Module 8 Accidents-Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red,a car suddenly appeared.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:30e72).zip


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Im going to the post office._ you are there, can you buy me some stamps?AAs Bwhile CBecause DIf Which do you choose?when表示“当的时候”。从句中既可用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词既可以表示动作,又可表示状态。从句中的动作既可和主句的动作同时发生,又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生。 When I came into the room, I found him lying there asleep. Its cold when it snows.暗示一种规律性,表示暗示一种规律性,表示“每当每当”I was about to go to bed when I heard a knock on the door.表示“ (突然突然)”; Just as when the two men were leaving, a message arrived. 两个几乎发生的短暂性动作,两个几乎发生的短暂性动作, “刚要刚要就就”“正要正要却却”的意思的意思 She dropped the glass as she stood up. He sang as he worked. 1、表示、表示当当时时、和和同时同时。常指从句的动。常指从句的动作未结束,主句中的动作就已发生。作未结束,主句中的动作就已发生。 2.表示表示一面一面一面一面。常指一个主语。常指一个主语同时进行两个动作同时进行两个动作。 As he grew older he became more confident. 3.表示表示随着随着。常指一个行为是另一个行为。常指一个行为是另一个行为的结果,或一种状态随另一种状态变化。的结果,或一种状态随另一种状态变化。 The weather was fine while we were in Beijing. While表示表示在在的时候的时候、在在期间期间。它强。它强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或主句的动调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中作发生在从句的动作过程中。 While we were swimming someone stole our clothes. 如果主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生,如果主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生,从句从句常用进行时常用进行时。 用作并列连词,表示“而”“却”(表示对比) One person may like to spend his vacation at the seashore, while another may prefer the mountains. I tried to slip the note to him while the teacher wasnt looking. 具有具有“趁机趁机”的意味的意味 Fill in the blank with “when,while,as”1_ you meet a word you dont know, consult the dictionary.2.The students took notes _ they listened. 3._ the wind rose the noise increased. 4.She called _ I was out. 5.We must strike _ the iron is hot. 6._you have finished your work, you may have a rest. 7. I was just reading a book _ she came into my room. whenasAswhilewhileWhenwhen 有类似汉语有类似汉语“随着随着”的意思,英语习惯上要用的意思,英语习惯上要用as 若暗示一种规律性,表示若暗示一种规律性,表示“每当每当的时候的时候”,英语要用英语要用when 若主句与从句所表示的动作不是同时若主句与从句所表示的动作不是同时 发生,发生, 有先后顺序时,要用有先后顺序时,要用when 从句所表示的从句所表示的“当当的时候的时候”具有具有“趁机趁机”的意的意味,则通常用味,则通常用while when可用作并列连词,表示可用作并列连词,表示“ (突然突然)”;while也也 用作并列连词,表示用作并列连词,表示“而而”“却却”(表示对比表示对比) when, as, while 总结 1、When可指可指时间点时间点,又可指,又可指时间段时间段,从句中可,从句中可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。2、While总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延续总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延续性动词。性动词。3、as多用于平行结构。表示两个动作同时发生多用于平行结构。表示两个动作同时发生:一个主语同时进行两个动作:一种状态随另一:一个主语同时进行两个动作:一种状态随另一种状态的变化而变化。种状态的变化而变化。4、表示主句的动作发生在从句的较长动作过程中、表示主句的动作发生在从句的较长动作过程中,when, while, as均可使用。从句中为均可使用。从句中为be动词时动词时,多用,多用when和和while。谈论两个同时进行的长动。谈论两个同时进行的长动作可用作可用while;谈论两个平行动作或两种状态变化;谈论两个平行动作或两种状态变化多用多用as。 外研外研 八年级上八年级上Module 8 AccidentsAccidentsUnit 1While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.paleappearroundcornerhitgladadj. (肤色肤色)苍白的苍白的v. 出现;显露出现;显露prep. 转到转到(某物的某物的)另一边另一边n. 拐角;街角拐角;街角v. (使使)碰撞碰撞adj. 高兴的;欢喜的高兴的;欢喜的Words reviewriskattentionsidein timefall offpay attentionside by siden. 危险;风险危险;风险n. 注意力注意力n. (物体或形状的物体或形状的)侧面侧面及时及时从从跌落跌落注意;留心注意;留心并排地;肩并肩地并排地;肩并肩地Words review1. To listen and understand the conversation about an accident2. To learn to talk about what was happening at a specific time3. To know how to avoid accidents4. To learn the words and expressions ObjectivesWords: accident appear pale hit risk attention corner round Phrases:in time fall off side by side pay attentionPatterns:1. A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.2. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner. a fallen bike a broken car A car a bike.What happened in the picture?hitSomeone _ _ his bike.fell offaccidentan unpleasant event, especially in a vehicle (交通工具交通工具), that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damagea car accidentCan you list some accidents? firefall downfall off the stairs1. Have you ever seen an accident? What happened? Did you help?2. What should we do if we see an accident happen?Free talkWhat do you think of the following activities? Do you also have those habits? Are they dangerous?These bad habits may cause accidents. How to avoid these accidents?accident driver happen mobile phone policewoman roadThere was an accident.The boy was sitting on the road.The driver was using the mobile phone when the accident happened.The policewoman was asking the man some questions about the accident.The doctor was checking the boy.P64Look at the picture and say what is happening. Use the words and expression in the box to help you.1Listen and underline the correct words.1. The driver was/was not going fast.2. The driver was/was not looking.3. The driver was/was not talking on his mobile phone.P642Ms James saw an accident on her way to school. She and her students are talking about it. Listen and read. Do the following tasks.word链接链接ListenListen andand What are they talking about?2. When did the accident happen?3. What was the boy doing when he was riding the bike?Read and answer the questions.An accident.In the morning.He was listening to music.Task 11. Ms James saw an accident when she was crossing the road.2. A car appeared around the corner while the lights were changing to red.3. The car was going slowly around the corner but it didnt stop. 4. The driver was talking on his mobile phone when he arrived at the corner.5. The boy fell off his bike because the car hit him.Task 2waiting to crossdidnt hitbutComplete the following advice.When you are riding a bike, think about the risk of an accident!Pay _ and stop at the _.Dont _ too fast.Dont ride _ with your friends!Dont _.attentionred lightsrideside by sidelisten to musicTask 3P643过去进行时常和过去进行时常和when, while, as引导的过去时间状语从句连引导的过去时间状语从句连用。用。Please find out the sentences with past continuous.Task 4Complete the passage with the words in the box.appear attention glad hit sideTask 5P654Accidents do not happen very often, I am (1) _ to say. However, when you are riding your bike, pay (2) _ all the time, especially on the corner of the road and at traffic lights. Do not ride side by (3) _ with your friends. Sometimes cars (4) _ round the corner and do not stop. They may (5) _ you.attentionsideappearhitglad1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the class.LetsLets seesee whichwhich groupgroup doesdoes thethe lets enjoy some funny accidents.1. You look pale.琼斯女士面色苍白。琼斯女士面色苍白。Ms Jones has a pale face. 玛丽穿淡红色的裙子,看起来很漂亮。玛丽穿淡红色的裙子,看起来很漂亮。Mary looks very nice in a pale red skirt. pale为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“(肤色肤色)苍白的苍白的”,形容人面容缺乏健康的气色,在句中可作,形容人面容缺乏健康的气色,在句中可作定语或表语。定语或表语。pale也有也有“浅色的;淡的浅色的;淡的” 之意。之意。look作作感官动词感官动词,意为,意为“看起来看起来”,后加,后加形容词形容词。你看起来很健康。你看起来很健康。You look healthy.老师看上去很高兴。老师看上去很高兴。The teacher looks happy.2. No, Im glad to say.汤姆真高兴呀!汤姆真高兴呀!How glad Tom is! 我很高兴地告诉你,我找到一份新工作。我很高兴地告诉你,我找到一份新工作。Im glad to tell you I have got a new job. glad为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“高兴的;欢喜高兴的;欢喜的的”,指由于某一特定的事或原因而,指由于某一特定的事或原因而“喜悦喜悦”。be glad to do sth 乐意或高兴做某事乐意或高兴做某事3. The car stopped just in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.如果不抓紧时间的话,我们就来不及赶上火车了。如果不抓紧时间的话,我们就来不及赶上火车了。If you dont hurry up, we wont be in time to catch the time表示表示“及时及时”,表达,表达 “及时做某事及时做某事”可以用可以用 in time to do sth.。女孩从马上掉下来。女孩从马上掉下来。The girl is falling off the horse. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己摔倒了。男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己摔倒了。The boy hit the tree so hard that he fell down. fall off 与与fall down都表示都表示“摔倒,跌倒摔倒,跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的含义不同:的意思,但它们各自的含义不同:fall off 强调强调“跌落,从跌落,从掉下来掉下来”; fall down 强调的是强调的是“滑倒,倒塌滑倒,倒塌”,不强调落物的来处。,不强调落物的来处。 What happened to Marc? He fell _ the bike _ a snowy morning. A. off; in B. down; at C. off; on4. Pay attention, stop at the red lights and他没有关注这些细节。他没有关注这些细节。He did not pay any attention to thesedetails. pay attention (to)意思是意思是“注意注意”。其中其中to是介词,所以其是介词,所以其后跟名词、代词或后跟名词、代词或V-ing 形式作宾语形式作宾语,而不能跟动词原形。,而不能跟动词原形。现在,大家请注意我这里。现在,大家请注意我这里。Now, pay attention to me. 你应该多加注意锻炼身体。你应该多加注意锻炼身体。You should pay more attention to takingexercise. When you visit a museum you should _ the instructions and dont be against them. A. compare with B. look forward toC. pay attention to D. try out5. Dont ride too fast. Dont ride side by side with your friends.不要在教室里听音乐。不要在教室里听音乐。Dont listen to music in the classroom. 请起立。请起立。Stand up, please. Dont do sth. 意为意为“不要做某事不要做某事”,这是一个,这是一个否定的祈使句否定的祈使句。祈使句句首一般无主语,祈使句句首一般无主语,肯定句以动词原形开头肯定句以动词原形开头,否定句为,否定句为“Dont +动词原形动词原形+其其他他”形式。形式。Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.1. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.2. When I was waiting to cross the road, the accident happened.5P65Now listen again and repeat.分析分析: 按照句子的一般语法结构来看,可划分成为以下按照句子的一般语法结构来看,可划分成为以下意群视读意群视读单位:单位: (1) 短句短句 (2) 名词短语名词短语 (3) 介词介词/不定式不定式/-ing或或-ed短语短语 (4) 动词短语动词短语 (5) 主谓主谓结构结构 (6) 动宾结构动宾结构 (7) 系表结构系表结构 (8) 动状结构动状结构 (9) 主句主句-从句。从句。 Work in groups of four.6P65Student A: You are a policeman at an accident scene in the street. Ask people questions.Student B, C and D: You saw the accident. Answer the policemans questions.Group workSome questions possibly asked by the policewoman:Whats your name?When did the accident happen?What were you doing when the accident happened?How did the accident happen?What were you doing when the accident happened?When the accident happened, When the accident happened, When the accident happened, I was walking along the street.总结回顾总结回顾1. in time2. fall off3. side by side4. A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road.5. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾总结回顾6. Are you all right?7. Thats very dangerous!8. Thats too bad.9. Anything else?本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型Now 2 minutes to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese corner attention glad round pale risk fall off side by side2. Chinese-English (使使)碰撞碰撞 出现;显露出现;显露 注意;留心注意;留心When finishing, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 根据提示写出正确的单词。根据提示写出正确的单词。1. He was g_ to see his favourite film star last Sunday.2. At the r_ of falling down, the man saved the boy from the building.3. We all know that the earth moves r_ the sun.4. When he was walking in the park, a small apple h_ him on the head.5. A rainbow (彩虹彩虹) a_ in the sky after the heavy rain.ladiskounditppeared注注: : wordword 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接. 用方框中短语的恰当形式完成句子。用方框中短语的恰当形式完成句子。all right in time fall offside by side pay attention1. The teachers often tell us not to ride our bikes on the road _.2. Please _, everyone. There is a hole in the road.3. Are you _, Li Lei? Yes, Im OK, thanks a lot.4. Tom _ his bike and hurt his leg on his way to school yesterday.5. With Toms help, we were _ for the train. side by side pay attention all right fell off in time1. Finish the exercises in Learning English.2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.3. Preview the passage Smile, please! on page 66.Module 8 AccidentsUnit 1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.课型课型Listening and speaking教学目标教学目标Knowledge: To understand the past continuous with some adverbial clauses To talk about what was happening at a specific time To know how to avoid accidentsKey vocabulary: round, corner, hit, glad, in time, fall off, side, side by sideKey structures: A boy was riding his bike and listening to music on the road. While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.教学重点教学重点用过去进行时谈论在特定时间内正在发生的事情教学难点教学难点 正确使用过去进行时教学方法教学方法PWP Communicative教学用具教学用具Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)教学过程教学过程Listening and vocabularyPreparation* Elicit what the students do at picnics (e.g. play games, prepare food and drinks).* Write a few ideas on the board.* Ask the students if picnics are fun and then ask if there are ever problems. Elicit In the countryside, there are risks.* Teach suddenly by asking what happens suddenly. Write some ideas on the board (e.g. rain, become very windy, bees fly around).* Ask the students to repeat the prompts on the board chorally and individually by pointing at them.* Tell a group picnic story. Demonstrate it with a few students.Teacher: I was eating my rice when suddenly.Student 1: . a bee flew in it.Teacher: I was playing a game with Sally when suddenly.Student 2: * Put the students in groups of six to do the same.* Have a few groups retell their picnic events for the class.* Repeat the events briefly. Then elicit the topic So accidents can happen anywhere.Listening and vocabulary1. Look at the picture and say what is happening.Use the words and expression in the box to help you.* Tell the students to look at the picture and describe what they see in pairs with the words in the box.* Elicit descriptions and ask what they think happened. List their ideas chronologically on the board.2. Listen and underline the correct words.* Tell the students to read the sentences and discuss what the recording may be about in pairs.* Play the recording. Tell the students to listen for what happened first.* Elicit ideas from the class.* Ask the students to discuss what information is missing in each sentence. Then check with the class, putting a ? by those that they disagree about.* Play the recording again for them to check and also choose the correct answers.* Ask them to check their answers in pairs.* Play the recording once more for them to check. Then elicit answers from the whole class.3. Listen and read.* Tell the students Ms James saw an accident on her way to school. Write the questions on the board:What kind of accident is it?/Was anyone hurt?* Ask them to listen to and read the conversation at the same time.* Tell them to think about the answers to the questions, and then elicit the answers.* Ask the students to work in groups of 4-5 and read the conversation aloud. Tell them one student can play two of the short parts, i.e. Darning and Tony.Now complete the following advice.* Ask the students to read the sentences and guess what advice they might give.* Ask them to read the conversation again, check whether their guesses were correct and underline the key information.* Ask the students to complete the sentences and then check their answers with a partner.* Elicit answers from the whole class.Extension* Ask the students to work in pairs and write a scene about the accident in Activity 3 from the point of view of the boy. Ask them to start off with the police officer.Police officer: Can you tell me what happened?Boy: Yes. I was riding my bike along the road. While the lights were changing.* Go around and monitor, giving help where needed.* Ask the students to act the stories they wrote out in front of the class.4. Complete the passage with the words in the box.* Read through the words in the box. Ask the students to repeat them chorally and individually.* Ask them to read the passage and then complete it on their own.* Ask them to check their answers with a partner.* Elicit full sentences from the whole class.Pronunciation and speaking5. Listen and mark when the speaker pauses.* Ask the students to read the sentences individually.* Play the recording for them to listen for the pronunciation and pauses.* Play the recording again and pause at the end of each sentence for them to decide where the speaker pauses. * Check the pauses together and ask the students to repeat chorally and individually after each pause.Now listen again and repeat.* Play the recording once more and ask the students to repeat chorally after each sentence.* Nominate individual students to read out the sent
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