Unit 4 Inventions-listening &Talk time &speak up-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-部级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:90c27).zip


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Handout for U4 Listening & SpeakingI. Pair work: Answer customers questions and introduce the funny inventions.C: Whats this?S: _C: What can it do? / What can I do with it?S: _II. Get to know the robots in the Fun store: Listen and complete the table.Appearanceheight: (1)_ metresweight: (2)_ kilogramsWhat can it do?run and (3)_ stairshelp make (4)_ in factoriesPlacemade in (5)_Whats special?get (6)_ when you (7)_ _What can it do?cook (8)_ for youII. Create your own inventions for the Fun Store:Whats special?P-2000P-2000P-2000KY-JOKY-JOKY-JO* Useful expressions: round / square / long / short / heavy / light head / body / legs / wings wheels / lights / window / monitor / speaker gold / silver / iron / plastic / glass. It is tall / long / wide It weighs It has with It can help us / With it, you can If (When) you, it willSelf-assessment (自检表自检表)How well do you know this lesson? Tick the boxes. 1. I know what to do before the listening.My inventionWhat can it do?What does it look like?2. I can listen to and understand passages about inventions.3. I can use the following patterns to tell people what an invention can do: sth. can . / You can use sth. to. If you., you can. / With sth., you can.4. I can use the following patterns to tell people what something looks like: It is.tall / It weighs.5. I know how to introduce an invention to other people.6. I already have an idea of my own invention.I have a secret job in my free time.StoreStoreStoreToday, I need your help!Please help me sell my inventions!umbrellashoes with brushesheavy or light?Get to know 4 funny inventions in my storeWhy are there two?UmbrellasBrushesThe ExerciseTwo-way1st Listening: Write down the names2nd Listening: What can they do?1.1.TheThe firstfirst inventioninvention cancan _._.a.a. makemake youryour shoesshoes moremore beautifulbeautifulb.b. keepkeep thethe dustdust offoff youryour shoesshoesc. c. keepkeep thethe rainrain offoff youryour feetfeet2.2.YouYou buybuy thethe secondsecond inventioninvention totoa.a. keepkeep youryour catscats feetfeet warmwarmb.b. keepkeep youryour catscats feetfeet cleancleanc. c. helphelp youyou cleanclean thethe floorfloor2nd Listening: What can they do?3.3.If If youyou buybuy thisthis telephone,telephone, youyou will_.will_.a.a. talktalk moremorec. c. talktalk happilyhappilyb.b. talktalk lessless4.4.WithWith thisthis pairpair ofof glasses,glasses, youyou _._.a.a. cancan looklook behindbehind andand in in frontfront ofof youyou atat thethe samesame timetimeb.b. willwill seesee thingsthings moremore clearlyclearlyc. c. willwill looklook coolcoolWhen we want to say what an invention can do XXX can You buy XXX to If you , you will (can) With XXX, you can You can use XXX toPair work:SalesmanCustomerAre you able to answer customers questions?C: Whats this?S: _C: What can it do?/ What can I do with it?S: _(You can add one more question.) XXX can You buy xxx to With XXX, you can You can use xxx to If you , you will (can) Pair work:Group 14 / Group 58Pair work: XXX can You buy xxx to With XXX, you can You can use xxx to If you , you will (can) C: Whats this?S: _C: What can it do?/ What can I do with it?S: _.Pair work: XXX can You buy xxx to With XXX, you can You can use xxx to If you , you will (can) C: Whats this?S: _C: What can it do?/ What can I do with it?S: _.We also have robots!StoreP-2000KY- JOAppearanceAppearance height:height: _ metresmetreswweight:eight: _ kilogramskilogramsThingsThings it it cancan dodo runrun andand _ stairs.stairs. helphelp makemake _ in in factoriesfactoriesPlacePlace mademade in in _WhatsWhats special?special? getget _ whenwhen youyou _ThingsThings it it cancan dodo cookcook _?Tip: Guess as much as possibleAppearanceAppearance height:height: _ metresmetres weight:weight: _ kilogramskilogramsThingsThings it it cancan dodo runrun andand _ stairs.stairs. helphelp makemake _ in in factoriesfactoriesP-20003200climbcars“The height is” (not good)“It is tall” (good)“The weight is” (not good)“It weighs ” (good)Answer in complete sentences.PlacePlace mademade in in _WhatsWhats special?special? getget _ whenwhen youyou _ThingsThings it it cancan dodo cookcook _for_for youyouKY- JOangry leave it alonemealsthe UKAnswer in complete sentences.Group work: Introduce the robots.Group 14 P-2000Group 58 KY-JOP-2000 Height: 3 meters Weight: 200 kilograms Things it can do: run / climb stairs make cars / factoriesTip: Add a beginning or ending. KY- JO Producing place: the UK Something special: angry / leave alone Things it can do: cook meals“P-2000 is a useful robot”Fun Store is looking for partners (合伙人合伙人) !Group work: Create your own inventions and join Fun Store.Store partnersand their inventionsIt has a round head with two big eyes as lamps.If you say “clean”, it will shoot some water on the floor and start to clean. Cleaning robotStore partners It only weighs 5 grams, as light as a feather. But with the glasses, you can read when youre sleeping. You can also see things far away. Magical GlassesStore partnersMyMy inventioninventionWhatsWhats special?special?WhatWhat doesdoes it it looklook like?like?WhatWhat cancan it it do?do?Group work: Create your own inventions and be Fun Stores partners!Useful expressionsroundround / / squaresquare / / longlong / / shortshort / / lightlight / / heavyheavyheadhead / / bodybody / / legslegs / / wingswings wheelswheels / / lightslights / / windowwindow / / monitormonitor / / speakerspeakergoldgold / / silversilver / / ironiron / / plasticplastic / / glass.glass.It It is is talltall / / longlong / / widewideIt It weighsweighsIt It hashas withwith It It cancan helphelp usus / / WithWith it, it, youyou cancanIf If (When)(When) you,you, it it willwillShow TimeStoreSummary1. Before listening2. When we want to tell others what an invention can do3. When we want to tell others what an invention looks like 4. When we introduce an invention, we can includeHomework Develop your ideas on your inventions. Draw picture for it if you like. Later you need to write an article about it in the writing lesson.18A Unit 4 Listening & Speaking一、教学材料一、教学材料Level: Junior TwoTeaching Material: Oxford English (2013) Book 8A P54 / Book 8B P39Teaching content: Unit 4 Listening & SpeakingLesson type: Listening & SpeakingLesson length: 40 minutes二、教学内容分析二、教学内容分析本节听说课出自牛津粤教版八年级上第四单元。本单元主题为“发明”,阅读课文章介绍三种历史上具有重要意义的发明,听力课材料则关于几个奇趣发明,口语活动谈论一些家用常见发明,写作则要学生发挥想象描述自己的一项发明。经过对教材内容的整合,笔者决定本节听说课的听力部分以 A 册 Listening 为引,补充 B 册一段关于机器人的听力材料,这两个材料内容相关(都是谈论“有趣的发明”),功能相近(介绍性),因此可以结合在一起;口语部分则在听力输入的基础上重点训练学生学会口头简单介绍一个发明物(包括功能、外形、特点等),并鼓励学生发挥想象创造自己的一项发明,这也为本单元后面的写作课做了铺垫。而原教材的口语活动则结合阅读课作为一个读后讨论活动进行处理。三、学情分析三、学情分析 授课班级为广铁一中(越秀校区)初二(1)班学生,笔者在本学期才开始任教这一班级。该班学生英语水平中上,且较为平均,能接受全英授课。大部分学生喜爱英语学习、乐于开口,与教师互动良好、课堂气氛融洽。但笔者也发现该班学生听力训练不够系统,欠缺对听力技能、策略的认知,语言使用细节处不够规范,且有时思维较受局限,不敢自由发挥。因此笔者在设计本课时,在听力部分会注意进行听力技巧与策略的渗透(其中“预测”是重点),在口语部分则会向学生强调要使用完整的2句子,同时设计一个需要学生发挥想象力的活动,在此活动前会通过不同手段设法去调动学生的思维,以期他们能更大的激发自己的潜能并得到更丰富的输出。四、教学目标四、教学目标1. 语言能力: 1)理解 keep.off, at the same time, leave.alone 等词汇含义;能运用介绍物品功能的句型,如:sth. can. / With sth., you can. / You can use sth. to .等。 2)掌握听力微技能:分析图片内容、预测所缺信息、听取主旨大意及重点细节。 3)能口头介绍一项发明物的用途、外形、特点等并对其进行推销。2. 思维品格:通过设计发明的活动激发想象力、锻炼发散性思维。3. 文化品格:通过对“发明”这一话题的探讨,渗透“贡献自己的力量令世界变得更美好”的意识;通过长期的小组得分制活动强化团队精神、竞争意识。4. 学习能力:通过小组合作完成学习任务;懂得在分享中借鉴别人的亮点。五、教学重点、难点五、教学重点、难点1. 指导学生恰当运用听力策略完成听力任务。2. 训练学生恰当运用句型介绍一项发明物,并帮助学生调动想象设计自己的发明。六、教学设计理念六、教学设计理念交际法强调语言的基本功能是社会交际,因此本课首先就为课堂创设了一个 Fun Store 的情景,在情景中引出听说各项任务,强调语言学习环境的真实性。统一的情景不仅将教学各环节自然的衔接起来,更为各个学习任务创造了真实的需求,不会令学生感到是为了做练习而做练习。另外多个课堂任务采取生生对话、小组合作的形式开展,使学生在学习的过程中也要尽量运用语言进行交际。此外,中考改革后采用听说合考的形式,虽然八年级远未必进入备考阶段,但仍可在教学中尝试渗透,本课的几个口语活动的设计也参考了信息转述、询问信息等题型。3七、教学过程七、教学过程教学步骤教学步骤教学意图教学意图教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动时长时长Warming-up为课堂创设情景、激发学生参与兴趣T talks about her secret job as the owner of the Fun Store and thus creates the situation for the class as well as introduces the topic of today fun inventions.Ss guess Ts secret job and look at the pictures of some strange inventions in Fun Store.2 minsListening A1. 通过听前对图片的分析进行第一次“预测”技巧的渗透。2. 在听力练习中训练学生听取信息大意的能力。3. 通过听力材料向学生展示 4 种非常有趣的发明,进一步展开课堂情境,激发学生兴趣。4. 引导学生从听力材料中归纳有用句型,为下一步的口头输出做铺垫1. Draw Ss attention to the special things on the pictures and help Ss get to know the four inventions before the listening.2. Give an example and encourage Ss to find out useful patterns from the listening material to describe the function of an invention.1. Listen to the recording twice and finish two exercises in the textbook.:a. write down the names of the inventionsb. find out their functions2. Find out the other 4 patterns from the listening material.7 minsOral practice A训练学生成句的口头输出,介绍发明物的功能。Ask Ss to work in pairs and explain the situation dialogues between customers and salesmen.Ss work in pairs in the roles of customers and salesmen and talk about the functions of the 4 inventions according the listening.4 minsListening B1. 通过听前引导学生猜测空格中可能要填的单词,第二次渗透“预测”的技巧。2. 在听力练习中训练学生听取重点细节的能力1. Introduce 2 robots in Fun store to Ss.2. Before the listening, remind Ss to go through the information card they are going to complete about the robots and ask them to guess as much as 1. Ss listen to the recording twice and complete the information card about the robots.2. Ss read out the answers in complete 7 mins43. 通过要求学生用完整句子报出答案,强化口语输出中句子的概念。4. 通过强调有用句型为下面学生介绍机器人的外形做好铺垫。possible.2. Ask Ss to use complete sentences when checking the answers.3. Emphasize some useful patterns when talking about the robots appearance.sentences.Oral Practice B训练学生成篇的输出,介绍一项发明物,包括外形、特点、功能等。1. Ask Ss to work in groups to introduce the two robots.2. Remind Ss to add a beginning or ending to their introduction.Ss work in groups to give introduction to the 2 robots.5 minDiscussion & Presentation综合锻炼学生的发散性思维及口头介绍一项发明物的能力1. Explain the situation: Fun Store is looking for partners2. Ask Ss to create an invention of their own so as to apply for the partnership.3. Share two inventions from last year.4. Use the spidergram to show Ss what to include when designing their inventions.1. Work in groups and create their own inventions.2. Present their inventions.14 minsConclusion & assessment总结、反馈。1. Remind Ss of the listening skills and the ways to introduce an invention.2. Get students to reflect on their performance in class by filling an assessment form.1. Recall the listening skills and the ways to introduce an invention.2. Reflect on their performance in class by filling an assessment form.1 minHomeworkDevelop your ideas about your inventions and get ready for the writing class. Draw pictures for your inventions if you like.5八、板书设计八、板书设计Unit 4 Speaking & ListeningPatterns: You can use . to. If you., you can. It is. tall It weighs. kg.New words: keep off / pattern / leave.alone Group competition 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2九、教学特色九、教学特色1、情境创设生动,让学生在真实的语境中体会语言的使用。统一的情境不仅将教学各环节自然的衔接起来,更为各个学习任务创造了真实的需求,不会令学生感到是为了做练习而做练习。2、任务设计有层次、有梯度,并且通过多种任务培养和发展学生的听力、口语能力。两段听力都强调了“预测”的听力微技能,重点突出;而学生任务则从理解 4 个发明的主要功能递进到听取 8 个空格的细节信息,循序渐进。口语任务由句型铺垫到成句输出再到成篇输出,由易到难、环环相扣;且前面的口语任务基本上是在听力输入的基础上输出,属于“转述”性质,最后的“设计、分享自己的发明”这一环节,则不仅锻炼了学生的语言表述,同时也对他们的思维能力提出更高要求。3、以发展学生的语言能力为核心,同时培养想象力和创造力。教师结合 Invention 的话题,通过创设任务情景,让学生使用英语表达自己的想法,在这过程中发挥和锻炼想象力和创造力。
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Unit Inventions_listening &Talk time &speak up_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_部级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:90c27) 沪教版 英语 _unit
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