Module 8 Accidents-Unit 3 Language in use-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:9115f).zip


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Good morning, everyoneModule 8 AccidentsUnit3Language in use外研版初中英语 八年级上册任务反馈任务反馈一、Video task(视频任务)任务反馈任务反馈二、Reading task(介绍安全规则)任务反馈任务反馈Enjoy Lixinyis work “ 违反交通规则” 任务反馈任务反馈Enjoy Lichengrans work “ 斑马线要减速” 任务反馈任务反馈三、Word task(背诵单词)Words PKWords PKWords PKWords PKGame rules:Two groups choose word boxs one by one. If it is right, the group can get one point. If it is wrong, the groups points will become “0”. 游戏规则:两组任意选择箱子猜词,答对得一分,答错分数恢复零分。12白板推送试卷根据句意及所给首字母写出句中所缺单词1.I found a girl crying at the corner(拐角).2.The car hit (碰撞)the wall and was badly damaged.3.A car accident (事故)happened last night and two people were hurt.4.I felt bad. I felt even worse(更糟).5.Dont take the risk(风险). Your parents must be worried about your safety.6.You are looking rather pale (苍白的). Are you ill?Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box. appear bite show throwDoctor: When did the snake (1)bite you?Henry: Earlier this morning. It suddenly (2)appeared in front of me and bit my hand.Doctor: Can you (3)show me a photo of it?Henry: Yes. Here it is.Doctor: Oh, the snake was on a table.Henry: Yes. I (4)threw it on the table after it bit a videowatch a videoThink about the questionsThink about the questions1. Whats the video about?A traffic accident2. Why did the accident happen?GrammarGrammar 过去进行时(was、were+doing)+ 短时间(一般过去时) 长时间(过去进行时)whenwhileSpeaking timeSpeaking timelisten to musicride a bikewhileThe girl was listening to music while she was riding a bike.Speaking timeSpeaking timewait at the lightfall off the bikewhenThe boy was waiting at the lights when the man fell off his bike.Speaking timeSpeaking timewalk on the roada car accident happenwhenThe man was walking on the road when a car accident happened.Speaking timeSpeaking timedrive a cartalk on the phonewhileThe man was driving a car while he was talking on the phone.1.We were waiting for the bus when a girl ran up to us 2.I was talking with a friend when Bob came in.3.My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.4.Tom just came home while his mother was watching TV.5.He was sleeping while Daming was doing his homework.Complete the sentences with when or whileA Traffic AccidentLast week when I was walking along the street,I saw an old woman walking in front of me.She wanted to cross the street. Suddenly, a car appeared. It was going fast, and it didnt stopped. The car hit her.The old woman fell to the ground.I hurried to help the driver take the old woman to the nearest hospital. Luckily, she didnt break an arm or a leg. Now the old woman is feeling better and her children are looking after her. From the accident all the drivers should learn a lesson: be careful and dont drive too fast.Reading timeReading timeTime _Where _Reason A car drove_ _ _ _ in time.Result The car_ an old woman_ the street. The old woman_ _an arm or a leg.Lesson Be_ and_ _ too fast.Read the passage and fill in the blankslast weekon the streettoofasttostophitcrossingdidntbreakcarefuldontdrive3Writing suggestionsWriting suggestions 1报道交通事故通常用什么时态?_2写交通事故报道通常要交代什么?_3描述事故发生的过程,通常用到哪些连接词衔接?_过去时态。事故发生的时间、地点、原因、结果以及从中吸取的教训等。when,while,as soon as,so, because, then等。结合以上所完成的阅读任务,请你思考: What was she doing?She was waiting to cross the road.What was he doing while he was riding?He was looking at his mobile phone while he was riding.Yesterday afternoonThe man _ (撞倒) the old woman.hitSome kind-hearted people _ (给警察打电话求救)called police for helpShould we lift her up or not?Yes, we should.At last, doctors came and _ _ _ _. (带她去医院)took her to hospitalwait for ride a bikelook athit the womancall for helpliftuptake sb. toTime of the accidentyesterday afternoonPlace of the accidentOn the roadReason for the accidentLook at his mobile phoneDont pay attention to the womanYour opinion(看法)Writing timeWriting timeHow to keep safeHow to keep safe?1校导学案校导学案班级: 姓名: 导学案编号:课题ModuleModule 8 8 AccidentsAccidents unit3unit3(第(第 1 1 课时)课时)课型语言实践课主 备审 核学习目标1、掌握过去进行时与 when、while 的联系。2、能够就事故的话题进行听说读写活动。3、培养学生热爱生命、遵守交通规则的意识。导学过程1、展示交流2、Words PK3、白板推送答题四、Speaking time 1.Watch a video and answer the two questions(1). Whats the video about?(2) Why did the accident happen?2.Describe the pictures with the words.3.白板推送答题五、Reading Time1. Read the passage and fill in the blanks.A Traffic AccidentLast week when I was walking along the street,I saw an old woman walking in front me.She wanted to cross the street. Suddenly, a car appeared. It was going fast, and it didnt stopped. The car hit her.The old woman fell to the ground.I hurried to help the driver take the old woman to the nearest hospital. Luckily, she didnt 2breakan arm or a leg. Now the old woman is feeling better and her children are looking after her. From the accident all the drivers should learn a lesson: be careful and dont drive too fast.2. 结合以上所完成的阅读任务,请你思考(1)报道交通事故通常用什么时态?_(2)写交通事故报道通常要交代什么?_(3) 描述事故发生的过程,通常用到哪些连接词衔接?.Time_Place_ReasonA car drove_ _ _ _ in time.ResultThe car_ an old woman_ the street. The old woman_ _an arm or a leg.LessonBe_ and_ _ too fast.36、Writing timeYesterday afternoon I saw an accident._7、Emotion aimWhat should you do to keep safe?1.Look at the pictures and try to answer the questions.42.Try to report the accident according themWhat was the man doing while he was riding?A man _ (撞倒)an old woman.Some kind-hearted people _(给警察打电话求救)Should we lift her up or not?At last, doctors came and _ _ _ _. (带她去医院)What was the old woman doing?5外研版八年级上册 Module8 Accidents Unit 3 Language in use 教学设计课题Module8 Accidents Unit3 Language in use课型翻转课堂语言实践课教材内容分析本模块以“事故”为话题,涉及交通事故、人被蛇咬等内容。学习本模块有助于使学生认识到交通安全的重要性,为他们掌握一些基本的急救措施提供帮助,也有助于提高学生应对突发事件的能力。一单元的对话是由詹姆斯老师亲眼所见的一起交通事故引出的。对话自然的导入了过去进行时这一语法项目。二单元的课文介绍了一位厨师被蛇咬到手并及时用手机拍照自救的事件。三单元把前俩个单元出现的知识点和重点句型进行概括性的归纳总结。它既复习了我们学过的基本知识词汇和语法,又锻炼了学生的交际能力和口语表达能力。同时“事故”这个话题贯穿整个单元的听说读写活动。学情分析对于八年级学生来说,部分学生已经有了一定的语言能力和学习基础。他们也对一些突发事件有自己的辨别能力,但是不多。了解在意外突发事件中如何自救和保护自己对于中学生而言时很重要的。本课为语言实践课,要求学生课前做好已学知识的复习,教师在预设的任务中,注意引导学生的合作讨论自动生成知识点。教学目标知识目标:1. 能够正确使用本模块单词2. 能够正确使用过去进行时能力目标:1. 提高学生的听说技能2. 能够描述一场交通事故情感目标:1. 通过学习,使学生认识到注意安全的重要性。2. 提高学生处理突发事件的能力。教学重点1. 掌握过去进行时态用法2. 能够根据提示描述一场交通事故教学难点能够根据提示描述一场交通事故并注意写作要领。教学环节教师及学生活动设计意图Step1.Online task feedback任务反馈1. Show some good works of students2. Show two students dubbing shows3.Play a game called “Words PK” 展示学生课前任务的完成情况,利用单词 PK 的游戏检测单词背诵情况,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。Step2.Checking(推送试题,合作释疑)1. Ask students to do activity 1 on the paper and check the answer together2. Continue to do activity 2 on the paper ,check the answer and ask students to read the 先进行首字母填空后用所给词的适当形式填空。由浅入深检测学生课前单词的习得情况。dialogue with partners.Step3.Speaking(自主学习、语法再现)1. Ask students to watch a video and talk about the video in pairs2. Practice the usage of “when” and “while”3. Show some pictures and ask students to describe them by using “when” and “while”.4. Have a check.1. 通过问题讨论的形式学生再次复习本节课重点语法内容-when、while 引导的时间状语从句与过去进行时的联系。2. 通过图片激发学生兴趣,并在看图造句中锻炼学生语法的掌握程度。3. 试题推送直观掌握学生的掌握情况。Step4.Reading (自主探究、抛砖引玉)1. Read a report about an accident and complete the table. 2. Check the answers.3. Thing about some questions before writing.1. 通过阅读,提高学生的阅读水平2. 通过阅读,让学生熟知描述事故的方法,为后面的写作奠定基础。Step5.Writing (整理所学、学以致用)1. look at some pictures andtry to complete them.2. Write a composition according to the pictures.通过看图、讨论、让学生做好写作的准备。这样做既可以降低写作的难度又有利于学生运用学过的知识。Step6.Summary(展示交流、巩固所学)1. Show some compositions2. Summarise how to write a good composition.指导学生归纳总结如何写好一篇作文。Step 7.Emotion aim1. Think about how to keep safe and keep away from traffic accidents.2. Think about how to keep safe when the fire disaster and the earthquake happen.思考在灾难发生时如何才能保证自身安全。板书设计 Module 8 Accidents Unit3 Language in use The bull was driving while he was talking on the phone.He was talking on the phone when he hit another car.一一.根据句意及首字母写出句中所缺单词1.I found a girl crying at the c_.2.The car h_ the wall and was badly damaged.3.A car a_happened last night and two people were hurt.4.I felt bad. I felt even w_.5.Dont take the r_. Your parents must be worried about your safety.6.You are looking rather p_. Are you ill?二、Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words you learned.Doctor: When did the snake (1)_ you?Henry: Earlier this morning. It suddenly (2)_ in front of me and bit my hand.Doctor: Can you (3)_ me a photo of it? Henry: Yes. Here it is.Doctor: Oh, the snake was on a table.Henry: Yes. I (4)_ it on the table after it bit me.三、complete the sentences with when or while 1. We were waiting for the bus_ a girl ran up to us 2. I was talking with a friend _ Bob came in.3. My mother was cooking _ I was doing my homework.4. Tom just came home _ his mother was watching TV.5. He was sleeping _ Daming was doing his homework.
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