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Unit 6 Ancient storiesReading古老的,古代的古老的,古代的 Lets enjoy the film1 Have you ever seen this film? 2 What is the film mainly about?3 Do you know which side won? 4 Do you know how they won the war? Thinking and learningYes , I haveits about a war. The war is between the Greeks and the Trojans.The GreeksThe Greeks fought against the Trojans in Troy for 10 years and captured the city by playing a trick. Can you retellthe stories?The Trojan horseWritingWhere The plot of the storyThe characters In the city of Troythe Trojansthe Greekshave gone and left a huge pulled into Celebrated and madejokes about was emptyclimb out ofopen the gateThe ending of the storysucceeded in capturingthroughLets go overthe new wordsGreeksGreece希腊人希腊人希腊希腊Catswalk_.Itcannotmakeanynoise.quietlyPleasekeep_.Thebabyissleeping.quietLetsjointhe_!army n. (陆军)军队 marmyThisgirl_inlosingweight.sk sidsucceededLook,thethiefis_thephone.stealingsteal-stole-stolenstilIfyoudontlistentoyourteacher,shewill_you.p npunishn. Trojan 特洛伊人特洛伊人war 战争战争difference差别差别pyramid 金字塔金字塔captain 首领首领soldier 士兵士兵 midnight 午夜午夜 side 侧面侧面army 军队军队trick 计谋计谋prince 王子王子queen 王后王后scene场场sir 先生先生trudnwdfrnsprmdkptnsldmdnatsadmtrkprnskwinsinsadj.stupid 笨的,傻的笨的,傻的 empty 空的空的secret 秘密的秘密的ancient 古老的古老的V.capture 攻占攻占understand理解、懂得理解、懂得celebrate 庆祝庆祝enter 进入,进来进入,进来succeed 达到目的达到目的steal 偷,窃取偷,窃取punish 惩罚惩罚adv.quietly 安静地安静地prep.except 除除之外之外stjupdem(p)tsikrten()ntkptselbretentsksidstilpnkwatliksept 按首字母填词:1The article is very good e_ for some small mistakes.2 The bottle is e_ . There is nothing in it.3 They kept the plan s_ and didnt tell anyone about it.4 His parents want him to join the a_ and become a s_ .xceptmptyecretrmyoldier 按首字母填词:5 The elephant is very h_ in size.6 I wrote down the m_ points of her speech.7 I dont u_ why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday.8 He is not s_ but lazy. He will pass the final exam if he studies hard.ugeainnderstandtupid 按首字母填词:9 The little baby is sleeping. Please enter the room q_.10 The thief may s_ your wallet if you are not careful enough.11 The cup is e_, let me fill it with some tea.12 I am sure you can s_ in the future. You can become a successful person.uietlytealmptyucceed1 找出找出关键词关键词;根据句子;根据句子意思判断用什么单词;意思判断用什么单词;2 熟记固定词组、搭配熟记固定词组、搭配解题技巧:解题技巧:act out 将将表演出来表演出来make jokes about sb. / sth. 拿拿开玩笑开玩笑except for 除除之外之外(be) full of (有有)大量的,大量的,(有有)许多的许多的in the end 最后最后 (= at last)come on 加油加油sail away 开船走了开船走了a huge wooden horse 一匹巨大的木马一匹巨大的木马climb out of 从从 爬出来爬出来one by one 逐个地,逐一地逐个地,逐一地play a trick on sb 捉弄某人捉弄某人try to do sth 设法做某事,尽力做某事设法做某事,尽力做某事succeed in doing 成功做某事成功做某事 , 达到目标达到目标look over (仔细)检查(仔细)检查 1.这篇文章有大量的错误。 Thisarticle_mistakes. 2.我们不应该拿别人的弱点来开玩笑。 Weshouldnt_otherpeoplesweaknesses. 3.除了几处拼写错误之外,Tom的作文是一片极好的作文。 Tomscompositionisfantastic_afewspellingmistakes. 4.希腊人充满了自信,凭借高明的计谋攻占了特洛伊城。 TheGreeks_confidenceandcapturedthecityofTroythroughaclevertrick. 5.我们都想知道最后发生了什么事。 Weallwantedtoknowwhathappened_. 6.加油!你们是最棒的! _!Youarethebest!is full ofwere full ofmake jokes aboutexcept forin the endCome on完成句子:7 我们一个接一个地回答问题。我们一个接一个地回答问题。 WeWe answeredanswered thethe questionsquestions _ _ _8 8他们最后成功找到了解决那个问题的方法。他们最后成功找到了解决那个问题的方法。 TheyThey finallyfinally _ _ _ outout a a solutionsolution toto thethe problem.problem.9 9 交卷前请仔细检查试卷。交卷前请仔细检查试卷。 PleasePlease _ _ youryour testtest paperpaper carefullycarefully beforebefore youyou handhand it it in.in.1010 搬进新房时我想把所有的书带上。搬进新房时我想把所有的书带上。 I I wantwant toto _ allall mymy booksbooks _ meme whenwhen I I movemove intointo thethe newnew house.house.one by one succeeded in finding look overtake with完成句子:1111 你能告诉我谁将会出演那部戏剧吗?你能告诉我谁将会出演那部戏剧吗? CanCan youyou telltell meme _ _ _ _ thatthat play?play?1212 多愚蠢的特洛伊人啊!多愚蠢的特洛伊人啊! _ _ thethe TrojansTrojans werewere ! !1313 他在午夜前终于完成了工作。他在午夜前终于完成了工作。 HeHe finallyfinally finishedfinished hishis workwork _ _._.1414 他奶奶高兴地把他拉进屋子里。他奶奶高兴地把他拉进屋子里。 HisHis grandmothergrandmother _ himhim _ thethe househouse happily.happily. who will act outHow stupidby midnightpulled into1 对比中英两个句子,把对比中英两个句子,把中文里的中文里的关键词组关键词组划出划出来;理解句意;熟记常来;理解句意;熟记常考词组;考词组;2 注意主语单复数、时态、注意主语单复数、时态、固定搭配固定搭配解题技巧:解题技巧:GrammarThe present perfect tense with since and forpastnowfuture1. His grandfather has been dead for ten years. 2. We have learnt English since our childhood. 过去某一动作过去某一动作持续到现在持续到现在( (可能会持续下去可能会持续下去) )常与常与sincesince和和forfor连用连用,表示持续动作或状态的,表示持续动作或状态的词应是词应是延续性动词延续性动词. .持续现在完成时现在完成时(2)(2)的的代言词代言词+ +时间段时间段for since1.1. + + 过去的时间点过去的时间点2.2. .+.+ agoago3.3. 含有含有一般过去时一般过去时的句子的句子一、用for和since填空。_three hours_three oclock_two days_yesterday afternoon_I came here_last Sunday_a week_a long time_1997 _two weeks_three years ago _ you called me forsinceforsincesincesinceforforsinceforsincesinceHis grandfather has died for ten years.She has bought the book since a year ago. 当句子包含的时间状语含有当句子包含的时间状语含有sincesince和和forfor时,动时,动作必须用作必须用延续性动词延续性动词。Hisfatherhasbeendeadfortenyears.Shehashadthebooksinceayearago. . 现在完成时的特殊结构:现在完成时的特殊结构:1.have/has been to + 某地某地 次数次数eg:twice2. have/has gone to + 某地某地3. have/has been in+某地某地+for+时间段时间段通常指呆在某地通常指呆在某地 曾经到过某地(曾经到过某地(已经回来已经回来)已经去了某地已经去了某地 (还未回来还未回来)造句造句: :1.1. 我在广州呆了我在广州呆了5 5年了年了2.2. MaryMary去过广州两次去过广州两次. .3.3. 他已经去广州了他已经去广州了. . I have been in Guangzhou for 5 years.Mary has been to Guangzhou twice.He has gone to Guangzhou .两种时态的时间状语:一般过去时的时间状语:一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, once, last week, . ago, in 1980, just now等具体的具体的过去过去时间状语时间状语。 现在完成时的时间状语:现在完成时的时间状语: for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till, up to now等不确定的时间状语不确定的时间状语。Exercise 1.-Where is Mr. Smith? -He _ New York. A. has been toB. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to 2.Paris is a beautiful city.I _ there twice. A. have been to B. has gone to C. have been D. have gone to注:副词前省略介词。1.从上个星期开始,贾森就一直在看这本书。Jasonhasreadthisbook_.2.我已经一年没见过他了。Ihaventseenhim_.3.他们买这所房子五年了。They_thishouseforfiveyears.4.我们十年前就成为朋友了。Wehavebeenfriends_.5.她妈妈成为党员已经八年了。Hermother_aPartymember_.since last week for a / one yearhave hadsince ten years ago has been for eight yearsOxford English学科网教学反思教学反思本节课是一节复习课。主要是帮助学生掌握 unit 6 的高频单词和词组在实际考题中的运用。Warming-up 的时候让学生依据 mind-map , retell the story, 对部分学生来说有点困难,所以,教师自己给出一个 model, 然后让学生模仿。共提问了三个学生 retell the story, 基本能说出故事大概内容。设计这个环节,也是想让学生熟悉课文,掌握故事情节,锻炼口头表达能力。八年级的学生已经接触过单词拼写和完成句子这两种新题型,对他们来说难度不大,在充分理解句意的前提下能得出正确答案。教师在课堂上要尽可能多地重复高频词,只有重复地出现,学生才能加深印象。并且在解题过程中,要求学生划出关键词,让学生养成这种做题习惯。还有完成句子,也是考查词组、固定搭配比较多,在题目中划出关键词对八年级的学生来说是很好的解题习惯,教师要很有意识去培养学生的这种解题习惯。本节课采取了小组讨论、互相合作的模式,学生都很有竞争意识。每做完一类题型,我都意识地让学生思考该题型的解题技巧。让学生自己发现、自己总结,然后我才归纳起来,这样学生会印象更深刻。总体来说,本节课达到了预计的教学目标。有点遗憾就是,时间安排不够合理,后面的时间过于紧凑。课标解读课标解读1 能流利地复述课文及朗读与课文水平相当的短文,语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。2 能掌握重点词汇 ancient, war, understand, difference, captain, soldier, huge, pull, main, celebrate, stupid, midnight, empty, except, secret, side, quietly, army, enter, succeed, trick, prince, queen, steal, punish, scene, 3 能掌握重点短语:act out, make jokes about, except for, be full of, in the end, come on4 能熟悉重点句型 1)The Greeks have gone and weve won. 2.)Theyve tried to capture the city for ten years. 3)i havent laughed like this since my childhood.4.)By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse. 5)They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.6)For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city by fighting.7)However.5 能理解现在完成时的用法和结构6 能运用课文中所学,谈论历史故事Unit 6 Ancient storiesReading古老的,古代的古老的,古代的 Lets enjoy the film1 Have you ever seen this film? 2 What is the film mainly about?3 Do you know which side won? 4 Do you know how they won the war? Thinking and learningYes , I haveits about a war. The war is between the Greeks and the Trojans.The GreeksThe Greeks fought against the Trojans in Troy for 10 years and captured the city by playing a trick. Can you retellthe stories?The Trojan horseWritingWhere The plot of the storyThe characters In the city of Troythe Trojansthe Greekshave gone and left a huge pulled into Celebrated and madejokes about was emptyclimb out ofopen the gateThe ending of the storysucceeded in capturingthroughLets go overthe new wordsGreeksGreece希腊人希腊人希腊希腊Catswalk_.Itcannotmakeanynoise.quietlyPleasekeep_.Thebabyissleeping.quietLetsjointhe_!army n. (陆军)军队 marmyThisgirl_inlosingweight.sk sidsucceededLook,thethiefis_thephone.stealingsteal-stole-stolenstilIfyoudontlistentoyourteacher,shewill_you.p npunishn. Trojan 特洛伊人特洛伊人war 战争战争difference差别差别pyramid 金字塔金字塔captain 首领首领soldier 士兵士兵 midnight 午夜午夜 side 侧面侧面army 军队军队trick 计谋计谋prince 王子王子queen 王后王后scene场场sir 先生先生trudnwdfrnsprmdkptnsldmdnatsadmtrkprnskwinsinsadj.stupid 笨的,傻的笨的,傻的 empty 空的空的secret 秘密的秘密的ancient 古老的古老的V.capture 攻占攻占understand理解、懂得理解、懂得celebrate 庆祝庆祝enter 进入,进来进入,进来succeed 达到目的达到目的steal 偷,窃取偷,窃取punish 惩罚惩罚adv.quietly 安静地安静地prep.except 除除之外之外stjupdem(p)tsikrten()ntkptselbretentsksidstilpnkwatliksept 按首字母填词:1The article is very good e_ for some small mistakes.2 The bottle is e_ . There is nothing in it.3 They kept the plan s_ and didnt tell anyone about it.4 His parents want him to join the a_ and become a s_ .xceptmptyecretrmyoldier 按首字母填词:5 The elephant is very h_ in size.6 I wrote down the m_ points of her speech.7 I dont u_ why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday.8 He is not s_ but lazy. He will pass the final exam if he studies hard.ugeainnderstandtupid 按首字母填词:9 The little baby is sleeping. Please enter the room q_.10 The thief may s_ your wallet if you are not careful enough.11 The cup is e_, let me fill it with some tea.12 I am sure you can s_ in the future. You can become a successful person.uietlytealmptyucceed1 找出找出关键词关键词;根据句子;根据句子意思判断用什么单词;意思判断用什么单词;2 熟记固定词组、搭配熟记固定词组、搭配解题技巧:解题技巧:act out 将将表演出来表演出来make jokes about sb. / sth. 拿拿开玩笑开玩笑except for 除除之外之外(be) full of (有有)大量的,大量的,(有有)许多的许多的in the end 最后最后 (= at last)come on 加油加油sail away 开船走了开船走了a huge wooden horse 一匹巨大的木马一匹巨大的木马climb out of 从从 爬出来爬出来one by one 逐个地,逐一地逐个地,逐一地play a trick on sb 捉弄某人捉弄某人try to do sth 设法做某事,尽力做某事设法做某事,尽力做某事succeed in doing 成功做某事成功做某事 , 达到目标达到目标look over (仔细)检查(仔细)检查 1.这篇文章有大量的错误。 Thisarticle_mistakes. 2.我们不应该拿别人的弱点来开玩笑。 Weshouldnt_otherpeoplesweaknesses. 3.除了几处拼写错误之外,Tom的作文是一片极好的作文。 Tomscompositionisfantastic_afewspellingmistakes. 4.希腊人充满了自信,凭借高明的计谋攻占了特洛伊城。 TheGreeks_confidenceandcapturedthecityofTroythroughaclevertrick. 5.我们都想知道最后发生了什么事。 Weallwantedtoknowwhathappened_. 6.加油!你们是最棒的! _!Youarethebest!is full ofwere full ofmake jokes aboutexcept forin the endCome on完成句子:7 我们一个接一个地回答问题。我们一个接一个地回答问题。 WeWe answeredanswered thethe questionsquestions _ _ _8 8他们最后成功找到了解决那个问题的方法。他们最后成功找到了解决那个问题的方法。 TheyThey finallyfinally _ _ _ outout a a solutionsolution toto thethe problem.problem.9 9 交卷前请仔细检查试卷。交卷前请仔细检查试卷。 PleasePlease _ _ youryour testtest paperpaper carefullycarefully beforebefore youyou handhand it it in.in.1010 搬进新房时我想把所有的书带上。搬进新房时我想把所有的书带上。 I I wantwant toto _ allall mymy booksbooks _ meme whenwhen I I movemove intointo thethe newnew house.house.one by one succeeded in finding look overtake with完成句子:1111 你能告诉我谁将会出演那部戏剧吗?你能告诉我谁将会出演那部戏剧吗? CanCan youyou telltell meme _ _ _ _ thatthat play?play?1212 多愚蠢的特洛伊人啊!多愚蠢的特洛伊人啊! _ _ thethe TrojansTrojans werewere ! !1313 他在午夜前终于完成了工作。他在午夜前终于完成了工作。 HeHe finallyfinally finishedfinished hishis workwork _ _._.1414 他奶奶高兴地把他拉进屋子里。他奶奶高兴地把他拉进屋子里。 HisHis grandmothergrandmother _ himhim _ thethe househouse happily.happily. who will act outHow stupidby midnightpulled into1 对比中英两个句子,把对比中英两个句子,把中文里的中文里的关键词组关键词组划出划出来;理解句意;熟记常来;理解句意;熟记常考词组;考词组;2 注意主语单复数、时态、注意主语单复数、时态、固定搭配固定搭配解题技巧:解题技巧:GrammarThe present perfect tense with since and forpastnowfuture1. His grandfather has been dead for ten years. 2. We have learnt English since our childhood. 过去某一动作过去某一动作持续到现在持续到现在( (可能会持续下去可能会持续下去) )常与常与sincesince和和forfor连用连用,表示持续动作或状态的,表示持续动作或状态的词应是词应是延续性动词延续性动词. .持续现在完成时现在完成时(2)(2)的的代言词代言词+ +时间段时间段for since1.1. + + 过去的时间点过去的时间点2.2. .+.+ agoago3.3. 含有含有一般过去时一般过去时的句子的句子一、用for和since填空。_three hours_three oclock_two days_yesterday afternoon_I came here_last Sunday_a week_a long time_1997 _two weeks_three years ago _ you called me forsinceforsincesincesinceforforsinceforsincesinceHis grandfather has died for ten years.She has bought the book since a year ago. 当句子包含的时间状语含有当句子包含的时间状语含有sincesince和和forfor时,动时,动作必须用作必须用延续性动词延续性动词。Hisfatherhasbeendeadfortenyears.Shehashadthebooksinceayearago. . 现在完成时的特殊结构:现在完成时的特殊结构:1.have/has been to + 某地某地 次数次数eg:twice2. have/has gone to + 某地某地3. have/has been in+某地某地+for+时间段时间段通常指呆在某地通常指呆在某地 曾经到过某地(曾经到过某地(已经回来已经回来)已经去了某地已经去了某地 (还未回来还未回来)造句造句: :1.1. 我在广州呆了我在广州呆了5 5年了年了2.2. MaryMary去过广州两次去过广州两次. .3.3. 他已经去广州了他已经去广州了. . I have been in Guangzhou for 5 years.Mary has been to Guangzhou twice.He has gone to Guangzhou .两种时态的时间状语:一般过去时的时间状语:一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, once, last week, . ago, in 1980, just now等具体的具体的过去过去时间状语时间状语。 现在完成时的时间状语:现在完成时的时间状语: for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till, up to now等不确定的时间状语不确定的时间状语。Exercise 1.-Where is Mr. Smith? -He _ New York. A. has been toB. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to 2.Paris is a beautiful city.I _ there twice. A. have been to B. has gone to C. have been D. have gone to注:副词前省略介词。1.从上个星期开始,贾森就一直在看这本书。Jasonhasreadthisbook_.2.我已经一年没见过他了。Ihaventseenhim_.3.他们买这所房子五年了。They_thishouseforfiveyears.4.我们十年前就成为朋友了。Wehavebeenfriends_.5.她妈妈成为党员已经八年了。Hermother_aPartymember_.since last week for a / one yearhave hadsince ten years ago has been for eight yearsOxford English学科网1Unit 6 Ancient stories(Revision)一、教材分析一、教材分析本单元围绕着谈论“历史故事”来展开听、说、读、写的训练。通过历史故事木马屠城、古代奥林匹克运动会、古希腊众神、庞贝古城等多角度的资讯来贯穿文化的传递和交流,拓展学生的文化背景知识与国际视野。语法方面主要学习现在完成时与”since, for”连用及现在完成时态与一般过去时态的用法区别。并培养学生在完成一篇有关特洛伊战争的短篇故事尝试正确使用这些词。二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析1 学生对“历史故事”这个话题比较感兴趣,带有神秘色彩的异国文化题材对中学生也很有吸引力,容易唤起他们求知的欲望,有利于开展本单元的各项听、说、读、写任务。2 学生在初一时已经接触过现在完成时,但学生对其用法是不甚了解的,在本单元作专项系统的学习。学生们在上个单元解了“现在进行时”的意义、构成方法以及与之经常连用的几个时间副词和介词,而现在我们进一步要求学生理解现在完成时态与一般过去时态的用法区别,这是现在完成时态的另一个重点和难点,在教学中教师需要可学的引导,并结合实际运用重点操练。三、单元教学目标三、单元教学目标1 能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文,语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。2 能掌握重点词汇 ancient, war, understand, difference, captain, soldier, huge, pull, main, celebrate, stupid, midnight, empty, except, secret, side, quietly, army, enter, succeed, trick, prince, queen, steal, punish, scene, 3 能掌握重点短语:act out, make jokes about, except for, be full of, in the end, come on4 能熟悉重点句型 1)The Greeks have gone and weve won. 2.)Theyve tried to capture the city for ten years. 3)i havent laughed like this since my childhood.4.)By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse. 5)They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.6)For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city by fighting.7)However.5 能理解现在完成时的用法和结构6 能运用课文中所学,谈论历史故事四、单元教学复习重点四、单元教学复习重点1. 学生熟练掌握重点词语,词组及句型。2指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。3语法方面主要学习现在完成时与”since, for”连用及现在完成时态与一般过去时态的用法区别。并培养学生在完成一篇有关特洛伊战争的短篇故事尝试正确使用这些词。五、教学策略五、教学策略 1. 引导学生积极主动地参与课堂复习,从单词、短语、句型到课文,一步一步,由浅入深,熟悉并掌握单元重点知识。2. 在教学中以旧带新,引导学生用正确的句子表达思想。 3. 适当补充与课文话题相关的内容,拓展学生的阅读视野。六、媒体的选择与设计六、媒体的选择与设计21充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如电脑,教师的 body language、板书的作用。2适时、合理地使用多媒体,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助教学。七、教学设计七、教学设计:Step 1 Warming up1. Enjoy the film “the Trojan horse” T : Show some pictures and ask students a few questions. 1 Have you ever seen this film before ? 2 What is the film mainly about? Can you tell me the main characters in the fil
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Unit Ancient stories_单元复习_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:9157c) 沪教版 英语 _unit stories_ 单元 复习 温习 _ppt
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