Unit 1 Making friends-An email-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:40e1a).zip


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7A7A UnitUnit 1 1 WritingWriting 学案学案一、Review and readAbout meMy name is Anna. Im from Germany. Im 11 years old. Im tall and thin. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.About my school and my hobbiesEvery day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer.I like many sports. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me, please!二、Do a questionnaire(调查问卷)NameGo to school by-AgeFavourite subject(s)Tall/shortFathers jobThin/fatMothers jobHairWhy do you like your school?Family membersDreamHome close to/far away from schoolHobbies三、Introduce yourself.My name is _. You can call me _. I am from _. Im _ years old. Im _ and _. I have _ _ hair.I live with my _ in a _ near _. My father is a/an _ and my mother is a /an _. My home is _. I go to school by _ every day.My favourite subjects are _. I like my school because _. My dream is to be a/an _ .I love/enjoy/like _. My hobbies are _ and _. My other hobbies are _ and _.Unit 1Module 1 MyMy lifelife Oxford EnglishWritingletteremailpostcarddiaryDidDid youyou know?know?blogR Revieweview andand r readead aloudaloud Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. About me My name is Anna. Im from Germany. Im 11 years old. Im tall and thin. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.Annas blog About my school and my hobbies Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is to be an engineer. I like many sports. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! Email me, please!AboutAbout AnnaAnnaAsk and answer. NameGo to school by-AgeFavourite subject(s)Tall/shortFathers jobThin/fatMothers jobHairWhy do you like your school?Family membersDreamHome close to/far away from schoolHobbiesDoDo a a questionnaire(questionnaire(调查问卷调查问卷) )Whats your name?My name is _.How old are your?I am _ years old.Where are you from?I am from _.AboutAbout yourselfyourselfWhat do you look like?I am _.(height, weight)I have _ _ hair.I wear a _ _ _.AboutAbout yourselfyourselftall/short /of average heightthin/fat/strong/slimshort/long straight/curlyblack/grey/brown/redpair of glassesWhere do you live?I live with _ in _.AboutAbout youryour familyfamilymy parents/grandparents/dad-a flat/housenear/close to/far away from-my school/Nanhu Park/Hun RiverHow many brothers and sisters do you have?What does your father/mother do?She / He is a/an_.I have a/an _ and _.AboutAbout youryour familyfamilyteacher/doctor/businessman/artist/cook/driverelder/younger sister/brotherHow do you go to school ?My favourite subjects are _.AboutAbout youryour schoolschoolI go to school _.What are your favourite subjects?by bus/car/bike/underground, on footEnglish/Chinese/Maths/PE/Geography/Biology/Computer Science/Music/ArtI like my school because_.Do you like your school? WhyAboutAbout youryour schoolschoolmy teachers are friendlyI have a lot of friends theremy school is very beautifulWhats your dream?My dream is to be a /an _.AboutAbout youryour dreamdreamteacher/doctor/artist/musician/model-Whats your hobby?My hobbies are _ and _.BrainstormingBrainstormingMy hobby is _. playing football About yourself About your family and home About your school and dream About your hobbies Use the following topics to introduce yourself.WritingWriting : : AnAn emailemail ExchangeExchange informationinformation inin groupsgroups In groups, exchange your personal information. Use the following expressions to help you.MyMy namename is is _._. YouYou cancan callcall meme _._. I I amam fromfrom _._. ImIm _ yearsyears old.old. ImIm _ andand _._. I I havehave _ _ hair.hair.I I livelive withwith mymy _ in in a a _ nearnear _._. MyMy fatherfather is is a/ana/an _ andand mymy mothermother is is a a /an/an _._. MyMy homehome is is _._. I I gogo toto schoolschool byby _ everyevery day.day.MyMy favouritefavourite subjectssubjects areare _._. I I likelike mymy schoolschool becausebecause _._. MyMy dreamdream is is toto bebe a/ana/an _ . .I I love/enjoy/likelove/enjoy/like _._. MyMy hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._. MyMy otherother hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._.Name: LU HANNickname: Lu LuDate of birth: April 20, 1990 Birth place: Beijing, ChinaJob: an actor/singerHeight: 178cmHobbies: football, singingWriteWrite blogsblogs forfor themthem inin EnglishEnglishMyMy namename is is _._. YouYou cancan callcall meme _._. I I amam fromfrom _._. ImIm _ yearsyears old.old. ImIm _ andand _._. I I havehave _ _ hair.hair.I I love/enjoy/likelove/enjoy/like _._. MyMy hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._. MyMy otherother hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._.MyMy namename is is _._. YouYou cancan callcall meme _._. I I amam fromfrom _._. ImIm _ yearsyears old.old. ImIm _ andand _._. I I havehave _ _ hair.hair.I I love/enjoy/likelove/enjoy/like _._. MyMy hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._. MyMy otherother hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._.Name: Angelababy(杨颖)Date of birth: Feb 28, 1989 Birth place: Shanghai, ChinaFamily members:Parents, husband, son, a younger brotherLiving now: HongKong Living with: Husband and sonJob: a model/ a hostess / an actressHeight: 168cmHobbies: dancing, singingMyMy namename is is _._. YouYou cancan callcall meme _._. I I amam fromfrom _._. ImIm _ yearsyears old.old. ImIm _ andand _._. I I havehave _ _ hair.hair.I I waswas bornborn in in _ andand livelive withwith mymy _ in in _._. I I havehave a a _ _._.I I love/enjoy/likelove/enjoy/like _._. MyMy hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._. MyMy otherother hobbieshobbies areare _ andand _._.一一. 教学目标教学目标 (一一)知识目标知识目标1.知识点知识点Words: blog, Gemany, thin, dream, hobby, flat, engineer, Geography, friendlyPhrases: an elder/younger sister, close to, on foot, go swimming, be good at doing 2.考试点考试点The usages of these items:Words: hobby-hobbies, thin-thinner, friend-friendlyPhrases: an engineer, an art teacher, on foot, go swimming, be good at= do well in Sentences: My hobbies are playing football and swimming.My dream is to be an engineer.Im good at playing basketball= I do well in playing basketballI go to school on foot. = I walk to school. 3.拓展点拓展点Talk about nationalities:Germany (德国)-German(德国人)Japan(日本)-Japanese(日本人)Australia(澳大利亚)-Australian(澳大利亚人)The usages of some useful words and phrases:of average height, slim, straight, curly, grey, a pair of glasses(二二)能力目标能力目标Train the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading,writing and cooperating.Train the students to describe themselves.(三三)德育渗透德育渗透Students can discuss their descriptions of themselves or someone else.二二. 学情分析学情分析 1. 大部分七年级学生单词量小,口语表达能力差,不敢张口说话,即使发言,讲解的声音也较小, 内容准备不充分。针对这个问题,应该在课前分配给他们较简单的预习内容, 培养他们学习英语的兴趣。2、小组讨论环节占课堂时间较多,对于这个环节的时间分配上,授课教师要注意把握。3、课后复习环节没有行之有效的约束手段, 只能通过家长签字来查看学生回家是否复习, 但仍有小部分学生完成情况较差或没有完成,针对这部分学生, 还是应该加强和学生家长的沟通,挣得学生家长的支持和配合, 课堂效果和学生成绩的提高一定会事半功倍。三三. 重点难点重点难点 1.教学重点教学重点:Words, phrases and sentences.2.教学难点教学难点:The passage is too long and there are many difficult sentences which contain too many new words.So its hard for the students to remember so many words and phrases.四四. 教学过程教学过程 Step1Leadingin 1.Ask the students to tell the forms of some writings.letter, email, postcard, diary, blog2.The teacher tells the students they will learn how to introduce themselves.3.Review and read Annas blog loudly and them ask some questions.Which country is Anna from?How old is Anna?What is Annas dream?What are Annas hobby?What else?4.Lead in the four parts of writing a introduction of oneself and a blog. About yourself/ family& home/school&dream/hobbiesStep2 Presentation 1.Present the following questionnaire:NameGo to school by-AgeFavourite subject(s)Tall/shortFathers jobThin/fatMothers jobHairWhy do you like your school?Family membersDreamHome close to/far away from schoolHobbies2.Show them some useful words, phrase and sentences. Ask and discuss some questions:About yourself:T:Whats your name? S:My name is _. T:Where are you from? S:I am from _. T:How old are your? S:I am _ years old. T:What do you look like? S:I am _.(tall/short /of average height/thin/fat/strong/slim) S:I have _ _ hair.(short/long/straight/curly/black/grey/brown/red) S:I wear a _ _ _. About family& home:T:Where do you live? S:I live with _ in _. (my parents/grandparents/dad/a flat/house)T:What does your father/mother do? S:She / He is a/an_. (teacher/doctor/businessman/artist/cook/driver) S:How many brothers and sisters do you have? T:I have a/an _ and _. (an elder/younger sister/brother) About school&dream:S:How do you go to school ? T:I go to school _. (by bus/car/bike/underground, on foot) S:What are your favourite subjects? T:My favourite subjects are _.(English/Chinese/Maths/PE/Geography/Biology/Computer Science/Music/Art) T:Do you like your school? Why S:I like my school because_. (my teachers are friendly; I have a lot of friends there; my school is very beautiful) T:Whats your dream? S:My dream is to be a /an _.(teacher/doctor/artist/musician/model-) About hobbies:T:Whats your hobby? S:My hobby is _. /My hobbies are _ and _. Step3Practice Use the following topics to introduce yourself. About yourself About your family and home About your school and dream About your hobbies In groups, exchange your personal information. Use the following expressions to help you. My name is _. You can call me _. I am from _. Im _ years old. Im _ and _. I have _ _ hair.I live with my _ in a _ near _. My father is a/an _ and my mother is a /an _. My home is _. I go to school by _ every day.My favourite subjects are _. I like my school because _. My dream is to be a/an _ .I love/enjoy/like _. My hobbies are _ and _. My other hobbies are _ and _.Step4Presentation Show the students some information about Lu Han and Angelababy.Talk about them and try to write the English blogs for them.Write blogs for Lu Han and Angelababy in English My name is _. You can call me _. I am from _. Im _ years old. Im _ and _. I have _ _ hair.I love/enjoy/like _. My hobbies are _ and _. My other hobbies are _ and _.Step5Summary Summarize the main points of the lesson.Try to write an Email to your new friend and introduce yourself.6. 教学活动教学活动 活动 1【活动】 Fill in the questionnaireFinish writing the table and then discuss them.活动 2【活动】In groups, exchange your personal information. Introduce yourself to others.活动 3【活动】 Writing blogs for Lu Han and AngelababyTalk about their personal infromation and then design an English blog for each of them.
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Unit Making friends_An email_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版(编号:40e1a) 沪教版 英语 _unit email_ppt 课件 教案 素材
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