Module 2 My home town and my country-Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-外研版八年级上册英语(编号:a084b).zip


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My home town and my countryin the east of.Bagong Mountainbe famous for.Home TownWhichWhich countrycountry isis it?it?Tony SmithWhich country is it? Britain England England is a part of Britain.Cambridge Its in the east of England. (north)(east)(south)(west)ENWS the UK England曼彻斯特曼彻斯特剑桥剑桥伦敦伦敦布里斯托尔布里斯托尔in the north of in the east of in the south of in the west ofnorthsouthwesteast1.Cambridge is _ England.2.London is _ England.3.Bristol is _ England.4.Manchester is _ England.Predicting(预测)What will you read?Reading Tip1You can use the title and the pictures to guess the main idea.Can you find a sentence that can tell us the main idea in each paragraph?topic sentence中心句中心句 Summary(总结)总结)/ overall meaning(大意大意) first sentencelast sentenceReading Tip2-SkimmingSkimmingSkimmingRead the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea.Para1Para2Para3Para4Something about London Something about England itselfThe weather of EnglandSomething about CambridgePara. 1&2Circle the famous places in Cambridge and famous for.Para. 1&2CambridgeCambridge Universityold buildings and churchesBig BenBuckingham PalaceTower BridgeIsaac NewtonCharles Darwin Cambridge London Locationin the _of England in the _ of England Riveron the River_ on the River _ Population _ thousand _ million Famous PlacesCambridge University, old buildings and churches Big Ben , Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge eastsouthCam Thames 1207.5Para. 1&2CambridgeLondonPKI like _ better. Because _is . than _.Para. 3&41. Whats in the north of England?2. Whats in the south of England?3. Whats the weather like in England?There are some low mountains and beautiful lakes.There are hills and pretty villages.Its never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.Reading Tip3You can use the key words to help find the answer. beautiful lakeslow mountainsthe hills and pretty villagesPara. 3&4Why do you need to take an umbrella in England?8:00 am9:00 am*Locationin the east of ChinaPopulationabout 10 millionHistoryover 2,000 yearsFamous Places Dashu Mountain, China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park, Hefei Swan Lake, Anhui University.Other thingsweather, people, food. We come from Hefei. It has a population of . Its. Our home town is famous for. summer winter. We think Hefei is . than many other cities. We believe our home town will become . act!Time toready?Are you*Jane_My home town- Hefei HomeworkHomework I come from Hefei, a beautiful city in. Its on the River. and has a population of . It is.http:/Cambridge,London and EnglandFast ReadingRead and match each paragraph with the main idea.(读文章,将每段与其主要意思进行连线。)Para1 Something about LondonPara2 Something about England itselfPara3 The weather about EnglandPara4. Something about CambridgeCareful ReadingPara1&2. Read paragraph1&2, the famous places in Cambridge and London. (读一、二两段,将剑桥和伦敦著名的地点圈出来)Para1&2. Fill in each blank with one word.(读一、二两段完成表格,每空一词。) Cambridge LondonLocationin the of England in the _ of England Riveron the River_ on the River _ Population _ thousand _ million Work in pairs, compare Cambridge with London.(和同桌讨论,比较剑桥和伦敦两个城市,说一说你更喜欢哪一个和同桌讨论,比较剑桥和伦敦两个城市,说一说你更喜欢哪一个)I like _ better. Because _ is than_( bigger, smaller, busier, quieter, older, newer, more famous, more interesting, larger/smaller in population, more)eg: London is bigger than Cambridge.Para3&4. Answer three questions about England.(读三、四两段,回答以下关于英格兰的三个问题)1. What is in the north of England? 2. What is in the south of England? 3. Whats the weather like in England?Work in groups of four or five and talk about our home townHefei. Then each circleGroup workgroup chooses one student to make a report.( 四或五人一小组谈一谈我们的家乡合肥,然后每组选一名代表做一个报告。)1Teaching DesignModule2 My home town and my countryUnit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.I.I.教材分析教材分析本课是外研版八年级(上)Module2 My home town and my country 的第二单元,是一节阅读课。本篇阅读材料中蕴含了丰富的文化内容和情感教育内容,实现了工具性和人文性的统一。课前学生已经学过形容词比较级的基本用法,并能用形容词比较级比较地点和地理特征。在此基础上,通过学习本课,学生被期待增加相关话题的单词量和相关话题的表达方式。通过本课时的教学内容与设计预测,学生能够巩固形容词比较级的用法,提高运用语言的能力和获取文本信息的能力。II.II.学情分析:学情分析:本课的教学对象为八年级的学生,年龄在十三四岁,学生抽象思维能力有了一些发展,但对初中生来说,这种抽象思维仍属经验型,还需要感性经验的直接支持。部分学生比较乐于参与各种英语实践活动,在小组活动中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。在前面的学习中学生已经掌握了形容词比较级的基本用法,能够使用比较级进行比较。学生基本能读懂浅易的阅读材料,但缺乏对于阅读策略的掌握和运用,学生的语言运用能力和获取文本信息的能力也有待进一步加强与提升。III.III.教学目标教学目标1.学生掌握并会使用以下词汇及句型谈论城市与国家并进行比较:单词:north, south, west, east, university, island, low, mountain, umbrella词组:home town, be famous for, in theof, have a population of, be part of.2.学生能够提高捕捉关键信息的能力,对语篇的理解能力,及在英语学习中的交际和合作能力。3.学生能够了解英国两个城市 Cambridge,London 以及 England 的基本地理信息,同时提升对自己家乡合肥的热爱之情。IV.IV.教学重难点教学重难点【教学重点】如何能引导学生正确、快速地捕捉关键信息并进行归纳。【教学难点】学生自身的阅读策略不足,所以在教学活动中,通过不断渗透某些阅读策略来帮助学生理解文章的内容是本课的难点。V.V.教学策略:教学策略:1.教学方法:任务型语言教学(Task-Based Language Teaching method)2.教学辅助手段:计算机辅助教学(Computer Assisted Instruction)VI.VI.教具:教具:多媒体,黑板,卡纸。VII. Teaching Procedures2教学过程教学过程(Procedures)教师活动教师活动(Teachers activities)学生活动学生活动(Students activities)设计意图设计意图(Intentions)Pre-reading(7mins)Step1.Warm upStep2. Elicit new words and phrasesStep3. PredictT shows something about her home town- Huainan to lead in the lesson.T plays a piece of video about the UK, then shows Ss a map of England and asks some questions. At the same time, T presents some new words and phrases.T shows Ss the title and pictures of the passage.Ss guess something about the teacher.Ss watch the video and answer: Which country is it? Ss look at the map and try to answer: Where is Cambridge/London/Bristol/Manchester?Ss predict the main idea of the passage.导入能够调动学生的积极性,并且能够唤起对语言结构的记忆,为接下来的文本阅读埋下了伏笔。通过英国视频引入话题英国,英格兰,利用英格兰地图教授生词及短语。导入所选话题符合学生的年龄特点和心理发育规律,引出话题并热身,激发学生学习的兴趣。通过标题和图片预测文本主要内容渗透阅读策略:PredictingWhile-reading(18mins)Step3. Read for main ideaT shows how to find the topic sentence of each paragraph.Ss read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with main idea.快速阅读文章找出每段中心句渗透阅读策略:SkimmingStep4.Read for specific information1. Let Ss read Paragraph1&22. Ask Ss to read Paragraph1&2 again.Then T shows how to compare two cities.3. Let Ss read Paragraph3&41. Ss read Paragraph 1 &2 and circle the famous places in Cambridge and London2. Ss read Paragraph1& 2 and fill in the blanks.Ss work in pairs, talk about the two cities and tell their partners which city they prefer.3. Ss read Paragraph 3&4 and answer three questions about 通过任务型教学法,对全文内容进行分段阅读。分段阅读能让学生更好地掌握文章的关键信息,课堂教学以任务为中心,而不是以单纯的语言教学为中心。渗透阅读策略:Scanning and Intensive Reading3England.Post-reading(15mins)Step5 RetellStep6.Group workLead Ss to make a summary about what they have read.T shows Ss some information about their home townHefei.Ss try to retell the passage according to the blackboard design.Ss work in groups of four or five discuss and talk about their home townHefei.学生利用板书对课文内容进行复述,能够加深对文本内容的理解,培养提升思维能力。同时,复述能够帮助教师检查反馈教学情况。渗透阅读策略:Mind-map学生小组合作讨论自己的家乡,巩固本节课对文本知识的理解,同时提高学生的语言实际运用能力。激发学生对自己家乡的热爱之情,增强自豪感及自信心。渗透情感目标East or west, home is the best!Homework1. Write a short passage My Home Town . 2. Surf on the Internet and find more information about Hefei.学生在课堂上大量输入目标语言后,布置该写作作业遵循了语言学习规律,由输入到输出,水到渠成。VIII. 板书设计板书设计My Home Town and My Country north: mountains and lakes west England east(Cambridge)(London) south: hills and villagesWeather: never very hot or coldEast or west, home is the best!1Module2 My Home Town and My CountryUnit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of EnglandGood morning, honorable judges. Its really my honor to stand here and give a brief introduction of my lesson. The content of my lesson is Module 2 Unit 2 in New Standard English Book 3. Ill divide the instruction into three parts: general introduction, teaching procedures and features of design.Part I. General Introduction1. Analysis of Teaching MaterialThe topic of this module is about home town and country. In this module, students will know how to use comparative adjectives to compare places and geographical features. And unit 2, which focuses on reading and writing skills, is about a passageCambridge, London and England. It not only provides students with information about these places, but also inspires students to learn about the cultural background.2. Analysis of Target StudentsThe target students are English readers of grade eight. They have developed their reading abilities to some extent. But some of them also have difficulty in understanding the material from the perspective of discourse.3. Teaching ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. cognize the new vocabulary and expressions related to the topic and use them to talk about places and make comparisons.2. use reading strategies to understand the structure and details; Moreover, they will be able to develop their cooperative learning skills.3. promote their cultural awareness and cultivate a deep affection for their home town.4. Teaching Important and Difficult Points2Teaching Important Points:According to the above teaching objectives, I think the language focus is to help students understand the passage by using some reading strategies.Teaching Difficult Points:Students may have difficulty in discussing and talking about their home town.5. Teaching MethodsAccording to the New Curriculum Standard, I mainly adopt Task-based Language Teaching method (TBLT) in my teaching. It offers students an opportunity to complete the tasks in which students use language to achieve a specific outcome. That is “Learning by doing, learning by using”. The students will be the masters of the class. At the same time, Ill make use of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) which can draw students attention to the class.Part II. Teaching ProceduresBased on the understanding of reading as an interactive progress, I divide the teaching procedures into basically three stages in which bottom-up and top-down techniques are integrated to help students develop their reading strategies and increase their language efficiency in general. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading.Step1 Warming upAt the very beginning of this class, I will show students some pictures about my home townHuainan and guide them to have a free talk, so as to lead into the topicMy Home Town and My Country.Purpose of my design: Students are curious about the information related to the teacher. Its easy to arouse students interest and relieve their learning anxiety. Simultaneously, they will be familiar with some new words and phrases like in the east of, mountain, be famous for, etc.Step 2 Setting the scene Next, I will introduce Tonys home town. Ill play a piece of video about the famous things of the UK. Students will watch the video and answer some questions about it. Then I will show students a map Pre-reading3of England, students will look at the map and try to identify the locations of these four famous cities, Cambridge, London, Bristol and Manchester. In this way, I can elicit four compass points (east, south, west, north ) to students.Purpose of my design: By doing this, we can acquaint the students with the cultural and social background knowledge relevant to the reading text.Step3 PredictingBefore they come to the passage, I will encourage students to predict the main idea according to the title and the pictures.Purpose of my design: Predicting is an important reading skill. Reading with predictions can make reading more intriguing and purposeful and therefore is likely to result in better comprehension.The while-reading activities include fast reading and intensive reading.Step4. Reading for the gistFirst of all, I will show students how to find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Then, students read the passage quickly by using this reading strategy and match each paragraph with main idea.Purpose of my design: By skimming, students can get the general idea of the whole passage and check their predictions.Step5. Reading for specific and detailed informationFor paragraph1&2, they will read something about Cambridge and London. First, scan and circle the famous places. Then, read it carefully and complete the table. In this way, theyll know something more about these two cities like location, river and population. After that, I will encourage them to work in pairs, talk about the two cities and tell their partners which city they prefer by using comparative adjectives. For instance, I like London better, because London is bigger than Cambridge.For paragraph 3&4, they are supposed to read and answer some questions about England. Before that, I will advise them to pay attention to the key words in the questions. Purpose of my design: By scanning, students will be able to locate specific information. By using transition devices, we can help students to simplify sophisticated input so that it becomes the basis for output.While-reading4Step6. Reading for inferencesAt the end of the passage, the writer says “Come and see England at any time of the year, but bring an umbrella with you. You will need it most days.” As is known to us, in England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about. And the resulting mixture of smoke and fog gave London its reputation of being foggy. I will try to help my students think and discuss the reason why people in England take umbrellas even on sunny days.Purpose of my design: Students will be encouraged to explore something more about the text by reading between and beyond the lines.Step7. RetellingOn the blackboard, student will see a simple mind-map. They are supposed to retell the passage according to the blackboard design. Purpose of my design: This language output activity can help students to produce language based on what they have learned.Step8. Group discussionFirst, Ill play a piece of video about beautiful scenery in Hefei to stimulate students interest. Then, the students will work in groups of four or five, discuss and talk about their own home townHefei. Ill provide students with some information to help them. The students will add and select the information, then make reports. According to the reports, they can get five key words about Hefei. And the first letters of these key words areH, E, F, E, I. So they will come to realize that Hefei is a historical, enjoyable, famous, educational and interesting place. Meanwhile, they will be aware that East or west, home is the best!Purpose of my design: Students can have an opportunity to integrate what they have learned with their own knowledge and develop their communicative competence.Step9. HomeworkFor the homework, they need to write a short passage My Home Town and surf on the Internet and find more information about Hefei.Purpose of my design: The written homework can help them to consolidate what they have Post-reading5discussed in class. In addition, I will provide them with a website to broaden students horizons.I design the blackboard writing like this to enable students to get a clearer view of the structure and help them to retell more easily.Part III. Features of DesignFor the last part, lets come to the features of design. On the one hand, the learning process is the proces
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