Unit 3 Computers-Reading Computer facts -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:1062f).zip


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1Unit 3 Computer factsClass:_Name:_No.:_I.Exercise 1Match the main ideas with each part of the article.II. Exercise 2True or false.1 The first computers were born in the 1940s. _2 Computers are all tiny. _3 When calculating, computers usually make mistakes. _4 We depend on computers a lot in our life. _5 A computer is cleverer than a man. _III. Exercise 3Read the first part of the article and complete the table.Smaller and better2The first computers in the 1940s carsDevelopment(发展)Becoming ExampleThere is probably one inside your TV or washing machine.Computers nowadays(现在的电脑)Conclusion(结论) (你对电脑的依赖比你意识到的要多。 )IV. Exercise 4Read the second part of the article and complete the table.What can we do with computers? _Advantages(优点) almost never give wrong answers _ _We can use computers to do important jobsExamples _3V. Brainstorming: What else can we do with computers?Your Notes:_4VI. Discussion Discuss with your group and write down as many reasons as you can:Computers are good for our lives.Computers are bad for our lives. Exercise随着科技的发展和社会的进步,电脑已走进了人们的日常生活,并且发挥着重要作用。请写一篇短文,描述你平时用电脑做的事情和你对电脑的看法。80 词左右。_6_Where can we find computers?A What do you know about ?How much do you know about computers ? Look at the photo below and tell the names of each part.keyboardmonitorspeakersmain unitmouseshow words and picturesfor typingthe “brain” of a computer to control the computerwhere sound comes fromMatch the functions with the parts.1 minute to read the article and finish Exercise 1 on your handout.Exercise 1 Match the main ideas with each part of the article.Computer factsPart 3Is a computer clever than me?Part 2What can we do with computers?Part 1 Smaller and bettera. Futureb. Function(功能)c. Development(发展)Listen to the recording and finish Exercise 2 on your handout.Exercise 2 True or False.1.The first computers were born in the 1940s. _2.Computers are all tiny. _3.When calculating, computers usually make mistakes. _4.We depend on computers a lot in our life. _5.A computer is cleverer than a man. _TFFTFCarefully read the first part of the article and finish Exercise 3 on your handout.Exercise 3Complete the table.Smaller and betterThe first computersin the 1940s carsComputers nowadays(现现在的电脑电脑 )Development(发发展) Becoming _ExampleThere is probably one inside your TV or washing machine.Conclusion(结论结论 )_(你对电脑的依赖比你意识到的要多。)bigger thansmaller and betterYou depend on computers more than you realize.Do you know the development of computers?3big, heavy124be made up of thinnersmaller, thinner, lighter, smarterCarefully read the second part of the article and finish Exercise 4 on your handout.Exercise 4Complete the table.We can use computers to_Advantages(优点) _do important jobsExamplesWhat can we do with computers?calculate at a faster speed than we canoperate railways type and draw thingscalculatefly planesfly spaceships almost never give wrong answersWhat else can we do with computers? studying: do homework, read news, make PPTs look for information talk with people: email, QQ relaxing: music, film, play games shopping DiscussionComputers are good for our lives.Computers are bad for our lives.15 students for each sideDiscuss with your group and write down as many reasons as you can.The winning group can have a prize.SummaryComputers are good for our lives.Computers are bad for our lives.1. They provide us with more ways to study or relax.2. They help us learn more knowledge about the world.3. It is easier for us to talk to people from all over the world.4. It is convenient to buy whatever we want.5. 1. They do harm to our eyes.2. Computer games waste our time and energy.3. Someone might steal our important information.4. We will depend on them and become lazy.5. .Homework1. Read the third part of the article and think about the following question. Q: Will computers replace(取代) human in the future?2. Finish the follow-up exercise on Page 3-4 of your handout.1Unit 3 Computers facts课题课题:沪教 2011 课标版,八年级上册,Unit 3 Computers课型课型:阅读课教学时间教学时间:40 分钟一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析本单元以“电脑”为话题,以电脑和互联网的用途为主线,旨在通过单元教学,综合听、说、读、写等多种形式,使学生了解电脑和信息技术的产生和发展过程,及其在我们的学习、工作、娱乐等生活中所起的重要作用,激发学生对信息技术的兴趣。在本课中,学生将通过阅读一篇介绍电脑外观、用途和未来发展趋势的说明文,了解电脑在人类社会中的重要作用。本课的教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交流和思考。二、二、学情分析学情分析初二 1 班为年级创新班,在过去一学年的英语学习中,学生的语言技能有所进步,但随着学习的深入,中考对学生逻辑性要求的提高,学生遇到的新问题亦显而易见。例如,学生对单一话题的认识只停留在课本内容上,相关拓展知识储备不足。在写作或口语表达等输出环节,学生对问题内容的阐述欠充裕,常停留在用一个简单句子回答问题,或是有观点却无理据支撑的层面上。因此,本课将从实际情况出发,利用本2单元“电脑”这一与学生的学习生活密切相关的主题,鼓励学生积极开动脑筋,动用他们的知识储备对单元主阅读篇章的内容进行补充,并通过对电脑的利与弊的讨论,学习如何利用理据支撑自己的观点。三、三、教学目标教学目标1.语言能力:语言能力:1)能够准确运用与电脑话题相关的词汇及表达。2)能够通过略读及找读策略,利用图表来理解文章结构,归纳文章主要信息。3)能够用英语语言就单元主题进行简单的辩论。2.思维品质:思维品质: 增强对新鲜事物的求知欲,努力探索不断发展中的信息技术。3.文化品格:文化品格:1)了解电脑的历史、对人类生活的重要作用及其发展趋势。2)深入理解电脑给人类生活带来的利与弊,树立正确对待电脑的意识。4.学习能力:学习能力:培养学生探索问题、解决问题、关注生活、合作学习的能力。3四、四、教学重点、难点教学重点、难点1. 运用图表理清主阅读篇章的结构和主要内容。2. 正确认识电脑的利与弊,并学会用理据支撑自己的观点。五、五、教学设计理念教学设计理念本节课理论指导为布鲁姆的教学目标认知分类法,考虑学生对该话题有一定的基础词汇以及作为本单元话题重要语言输入,教学设计围绕阅读策略和如何运用所学内容进行综合运用两个要点开展组织课堂,引领学生由浅入深,逐级推进学习。本课采用交际法及任务型教学法,根据学生的需求,在教学中创造接近真实交际的情景,并采用小组合作进行模拟辩论的形式,展开基于主阅读篇章的拓展活动,通过言语交际活动培养学生运用英语语言进行交际的能力,并把课堂交际活动与课外生活的交际结合起来。六、六、教学过程教学过程PhaseSpecific aimsTeacher activityStudent activityTimeIntro-ductionTo prepare the students for what they are going to read.To ask the students a question: where can we see computers? Brainstorm names of places which have computers.1min4Pre-readingTo arise the students interest of this lesson by identifying pictures of each part of a computer. To show the students pictures of different parts of a computer and ask the students to match the names and functions to the pictures. Use prior knowledge to try to match names and functions of different parts of a computer.2minsWhile-readingITo train the students to skim through a text and help them to briefly identify the structure and the main idea of the text. To get the students to skim the text to identify the general ideas of each part of the text.To skim the text and match the general ideas of each part.3minsWhile-readingIITo help the students to reach a detailed understanding of the text by listening to the recording.To play the recording of the text and to get the students to decide whether the statements are true or false. To decide the T/F exercise.3minsWhile-readingIII1.To get the students to identify the development of computers better. 2.To help the students know more about the history of computers and improve oral 1.To ask the students to finish a table about the development of computers according to the text.2.To show pictures of different computers in the history and ask the students to use a complete sentence to describe them 1.To read the first part of the text carefully and finish Table 1.2.To describe the development of computers according to the pictures.8mins5expression. with the keywords. While-readingIV1.To get the students to identify the functions and advantages of computers better. 2.To help the students know more about other functions of computers and improve oral expression.1.To ask the students to finish a table about the functions of computers according to the text.2.To get the students into group discussion of other functions of computers in our daily life.1.To read the second part of the text carefully and finish Table 2.2.To discuss other functions of computers and exchange ideas.8minsPost-readingTo train the students to judge the pros and cons of computers and expression personal ideas with supporting details.To reorganize the students into two groups, representing the supporters and opponents of computers. To ask representatives to share ideas after group discussion.To summarize the reasons of supporters and opponents.To discuss the pros and cons of computers in groups and present ideas to the class.13minsAssign-mentTo summarize the lesson and put forward a question To get the students to summarize the first two parts of the text and think To summarize and think about the question as a preview of the third part of 2mins6七、七、板书设计板书设计八、八、教学效果及教学反思教学效果及教学反思本课以电脑和互联网的用途为主线,通过综合听、说、读、写等多种形式,使学生了解了电脑和信息技术的产生和发展过程,及其在我们的学习、工作、娱乐等生活中所起的重要作用,有效激发了学生对信息技术的兴趣。在本课中,任务设置成功调动了学生的知识储备,并对单元主阅读篇章的内容进行补充。通过对电脑的利与弊的讨论,学生有效学习了如何利用理据支撑自己的观点。which could be the introduction to the next lesson. about the question: are computers going to replace human?the text.
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Unit Computers_Reading Computer facts _ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:1062f) 沪教版 英语 _unit _ppt 课件 教案
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