Unit 5 Educational exchanges-Reading An exchange visit is educational and interesting -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:60155).zip


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- 1 -学习目标学习目标1.深入理解文本内容,运用略读和找读的阅读策略,获取关键信息。2.根据关键词及重点句式,复述主阅读篇章。3.通过阅读,了解教育交流活动,体会其意义,培养全球视野。学习重点学习重点了解如何描述教育交流活动。学习难点学习难点根据图片、关键词及重点句式,复述主阅读篇章。My class database 我的课前资料库 Would you like to go to another country to further your study? Consolidation and improvement 巩固与提高巩固与提高请根据课文内容回答下列问题请根据课文内容回答下列问题1. How did Sarah feel when she first arrived? Choose something you like.To learn a new language.To make new friends.To enjoy different kinds of food.To become more independent(独立) and learn how to look after ourselves.To learn more about foreign cultures and customs.- 2 -_2. What does she think of her host family? _3. What has Sarah learnt from her host family? _4. What do the exchange students do onweekdays? _5. What do they do at the weekend? _6. What does Eric think of the educational exchange? _7. What has Eric learnt during the exchange? _学生姓名:学生姓名:_ 组别组别_ 学生自评学生自评_ 教师评价教师评价_8. What have the teachers introduced Eric to? _9. What will Sarah do when she returns home? _ 10. What will some students from Xinhua Junior High School do soon?- 3 - _ Testing and evaluation 检验与评价检验与评价综合阅读综合阅读“I was very nervous (A) 起初,” says Sarah. “However, my host family are really (B) _ (friend). Im glad to be a guest in their home. Ive learnt to use chopsticks, and theyre teaching me a little Chinese!”The students spend the weekdays (C) _ (study) with Chinese students. (D) 在周末,they tour around Beijing and visit (E)places of interest with their host families.“Its been a fantastic experience (F) 到目前为止,” says Eric. “Ive learnt a bit of tai chi, and I really enjoy it. Weve also learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. (G) The teachers have introduced me to Chinese painting as well. Weve also tried to paint some pictures ourselves!I havent had much success yet, but Ill keep (H) _(try).”“Ive made many new friends,” says Sarah. “I plan to (I) 和保持联系 them when I return home. Well see (J)one another soon because theyll come over to the UK for the (K) _ (two) part of the exchange next month. I cant (L) _!”1. 将划线部分(A)、(D)、(F)和(I)翻译成英语:(A)_;(D) _;(F) _;(I) _2. 写出 (B)、(C)、(H)和(K)的适当形式: (B) _;(C) _;(H) _;(K) _3. 写出(E)和(J)的同义词语:(E) _;(J) _4. 将划线部分(G)翻译成汉语:_5. 在(L)处填入适当的单词:_- 4 -教师寄语教师寄语:Read ten thousand books, traveling thousands of miles.我的成功与不足我的成功与不足:56141 1232 2 A group of students from France come to Beijing on an educational exchange. Sarah has learnt a lot of Chinese while she is staying with her host family. Sarah isnt nervous any longer because her host family are friendly. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their teachers. Sarah hopes to keep in touch with her new friends after she goes back home. Some students from Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing will visit London in two months. 2 2 A group of students from France come to Beijing on an educational exchange. Sarah has learnt a lot of Chinese while she is staying with her host family. Sarah isnt nervous any longer because her host family are friendly. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their teachers. Sarah hopes to keep in touch with her new friends after she goes back home. Some students from Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing will visit London in two months. 1. A group of students from France come to Beijing on an educational exchange. 2. Sarah has learnt a lot of Chinese while she is staying with her host family. Britain / Londona littleFF Listen to the article and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 3. Sarah isnt nervous any longer because her host family are friendly.4. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their teachers. TFhost families5. Sarah hopes to keep in touch with her new friends after she goes back home. 6. Some students from Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing will visit London in two months. TFnext month1. How did Sarah feel when she first arrived?2. What does she think of her host family?3. What has Sarah learnt from her host family?4. What do the exchange students do on weekdays?5. What do they do at the weekend?6. What does Eric think of the educational exchange?7. What has he learnt during the exchange?8. What have the teachers introduced Eric to?9. What will Sarah do when she returns home?10.What will some students from Xinhua Junior High School do soon?3 31.How did Sarah feel when she first arrived?2. What does she think of her host family?3. What has Sarah learnt from her host family?4. What do the exchange students do on weekdays?She felt very nervous.Her host family are really friendly.Shes learnt to use chopsticks and a little Chinese.They spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students.5. What do they do at the weekend?6. What does Eric think of the educational exchange?7. What has he learnt during the exchange?They tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.Its been a fantastic experience.A bit of tai chi and a lot about Chinese culture and history.8. What have the teachers introduced Eric to?9. What will Sarah do when she returns home?10.What will some students from Xinhua Junior High School do soon?They have introduced him to Chinese painting.They will come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month.She will keep in touch with her new friends. Scan the article and find out what/who the pronouns refer to.4 41. I was very nervous at first.2. and theyre teaching me a little Chinese!3. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.4. Its been a fantastic experience so far.5. .because theyll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month.5 5Reporter: Hi, Sarah and Eric. Nice to meet you again.S & E: Hi!R: Id like to know something about your exchange visit. What do you think of it so far?E: Its been a _experience.R: What have you learnt during your visit?S: Ive learnt to use _. Ive also learnt a little _.E: Ive learnt a bit of tai chi and a lot about Chinese culture and _. Ive also tried to paint some Chinese pictures myself.R: Really? Have you had much success?E: Not yet. But Ill keep _.R: Have you made any new friends here?S: Yes. Ive made many new friends. I plan to _ with them when I return home. Actually, well see _soon.R: Why?S: They will _the UK for the second part of the exchange next month.R: Thats great!S: Yes, I cant wait!fantasticchopsticksChinesehistory tryingkeep in touchone anothercome over to Miss Wilson (the teacher who came to Beijing with the exchange students)6 6The educational exchange visit to Beijing went well last month. The host families were very friendly. They taught our students how to use chopsticks. They also taught our students to speak Chinese. Our students enjoyed their studies at the school. They learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. They learnt some tai chi. They also learnt Chinese painting. The students made many new friends in Beijing. They plan to keep in touch with them.The Chinese students will come to our school for the second part of the exchange next month. We need to get ready soon.The educational exchange visit to Beijing went well last month. The host families were very friendly. They taught our students how to use chopsticks. They also taught our students to speak Chinese. Our students enjoyed their studies at the school. They learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. They learnt some tai chi. They also learnt Chinese painting. The students made many new friends in Beijing. They plan to keep in touch with them.The Chinese students will come to our school for the second part of the exchange next month. We need to get ready soon.7 7 Paragraph 1nervous, friendly, guests, chopsticks, Chinese Paragraph 2weekdays, study, weekend, tour Paragraph 3fantastic, tai chi, culture and history, painting, success Paragraph 4 new friends, plan, soonWhy is an exchange visit educational and interesting? Discuss this with your classmates.8 89 91. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 完成题案上剩余习题。完成题案上剩余习题。3. 以以Sarah或或Eric的身份,写一篇日记,记录自己的身份,写一篇日记,记录自己在教育交流期间的活动和感受。在教育交流期间的活动和感受。教材分析主阅读篇章的体裁是记叙文,题材是英国学生来中国参加教育交流项目的经历。篇章主要记录了伦敦伍德帕克中学的 Sarah 和 Eric 两名学生在此次交流中参与的活动和体会,让学生了解国际教育交流项目的形式和内容。 学情分析经过一年多的初中英语学习,八年级的大多数学生已能读懂有关熟悉话题的语段,能与老师和同学就话题交换信息。但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐,有少数学生基础不够好,学习比较吃力,教学上需因材施教。总体来说,大部分学生对于英语还是保持比较高的热情,乐于主动参与课堂活动。本节课是关于中英学生的教育互访,帮助学生扩大视野,了解教育交流活动,是学生比较感兴趣的内容,要采用恰当的教学方法调动学生的积极性。语言知识 1. 通过不同类型习题深入理解文本内容。2. 加强重点词语、句式的应用与表达。语言技能 1. 了解如何描述教育交流活动。2. 学会运用略读和找读策略获取关键信息。3. 根据图片、关键词及重点句式,复述主阅读篇章。 教学目标情感态度1. 激发并提高学生的学习兴趣,勇于尝试课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人。2. 了解教育交流活动,体会其意义,培养全球视野。教学重点描述教育交流活动的方法。教学难点根据图片、关键词及重点句式,复述主阅读篇章。教学手段多媒体设备StepsTeaching proceduresPurposesStep ITeacher: Show some pictures about an exchange通过有关本单元话题的Warm upvisit.Students: Talk freely about these pictures in groups.图片进行口头对话,激活学生已有的背景知识,吸引学生主动参与,使他们很快进入状态。为学生创设情境说英语,从而锻炼口语表达能力。Step IIPre-readingTeacher: Play the recording of the text, then show some sentences for students to judge true or false.Students: Listen to the recording carefully, then decide if the sentences are true or false and try to correct the false ones.通过听录音训练学生的听力,培养他们整体获取信息的能力。学生在判断句子正误的时候,思考与所听内容是否相符,提高捕捉关键信息的能力。 Step IIIWhile-readingTeacher: Show some questions, let students find the answers to the questions by reading the text, then check the answers in pairs. Students: Reading the text carefully by themselves to find the answers, then check the answers with their partners.Students: Ask and answer the questions in pairs.独做、核对、展示的过程符合循序渐进的原理,并充分体现新课标自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。Step IVPost-readingTeacher: Show some sentences that include pronouns. Let students tell what the pronouns refer to.运用找读策略找出代词的指代内容,学生更加充分的理解文章,提高Students: Look at the sentences and think about what the pronouns refer to. Check answers together.解题技能。Step VPresentation1.Role-playTeacher: Play a video which is filmed by students themselves. The video is about an interview between a reporter and two exchange students. Then let students complete another conversation among them and act it out.Students: Watch the video, then try to finish the next conversation according to the text. Students: Make a role-play to act out the conversation in front of the class.2.ReportTeacher: Act as the lead teacher who is with the exchange students. Write a report about this exchange visit, but pretend to mess the report paper.Students: Help the teacher to make the report recovered.3.Retell the textTeacher: Show the students some key words of each paragraph. 通过观看由同学录制的采访活动,学生们感觉更有新鲜感,更有兴趣的融入其中。根据课文补全对话,加深对课文内容的掌握。分角色表演对话给学生展示的机会。教师扮成英国教育交流团的领队老师会使学生眼前一亮。创设情境写报告,弄污纸张并还原的过程也充满新意,学生会带着极大的兴趣协助老师完成这一任务。延续上一环节的练习,此次学生以带队老师的口吻口头汇报互访的经Students: Retell the text with the help of the key words in simple past tense. 历,最大程度的强化了语言输出,提高口语表达能力。Step VISummaryTeacher: Show some pictures about exchange students life. Then raise a question: Why is an exchange visit educational and interesting?Students: Discuss and express their own opinion.Teacher: Summarize what the students said and encourage students to learn English well and to open their eyes to the world.通过教师教学方式的转变引导学生学习方式的转变,突出学生主体,让学生主动思维,畅所欲言,分享观点。教师的总结和鼓励能够激发学生了解教育交流的意义,增强文化意识,拓展全球视野。Step VIIHomework1. Read the text after class, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.2. Finish the exercise on the paper.3. Write a diary about the exchange visit in capacity of an exchange student (Sarah or Eric)从课文朗读到习题操练,再到写作训练,层层深入,促进学生对本课的复习,提高语言运用能力,培养课后自主学习。板书设计: Unit 5 Reading (II) An exchange visit is educational and interesting!教学反思:在这节课中,通过多媒体课件为学生创设更多的语言环境,激发学生主动参与的欲望。在课堂教学中巧妙运用教学艺术,适当安排小组讨论,使学生在轻松愉快的环境中实现更多的信息交流,让学生在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固,从而有效地提高课堂教学实效性,达到事半功倍的效果。反思整个教学过程,我认为成功的地方是:教师巧设问题,循序渐进,引导学生理解课文,描述活动,复述课文。并让学生在自主探究、合作交流的过程中不断提高,学生各方面的能力都获得了发展。但在整节课的教学过程中,难免还有些不足之处:没有明确体现分层教学,应对中等偏下水平的同学设置些容易点儿的问题,提高他们的自信心和开口说英语的能力。
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Unit Educational exchanges_Reading An exchange visit is and interesting _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:60155) 沪教版
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