Unit 2 Daily life-ReadingA day at school -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:e0356).zip


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Lead-inSuppose today is Saturday.Its a beautiful morning. You are lying on your bed still sleeping and dreaming.Then suddenly your grandma shouts.“Emergency!You need to go to school right away!”How will you feel?excited?mixed feelings? wanna cry?Lead-inLead-inA day at school by Sam In todays class:Read a passage about Sam and get to know his feelings about going to school. What subjects may Sam like?Pre-reading: predictionDoes he like going to school? How do you know?Skim and match the main idea with each paragraph.While-reading: skimmingSkim and match the main idea with each paragraph.While-reading: skimmingPara. 1Para. 2Para. 3Para. 4Para. 5*Talk about the way he gets to school and his favorite subject. *Restate(重申) his _ for school. *Introduce(介绍) his role(角色)as a student and his _ for school. *Talk about his afternoon classes and activities. *Talk about his morning classes and activities. loveloveScan and find the cues(提示)(提示). Underline the phrases, sentences or anything that can show Sams love for school. While-reading: scanning1. Make a summary!Why does Sam love going to school? Can you tell the reasons(原因(原因) with a few key words and sentences? While-reading: careful readingSams love for school _; . _; . _; .Read the passage carefully in 3 minutes; Discuss and write your answers on the colored paper in 5 minutes. While-reading: careful readingyou got 8 minutesWhile-reading: careful readingYou may present your summary like this:We have_key words. They are_. First, Sam_. Second, he_.Third, he_. .From these key words, we know that he always has a good time at school. So he loves going to school. 1. Make a summary!Why does Sam love going to school? Can you tell the reasons(原因(原因) with a few key words and sentences? While-reading: careful readingSams love for school _; _; _; _;subjects There are subjects he likes.friendsThere are friends he loves to play with. activitiesThere are activities he is interested in.timetableThere is a timetable he is happy with. Do you have your favorite subjects? Do you have friends at school? Are there any school activities you like? Do you like our school timetable? Why? How about Sams timetable? Do you like it? Post-reading: have a guess!Think about Sams timetable. Which country(国家)(国家)may his school come from? Which city? Why? A. Zhongshan B. Hong Kong C. Beijing D. London Post-reading: have a guess!you got 2 minutes to discuss ?Post-reading: watch and compareMiddle schools of different countries or places are quite different in their timetables. The timetable of a junior high school in Hong Kong MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:05-8:35Morning reading8:35-9:10EnglishP.EChineseEnglishChinese9:10-9:45EnglishP.EChineseEnglishChinese9:45-10:20MathsMathsEnglishHumanities人文课人文课Maths10:20-10:45Morning break10:45-11:20 Mandarin普通话普通话MathsComputingMathsMaths11:20-11:55ArtHumanities人文课人文课ComputingMathsEnglish11:55-12:30ArtHumanitiesScienceHistoryEnglish12:30-1:40Lunch break1:40-2:15ChineseEnglishScienceHistoryMusic2:15-2:50ScienceHE家政课家政课Multi-learning多元学习多元学习ChineseMusic2:50-3:25ScienceChineseHumanities人文课人文课The timetable of a junior high school in LondonLiteracy 文学文学 DT 艺术设计艺术设计RE 宗教宗教 ICT信息技术信息技术Drama 戏剧戏剧 PSCHE公民意识与道德公民意识与道德 Our timetable! Discuss and design your own timetable. You should include: When do the classes start/end? How many classes a day? What classes do you usually study in the morning/in the afternoon? What class or activity do you want to add(新增)(新增)? Why? Post-reading: discuss and design(10 minutes) You may present your design like this:In our timetable, classes start at_and end at_. We have_classes a day. We usually study_in the morning and _in the afternoon. We want to add_into our timetable. Why? Because_. We think we will love going to schoolmuch more if we can make our design come true. Do you want to make your timetable come true?Post-reading: discuss and designWrite a letter to the headmaster to share your design and your ideas on changing or improving(改善)(改善)our school timetable. Homework: write and share教材分析教材分析1. 文章话题:文章话题:该文话题属于义务教育英语课程标准 2011 版话题项目表中“日常生活”下的子话题“学校生活”;2. 文章结构:文章结构:本文图文并茂,采用总分总的行文,按照时间的顺序编排信息;3. 文章内容:文章内容:主人公 Sam 在文章中描述了自己在校一天的课程和活动,表达了对学校生活的向往与热爱,这也是文章所蕴含的核心思想,即文章的主题意义。总的来说,本文话题鲜明,结构清晰,易于学生理解与接受,其主题意义对初中生也有很大的教育价值。学情分析学情分析1. 总体水平:总体水平:笔者执教的学校处于乡村地区,大部分学生来自农民或普通务工家庭,性格纯朴内向,不善于表达,缺乏自信,整体素质一般;2. 英语水平:英语水平:大部分学生基础较弱,阅读理解能力及口头表达能力都有待提高;3. 知识储备:知识储备:学生在小学四年级、五年级已经学习过与 School life 相关的内容,本节课之前也已识记过本单元生词,在一定程度上减轻学生阅读和表达的难度;4. 学习兴趣:学习兴趣:文章的主题与学生校园生活息息相关,学生对此非常熟悉且兴趣浓厚。教学目标教学目标语言技能目标:语言技能目标:1. 能通过看图预测文章信息;2. 能通过略读掌握文章及各段大意;3. 会通过扫读找到作者表达情感的语句;4. 会通过细读归纳文章核心问题的要点。语言知识目标:语言知识目标:能用 Classes start/end.We have.We study.等句型描述校园生活。文化意识目标:文化意识目标:通过教师的拓展了解不同国家或地区的学校课程差异。情感态度目标:情感态度目标:感受作者对学校美好时光的向往,加深自身对学校生活的热爱。学习策略目标:学习策略目标:1. 尽量用英文积极地参与小组讨论,共同完成学习任务;2. 遇到不会用英文表达的词句主动向组员或老师请教。思维品质目标:思维品质目标:1. 能分析并推测作者背景信息及其对校园生活的态度;2. 能深入文本归纳作者热爱校园生活的原因;3. 能批判看待作者及自己学校的课程安排;4. 能结合实际及喜好,创造性地设计课程表。教学重点教学重点1. 引导学生深入文本,探究文章主题意义;2. 培养学生归纳、分析、推理、批判和创新的能力;教学难点教学难点1. 让学生的思维跟上语言,协助学生表达观点和想法;2. 引导学生去思考和分析文本中的关键问题。教学策略教学策略任务型教学法教学工具教学工具黑板、希沃一体机、手机、卡纸等二、教学过程二、教学过程二、教学过程二、教学过程Teaching proceduresStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsStep 1:Lead-in(2 minutes)Ask questions to learn about students feelings for school. Answer teachers questions and show their true feelings for school. 1. To introduce the topic.2. To arouse students interests. Step 2:Pre-reading(3 minutes)PredictionShow pictures and ask questions. Guess Sams favorite subject and whether he likes going to school or not. To practice the skill of prediction. SkimmingLet students skim the passage to match the main idea with each paragraph and fill in the blanks. 1. Skim the passage to get the main idea of each paragraph and complete the matching and filling-in-the-blanks exercise. 2. Discuss answers with partners. 1. To practice the skill of skimming. 2. To practice students ability of summarizing. 3. Let students get to know the theme of the passage and how the author organizes the text. Scanning Let students scan the passage to find out the cues. Let them underline phrases, sentences, or anything that can show Sams love for school. 1. Scan and analyze the passage to find out the cues. 2. Discuss the answers with partners. 1. To practice the skill of scanning. 2. To develop students ability to analyze the text and non-language information. 3. Let students get to know how the author shows his love for school and let them better understand the theme of the passage. Step 3:While-reading(22 minutes)Careful reading1. Students read the 1. Practice students 1. Let students read the text carefully for 3 minutes to summarize why Sam loves going to school.2. Let students work together to draw a mind-map of the reasons with key words in 5 minutes. Remind them to explain the key words with a few sentences.3. Teacher shows her own key words and explains. text carefully and think about why Sam loves going to school so much. 2. Give key words to summarize the reasons and work in group to draw a mind-map. 3. Group leaders present the mind-map in class. ability to analyze, to summarize, to explain, to create and to innovate. 2. Deepen students understanding of the theme. Have a guessLet students guess where Sam may study and explain why. Students analyze Sams timetable and discuss which city he may study in. 1. Let students dig deep into Sams background information. 2. Practice students ability of analyzing and reasoning. Step 4:Post-reading(18 minutes)Discuss and designLet students design a timetable. 1. Students work together to design a timetable they like. 2. Group leaders share the timetable in class. Practice students ability to think critically, to create and to innovate. Step 5:HomeworkWrite and shareLet students write a letter to the school headmaster to share their ideas on changing or improving the timetable. Based on the timetables they design, students need to take the first step to make their designs come true: write to the headmaster to persuade him to change or improve the school timetable. 1. Practice the skill of writing. 2. Develop students ability to convince others with evidence. Blackboard designA day at schoolBy Sam* Pre-reading: prediction*While-reading: skimming scanning careful reading* Post-reading: have a guess discuss & designG1 G2G3G4G5G6G7G8三、教学反思三、教学反思三、教学反思三、教学反思普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) (下称课标 2017 )指出,对主题意义的探究应是教与学的核心任务,对学生思维品质的培养则是实现英语教学目标的关键。主题意义和思维品质是近年来在深化课程改革背景下新兴的教育热词,还未被写入义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) 。但高中英语教育是义务阶段英语教育的延伸,两者在教学理念、教学目标等方面会保持一定的连贯性和稳定性(桑紫林,2013) ,因此在课标 2017反复出现的主题意义和思维品质对初中英语教学而言有重要的参考价值和指导意义。那么基于主题意义探索的课堂应该是怎样的呢?对此, 课标 2017提出了六要素整合的英语学习活动观,即学生应在主题意义引领下,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等英语学习活动,参与主题意义的探究,发展英语学科核心素养。那么思维品质的内涵是什么呢?就内涵而言,思维品质是指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平。就学生的发展目标来说,培养学生的思维品质从一定程度上就是发展学生观察与比较、分析与推断、归纳与建构、批判与创新的能力(夏谷鸣,2018) 。本节阅读课基本主题意义探究,着重培养学生的思维品质。本课共包含五个环节:Lead-in、Pre-reading、While-reading、Post-reading 及 Homework,几乎所有任务均以主题意义为引领,围绕学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新三类活动展开。比如,在读前环节,笔者展示文章里的三张图片并让学生预测:What subjects may Sam like? Does he love going to school? How do you know?笔者在此环节设计的问题紧贴主题,从预测 Sam 喜欢的科目到预测他喜不喜欢上学,逐渐向主题推进。尤其是第二个问题,学生仔细观察、推敲后方可得出答案,而并非毫无根据地去猜测,具有一定的思维含量,在一定程度上能培养学生的分析推断能力。在读中略读环节,笔者要求学生快速浏览文章,匹配各段落大意并填空。大部分学生都能准确匹配,但在补全首尾段大意一题中,绝大部分学生思考得不够深入,都只填了 feelings 一词。此时,笔者对学生的概括做出肯定,同时引导他们说出更精准的答案:Youre right. Sam did talk about his feelings in the first and the last paragraph. But how does he feel about going to school? Does he hate school? (学生齐答 No)He.学生终于说出正确答案:He loves school.学生快速浏览全文后,感知了文章的结构,理解了各段大意,并通过笔者的引导探究了主题意义,最终说出了文章主题最核心的那个词:love for school。在这个过程中,学生的概括归纳能力得到了锻炼,对主题意义的探究又近了一步。在读中细读环节中,笔者让学生处理 Why 的问题:Why does Sam love going to school? 学生需认真研讨课文,随后小组讨论,归纳出关键词并用简单的几句话进行阐释,最后以思维导图的方式把理由呈现出来。此环节调动了学生提取概括、描述阐释、推理判断的能力,是学习理解活动、应用实践活动、迁移创新活动的融合。在此过程中,学生需要去分析、归纳、推断,还要以思维导图的方式呈现结果,学生的逻辑性思维和创新性思维都得到了锻炼。另外,对 Why 问题的探讨,使得学生对文章主题意义的探究达到了高潮。在读后环节,笔者设计了两个任务。一是让学生通过 Sam 的课程表推测其学校所在城市,二是让学生设计课表。这两个任务都需要调动学生推理判断、创造想象的能力,属于迁移创新类活动,学生的逻辑性思维及创新性思维得到了一定的锻炼和提高。尤其是设计课程表,学生将主动思考:Sam 对课程表感到满意是他喜欢校园生活的原因之一。那什么样的课程安排更适合我?该如何去设计?如果我设计的课表成真,我会更加喜欢上学吧?通过一系列的反思,学生开始积极地去设计、创造,对文章主题意义的探究又上了一个层次。但本节课还有很多不足,其一是思维活动与语言活动融合得不够紧密。如果语言学习没有得到发展,阅读教学则是无效的(葛炳芳,2015) 。在本节课中,部分学生的语言跟不上思维的跳跃,无法成功产出语言表达思维,思维的发展受到了限制。在上课之前,笔者就考虑到学生基础一般,口头表达能力较弱,所以在读中和读后两个分享汇报环节都设计了模板供学生参考,见下图。但笔者并未考虑到,学生展示作品时同时又投屏其作品,汇报模板形同虚设。其次,学生展示、表达的机会不多。本节课只设计了让组长展示小组成果,所以只有少部分学生的表达能力得到了锻炼,大部分学生只能当观众。其实讨论的环节也比较多,大部分学生完全可以借此机会用英语参与互动,但笔者给他们的语言输入太少、语言操练时间几乎没有,结果相当一部分学生大部分时间都在用中文讨论。另外,学生在画思维导图的两个环节中其实表现出不错的创造力,比如有些小组认为阅读重要,学校可每天安排一节课去图书馆看书;观察到身边同学浪费粮食严重,建议学校每周安排一节农业实践课;认为学到的知识要与人分享,所以每天要有一节交流互动课但笔者对其作品的评价过于肤浅、简单,未能深入分析并肯定。如何在主题意义引领下更好地将思维与语言融合在一起、如何在课堂给予学生足够的语言输入及操练机会、如何深刻到位地评价学生作品都是笔者以后努力的方向。参考文献:参考文献:1葛炳芳.英语阅读教学的综合视野:理论与实践M.杭州:浙江大学出版社.2教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版)M.北京:人民教育出版社, 2018. 3教育部.义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版)M.北京:人民教育出版社,2012. 4桑紫林.论我国初中、高中和大学英语教学的衔接问题J. 课程教材教法, 2013, 33(7):90-96. 5夏谷鸣.作为英语学科核心素养的思维品质内涵分析J兴义民族师范学院学报,2018(3):84-87.
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