Module 5 Lao She Teahouse-Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:30346).zip


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1 课题:课题:Module5 Lao She Teahouse Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 【学习目标学习目标】1.1.能够听懂有关京剧的对话,了解老舍茶馆并感知动词不定式能够听懂有关京剧的对话,了解老舍茶馆并感知动词不定式作作 宾语的表达方式。宾语的表达方式。2.2.能简单描述自己的意图和计划能简单描述自己的意图和计划3.3.积极参与小组合作,认真思考,积极发言,增强合作意识。积极参与小组合作,认真思考,积极发言,增强合作意识。4.4.热爱京剧、话剧等中国传统文化,增强民族自豪感。热爱京剧、话剧等中国传统文化,增强民族自豪感。【重点及难点重点及难点】1.1.重点:能够简单描述自己的意图和计划。重点:能够简单描述自己的意图和计划。2.2.难点:能够使用动词不定式简单描述自己的意图和计划。难点:能够使用动词不定式简单描述自己的意图和计划。【学习流程学习流程】一、一、 前置作业前置作业1.1.小组自学本课的新单词、短语。小组自学本课的新单词、短语。 本课所学的新单词、短语有:本课所学的新单词、短语有: actressactress、teahouseteahouse、offeroffer、 endend、inin thethe endend 、 nono ideaidea 。 2.2.上网查阅有关京剧的资料。上网查阅有关京剧的资料。二、二、 明确目标明确目标三、三、 成果展示成果展示1.1.单词比赛:中英互译抢答单词。单词比赛:中英互译抢答单词。22.2.谈论京剧。谈论京剧。四、四、 分层提高,方法提升分层提高,方法提升Step1:Step1: ExerciseExercise 1 1 ListenListen andand underlineunderline thethe correctcorrect wordswords oror expressions.expressions.1.Betty oftenoften seessees / / wantswants toto seesee the traditional Beijing Opera.2.Betty knowsknows /doesnt/doesnt knowknow Lao She Teahouse.3.Lingling says that the opera is easyeasy / / difficultdifficult to understand.Step2:Step2: Task1:Task1:ListenListen toto thethe dialoguedialogue andand choosechoose thethe rightright answers.answers.1.Betty and Lingling went to_last night. A.the cinema B.Lao She teahouse C.the hotel2.What did Betty want to see? A.The Beijing Opera B.Tennis match C.Magic show3.How long did Lingling and Betty stay there? A.One day B.Three hours C.An hour 4.What is Lao She? A.An actor B.A teacher C.A writerTask2:Task2:ListenListen againagain andand completecomplete thethe dialogue.dialogue.3Betty:Betty: Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night. Tony:Tony: How was it? Betty:Betty: It was great! You know, I _ to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling _ to take me there. We drank tea and watched an opera.Tony:Tony: Did you understand the opera? Betty:Betty: No,it was _ to understand the words. But the actors and _ were excellent. Tony:Tony: How long did you stay?Betty:Betty: We only _ to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.Tony:Tony: Did you enjoy it? Betty:Betty: Well, it was interesting-thats the main thing. I _ to understand more next time.Tony:Tony: Do you often go to see the Beijing Opera, Lingling? 4Lingling:Lingling: No, I dont. I wanted to take Betty to the teahouse because its famous.Tony:Tony: Who is Lao She? Betty:Betty: No idea. Ask Lingling. Lingling:Lingling: Lao She is a great writer. Hes especially famous for his play Teahouse. Step3Step3:ReadingReading(Act3Act3) 1.Read loudly after the recording. 2.Role-play the dialogue.Step4:Step4: TalkTalk aboutabout youryour weekendweekend plans.plans. Eg:Eg: A:A: Where do you planplan toto go? B:B: I planplan toto . A:A: How do you decidedecide toto go there? B:B: I decidedecide toto . A:A: What do you wantwant toto do there? B:B: I wantwant toto . 五、五、 课堂反馈课堂反馈SummarySummary(课堂小结):(课堂小结):5What have you learned from this lesson?1 1、_2 2、 _ 六、六、HomeworkHomework 分层作业:分层作业:(A)(A)1.Try to recite the conversation. 2. Write a composition: MyMy weekendweekend plansplans (B)(B)1. Read the conversation at least three times. 2. Use“hope/want/plan/offerhope/want/plan/offer toto”to make sentences.英语科送课下乡英语科送课下乡( (同课异构同课异构) )活动活动欢迎领导、老师莅临指导!欢迎领导、老师莅临指导!Words Words Words Words competitioncompetitioncompetitioncompetitionSelf-learningSelf-learningSelf-learningSelf-learning(检查前置学习)(检查前置学习)(检查前置学习)(检查前置学习)! ! ! !Who is the fastest?actressoffer茶馆actor传统的endno ideain the endLets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!actorsactressLets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!Our music teacher _ to try on the clothes.offeredLets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!Lets look and say!_ , we finished our performancesuccessfully.In the end Listen and guessWhat type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?rock music mWhat type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?traditional western music mWhat type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this? pop music mWhat type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?What type of music is this?Beijing Opera mWhat do you think of the Beijing Opera? Is it difficult to understand the words?Is it traditional in China?Are the clothes beautiful?special(特别的)?Are the actors and the actresses excellent?Where do you usually see the Beijing Opera?On TV, at the theatre or the teahouse.Module5 Lao She Module5 Lao She Teahouse Teahouse Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 I want to see the Beijing Opera.I want to see the Beijing Opera.I want to see the Beijing Opera.I want to see the Beijing Opera.Listen and underline the correct words or expressions. 1.Betty often sees/wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera.2. Betty knows/ doesnt know Lao She Teahouse.3. Lingling says that the opera is easy/ difficult to understand.Listen and underline the correct words or expressions. 1.Betty often sees/wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera.2. Betty knows/ doesnt know Lao She Teahouse.3. Lingling says that the opera is easy/ difficult to understand.Betty and Lingling are telling Tony about their experience at Lao She Teahouse. Listen and finish the following tasks.1. Betty and Lingling went to_last night. A. the cinema B. Lao She Teahouse C. the hotel2.What did Betty want to see? A.The Beijing Opera B.Tennis match C.Magic show3. How long did Lingling and Betty stay there? A. One day B.Three hours C.An hour 4. What is Lao She? A. An actor B. A teacher C. A writerListen to the dialogue and choose the right answers.Task 11Listen again and complete the dialogue.Task 2Betty: It was great! You know, I _ to see the Beijing Opera , so Lingling _ to take me there. We drank tea and watched an opera.Tony: Did you understand the opera?Betty: No, It was _ to understand the words. But the actors and _ were execellent.Tony:How long did you stay?Betty: We only _ to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.Tony: Did you enjoy it?Betty: Well, it was interesting - thats the main thing. I _ to understand more next time. .wanted offered difficult actressesplanned hope 2Betty: Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.Tony: How was it?Betty: It was great! You know, I wanted to see Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to take me there. We drank tea and watched an opera.Tony: Did you understand the opera?Betty: No, it was difficult to understand the words. But the actors and actress were excellent.Tony: How long did you stay?Betty: We only planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.Tony: Did you enjoyed it?Betty: Well, it was interesting-thats the main thing. I hope to understand more next time.Tony: Do you often go to see Beijing Opera, Lingling?Lingling: No, I dont. I wanted to take Betty to the teahouse because its famous.Tony: Who is Lao She?Betty: No idea. Ask Lingling.Lingling: Lao She is a great writer. Hes especially famous for his play Teahouse.offered towanted towanted toplanned tohope to Pay attention to the phrases.Lets see which group does Lets see which group does time!show time!show time!show time! .A:Where do you plan to go?B:I plan to .A:How do you decide to go there?B:I decide to .A:What do you want to do there?B:I want to. .Eg:Talk about your weekend plans.Work in pairs!Work in pairs!Work in pairs!Work in pairs! What have you learned from this lesson?1.Learn something about the Beijing Opera.2.How to express our plans.Summary:Summary:Summary:Summary:puppet showacrobatismshadow playLets enjoy our Chinese traditional culture.We are proud of Chinese traditional culture.A:1.Try to recite the conversation. 2.Write a composition: My weekend plansB: 1.Read the conversation at least three times. 2.Use “hope/want/plan/offer to” to make sentences. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for your listening!for your listening!for your listening!for your listening!1Module5 Lao She Teahouse Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.教学设计教学设计学校: 教材版本: 外研版外研版 教师 年级 八年级八年级学生人数3838授课时间2016.10.212016.10.21课题Module5Module5 Unit1Unit1课时安排 1 1 课时 第 1 1 课时授课类型 听说课听说课一、学情分析学生在七年级已学习接触了很多本单元所涉及的语法动词不定式,已对其用法有所了解。学生的信息技术操作能力预测:学生的信息技术操作能力预测:现在多数学生家庭中有电脑、智能手机、平板电脑等设备,具备上网条件;学生具备一定的上网收集、筛选图片等能力、运用智能设备进行演示的能力;这些都为本节课运用信息化教学手段提供了可能。可能存在的预期困难:可能存在的预期困难:虽然学生经过了一年的英语学习,词汇积累、阅读理解,及语言表达能力等都有了一定的提高,但大部分学生口头表达基础还比较薄弱,并且学生的水平参差不齐。所以,我设置的任务台阶低、密度大、层次性强,力争给有差异的学生设置合适的教学目标,在发展学生自信心的基础上激发学生的求知欲,使各个层次的都能得到不同水平的提高。 二、教学内容分析 本模块第一单元的对话以玲玲带贝蒂前往老舍茶馆观看京剧为主题,讲述了贝蒂在茶馆内的所见所闻,并简单介绍了京剧、作家老舍及其代表作茶馆。这段对话以谈论中国国粹京剧为主线,穿插使用了动词不定式作宾语的句子,教学情境自然生动,创设语言学习的情景,丰富学生的直观感受。本单元通过听说等一系列活动,训练学生的听说能力,引导学生掌握动词不定式的用法。 语言知识目标1.掌握重点词汇:actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea 等。2.功能:能够表达自己的意图和计划。3.语法:能够掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法。语言技能目标通过听,能扑捉到语篇中的重要信息,听懂有关京剧的对话,了解老舍茶馆,并感知动词不定式作宾语的表达方式;通过说,能够简单描述自己的意图和计划。三、教学目标设计情感态度目标培养学生对京剧、话剧等中国传统文化的兴趣和热爱,增强其民族自豪感。教学重点能够表达自己的意图和计划。四、教学重点难点教学难点能够掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法。教学过程Check pre-set homework教师活动检查前置作业,单词比赛。学生活动 抢答单词。五、教学过程设计教学环节 1设计意图先熟悉新单词,为学习课文对话打好基础,同时通过这种简单的单词比赛形式,能调动学生学习的积极性。2教学过程Lead-in教师活动1.播放音乐,猜音乐类型,通过最后一个音乐类型-京剧,导入话题。2.谈论京剧。学生活动听音乐,猜音乐类型,谈论京剧。教学环节 2设计意图以游戏形式导入课题,能激发学生学习兴趣,并且能让学生在一个轻松的氛围中进入课文学习。教学过程Listening教师活动Listen and underline the correct words or expressions.(Act2)1.Betty often sees / wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera.2.Betty knows / doesnt know Lao She Teahouse.3.Lingling says that the opera is easy / difficult to understand.学生活动听录音,独立完成练习。教学环节 3设计意图培养学生在听力活动中辨认细节的能力,也为下文听力做好铺垫。教学过程Listening教学环节 4教师活动(1)Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answers.(Act3)1.Betty and Lingling went to_last night. A.the cinema B.Lao She teahouse C.the hotel2.What did Betty want to see?A.The Beijing Opera B.Tennis match C. Magic show3.How long did Lingling and Betty stay there?A.One day B.Three hours C.An hour 4.What is Lao She?A.An actor B.A teacher C.A writer(2)Listen again and complete the dialogue.(Act3)Betty: Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night. Tony: How was it? Betty:It was great! You know, I _ to see the Beijing opera. so Lingling _ to take me there. We drank tea and watched an opera.Tony: Did you understand the opera? Betty: No,it was _ to understand the words. 3But the actors and _ were excellent. Tony: How long did you stay?Betty: We only _ to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.Tony: Did you enjoy it? Betty: Well, it was interesting-thats the main thing. I _ to understand more next time. Tony: Do you often go to see the Beijing Opera, Lingling? Lingling: No, I dont. I wanted to take Betty to the Teahouse because its famous.Tony: Who is Lao She? Betty: No idea. Ask Lingling. Lingling: Lao She is a great writer. Hes especially famous for his play Teahouse. 学生活动听录音,独立完成练习。设计意图设计接近中考题型的听力题进行练习,可以训练学生听力。同时通过两个听力练习,能让学生迅速熟悉课文对话内容。教学过程Reading教师活动Ask Ss to read the dialogue, practise the dialogue and role-play.学生活动 Read the dialogue and role-play the dialogue.教学环节 5设计意图培养学生能够分角色,用得当的语音语调进行朗读的能力。通过读课文,能让学生进一步熟悉课文。教学过程Speaking教师活动Ask Ss to talk about their weekend plans.学生活动 Work in pairs.教学环节 6设计意图运用动词不定式,通过一问一答的形式谈论周末计划,不仅能起到巩固学习语法的作用,又能够通过这一语言输出,及时检查学生的掌握情况。教学过程Summary教师活动让学生总结:What have you learned from this lesson?学生活动 认真总结本节课所学知识。教学环节 7设计意图引导学生对当堂课所学的知识点进行归纳总结,最终达到对知识能够融会贯通。教学环节 8教学过程Extension4教师活动介绍京剧以及中国其他的传统文化艺术。学生活动 了解更多的中国传统文化艺术。设计意图激发学生对京剧和中国传统文化的兴趣和热爱,增强其民族自豪感。教学过程Homework教师活动布置作业学生活动 按要求完成教学环节 9设计意图分层次作业,根据学生发展水平与个性差异,采取有针对性、区别性的教学活动,从而促使每一个学生都能在教学中得到发展。六、板书设计 Module5 Lao She Teahouse Group A Group B Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 动词不定式:动词不定式:plan to do want to do offer to do hope to do decide to do agree to do
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