Unit 7 Memory-More practice&Study skills&Culture corner-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:0029e).zip


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Here are some easy secrets on how to train your memory during your daily life.1. Brush your teeth with your left hand if you are right-handed, and vice versa if youre left-handed. In this way you will train the opposite brain hemisphere, which will improve mental processing and your memory.2. After you finish watching any movie try to run through the movie in your mind recovering the sequence of events. It will take you not more than 30 seconds, but the benefit for your memory is huge.3. Read! Every day read nourishing literature(营养的文学). Read one book per week, so 52 books per year, for 10 years-520 books. Imagine! It will not only train your memory but also up-grade your knowledge and broaden your mind.4. Eat walnuts, honey and sea cabbage. In order for our brain and memory to function at the optimum level we need plenty of vitamin B and iodine. A fully grown person needs about 150 micrograms of iodine. 5. Do sports! Wise people know: “When you train your body, your memory trains too.” Sport activities oxygenate your brain and reduce a risk of cardiovascular system and diabetes diseases. 6. Dont keep a strict diet. Keeping a diet that strictly limits the variety of food you eat causes you to lose not only your weight but also your memory. Scientists have proven that people who are keeping a strict diet process information very slow. Better change it to a well-rounded nutritional diet and dont torture yourself.7. Learn foreign languages. Learning foreign languages is one of the best methods to train your memory, moreover the acquired knowledge will never be irrelevant. Try to learn 6-7 words per day and you will see, in a few weeks your memory will work “with a bang.”8 Take Up a Hobby. Hobbies like playing chess or computer coding to give your brain an excellent workout. But craft hobbies such as sewing and woodworking are great brain exercise too.9. Fill Your Life with Music. Listening to music, particularly instrumental music, positively impacts memory, focus, attention and physical coordination.My ways to improve my memory1.2.34.1 8A U7 More practice How to improve your memory Ex1 Read and complete the table.How to improve your memoryExercise your brainDo (1)_.Change (2)_.Live a healthy lifeHave (3)_.Give (4)_.Stay relaxedDo not get too (5)_.Ex2.Read paragraphs and find the ways.SituationWay to exercise your brain1. Linda is interested in learning languages. Recently, she has started to learn French. She recites at least 30 new words every day.2. Henry is good at Maths. He usually does some Maths exercises after school. 3. Nancy usually took the No.46 bus to school. However, for a change she has decided to take an underground. Ex3.Your friends have poor memory. Can you give some useful advice?1.Tom only loves eating meat and he studies at midnight. _2.Mike studies hard. He always has classes at the weekend. He has no time to play. There will be English exam tomorrow, he is very nervous now. _3.Sam forget the new English words easily. _2Ex4 Discuss and write an article about how to improve your memory and prepare to give a speech.How to improve your memory Dear teachers and students,I am_ from Class 3.Do you want to have a better memory? First, _ _Second,_Third,_So, to improve your memory, you should_Thank you for listening.Outline:Introduction:is very important. It helps you. .So how can you .?Details: It is important to.You can. If, you will, You must3 Unless., you will (not). You need to Summary:to improve your , you should.Phrases 1. keepadj.2. help sb. (to ) do sth.3. live a . life4. have trouble in doing sth5. a way of doing sth.6. .Enjoy a viedo “ Sharp memory”Do you want to have a sharp memory?What can he do?Pre-reading记忆(记忆(v.)有规律的有规律的平衡的饮食平衡的饮食放慢放慢敏锐的敏锐的memorizeregularbalanced dietslow downsharpNewNew WordsWordsblnst regjl(r) 记忆(记忆(V.)有规律的有规律的均衡的饮食均衡的饮食放慢放慢敏锐的敏锐的12354Why memory is very important? It helps you remember who you are, where you live, what you have learnt and what you plan to do in the future.Listen and repeatP_How to improve your memoryIntroduction BodyConclusion Read and get the outline of the passageP3-5P_P_P1-2P6Reading How to improve your memoryExercise your brainDo (1)_.Change (2)_.Live a healthy lifeHave(3)_.Give(4)_.Stay relaxedDo not get too (5)_.your daily habits new things a balanced dietyour brain enough time to restworriedEx1 Read and complete the table.Do new things Change your daily habitsdo things differentlymemorize sth. newtry a Maths puzzlelearn new skillsstudy a foreign languageExercise your brainFind the examplesSituationWay to exercise your brainLinda is interested in learning languages. Recently, she has started to learn French. She recites at least 30 new words every day.Henry is good at Maths. He usually does some Maths exercises after school.Nancy usually took the No.46 bus to school. However, for a change she has decided to take an underground. Read Para 3 and find the ways. If you live a healthy life, your memory will work better. You must have a balanced diet. You must give your brain enough time to rest. Unless you get enough sleep every night, you will not remember things well.Read para4 and answer the question. BrainBrain FoodFood improveimprove youryour memory,memory, focusfocus andand mood.mood. If you want your brain to work well, you also need to relax. If you get too worried, your brain will slow down, and your memory will become less sharp. So, to improve your memory, you should exercise your brain, live a healthy life and stay relaxed.Read paragraph 5 & 6 and decide whether the following sentences are T(True) or F(False ).Your friends have poor memory. Can you give some useful advice ?1.Tom only loves eating meat and he studies at midnight. 2.Mike studies hard. He always has classes at the weekend. He has no time to play. There will be English exam tomorrow, he is very nervous now.3.Sam forgets the new English words easily.B What do you do to improve your memory? Do you have any good suggestions? Discuss these with your classmates.How to improve your memoryExercise your brainDo new things.Change your daily habits.Live a healthy lifeHave a balanced diet.Give your brain enough time to rest.Stay relaxedDo not get too worried.Here are some easy secrets on how to train your memory during your daily life.DevelopmentDear teachers and students,I am_ from Class 3.Do you want to have a better memory? First, .Second,Third,So, to improve your memory, you should.Thank you for listening.How to improve your memory SpeechIntroduction:is very important. It helps you. .So how can you .?Details: It is important to. you can. If, you will, you must Unless., you will (not). need to Summary:to improve your , you should.outline An example P128Homework1. Read the article about “Easy secrets on how to train your memory”.2.Finish the speech.1.Focus on the things.2. Take a great interest.3. Understand well4. Overstudy,150%.5. Review in time.6. Often recall ( 回忆)7.Speak, listen, watch and write the things together.Use the best memory time.Use brain scientifically.Unit7 How to improve your memory一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析教学内容牛津广州教材 8A Unit 7 More practice -How to improve your memory本阅读篇章的体裁是说明文,题材是提高记忆力的方法。语言能力1.了解单词 memorize, balanced, sharp, regular 等。2.通过阅读文章能获取关键信息和理解文本内涵,了解文章的结构。文化品格1.养成健康的生活习惯,保持活跃的思维与记忆力。2.积极思考和探索提高记忆力的方法,与同伴和老师交流。思维品质学生通过阅读文章,分析提高记忆力的方法是否有效,对谁有效,什么条件下有效,提高思维的逻辑性和批判性。教学目标学习能力1.学生能了解三种能提高记忆的方法,总结和运用恰当的记忆方法,提高自己的记忆力。2.通过补充课外阅读,结合自身实际,有效选择适合自己的方法,并且完成口头和写作任务。教学重点通过阅读理解三种提高记忆的方法,并判断这些方法是否对自己有效,在什么条件下有效。理解文章的结构和文本内涵。教学难点总结和运用恰当的记忆方法,提高自己的记忆力。利用图表,完成口头作文。运用任务情境:你想要有好的记忆力吗? 行为:(1)阅读课文,归纳记忆方法;深入本文理解具体的内涵。(2)结合情景和例子,给出相关建议。(3)讨论和列出自己的记忆方法。(4)阅读补充材料,参考范文,口头完成演讲稿。成果:能完成“如何提高记忆力”的演讲稿。二、课堂教学过程二、课堂教学过程教学流程教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的播放视频,让学生初步感受主题内容。观看视频,回答“What can he do?”引入话题,训练学生听力和记忆力,激发学习兴趣。Pre- task教授本节课的新单词,当场进行检测学习新单词,限时背诵和记忆。抽签进行记忆比赛学习新单词,限时完成记忆和背诵单词,为进入课文学习做准备。While- task 鼓励学生思考问题“Why memory is very important?”播放音频,让学生复述句子内容。 思考“Why memory is very important?”听课文第一段,对比与自己的回答是否有异同。 激发学生发散性思考,对比课文内容异同,处理第一段引言的内容。引导学生找出文章的分段与对应的结构。阅读全文,分段和找出整篇文章的结构。从整体上理解“总-分-总”写作结构。提高文章结构意识和为后面输出演讲稿做铺垫。引导学生扫读课文,完成表格。阅读全文,理解文章内容,完成表格。理解三种方法的具体内容。训练学生扫读技能。布置学生细读第三段,找出具体的方法,结合情景,思考问题。阅读第三段(第一种方法) ,找出具体的方法和技巧。根据情景,提出具体的建议。训练学生略读,寻找细节技能,综合情景提出有效的建议。引导学生细读和思考第四段文本内涵。阅读第四段,回答“How can you live a healthy life?”深入理解“均衡饮食的内涵” ,判断哪些属于“补脑食物” 。结合文本内涵,拓展主题,联系学生生活实际,发展批判性思维。引导学生细读和思考第 5,6段文本内涵。阅读 5,6 段,完成判断题。训练学生寻读技能。创设情境,鼓励学生分析和给出有效的建议。结合具体的三个情景,讨论并给出有用的建议。培养学生善于分析和思考问题能力,训练学生口语和小组合作能力。引导学生补充课文已知的三个方法,思考更多方法。俩俩讨论并补充其它的有效提高记忆力的方法。基于课文,高于课文,拓展学生的分析,归纳和辨析思维能力。铺垫短语,句式和模板,引导学生口头完成演讲稿。口头完成演讲稿。训练口语能力,归纳和补充适当的信息,并与他人分享,促进共同发展尤其是自我发展的品格。Post-task分析范文,提高文章输出质量和效果。朗读演讲稿的范文参考范文,加强自我修正能力。 Homework布置补充阅读和完成演讲稿。了解作业内容与要求促进课后学习和巩固本节课内容。板书设计: How to improve your memoryDo new things.Change your daily habits.Exercise your brainHave a balanced diet.Give your brain enough time to rest.Live a healthy lifeDo not get too worried.Stay relaxed
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Unit Memory_More practice&Study skills&Culture corner_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版八上(编号:0029e) 沪教版
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