Unit 4 Inventions-Reading Great inventions -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:21d3a).zip


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The Second Shenzhen Maker Week TheyThey willwill supportsupport moremore makersmakers andand theythey willwill carecare moremore aboutabout thethe communicationcommunication ofof technologytechnologyElectronicElectronic businessbusiness isis justjust thethe openingopening ofof revolutionrevolutionMind control of UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) 90km/ h the internet car VR Pay VR Pay是什么?是什么?加入加入VR Pay功能后,用户在功能后,用户在下单时眼前会出现一个下单时眼前会出现一个3D形形态的支付宝收银台,用户根态的支付宝收银台,用户根据所戴据所戴VR头显的操作特点,头显的操作特点,通过凝视、点头、手势等控通过凝视、点头、手势等控制方法登陆支付宝账户,并制方法登陆支付宝账户,并输入密码并完成交易。输入密码并完成交易。 Robot Unit 4 Great Inventions Reading computer light bulb mobile phone paper telephone train wheel7These inventions help us in many ways in our daily lives. We may use them anytime, anywhere.They are very practical.Inventions change our way of life. Look at the photos below. Write the name of each invention in the blanks.In pairs , talk about one of the everyday inventions below or a choice of your own.What is the most important invention to you and your family?What do you use it for?How often do you use it?Can you live without it? S1: The computer is the most useful invention to me and my family. S2: Why is that? S1: My dad uses it for his job. My mum uses it to buy clothes . And my sister uses it to write emails to her friends . S2: What do you use it for? S1: I use it for my studies. At the weekend, I also use it to watch films. Whats the most useful invention to you and your family? S2: The mobile phone. I use it to Skimming(略读)略读) means to read an article quickly to get its general idea. To skim an article, you should look at its introduction, title, sub-headings, photos or pictures, and the first and last sentences of each paragraph.How do inventions change the world ? 发明是如何改变世界?发明是如何改变世界?introduction 引言引言Look at the photos, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 51. Then answer the questions below.Reading Firstly, skim the title and the introduction and try to answer the following questions. 1. What is the article about? A. Great People B. the World C. Great changes D. Great inventions 2. How many great inventions will be mentioned in the article?A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five小试牛刀小试牛刀 Then, skim the first and the last sentences of each paragraph and answer the following questions: 1. _ may be the greatest invention in history. A. The wheel B. The telephone C. The light bulb D. We dont know 2. We would not have _ if we had not have the wheel. A. The telephone B. The light bulb C. The train D. The plane 3. When was the first practical telephone invented? A. In 1867 B. In 1786 C. In 1876 D. In 1678 4. Who developed the first practical light bulb in 1879? A. Alexander Graham B. Thomas Erikson C. Thomas Edison D. NobodyThe wheelThe wheel is perhaps the greatest inventionin history. After its invention, travellingbecame faster and more comfortable. Afew thousand years ago, people startedto use wheels on carriages. In the early19th century, the first trains began tocarry passengers. At the start of the 20thcentury, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions.Great inventionsscanningscanningGreat inventions change the world. They help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history.InventorTime of inventionLife after its inventionInfluence (影响影响):Examples:The wheelPart 1: Read the first part of the article and complete the table.Dont know.A few thousand years ago.Travelling became faster and more comfortable. 1. People used wheels on carriages 2. trains began to carry passengers 3. cars became popularThe telephoneAlexander Graham Bell invented one of the first practical telephones in 1876. Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones. They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.The telephone Part 1:Read the second part , and judge true ( T )or false( F )1.Joseph Swan invented one of the first practical telephones . 2.Today thousands of people across the world own mobile phones.3.Alexander Bell invented the telephones in 1879.Alexander Graham Bellmillions of in 1876 The light bulbThomas Edison developed the first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime. Can you imagine living without them?gas lamp 就是把煤油加压后送到灯头处加热,加热到煤油气化,气化后的煤油有喷嘴喷出和空气混合后燃烧,那个灯泡就是纱罩,它经过硫酸钍浸泡,有煤油燃烧时得有煤油燃烧时得高温加热到白炽化而发光高温加热到白炽化而发光。 Part 3 :Read the third part of the article and answer these questions.The light bulbPeople had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles.People can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime.Now listen to the article.Play a game$100$200$300$400$100$200$300$400Questions from the textGeneralKnowledge Rules: $500$500Choose one question from the table. If your answer is right, you can get the money. If you answer is wrong, you will lose the money. Good luck!easydifficult1 Which of the three things was invented first? _The wheel was invented first.$1002 What inventions did the wheel make possible? _It made the inventions of carriages, trains and cars possible.The wheel$2003 How do mobile phones help people keep in touch with each other? _They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.$300 Translate the sentence:Travelling became faster and more comfortable.旅行变得更加快捷和舒适。旅行变得更加快捷和舒适。$400 They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. 请用请用allow sb. to do sth. 造句造句 e.g. My parents dont allow me to go out at night.$500$100One of the most famous stories about _ is the story bout him and an apple.One day, _ was sitting under and apple tree. An apple fell on his head. Isaac NewtonGive names for each picture.oil lampgas lampcandlelight bulb$200Can you say the names of Four Great Inventions of Ancient China in English? gunpowdercompasspapermakingprinting$300$400_ is very popular all over Asia. It is a kind of paper lantern with a closed top and a small candle inside. The candle heats the air inside them and makes it rise.The Kongming Lantern (P62 Culture corner)$500_ and the first plane In 12 seconds in the year 1903, two young Americans changed the word forever. _ improved their plane, and by 1909, it could fly 32 kilometers. _ are surely among the most important inventors of the 20th century. The Wright BrothersHave a discussion in groups. Talk about the inventions you would like to create.What can people do with it?People can use it toWhat will life be after the invention of it? In the past.Now.What would you do? 机器自动为爸爸刮胡子,不必涂抹刮胡液。机器自动为爸爸刮胡子,不必涂抹刮胡液。Humorous inventions in the future未来趣味发未来趣味发明明背包载你去上学。背包载你去上学。变成一身健康的古铜色皮肤只需几秒钟。变成一身健康的古铜色皮肤只需几秒钟。感冒时,你的鼻子有专感冒时,你的鼻子有专“机机”护理。护理。即使你在睡觉,机器人也可以帮你锻炼身体即使你在睡觉,机器人也可以帮你锻炼身体 。可以不换节目单换一个演员。可以不换节目单换一个演员。 如果你要去其他大陆,你可以自己开车去。如果你要去其他大陆,你可以自己开车去。四条腿的裤子保证你随时随地可以休息。四条腿的裤子保证你随时随地可以休息。你可以在卫生间里练习冲浪。你可以在卫生间里练习冲浪。汽车在停车标志前必须停车。汽车在停车标志前必须停车。如果你输入不健康词汇,电脑就会惩罚你。如果你输入不健康词汇,电脑就会惩罚你。医生同时也是魔术师,他可以不用医生同时也是魔术师,他可以不用X射线检查你的骨骼。射线检查你的骨骼。直升机式的帽子可以轻松快速地带你到达目的地直升机式的帽子可以轻松快速地带你到达目的地 。衣服能自动换成时新样式。衣服能自动换成时新样式。 Write a short paragraph to describe the inventions you would like to create. If necessary, use the following sentences to help you.A lot of inventions have helped people live a better life, and I would like to createI would like to inventI really want toThis invention will makewill be the most useful invention in the future. It will change the world around us.教学目标 1. Know more about the three of the most important inventions in history2. Develop the reading ability and speaking skills教学重点Let students know the importance of the three most important inventions in history.教学难点 Know the history and the importance of the three inventions 教材分析教学关键Pay attention to the practical usage of the three inventions教法与学法指导Reading competition, cooperation, self-study.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一第一环节环节复习复习回顾回顾平移平移的基的基本性本性质,质,引入引入课题课题Step one: Free talk :Which invention do you use most in your daily life?1.talk about the important invention in daily life1. Show some pictures of different inventions in daily life 1.To arouse the interest and lead them to get into the topic of this unit.5第二第二环节环节观察观察操作、操作、探索探索归纳归纳平移平移的作的作法法 Step two: Fast reading Step three: while-reading.Reading comprehension. 2. Read the text quickly and answer the questions 2. Show the question:a. Where did people begin to use wheels?b. Why do the writer say wheels is perhaps the most important invention in the world ?c. Who invented one of the first practical telephone in 1876?d. When did 2.Let the students get the general idea of the text. 25Step four: Discussion 3. Read the text in details and finish the blank filling exercise in a sheet, then check the answers ,after that , try to design questions according to the text and ask your classmates to answer it .Then sum up the use of computers in our daily life.4. Talk in group : If there is no light bulbs, how will you live ?Thomas Edison develop the first practical light bulb ?3. hand out the sheet and design the blank according to the important information.Then check the answers with students. Pay attention to some key words of this unit:The greatest invention, since then , millions of , allow to do , keep in touch 4. Let some students to give a speech about “ If there is no light bulbs , how will you live?3.To make them get familiar with the details of the text and train their ability of reading4.train the students speaking ability and cooperation ability. 第三第三环节环节课堂课堂练习练习Step five: exercise5.Finish the exercise in Part C and D5.Help them to find the details in the text.5. To train the students reading ability . 5第四第四环节环节课时课时小结小结step Six: Sum up 6 Sum up : Know more about computers and make good use of computers 6. list out the basic use of computers 6. Prepare for the writing 5第五第五环节环节课后课后作业作业 Homework 1. Read the text fluently 2.Write a passage : How do light bulbs help us in our daily life? Hand out a sheet which contain the request of writing the passageStrengthen the comprehension of the text.课堂教学流程Free talk - Preparation -Reading competition - Discussionexercisesum up-Homework .效果评价与反思
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