Unit 7 Memory-Reading Memory Corner -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:b02ca).zip


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199105094402160spicyAboutAbout memeGuess!Guess!A2 Know more about human memory.T (True) or F (False)1234BeforeBefore youyou readreadLook at the introduction and the title on page 99. Then circle the correct answers.BeforeBefore youyou readreadLook at the first sentence of each article. Then circle the correct answers.? ? ?the school namethe dateHenryA great way to help you remember something is to imagine a picture of it in your mind. If you make the picture big, strange or silly, you will remember it better. For example, to remember the word “smiles”, we can imagine there is a “mile” between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world. Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. PaulaA good method for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. For example, if you want to remember how to spell the word “because”, you can use the sentence “Big elephants can always understand small elephants”. MillieYou will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well. For example, you may have trouble remembering the list of steps in the water cycle. However, it is easier to remember these steps if you understand how the water cycle works. What type of text (文体) is the passage?A. A narrative (记叙文)B. An exposition (说明文)C. An argumentation (议论文)SkimmingSkimmingWhoTopic sentence(主题句主题句)HenryPaulaMillieA great way to help you remember something is to imagine a picture of it in your mind. A good method for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. You will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well. Henry: (1)_ a picturePaula: make a short sentence with (5)_Millie: (7)_ things wellTip: make the picture (2)_. Example: “smiles”: imagine there is a (3)_.Conclusion(结论结论): (4)_ a thousand words. Example: “because”: (6)_ _.Memory methodsExample: understand how (8)_.TaskTask 1:1: PairPair workworkHow does Henry remember things? HenryA great way to help you remember something is to imagine a picture of it in your mind. If you make the picture big, strange or silly, you will remember it better. For example, to remember the word “smiles”, we can imagine there is a “mile” between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world. Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. DetailedDetailed readingreadingTaskTask 1:1:Henry: (1)_ a picturePaula:Millie:Tip: make the picture (2)_. Example: “smiles”: imagine there is a (3)_.Conclusion(结论结论): (4)_ a thousand words. Memory methodsimaginebig, strange or silly“mile” betweenthe first letter and the last letter A picture is worthMethodTipHenrys memory methodExampleConclusionPicture it!A picture is worth a thousand words.PaulaA good method for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. For example, if you want to remember how to spell the word “because”, you can use the sentence “Big elephants can always understand small elephants”. How does Paula remember the spelling of a word?TaskTask 1:1:Henry: Paula: make a short sentence with (5) _Millie:Example: “because”: (6)_ _.Memory methodseach letter of a wordBigelephants can always understand small elephantsMethodExamplePaulas memory methodMake a short sentence with each letter of “family”.“Father and mother, I love you.”Tip:Example:Conclusion:MillieYou will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well. For example, you may have trouble remembering the list of steps in the water cycle. However, it is easier to remember these steps if you understand how the water cycle works. How doesnt Millie forget things very quickly? TaskTask 1:1:Henry: Paula:Millie: (7) _ things wellTip:Example:Conclusion:Example:Memory methodsExample: understand how (8)_.understandthe water cycle worksMethodExampleMillies memory methodTrueTrue oror FalseFalse1. To Henry, a word is worth one thousand pictures. T / F _2.To Paula, the best method for remembering the T / F spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. _1.Millie thinks people wont forget things easily if T / F they understand them.2. _Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. To Paula, a good method for remembering You will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well.ExtendedExtended readingreading 1 1 (by(by MissMiss Tan)Tan)LeoA good way to help you remember new words is to put different words into the same category(分类). For example, if you want to remember the word “summer”, you can put it after “spring” and before “autumn” and “winter”. In this way, you can remember the four seasons together.1.1. WhatWhat is is LeosLeos wayway toto helphelp rememberremember newnew words?words? _ _2.2. CanCan youyou givegive anotheranother exampleexample aboutabout LeosLeos method?method? _ _To put different words into the same category. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. AnnaA great method for remembering a new word is to link(联系) the word with its opposite word(反义词). For example, when you learn the word “slow”, you can think of its opposite word “fast” at the same time. This method is quite useful when remembering adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns.3.3. WhatWhat is is AnnasAnnas methodmethod forfor rememberingremembering newnew words?words? _To link the word with its opposite word. ExtendedExtended readingreading 2 2 (by(by MissMiss Tan)Tan)How can I remember English words?Do you have any good methods?Group discussion 1. Complete the table. 2. Share your method for memorizing new words.TaskTask 2:2: MethodsExamplesto add a prefix(前缀)/suffix(后缀) to a root(词根)_happy, success_, _, _to form a compound(合成词)week+end, _, _to use _num-ber, un-der-stand, stu-pidto _(Your method)_(Your example)Group competitionTaskTask 3:3: Rules:Choose 4 words from the box.Use one method to remember them.Each time you need to choose different 4 words, and use different methods. mountaingreenteadoorbellpossiblefatherclimbingimpossibledaughterpossiblynotebookpicnicsonpossibilityweekdaymotherpizzawisesurearmstupidcheapmeasureexpensivepureheadpleasurelegfootRules:Each group has 2 apple cards.Discuss and fill in the blanks.mountaingreenteadoorbellpossiblefatherclimbingimpossibledaughterpossiblynotebook picnicsonpossibility weekdaymotherpizzawisesurearmstupidcheapmeasureexpensivepureheadpleasurelegfootShare your ideasSummaryMethodsExamplesto imagine a picturesmilesto make a short sentencebecauseto understand it wellwater cycle1.New words2.The passage: three memory methods 3. Other methods for remembering new wordsHomeworkThank YouThank You 1Worksheet(学案学案) of U7 Reading Memory CornerClass: _ No.: _ Name: _ Task 1 1) Pair work: read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks. 2) True or False. And write down the evidence(证据) from the passage. 2 Extended reading Read two more short articles about memory methods below and answer the following questions. (短文由(短文由 Miss Tan 撰写)撰写)LeoA good way to help you remember new words is to put different words into the same category(分类). For example, if you want to remember the word “summer”, you can put it after “spring” and before “autumn” and “winter”. In this way, you can remember the four seasons together.AnnaA great method for remembering a new word is to link(联系) the word with its opposite word(反义词). For example, when you learn the word “slow”, you can think of its opposite word “fast” at the same time. This method is quite useful when remembering adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns.1. What is Leos way to help remember new words? _2. Can you give another example about Leos method? _3. What is Annas method for remembering new words? _ Task 2 Group discussion: 1) Complete the table. 2) Share your own method for memorizing new words. MethodsExamplesto add a prefix(前缀)/suffix(后缀) to a root(词根)_happy, success_, _, _to form a compound(合成词)week+end, book+store, _, _to use _num-ber, un-der-stand, stu-pid, en-terto _(Your method)_(Your example) 3 Task 3 Group competition Rules:Choose 4 words from the box. And use one method to remember them.Each time you need to choose different 4 words, and use different methods.Each group has 2 apple cards.Discuss and fill in the blanks of 2 apple cards.The more methods you use, the higher score your group will get!【Word box】mountaingreenteadoorbellpossiblefatherclimbingimpossibledaughterpossiblynotebookpicnicsonpossibilityweekdaymotherpizzawisesurearmstupidcheapmeasureexpensivepureheadpleasurelegfoot【One example of how to fill in the apple card】A good way to remember the four words “happy, unhappy, happily, happiness” is to add prefix “un-” or suffix “-ly” or “-ness” to the root. Homework Write a short article about your way to improve your memory in 60 words. A great way to help you remember something is to _1Design concept 设计理念设计理念1.The English Curriculum Standards (revised in 2011) focuses on Junior 2 students reading ability: 1)Students can read the passage aloud correctly and smoothly; 2)Students can understand different types of text including expositions; 3)Students can skim for particular information and catch the main idea; 4)Students can guess the meaning of new words according to the context; 5)Students can understand and explain the information of charts and graphs.英语课程标准 (2011 年版)针对 8 年级学生的阅读能力,要求如下:1)学生能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;2)学生能读懂说明文等应用文体的材料;3)学生能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;4)学生能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;5)学生能理解并解释图表提供的信息。2.English core literacies require students to improve from four aspects: language competence, learning ability, thinking quality and cultural awareness. Different teaching activities are designed for this lesson based on them.英语核心素养要求学生从语言能力、学习能力、思维品质和文化品格这四个维度来提升自己。在此基础上,这节课设计了不同的教学活动。3.In my personal teaching, I focus on cultivating students understanding of the passage and their logical thinking while teaching in a friendly and encouraging way.在我个人教学中,我着重培养学生对文章的理解能力和逻辑思维能力,并通过一种有亲和力、鼓励的方式来教学。Teaching material interpretation 教材解读教材解读1.What 主题、内容主题、内容The topic of Module 4 is “School life”. It covers Unit 7 Memory and Unit 8 English Week. The reading passage of Unit 7 is an exposition from the school newspaper which includes three short articles about how to improve students memory. The topic is the same as Listening, Speak up and More practice of the unit. The passage is also a good language input of “if+clause” and “unless+clause” patterns for Grammar.模块 4 的话题是“校园生活” ,它包含第 7 单元记忆力和第 8 单元英语周 。第 7 单元的阅读文章是校报上的一篇说明文,内含 3 篇提高记忆力的学生习作。该话题与本单元的听力、口语、拓展阅读的主题相同。本文同时也为单元语法“if 引导的条件状语从句”和“unless 引导的条件状语从句”的句式提供语言输入材料。2.How 文体特征、语言特点、内容结构文体特征、语言特点、内容结构The passage uses the simple present tense, “if+clause” and “unless+clause” patterns to talk about memory methods. Each of the three short articles describes a way to improve students memory. Each short article starts with a topic sentence and then uses an example to explain the memory method.这篇文章用一般现在时、if 引导的条件状语从句、unless 引导的条件状语从句来讲述记忆方法。每篇短文都描述了一种不同的提升记忆力的方法。每篇短文都以中心句开始,随后用举例子的方法来解释这种记忆方法。3.Why 写作意图、情感态度价值观写作意图、情感态度价值观The reading passage provides a good chance for students to know how to improve their memory. It also helps students practise these memory methods in their study. Meanwhile, students can learn to share their own memory methods with others.文章给学生提供了一个了解如何提升记忆力的好机会。文章还帮助学生在学习中实践这些记忆方法。同时,学生还能学会与他人分享好的记忆方法。 2Students analysis 学情分析学情分析1.There are 51 students in this class. Most of the students are good at English learning.2.One third of the students are quite active in class and brave enough to talk in English.3.Only a small number of them have difficulty in listening, speaking, reading and writing.4.This is the first period of the unit which is totally new to students.1. 这个班共有 51 个学生。大部分学生基础优秀,擅长英语。2. 三分之一的学生课堂活跃,勇于用英文发言。3. 只有一小部分学生在听说读写上有障碍。4. 本节课是本单元的第一课时,对学生来说是全新的知识。Teaching objectives 教学目标(教学目标(English core literacies 英语核心素养)英语核心素养)1. Language competence 语言能力语言能力(1) Students read and understand new words: memory, lose, improve, mention, method, spelling, mind, silly, mile, letter, worth, unless, list, steps and new phrases: improve ones memory, a method for doing, water cycle;(2) Students know about the genre, structure and main idea of the passage.(1) 学生了解并认读重点单词、短语;(2) 学生理解文章的体裁、结构和大意。2. Learning ability 学习能力学习能力(1) Students use reading sub-skills like scanning, skimming and summarizing to finish certain tasks;(2) Students analyze the logic of the passage.(1) 学生运用查读、略读、归纳等阅读微技能完成相关阅读任务;(2) 学生分析文章的逻辑关系。3. Thinking quality 思维品质思维品质(1) Develop their logical thinking through text analysis;(2) Cultivate students divergent thinking through group discussion.(1) 通过文本解读,发展学生的逻辑思维;(2) 通过小组讨论,培养学生的发散性思维。4. Cultural awareness 文化品格文化品格(1) Guide students to know about different memory methods;(2) Encourage them to share their own memory methods with others.(1) 引导学生了解不同的记忆方法;(2) 鼓励学生将自己的记忆方法分享给别人。Teaching key and difficult points 教学重难点教学重难点1.Teaching key points 教学重点教学重点(1) Know about the genre, structure and main idea of an exposition;(2) Use reading sub-skills like scanning, skimming and summarizing to finish certain tasks;(3) Analyze the logic of the passage. (1) 理解文章的体裁、结构和大意;(2) 运用查读、略读、归纳等阅读微技能完成相关阅读任务;(3) 分析文章的逻辑关系。2.Teaching difficult points 教学难点教学难点(1) Cultivate students divergent thinking through group discussion;(2) Know about more memory methods.(1) 通过小组讨论,培养学生的发散性思维; 3(2) 了解更多的记忆方法。Teaching methods 教法教法1.Task-based teaching method 任务教学法2.Communicative approach 交际法3.Cooperative teaching method 合作教学法Learning methods 学法学法1.Individual learning 自主学习2.Cooperative learning (pair work & group work) 合作学习(结对子、小组活动)Teaching aids 教具教具Multi-media, projector, PPT, pre-class homework and worksheet. 多媒体、投影仪、幻灯片、前置性作业、学案Teaching diagramTeaching proceduresStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesLead-in(4 mins)1. Play a game: test your memory. Show Ss nine pictures and ask them to remember in 30 seconds. And then ask Ss to write down the names of each picture.2. Let Ss finish Exercise A2.1. 玩游戏:测测你的记忆力。展示 9 张照片,让学生记忆 30秒之后写出照片的名字。2. 请学生口头回答练习 A2。1. Ss test their memory and remember the nine pictures. And then write down the names of each picture.2. Ss finish Exercise A2.1. 学生测试自己的记忆力,记忆 9 张图片,并写下其名字。2. 学生口头回答练习A2。1. To arouse students interest in the topic.2. To stimulate students background knowledge for Unit 7s topic (Memory).1. 吸引学生的阅读兴趣。2. 激活学生的背景知识。 4Pre-reading & Skimming(8 mins)1. Predicting: ask Ss to look at the introduction, the title and the first sentence of each article and answer the questions in Exercise B.2. Skimming: ask Ss to read the three short articles and find the topic sentence of each article.1. 预测预测:学生观察文章引言段、标题和每篇短文的首句,完成练习 B 的 4 道单选题。2. 略读略读:学生略读 3 篇短文,找出每篇短文的中心句。1. Ss look at the introduction, the title and the first sentence of each article and answer the questions in Exercise B.2. Ss read the three short articles and find the topic sentence of each article.1. 学生观察文章引言段、标题和每篇短文的首句,完成练习 B 的 4 道单选题。2. 学生略读 3 篇短文,找出每篇短文的中心句。1. To train students reading sub-skills (predicting a
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Unit Memory_Reading Memory Corner _ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:b02ca) 沪教版 英语 _unit _ppt 课件 教案
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