独立完成语篇写作了,所以关注学生的写作心理和写作困难是必不可少的,并在必要时给予提示和帮助,给学生写作的信心和勇气。Step 7 Post-writingShow the two compositions at different levels, and judge the composition together with all the students, making personal comments, eliciting students responses and giving advice on further writing. Students can learn from others good points in writing and correct theirs in this way.设计意图:写后的展示习作活动是对写作类型的强化和巩固,而采取教师点评和学生互评相结合的方式,能让不同写作水平的学生对自己的文章重新审视,引发新的思考,进而通过后续的修改润色,提高写作水平。Step 8 Wrap-upInvite two students to make a summary of what they learnt in this period, giving a supplement if necessary.设计意图:采取学生总结当堂所学的方式往往要比教师总结教学效果好,因为学生知道是一回事,而能否表达出来又是另外一回事,不但涉及到他们对知识的理解能力,也和其语言表达能力有关,在此基础上,教师再加以适当提醒和补充。Step 9 Extra-class work1. Find more information about Old Beijing.2. Work with others to do an English hand-written newspaper(手抄报)of this passage.3. Watch the play Teahouse and try to write some thoughts(感想) about it. . Blackboard design times changes society changesYu Tai Teahouse Yu Tai Teahouse Lao She Teahousethe end of the 19th century the middle of the 20th century the 21st century .Thinking after teaching设计意图:教学反思是教师教师自觉得把自己的课堂教学时间,作为认识对象设计意图:教学反思是教师教师自觉得把自己的课堂教学时间,作为认识对象而进行全面而深入的冷静思考和总结,长期坚持能极大地促进教师自身的专业而进行全面而深入的冷静思考和总结,长期坚持能极大地促进教师自身的专业发展,提高课堂教学效率。发展,提高课堂教学效率。Part 1 Advantages本节课的成功之处在于:1. 充分发挥了多媒体技术对于英语课堂的促进作用,3 个视频极大地促进了学生对文本的理解,老舍、老舍茶馆、话剧茶馆及其时代背景和历史文化对于初二学生理解起来,有比较大的难度,借助于视频和图片则轻而易举得突破了这个难点。2. 充分发挥了思维导图在英语教学中的点睛作用,3 个思维导图很好地帮助学生弄清了上述三者的关系,故事的五要素和现如今的老舍茶馆。3. 运用任务型教学法、合作教学法、交际教学法充分调动了学生的积极性,增加了他们对英语课堂的参与度,保证了师生间的有效互动,学生的主体地位也得以体现。Part 2 Disadvantages本节课的不足之处在于:1. 留给学生的读后写作时间较少,学生明显思考不足,写作思维没有完全打开。2.有少部分一直害怕写作,在写作上有极大困难的同学给予的关注和指导还不够。Part 3 Measures to take改进措施:1. 加强课后和学生的交流,根据他们的实际水平和认知特点,对课堂活动和课件作出相应调整和修改,力求课堂效率最大化。2. 课后对写作薄弱的同学单独辅导,鼓励他们多开笔,多阅读,在试错和自我纠错中逐步提高写作水平。.Teaching assessment设计意图:教学评价是教育教学中必不可少的一个环节,对教学工作至关重要。设计意图:教学评价是教育教学中必不可少的一个环节,对教学工作至关重要。一个客观科学的教学评价,既能改善教师的教,又能促进学生的学。一个客观科学的教学评价,既能改善教师的教,又能促进学生的学。1. 评价内容教学结果:语言能力、文化品格、思维品质、学习能力四方面的教学目标是否 达成教师的教学行为:教学设计、组织、实施等学生的学习行为: 预习、上课、作业、复习等2. 评价方法量化评价:运用数学、统计学工具对资料进行数量化的分析和计算,进而对评价对象作出价值判断,如观察法、实验法、调查法、测量法等。质性评价:关注学生学习的整体情况和在具体情境中运用知识的能力,师生家长同学共同参与,动态多元的评价方法
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